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29-08-2010 @ 7:23 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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In the previous posts it's shown how the Tablighi Scholars respect and honour the Deobandi Scholars. Please click here to see the screenshot from the official Deobandi fatwa website showing that Deobandi Scholars consider Tablighi Jamaat to be Deobandi.

Shaykh Ahmad as-Subay'ee حفظه الله تعال said in his cassette An-Naseehatu ilaa ikhwaaninaa feet-Turaath, "And in reality, the one who claims that 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul-Khaaliq is something and Jam'iyyah Ihyaa' at-Turaath is something else, he in reality, he lives on a different planet, and deceives himself." {[url=]1[/url]}

Perhaps, the same thing can be said about the one who tries to distinguish between the Deobandis and Tablighis.

07-08-2010 @ 2:30 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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The approach of the Tabligh Group

Q: Allah (Glorified be He) guides many people all over the world (to Islam) by virtue of  calling people to Islam at their homes and having the subjects of Da'wah leave for faithful-oriented environments for 3 days a month, 40 days a year or 4 months in their lifetime. Actually, we systematize Da'wah efforts as such because we believe that regularity and continuity of any work, in all issues of life, can be achieved only through a good system exactly like time and attendance systems. Moreover, His Excellency the Director of Da'wah, Guidance and Foreign Communities Enlightenment Bureau in Buraydah, Shaykh 'Abul-'Aziz Al-Tuwijry, visited Pakistan and judged doing so not to be a Bid'ah (innovation in religion). Your Eminence Shaykh:
What is the ruling on such a system? May Allah bless you and your time and make you beneficial for Islam and Muslims! Give us a fatwa, may Allah reward you!

A: Da'wah is a noble activity undertaken by prophets and their followers. In this regard, Allah (Exalted be He) says:(Surah Yusuf, 12: 108) Say (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم): "This is my way; I invite unto Allaah (i.e. to the Oneness of Allaah - Islaamic Monotheism) with sure knowledge, I and whosoever follows me (also must invite others to Allaah i.e. to the Oneness of Allaah - Islaamic Monotheism with sure knowledge). And Glorified and Exalted be Allaah (above all that they associate as partners with Him). And I am not of the Mushrikoon (polytheists, pagans, idolaters and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allaah; those who worship others along with Allaah or set up rivals or partners to Allaah)."

In fact, the system to be adopted for Da'wah should be derived from the Qur'an and the Sirah (the Prophet's biography) rather than from the methodology introduced by Islamic groups and not substantiated by any reference to the Qur'an or Sunnah. The system mentioned in the question has no grounds in the Qur'an or Sunnah (acts, sayings or approvals of the Prophet); rather, it is humanly introduced, bearing in mind that everybody can have their word accepted or rejected except the impeccable Prophet (peace be upon him).

In fact, any Da'wah group that does not undertake, as a primary concern, the task of setting right people's belief, propagating the Oneness of Allah, forbidding Bid'ahs and acquiring beneficial knowledge derived from the Qur'an and Sunnah from scholars is not rightly-based because in this way it does not follow the methodology of Da'wah adopted by the prophets. Actually, the first thing a prophet would address to his people was:(Surah Al-A'raf, 7: 59) O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other Ilah (God) but Him. When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) sent Mu'adh to Yemen, he instructed him: 'You will be going to a Christian and Jewish Community. Invite them first to testify that La ilaha illa Allah (there is no god but Allah) and that I am (Prophet Muhammad [Peace be upon Him]) the Messenger of Allah. If they accept this, then tell them that Allah has enjoined upon them Five Obligatory Daily Prayers. If they obey, then tell them that Allah has made Zakah (obligatory charity) as Faridah (obligatory act) on them to be collected from their rich and distributed among their poor. Therefore, the first task Mu'adh was charged with was calling them to the Oneness of Allah giving it no specific term, whether a week, month or year. No doubt, your specifying a term for Da'wah is not substantiated by any evidence. In fact, there is always a continuing need for Da'wah.

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions!

Permanent Committee Fatwas Group 2, vol. 11 pg. 30-31

08-01-2010 @ 12:44 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
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The Grave Of The Founder Of Tableegh Inside The Mosque!

Author: SalafiPublications

Arabic Source:

Read the article:CLICK HERE

06-11-2009 @ 2:45 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Exaggerations of the Deobandis/Tablighis regarding Rasoolullah sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam

Attached screenshots from the Deobandi website clearly show their exaggerations regarding Rasoolullah sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam. In the one in Urdu (which has not yet been translated on their website in English) they claim that our deeds are presented to the Prophet alayhis salaatu was salaam! I've translated this part of the Q&A in the attached pic.

In refutation of this claim please read the Q&A from the website of the Permanent Committee of Fatwa of Saudi Arabia

Q: Mentioning the creed of true Muslims and that of the non-conformists, the author of "Ma'arij Al-Qabul" states the following phrase, "We call Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) to witness." Is there anything wrong with this phrase?
A: The author, may Allah forgive and be merciful with him, erred in writing this phrase. It is not permissible for any one to call the Messenger for witness after his death, for he (peace be upon him) can not know Ghayb (the Unseen) nor what his Ummah (nation) did after his death. This is based on the report in which he (peace be upon him) said, "A group of my Companions would be driven away from Hawd (Prophet's lake in Paradise) on the Day of Resurrection. I would say, "These are my Companions." It would be said, "You do not know what they have done after you."(Sahih Muslim)

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!([url=][/url])

The other screenshot shows the fatwa of these Deobandis in which they claim that the Nur(light) of the Prophet (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) was created before all creatures!.

A refutation of the exaggerations in this regard can be found in the following links - pages 5 & 6

Also, please click [url=]here[/url] for refutation of similar exaggerations.

WAllahu aalam.

Attached (190 Kbytes)

03-11-2009 @ 2:43 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Attached screenshot shows the official Deobandi fatwa for the question "Is the Qur'an created or Uncreated Speech of Allah?"

For a brief(2 page) refutation of this fatwa and other Deobandi quotes regarding the Qur'an refer pages 11 and 12 of this pdf.

For a detailed refutation refer

Also plz. refer [url=]this[/url] regarding using Wikipedia.

27-10-2009 @ 10:38 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Attached screenshots clearly show the ashari beliefs of the Scholars of Darul Uloom Deoband. Their statements are just like the jahmite-asharis of modern times. Tafweedh, ta'weel, etc.

Refer and for detailed refutation of this deviant aqeedah of the Asharees and their doubts.

Attached (230 Kbytes)

08-09-2009 @ 12:44 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Please see the attached screenshot of an article on the official website of Madrassah Taaleemuddeen based in Durban, South Africa. This madrassah is under the charge of Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Saheb who is a graduate of Dar al-Ulum Deoband, India and a senior Khalifah of the late Grand Mufti of Indian Deobandis Mahmud al-Hasan Gangohi.

Will a person who has correct understanding of Tawheed, in his last days, give advice to his own son to read Qaseeda Burda?

Please see my post dated 20th July 2009 above for links related to Qasidah Burdah.

After all these proofs does anyone still doubt that the creed of the Deobandis and Tablighis is not much different from that of the Brailwees? Does anyone still doubt that all of these sects are misguided soofees?

Isn't it time for those Muslims who have true love for Tawheed and whose fitrah is still correct to leave off these misguided sects and accept the message of true Tawheed?

03-08-2009 @ 8:31 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Shaykh Ubayd hafidhahullah replies to a questioner from UK who wanted to know the ruling regarding praying behind the Jamaat ut Tableegh. Please listen to the Q&A (Arabic with English translation) by clicking [url=]'Praying behind a Tableeghi Imaam'[/url].

20-07-2009 @ 5:42 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Attached is the screenshot of the fatwa that is checked by Mufti Ibrahim Desai - one of the foremost Deobandi from South Africa. Look, O reader, may Allah bless you, how these Deobandi muftis condone shirk akbar found in the Qasidah Burdah poem with the excuse of "immense love of Rasulullah".

See the following links for translations of portions of this poem and also the fataawa of the real Ulemah of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah on this poem that has words of kufr and shirk.

See the post of with the time-stamp 10-14-2007 @ 1:35 AM by clicking here. It has fataawa by quite a few Ulemah of the past rahimahumullah.

[url=]Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia forbidding reading of Qasidah Burdah[/url]

[url=]Prohibition of reading the Al-Burdah book[/url]

[url=]Fatwa of Shaykh Ibn Baaz[/url] - Read the explicit words of Shirk in Qaseedah Burda on this link.

May Allah protect us and may Allah guide the common Deobandis and Tablighis who don't realize the severity of the mistaken aqeedah of their elders. Aameen.

09-07-2009 @ 1:22 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Attached are the Screenshots of 2 deobandi fataawa in Urdu language from their official website. These haven't yet been translated on their website into English. However, I'm providing the translation below for those who can't read Urdu. Please let me know of any errors in translation.

Question 7126: Maulana Zakariyyah rahmatullahi alayhi said in Fadhail Hajj, ıKaaba goes for the Dhiyaarat(pilgrimage) of pious peopleı. Does it really go? I have read in Fatwa Shami[1] and Rad Mukhtar[2] that it is possible for Kaaba to be away from itıs place and if a person canıt find the Kaaba in itıs place then according to Hanafi fiqh a person should face this new position of Kaaba while praying.  On the other hand, Ahmed Reza Khan has mentioned a poetry in regards to Abdul Qadir Jilani rahmatullahi alayhi (translated into English) ıWhole world does tawaaf(circumambulation) of Kaaba but Kaaba does your(Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani) tawaafı

Answer: It is possible for Kaıaba to go for Dhiyarat of pious people and to move away from itıs place. If anyone does not find the Kaıaba in itıs place then it is permissible to face this new position for salaah. What Ahmed Reza has said is a lie. And Allah knows best.

1 References in the book(page no.,etc.) are mentioned in the original question.
2 References in the book(page no.,etc.) are mentioned in the original question.


Question 6083: What is Majzoob? What are itıs distinguishing features and because of majzoob if someone does any act against Aql and Shariah then will the fatawa of shirk & kufr be applicable? Al Qawl al Jali (malfoozat shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlawi rahmatullahi alayhi) and Mashaykh Ahmedabad (Taalif Muhammad Yusuf Matala Khalifa Majaaz Maulvi Zakariyya Khandelwi rahmatullahi alayhi). Are both of these books authentic? And in these 2 books and other books there are narrations about Shah Moosaa Suhaag rahmatullahi alayhi ı did he dress up as a female? And did he behave like a female?  Please let us know the status of this Buzurgh (pious man).  Once there was no rain and the people requested him to make duaa then he he picked up a stone and said, ıEither give rain or take your bride.ı Suddenly there were clouds in the sky and it started raining. Similarly once on the saying of the Qadhi, he wore men's dress & went to Friday Prayer. But as soon as he heard the takbeer the female dress appreared and he said "Allaahu Akbar My husband in ever-living who will not die and these people are making me a widow.ı And similarly there are many other tales and narrations that are ascribed to other Majzoobs in various books. Some people after reading these not only show enmity to such Majzoob Wali of Allah but also declare the writers & narrators as Mushrik, Kaafir, etc. Please throw some light on this also.

Answer: We havenıt read the 2 books that you have mentioned. And you didnıt mention the page nos. also. In regards to the Buzurgh (pious man) that is mentioned, we say that majzoob are those people who have drowned in the Ishq(Love, Lust, etc.) of Allah; it is very difficult to know about the secret relation between these people(i.e. the majzoob) & Allah. Also these people are mad in Ishq(love) of Allah. Hence, sometimes they commit acts in opposition to the Shariah. But others should neither pay attention to these acts nor publicize or spread them. These people are so beloved to Allah that Allah Taıala likes all their wrong and right actions. We donıt know about their Hidden states. Hence, we should not say anything regarding these matters. And Allah knows best.


We hope that the common Deobandis and Tablighis will realize that there's a huge difference between the Miracles of the Prophets and Awliya and the Deobandi Fairy-Tales. Deobandis don't have any right to criticize Brailwees for similar nonsense in their books as long as the Deobandis themselves don't openly renounce these Baatil aqaaid.

Don't these so-called "Majzoobs" who are "mad in ishq of Allah" and commit acts in opposition to the Shariah deserve to be in hospitals for the mentally-challenged?

May Allah guide the common folk from the Deobandi, Tablighi and Brailwee Soofees.

30-06-2009 @ 6:38 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Jamaa'at at-Tableegh are ignorant of the meaning of Laa ilaaha illallaah

Ash-Shaykh Hamood bin ıAbdillaah at-Tuwayjiree [d.1413] - rahimahullaah - mentions in his al-Qawlul-Baleegh feet-Tah-dheeri min Jamaaıatit-Tableegh (pg.3):

ıAnd they (Tableegh) explain the meaning of Laa ilaaha illallaah with the meaning of Tawheedur-Ruboobiyyah, and that Allaah ııııı is al-Khaaliq, ar-Raaziq, al-Mudabbir of all the affairs. And indeed the mushrikoon used to affirm this Tawheed as Allaah has mentioned that about them in many aayaat from the Qurıaan, and that did not benefit them, and that did not enter them into Islaam.

And indeed the Tableeghiyeen are ignorant of the meaning of Laa ilaaha illallaah in reality. And it is that He is deserving of worship, Alone, free of the worship of other than Him. So it is obligatory to single Him out with all acts/types of worship, and it is not permissible to direct something from them to other than Him.ı

Translation by

09-06-2009 @ 4:31 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Check the Attachment.

Attached (195 Kbytes)

30-04-2009 @ 10:57 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Q: Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya (may Allah be merciful with him) is one of the most famous religious scholars in India and Pakistan, especially among the followers of Tabligh (a group calling to Islam). He has numerous publications; of which is: Fada'il A`mal, which is read in the religious circles of the Tabligh group, and which the members of the group consider as Sahih Al-Bukhari. I was one of them. While reading this book, I found that some narrations are incomprehensible and unbelievable.

Therefore, I refer my problem to your Eminent Committee, hoping that you could solve it. These narrations include the one reported by Ahmad Al-Rifa`y in which he claims that after performing Hajj, he visited the grave of the Messenger (peace be upon him) and recited the following lines:

When I was away, I would send my soul on my behalf to the ground to kiss
Now that I am here body and soul extend your right hand to me to kiss

After reading them, the right hand of the Messenger (peace be upon him) came out and he kissed it. This is mentioned in the book entitled Al-Hawi by Al-Suyuty. He also claims that nine thousand Muslims witnessed this great incident and saw the blessed hand, including Shaykh `Abdul-Qadir Jilany (may Allah be merciful with him) who was there in that place in Al-Masjid Al-Nabawy (the Prophetıs Mosque in Madinah). In the light of this story, I would like to raise the following questions:

1- Is this a real or baseless story?

2- What is your opinion concerning the book entitled Al-Hawy by Al-Suyuty in which this story is mentioned?

3- If the story is not true, is it permissible to offer Salah (Prayer) behind the Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer) who narrates and believes in this story?

4- Is it permissible to read such books in the religious circles held in Masjids (mosques), as this book is read in the Masjids of Britain by the Tabligh group? It is also widespread in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, particularly in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, as the author of the book lived there for a long time.

Your Eminence, could you please guide us to the satisfactory answer so that I could translate it into the local languages and distribute it among my friends, colleagues and all Muslims I talk with in this regard?

A: This story is false and utterly baseless. The basic ruling concerning the dead; a prophet or otherwise, is that he cannot move in his grave. What is claimed that the Prophet (peace be upon him) extended out his hand to Al-Rifa`y or any one else is not true; rather, it is a baseless Wahm (illusion), which should not be believed.

He (peace be upon him) did not extend his hands to Abu Bakr, `Umar or any other one of the Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet). One should not be deceived by mentioning this story by Al Suyuty in his book Al-Hawy, for according to many scholars, Al Suyuty did not check the authenticity of the narrations he reported in his books.

Moreover, it is not permissible to offer Salah behind an Imam who believes in this story, for he is imperfect with regard to his `Aqidah (creed) and believes in superstitions. It is not permissible to read the book of Fada'il A`mal or any similar book that contains superstitions and lies to the people in Masjids or elsewhere, for this implies misleading people and spreading superstitions among them.

May Allah (may He be Glorified and Exalted) guide all Muslims to the truth. He is All-Hearer and Responsive!

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!

Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'
`Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah Al Al-Shaykh
`Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan
Salih Al-Fawzan
Bakr Abu Zayd

29-04-2009 @ 6:04 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' mentioned
All the Sufi sects or what is so called now Tasawwuf (mysticism) are full of Bid'ah...

Also click for the various fataawa of the Permanent Committee regarding Ta'weez (amulets)

Rasoolullah sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam used to seek refuge in Allah from poverty.

Compare all of the above to the distorted understanding that is found on The Majlis website of the Tablighi/Deobandi Soofees. See the attached screenshot.

27-04-2009 @ 10:24 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Just so that no Sufi (tablighi, deobandi, Brailwi, etc.) or anyone from the other Innovated sects misunderstands, do read the fataawa found at Salafee Position on the Karaamat ul Awliya

Shaykhul Islam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah said:

"I affirm the karaamat(wondrous occurences, miracles) of the awliya. And no one rejects the wondrous occurences of the awliya except for the people of innovation and misguidance." See page no. 8.

27-04-2009 @ 4:53 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Attached is the screenshot of the quote attributed to Mianji Nur Muhammad as has been mentioned in the book of al-Khandelwi 'MASHA'IKH-E-CHISHT'. This is mentioned in the section in which he gives the biography of Mianji Nur Muhammad. Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki was the Mureed(sufi disciple) of Mianji Nur Muhammad.

The first sentence that al-Khandelwi mentions under biography of Haji Imdadullah in the same book is "He was the Shaikh of Arab and Ajamı, a fountain of spiritual benefit and knowledge; a veritable treasure-house of spiritual realities and a repository of spiritual subtleties and mysteries." This shows the high status that Haji Imdadullah has with the Tablighis and Deobandees.

This entire book is full of Sufi "Anecdotes". Is this book any different from the books of the Brailwiyyah?

I pray that the common Tablighis and Deobandis who have zeal for the Deen and whose fitrah is not corrupted by shirk, kufr or khuraafat are guided to the correct concepts of Tawheed and Sunnah. Aameen.

21-04-2009 @ 5:42 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Q: I have read many Fatwas issued by you urging the knowledge seekers to join the group of Tabligh (a group calling to Islam). I joined this group and made use of the knowledge they provide. However, they observe some acts that are not mentioned in the Book of Allah or in the Sunnah. The following are some examples:

1. Forming circles of two people or more inside the Masjid (Mosque) to study the last ten Surahs of the Qur'an and whenever they go out on a mission they have to perform this task mentioned above.

2. Continuous performance of I`tikaf on Thursdays.

3. Determining certain days for setting out for Da`wah, three days of every month, forty days of every year, and four months during one's lifetime.

4. Continuous collective supplication after each time of making Da`wah.

If I join this group, what should I do with these acts which are not mentioned in the Book of Allah or in the Sunnah? Furthermore, changing the group's method is impossible. Please, advise.

A: The acts of the group you mentioned count as Bid`ahs (innovations in religion). You are not allowed to join them unless they adhere to the teachings stated in the Book of Allah and in the Sunnah and stop observing Bid`ah in deeds, words and beliefs.

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!

Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'
`Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz
`Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan
Salih Al-Fawzan
`Abdul-`Aziz Al Al-Shaykh
Bakr Abu Zayd

20-04-2009 @ 3:58 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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I remember listening to one of Allamah Badee ud Deen Shah's (rahimahullah) lecture in Urdu. In that he asked 2 very important questions to the Deobandees.

- What is the proof from Qur'aan and Sunnah that a person has to do taqleed of any one of the 4 Imaams?
- What is the proof for the 4 Sufi Tariqahs?

20-04-2009 @ 3:44 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Bismillah Walhamdulillah was salaatu wassalaamu alaa rasoolullah
wa ba'ad,

Is Fadhaail Amaal the only book of Muhammad Zakariyyah Khandelwi which has serious errors? Ofcourse not! He wrote a book entitled MASHA'IKH-E-CHISHT. It should be remembered that Muhammad Ilyas the founder of Tablighi Jamaat and a close relative of Muhammad Zakariyyah Khandelvi used to do the Chisti Muraaqibah at the grave of ıAbdul-Quddoos Al-Kankoohee. Also remember, Deobandis also accept the Chisti tariqah as an authentic Sufi Tariqah. The links on this thread have the references/screenshots for this.

Attached is the screenshot from the conclusion from this book of al-Khandelvi (Or click here to see). This shows in how great esteem the Scholars of Tablighi Jamaat consider the Scholars of Deoband. And how both of them are Sufees.

The screenshot is taken from the official website of The Majlis journal that is published in South Africa. Ahmed Sadek Desai is the Ameer of Mujlisul Ulama which publishes this journal and is a contemporary of Taqi Usmani Deobandi in age and considered to be a Kibaar Tablighi Scholar in South Africa. InshAllah, I will post some screenshots showing the sufism on this tablighi website. Wa Billahil tawfeeq.

The Tablighi and Deobandi elders keep the common folk away from these beliefs and they try to use sophistry to explain these deviances when someone questions them on what basis are these beliefs different from the beliefs of Bareilwees.

May Allah guide the common Tablighis and deobandees away from the falsehood of Sufism to the true manhaj of Ahlul Athar. Aameen.

17-04-2009 @ 3:29 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Some more links showing grave errors of the Deobandees:-

Errors in aqeedah in writings of Deobandee Kibaar Ashraf Alee Thanwee
[url=]Prince Of Bhopal & Seeking Benefit From The Graves[/url]

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