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Topic: Requesting Few Resources on Tablighis and Deobandis.
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unspecified Abd al-Muhsin Ibn Muhammad Ashfaque
(Pune, Maharashtra, India)
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AsSalaamu alaykum wa Rahamtullahi wa Barkaatuhu, To all my brothers and sisters, can anyone help get few refutations of Tablighi Jamaat and the deobandis. As I have been trying to bring few tablighis and Deobandis to Ahlus Sunnah. SO can any one link me to few ebooks on exposing Jamaat Tabligh and Deobandees. AsSalaamu alaykum.
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni
(Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
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unspecified ساجد
(Mumbai (India))
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Deviance of Deobandis - screenshot from their website [url=]The Necessity For the Imaam To Have Correct Aqeedah [/url] [url=]Exaggeration of the Qadaree tareeqah [/url] [url=]Kitab-ar-Ruh - Its Attribution To Ibn Al-Qayyim [/url] [url=]Lifting The Blame From A Deobandee Claim [/url] [url=]The Tableeghee Encyclopedia[/url] [url=]The Naqshabandi Tariqah Unveiled[/url]
unspecified ساجد
(Mumbai (India))
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ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad
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Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah Amma ba'd Shaykh al-Fawzaan: It is obligatory upon the Muslims to warn against Jamaa'ah at-Tableegh Shaykh al-Fawzaan: It is obligatory upon the Muslims to warn against Jamaa'ah at-Tableegh The following is a spooky link that shows Mohammad Ilyas' grave in the masjid that is Jama'at at-Tableegh's headquarters in India. His grave is in the masjid (near the wudu area); people make a du'aa to Ilyas (we seek refuge in Allaah from this - and all acts of - shirk), and it is well known: [url=]Link showing deviant founder Mohammad Ilyas' grave in masjid of Jama'at at-Tableegh[/url] [Ilyas is their deviant Sufi founder, who claimed he received a new tafsir of aya 110 of Surat Al-'Imran and an order from the Prophet in a dream to start this deviant sect. We seek refuge in Allaah from this deviance.] Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan. |
unspecified ساجد
(Mumbai (India))
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ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad
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Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah Questions Answered on Jama'aatut-Tableegh, by Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree (hafidhahullaah) in a telelink with Troid Review: A grand expose of the extremely partisan, neo-soofee group known as "Jama'aatut-Tableegh." The noble Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree (may Allaah preserve him) answered several questions about the Indian-based group, their 'aqeedah, manhaj, roots and goals. The answers illustrate the extremely hizbee nature of this group, their abomination of 'ad-da'wah ilallaah,' destruction of the term "fee sabeelillaah," corruption of the concept of tawheed, abandonment of the manhajul-anbiyaa, deep roots in Soofiyyah and foolish contempt with being attached to the party, devoid of seeking knowledge. The Questions and Answers: [Q1]: I am a youth whom Allaah has guided at the hands of a few brothers. I travelled with them (jama'aatut-tableegh) for three days to Qatar. Then it was said to me by a student of knowledge that this type of action is not from the sunnah and is a bid'ah. So if a person goes out, for the sake of Allaah, for tableegh, is this a bid'ah? [A1]: In the name of Allaah, and may the peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad. All Praise is due to Allaah. So what you mentioned of the guidance of Allaah for you, we ask Him for us and for you steadfastness upon the guidance. You probably mean by this group, Jama'aatut-Tableegh, and Jama'aatut-Tableegh is strict in its Sufism, and its censure is in India. And I think it's presently there in In'aamul Hasan. And that student who told you, "This work is bid'ah" means what they take as manhaj of going out a specific number of days in which they commit themselves to an amount of time is not limited to three days. Rather, they have other than this limit; from it [they have] 40 days and four months. And by being crooked with the texts of the noble Qur'an, and they distort from the noble Qur'an from its literal meaning. They sought daleel for the bid'ah of khurooj, choosing a specific amount of days from verses from the Book of Allaah. So for instance, [regarding] His saying, subhana wa taa'aala: Then go in the earth for four months, Jama'aatut-Tableegh say this is the khurooj in which they do. And the one who ponders over this aya, he will find it is in regards to what Allaah ordered His Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihiwasallam) to proclaim it in what is called Al-Hajj ul-akbar, and this is the 'Eid ul-Nahr (Sacrifice). And the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihiwasallam) ordered his nephew 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (radiallaahu 'anhu) to proclaim with these ayat from Surat at-Tawbah an announcement for the mushrikeen to travel through the land for four months, meaning those who had no contract with the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu 'alaihiwasallam). And this is their manhaj - false tafseer of the noble Qur'an - to get their point across. So another example is that they interpret the aya Quntum khaiara umaatin ukhrijat lil nas (You are the best Ummah raised up for mankind). This aya is for the Ummah of Muhammad (salallaahu 'alaihiwasallam). And this aya says the Ummah of Muhammad (salallaahu 'alaihiwasallam) is the best of communities from what the aya contains of the Ummah's attributes. Quntum khaiara umaatin ukhrijat lil nas tamuruna bil ma'rufi wa tanhawna 'anil munkari wa tu`minuna billaah. You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin Al-Ma'ruf and forbid Al-Munkar, and you believe in Allaah. ('Aali Imran 3:110) These three qualities are the qualities that this Ummah has been given above the other nations. However, this strictly Soofi Jama'ah bend this aya crookedly so [they say it] says: 1- it is the people who go out with their Jama'ah "in the path of Allaah" and 2 - they distort the meaning of 'fee sabeelillaah', the meaning of in the path of Allaah. They say it is going out with them - and not Jihad in the way of Allaah. So the khurooj that the tableegh explains as 'fee sabeelillaah' it is not in reality for 'fee sabeelillaah'. This is not the meaning of the verses of the book that they say 'fee sabeelillaah'. The meaning of the words 'fee sabeelillaah' is mentioned in the generous book [Qur'an]. In general terms, the meaning is Jihad. The Jihad [against] the kufar, enemies of Islam, from the Jews and Christians and other than them.
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As long as you have attained guidance from Allaah subhana wa taa'ala, then I advise you firstly to separate yourself from this group [Jama'aatut-Tableegh], because they want from whomsoever follows them either of two things (their efforts don't subside in getting either of these two things): Either they want from a person to become a Sufi that gives bai'ah (a pledge of allegiance) on the Sufi Rubik chain of these four tariqas (Soharwardiyah, Qadriyah, Chistiyyah, and Naqshbandiya), meaning their ways are based upon these four turuq (ways). And this bai'ah (a pledge of allegiance), they don't take it from him except after a long period of testing and observation to see if you'll be loyal to them. And if this is not possible, then to the second affair, which is to make the concept of Tawheed and the manhaj of the [first three generations] to become dead in his heart. Henceforth, they want the person to be ignorant in the knowledge of Tawheed, ignorant regarding knowledge in general. And from the catastrophes of the Jama'ah is that they do not call to Tawheed. And the one who follows them, if he sat with them years and years, he would not benefit in regard to religious knowledge, not in 'aqidah, not in fiqh, and not in other than that from which Islam has legislated. All that it is is that they train and coach him only - training him and coaching him only. And this Jama'ah has a disgusting side. This is the one they hide from the people - and it is Soofiya. Soofism, and they portray a nice side. And it is not in reality nice. We say this figuratively speaking. And this Da'wah to Allaah. However [they give] da'wah to Allaah blindly and upon ignorance. They cause the Muslim to be ignorant in the affair of knowledge, separate or far from the 'ulamma (scholars), and they gain the emotions of the people. They gain victory by way of the astray Muslims, snatching them away from bars and the casinos. They gain by this the emotions of the people. The ones that they "saved", if they are able to conquer him, he stays ignorant - not knowing except this manhaj of this misguided Jama'ah that misguides other people. |
[Q2]: Is this expression correct, 'we are requested to strive and work, the guidance comes for Allaah, you move and work here and the guidance will descend, it might descend in America, it might descend in India, here, there or anywhere. The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) moved and worked in Makkah and guidance descended in Madinah.' Is the expression correct? [A2]: The saying that we should move and strive and the guidance is in the hands of Allaah, this saying is correct. Al-Hidaya (Guidance) is divided into two: hidayatu-udalala wal irshad. And this is for the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and for the callers to Allaah upon baseerah (clear knowledge and insight) who came after the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). Allaah says: And verily you do guide to The Straight Path. And the other hidaya is al-hidayatul tawfeeqi wal Qubul (putting the guidance in the heart to accept the truth) and this is for Allaah alone. Not to any of His creation - even the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) has nothing of this ability. And it is negated from him by the saying of Allaah taa'ala: Verily, you do not guide whom you wish to guide. But it is Allaah Who guides whom He so wills. As for the rest of what was mentioned, then this is false - sophistry speech, the badness of the Soofis. They dictated to them the madness of the Sufis. So the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) did not used to move about in Makkah and the guidance descended in Madinah. Or on the contrary, the reason for the guidance and the acceptance of the people of Madinah to Islam is that a delegation came to the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and gave him pledge of allegiance at the time when he presented himself to the tribes in Makkah. And also another delegation [bai'atul 'aqaba] came to the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam), and when they learned what he had to offer, they gave him pledge of allegiance. And some of the people used to say to the others: "this is the Prophet that the Jews were threatening you with, so don't let them precede you with regards to him." Then Allaah subhana wa taa'ala willed from His bounty and generosity and His knowledge of what would come that the 'aws and khasraj [the ansar] should attain the honor of precedence in having accepted Islam. And the Jews would get the anger and curse of Allaah. And then, after that, the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) sent his representative and his honorable companion Mus'ab ibn Umair (radiallaahu 'anhu), and this is enough for the falsification of this creed. This could be from the mad suggestion of the hoolooliya, a sect of Soofism. They say that you are here and guidance descends there. This is sophistry speech, that is reason based on deception that the people of Hoolool and madness dictated to them. Hidaya is from Allaah, however it has means. So the means of Hadayat at-tawfeeq is that the person clarifies and explains to the one being called and explains to them so the da'wah reaches them. As far as a person attaining al-hidaya by a movement that he himself has no awareness of and it doesn't reach him, no one from the imams of the Muslims has ever said this. And what is known to me is on the contrary. I have not found a text from the book or the Sunnah. So the means with the tawfeeq of Allaah 'azza wa Jall is clarifying (bayaan) and explaining, meaning the da'wah reaches the one being called verbally from the one calling or writing. And from the things that point to this or proves this - the falsehood of this claim (of moving in this place and guidance descending in another) - is that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) did not make it enough to give da'wah in Makkah and Madinah. On the contrary, he sent letters to the rulers outside of the Arabian Peninsula, calling to Islam. So if this [claim] was correct, the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) would have said, "We are here and Allaah subhana wa ta'aala will send down guidance [there]." Mind you, there is nothing impossible for Allaah. However, this is not how the Sunnah of Allaah has taken place in what is known to us with regard to da'wah, that a person makes da'wah in one place and the people get inspired this way with guidance from afar. No one has ever said this, and this is from the madness of the Hoolooliya a-Soofiya. [Q3]: What is the true understanding of the saying of Allaah, 'And have Taqwaa of Allaah and Allaah will teach you'? [A3]: First of all, let us define Taqwaa of Allaah. A-Taqwaa from the language is taken from the word al-wiqayya. That is a barrier. The human being puts a barrier between him and what he bewares of and fears by what he owns from ways and means. So a person protects himself from a fiercely hot surface by [wearing] shoes and protects himself by the blaze of the sun by an umbrella and protects himself from the bitterness of the cold by strong clothing. As for taqwa with regard to the Islamic terminology, then it is: doing what Allaah orders to do upon a light from Allaah desiring the pleasure of Allaah, and leaving what Allaah forbade upon a light from Allaah afraid of the anger of Allaah. So the Muttaqi [the one with taqwa] is the one who does the things that were ordered to be done and stays away from the things prohibited - being obedient to Allaah and in compliance to Him, fearing His punishment and seeking His reward, going between khawf (fear of Allaah's punishment} and raja` (hope for Allaah's Mercy) that is fear and hope. So if this has been instilled, then we say - and the knowledge is with Allaah - 'And have Taqwaa of Allaah and Allaah will teach you' meaning that from the means of a person attaining beneficial knowledge is taqwullaah, of which has preceded its explanation. And Allaah knows best. [Q4]: Did the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) go out for 4 months, 40 days or 3 days? What is the authenticity of the narration of 'Umar (radiyallaahu anhu), 'Why didn't you complete 40 days'? [A4]: I have not come across and I have not heard with regard to what has come in the question that the Prophet went out for a specific amount of time. On the contrary, he (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) used to prepare military detachments, go on the expedition himself and stay in accordance with the need, and then return to Madinah. And he used to send parties and they would return after having done their duty. And as for the narration of 'Umar, then verily I have not come across it. However, I fear that it might have been taken from hayaat a-sahaaba (A book called The lives of the companions) by Khan Adahlawee and he is the second caliph for Muhammad Ilyas, maybe even the son of Muhammad Ilyas [the deviant founder of this group, who claimed he received in wahi, within which was a new tafseer for the aya Quntum khairu Ummah ukhrijat lil nas] Anyway, he is after [Ilyas] and this book has in it all types of folklore and lies. So this - athar - should be researched in the books of seerah and Sunnah. And if it is authentic, then its meaning is that the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) urged 'Umar (radiallaahu taa'ala 'anhu) to stay 40 days in a specific operation, seeing that it doesn't [last] for more than 40 days. 'Umar (radiallaahu 'anhu), when he finished his task, returned. And this is IF the report is sahih, and the speech doesn't mean that it is Sunnah, because a person goes to a tour of a specific task, measures take a certain amount of days, and he returns beforehand. And the one who sent him would say, "Why didn't you complete such and such?" So the one who was sent says after he returns, "I ended the registered task and after ending it, I have returned." So then there would no scolding upon him, and Allaah knows best. [Q5]: We went to Pakistan (with jama'aatut-tableegh) and we entered a braylawee (extremist soofee group) masjid and remained for 4 days praying behind a braylawee, our ameer knew that he was a braylawee. Then it was made clear to me after some time that the braylawiyyoon are mushrikoon. [The Shaykh interrupts stating, 'I think your question is whether your salaat is valid.] [A5]: As long as you didn't know about their shirk then your salat is valid, inshaAllaah. And it is not upon you to make it up. And, from now on, you should not pray with them, nor with those who fall in their category from the mushrikeen. [Q6]: What is the ruling of the one who interprets all of the ayaat on jihaad as being specific to jihaad of speech only? [A6]: It looks like a rotten, counterfeit interpretation. They want from this [claim] the aversion of Jihaad to the work of Jama'at ut-Tableegh. And this is the strongest assumption I have. And if it is from other than them, then this is a da'wah that circulates through the weak intellect of some Muslims. The aim of it being the falsification of the obligation of Jihaad. So this should be known and paid attention to. In any case, Jihaad is a legislated obligation until the order of Allaah has come. And 'Iesa (Jesus) 'alaihisalam will come down, ruling by the sharee'ah of Muhammad (salallaahu 'alaihiwasallam). From the things ['Iesa] will carry out is Jihaad, and the doing away of al-Jizyah (tax that non-Muslims have to pay in an Islamic state), meaning he will not legislate Jizyah: either 1- accept Islam or 2- accept the sword to be killed by it. [Q7]: Some 'ulamaa generalize about some groups, and from them, jama'aatut-tableegh, that they are firaq (sects) and not jamaa'aat (groups) because the jamaa'ah is what the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and his sahaabah were upon? [A7]:  | quote: |
And I also call them firaq (sects); however, we say Jama'aat (groups) an expression, saying at the level of the people in terms of terminology [so they may understand], because this name doesn't change the reality and there are no Jama'aat in Islam except Ahlus-Sunnati wal Jama'ah. Because they are one Jama'ah. Even if there was just one person upon the correct 'aqidah and manhaj, then he [alone] is that Jama'ah. And what is other than it is from the firaq (or sects), or the Jama'aat as they call it, they are misguided firaaq who misguide other people. And there is no compulsion in terminology, because firqa has the meaning of Jama'ah and this is a new terminology. So from the point of view that it has become common among the people, we say Jama'aat ut-Tableegh, Jama'aat ul-ikhwaan, Jama'aat so and so, because the word firqa (sect) is not known. There is no dispute with us that there are firaq and there is no doubt that they [jama'aatut-tableegh] are from the firaq that the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) warned about by his saying: The Jews broke up into 71 sects, the Christians broke up into 72 sects and this Ummah will break up into 73 sects; all in the hellfire except for one. They said, "Which one is that, oh Messenger of Allaah?" He said: Those on that which I am upon, and that which my companions are upon. All these groups with their different methodologies are astray groups that lead others astray, and they come under the firaq that the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) informed us and the firaq are more than 73, however what is known in the principles of fiqh is that the big type of numbers, there is no set understanding for it. So it is not intended by it a limitation, because the firaq can reach 100 or 200 or more than that. What is important is that one from the 73, they are the people of guidance of the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). And what is other than this one sect, then they are misguided sects. |
[Q8]: Is it affirmed that some youth from this country (Saudi Arabia) pledge allegiance to In'aamul-Hasan (modern-day leader of firqatut-tableegh) upon the Rubik chain of soofiyyah in India? [A8]: This is widespread in Sa'udia that deluded youth fell into this bai'ah or pledge of allegiance. However, after having found out its falsehood, they quickly jumped off of [this sect] and I don't recall their names right now. However, it is widespread and common, and here we point to the fact that every bai'ah besides the bai'ah of the Imam that the Muslims have been pleased with from the people of the country is a false bai'ah and a bid'ah in the deen of Allaah. So whoever from this country of Sau'dia gives bai'ah to Jama'aat ut-Tableegh or other than it from the [astray] Islamic groups, then he has committed bid'ah in the deen of Allaah and deserves from the imam of the Muslims a deterring punishment, because this is treason against the Imam, and this is not permissible in what I worship Allaah upon that a general administration should be in this country, whether this administration is administrative or religious without the agreement of the general ameer. And what the people of this country receive from plans and administration on the ...of a specific Jama'aah and they make bai'ah upon it, then this is treason upon the Wali ul-Amr (the Ruler). Treason upon the Wali ul-Amr (the Ruler). Upon whom bai'ah has been contracted and the Muslims have been pleased with him for their Deen and dunyaa. So the Imam has established someone for da'wah in this country, and that Imam takes his place. He is the honorable Shaikh 'Abdul-Azeez ibn Abdullaah ibn Baaz [at the time of this translation, the dead has been dead for two years; rahimahullaah rahmatan wasi'a]. And in his place is the Shaykh Saleh ibn Abdul-Azeez Alee Shaikh [hafidhahullaah]. He is the one who has the right to administrate the affairs of da'wah in the country with the agreement of the Wali ul-Amr. He has specific duties and a known system. This is what I worship Allaah upon, and from what I understand from the text of the Sunnah of the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihiwasllam). [Q9]: Some of the leaders of jama'aatut-tableegh in this country, when asked, 'Why were graves entered in this center for jama'aatut-tableegh in India?' They reply, 'The people of India entered graves into the masjid in order to close the doors to shirk so that the people would not go to the cemetery and seek waseela to Allaah through the graves.' [A9]: This is the removing of batil (falsehood) by batil. And batil is not supposed to be used to remove batil. However, they don't forbid tawaaf of the graves and asking from its people, [and] from them are those who do this. He is not forbidden from this. ...The Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihiwasllam) prohibited that graves should be taken as masjids. The anger of Allaah became severe over a people who took the graves of their prophets as masjids, and other than that from sahih ahadith of severe warnings concerning the affair of people who took the graves of their prophets as masjids - that is places of worship. It is not permissible to enter a grave into a masjid. This is a weak and fragile reason. And if they're truthful in their claim of being people of Tawheed, they would remove this. But on the contrary. It is an invalid and false reason, and this is from the various bid'ah that is found with them. This bid'ah muquffira (polytheistic bid'ah; bid'ah of shirk) and these oppositions to the sharee'ah and what a lot they are. And it is enough to have as part of its bai'ah - the rubik Sufi chain - (Chistiyyah, Qadriyah, Naqshbandiya, and Soharwardiyah). So it is a mixture of four different Sufi tariqas. [Q10]: They take as proof, O Shaykh, and they say, 'you placed this involvement upon us (the presence of graves at the main center of the jama'aatut-tableegh in India), because the grave of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is in the masjid in Madinah.' What do you say about this, O Shaykh? [A10]: This is an argument weaker than the spider's web. First of all, the grave of the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihiwasllam) was not originally in the masjid. Rather it is in his quarters (apartment), and it was entered by Waleed ibn 'Abdul-Malik, the Ummayid khalifa. And the scholars of that time rejected that, because of the harm that would take place from that. So it is not in the origin of the masjid. Rather, the khalifa Waleed ibn 'Abdul-Malik entered it and, as long as the affair is like that, then this is not evidence. And also, the grave is separate from the masjid. And the second point: if it was possible to separate the grave from the masjid completely so that it can be in a space specific for it outside of the masjid, this would be good. However, I do not think this is possible. And right now, the grave of the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihiwasllam) is not circumambulated [made tawaaf of] by anyone. It is not circumambulated, except what takes place by some common people from the Muslims [among] the ignorant ones. However, it is being pushed away. So it's being manifest by the falsehood of this reason.  | quote: |
And we will repeat: the batil is not removed by batil. Rather, batil is removed by the truth. And the Sunnah is what removes the bid'ah. One bid'ah cannot remove another bid'ah. |
[Q11]: Some youth from this country (Saudi Arabia) spend various means to travel to the gulf and India, however money is not spent to travel to the 'ulamaa of this country, and they act as if the 'ulamaa of this land do not make da'wah. They describe the 'ulamaa as "slaves of the dunyaa." What do you say about this, O Shaykh? [A11]: This is the manhaj of this Jama'ah, Jama'at ut-Tableegh. This is their manhaj, separating the youth who are enthusiastic about da'wah from the scholars in their country, so that they don't gain knowledge and read over the fiqh and the Sunnah, and the 'aqidah of Tawheed; and Tawheed doesn't get well-grounded in him. This is their manhaj - separating the youth from the 'ulamma, and describing whomsoever doesn't go out with them as 'slaves of dunyaa.' Gaining and striving in the dunyaa is not disgraceful or forbidden if it is from halal means, and the rights of Allaah and His slaves are given. Gathering money is not a bad thing if the slave has taqwa of his Lord by it and connects, by it, the bonds of the womb. And even the sahaaba of the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu 'alaihiwasllam) owned a lot of money from gardens and camels and sheep and silver coins and gold coins and other than that. They used to own a lot of money, and this did not disgrace them. [Q12]: The ones affiliated with the jama'aah from the sons of this country (Saudi Arabia), what is their ruling? Do they vary in their nearness to bid'ah or are they the same? And what is the ruling on going out to Qatar, Kuwait or Pakistan and what is the ruling on the local khurooj that they do within this country? [A12]: First of all, I do not see it permissible - that is khurooj with this jama'ah. And I see this as cooperating with them in their bid'ah. And what I know is that this Jama'ah was prohibited by Royal injunction or ordinance in the year 1400 Hijri, after what happened in the Haram from people being taken hostage by a group of fanatics. And I came across this judgment in the center of Da'wah in Madinah. So I see that going out with them opposes the ruler. And if a Muslim wants to call to Allaah, he should call upon baseerah (clear and insightful knowledge). He [the caller] comes to the people and exhorts them and reminds them, and motivates them to look for rewards and fear punishment from Allaah and teach them and then lead them in their affair. And if a number of callers to Allaah accompanied him, from them those who partake in da'wah, from them who rectify the affairs of their brothers, then there is no harm in this, inshaAllaah. As for an administrative khurooj, going out with a system and methodology [opposing the Prophet's] and a philosophy, as we said earlier, then this is the misguided manhaj. This is a misguided manhaj - this [Tableeghi sect]. And those affiliated with it are of different categories. So from them are the pure Soofis, the possessors of the rubik Sufi chain. And they are the ones who pledge allegiance to In'aam Al-Hassan, the leader of this [sect] in India. And the second type are those who have been diluted by what they outwardly manifest from a good side of da'wah to Allaah and 'ibaada (worship). And this type sometimes has with them astute 'ulamma. Sometimes, they have with them university professors, and other than that. This type is deceived. And a lot of this type of diluted people, when they come to know of the falsehood of this jama'ah and its seriousness and its deviance, they separate from it, and began unveiling [the Tableeghi sect's] ugliness to the people. And saying the truth and going forward with it, not fearing them - for the sake of Allaah - the blame of the blamers. And from those people who wrote a good writing about the sect [exposing them] is Sa'ad al-Husayin (may Allaah preserve him). He writes upon knowledge and upon experience. He does not write based upon forgery, and not by guessing, and not by suspicion. And the third category are the general folk. This sect got to them first and pulled them, and then became engrossed in its past. The general public are the allotment of the ones who gets to them first. So if the caller to Tawheed and the book and the Sunnah gets to them first, then they [the callers to Tawheed and Qur'an and Sunnah] will gain over them victory, because of the pureness of the fitra (natural disposition). And the fourth category of people are people who used to live empty and astray lives. Then this [sect] pulled them out of the cafes and the bars and the streets. ...So they saw that Allaah guided them at their hands - at the hands of [this sect] - so they are loyal to them, and they don't see better than them because of "the guidance they attained at their hands," as they say. And by this, it is made clear that they are varying at different levels and they are not the same with regard to the judgment on them. So when we make a judgment on a particular [sect], we make it in general. As for individuals, then this ruling is not made on them. They are not described with this description, except after having their state looked into and the truth is made clear to them. So, if they accept [the truth], then for Allaah is the praise and virtue. And if they become stubborn, then we say, "this work of yours is bid'ah, and we fear you might be a mubtadi' (innovator). And I don't become cautious after him being stubborn from saying, "You are a mubtadi'," because you are implementing this manhaj and madhhab. And may the peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad. Audio: Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan. |
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The Naqshabandiyyah Fatwa no. 3934 Q: What is the ruling, in your understanding, on the Sufi Tariqahs (orders) in general, and the Naqshabandi Tariqah in particular? A: There is a lot of Bid`ah (rejected innovation in religion) practiced among the Sufi Tariqahs, such as holding Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) circles and gatherings in rows, in which they all repeat the Name of Allah together, saying, "Allah, Allah," one of His Attributes saying, "Hayy (Ever-Living), Hayy," or "Qayyum (Self-Subsisting), Qayyum," referring to Him through the pronoun "Huwa (He), Huwa," or repeating meaningless sounds, such as "Ah, Ah." They also repeat other formulas of Dhikr, in which they beseech help from other than Allah, seek support of the dead, such as Al-Badawy, Al-Shadhily, Al-Jilany, and others. Their books contain a lot of Bid`ah and scattered evil, especially Al-Naqshabandiyyah. In their daily Wird (sayings recited with consistency), they repeat the Name of Allah in their hearts, without moving their lips. The Murids (students) evoke their shaykh and his Wird, believing that this will be a means of saving them on the Day of Resurrection. These practices are all abominable acts of Bi`dah; none of these forms of Dhikr were reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him) in what was sent to him in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. It is, however, authentically narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Anyone who does something that we have not ordered (in worship) it will be rejected." The Prophet also said, "Anyone who introduces something in this matter of our (the religion) that is not from it, it will be rejected." May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions! Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' consisting of the following mashaykh:- `Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz `Abdul-Razzaq `Afify `Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan `Abdullah ibn Qa`ud Attached is a document which has screenshots from official Deobandi websites which shows that Naqshbandiyyah is one of the Soofee tariqah recognized by them. May Allah guide the Deobandees and tablighis to the manhaj of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah. Aameen.
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Bismillah Walhamdulillah was salaatu wassalaamu alaa rasoolullah wa ba'ad, Is Fadhaail Amaal the only book of Muhammad Zakariyyah Khandelwi which has serious errors? Ofcourse not! He wrote a book entitled MASHA'IKH-E-CHISHT. It should be remembered that Muhammad Ilyas the founder of Tablighi Jamaat and a close relative of Muhammad Zakariyyah Khandelvi used to do the Chisti Muraaqibah at the grave of ıAbdul-Quddoos Al-Kankoohee. Also remember, Deobandis also accept the Chisti tariqah as an authentic Sufi Tariqah. The links on this thread have the references/screenshots for this. Attached is the screenshot from the conclusion from this book of al-Khandelvi (Or click here to see). This shows in how great esteem the Scholars of Tablighi Jamaat consider the Scholars of Deoband. And how both of them are Sufees. The screenshot is taken from the official website of The Majlis journal that is published in South Africa. Ahmed Sadek Desai is the Ameer of Mujlisul Ulama which publishes this journal and is a contemporary of Taqi Usmani Deobandi in age and considered to be a Kibaar Tablighi Scholar in South Africa. InshAllah, I will post some screenshots showing the sufism on this tablighi website. Wa Billahil tawfeeq. The Tablighi and Deobandi elders keep the common folk away from these beliefs and they try to use sophistry to explain these deviances when someone questions them on what basis are these beliefs different from the beliefs of Bareilwees. May Allah guide the common Tablighis and deobandees away from the falsehood of Sufism to the true manhaj of Ahlul Athar. Aameen.
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I remember listening to one of Allamah Badee ud Deen Shah's (rahimahullah) lecture in Urdu. In that he asked 2 very important questions to the Deobandees. - What is the proof from Qur'aan and Sunnah that a person has to do taqleed of any one of the 4 Imaams? - What is the proof for the 4 Sufi Tariqahs?
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Q: I have read many Fatwas issued by you urging the knowledge seekers to join the group of Tabligh (a group calling to Islam). I joined this group and made use of the knowledge they provide. However, they observe some acts that are not mentioned in the Book of Allah or in the Sunnah. The following are some examples: 1. Forming circles of two people or more inside the Masjid (Mosque) to study the last ten Surahs of the Qur'an and whenever they go out on a mission they have to perform this task mentioned above. 2. Continuous performance of I`tikaf on Thursdays. 3. Determining certain days for setting out for Da`wah, three days of every month, forty days of every year, and four months during one's lifetime. 4. Continuous collective supplication after each time of making Da`wah. If I join this group, what should I do with these acts which are not mentioned in the Book of Allah or in the Sunnah? Furthermore, changing the group's method is impossible. Please, advise. A: The acts of the group you mentioned count as Bid`ahs (innovations in religion). You are not allowed to join them unless they adhere to the teachings stated in the Book of Allah and in the Sunnah and stop observing Bid`ah in deeds, words and beliefs. May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions! Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' `Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz `Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan Salih Al-Fawzan `Abdul-`Aziz Al Al-Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd
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Attached is the screenshot of the quote attributed to Mianji Nur Muhammad as has been mentioned in the book of al-Khandelwi 'MASHA'IKH-E-CHISHT'. This is mentioned in the section in which he gives the biography of Mianji Nur Muhammad. Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki was the Mureed(sufi disciple) of Mianji Nur Muhammad. The first sentence that al-Khandelwi mentions under biography of Haji Imdadullah in the same book is "He was the Shaikh of Arab and Ajamı, a fountain of spiritual benefit and knowledge; a veritable treasure-house of spiritual realities and a repository of spiritual subtleties and mysteries." This shows the high status that Haji Imdadullah has with the Tablighis and Deobandees. This entire book is full of Sufi "Anecdotes". Is this book any different from the books of the Brailwiyyah? I pray that the common Tablighis and Deobandis who have zeal for the Deen and whose fitrah is not corrupted by shirk, kufr or khuraafat are guided to the correct concepts of Tawheed and Sunnah. Aameen.
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Just so that no Sufi (tablighi, deobandi, Brailwi, etc.) or anyone from the other Innovated sects misunderstands, do read the fataawa found at Salafee Position on the Karaamat ul Awliya Shaykhul Islam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah said: "I affirm the karaamat(wondrous occurences, miracles) of the awliya. And no one rejects the wondrous occurences of the awliya except for the people of innovation and misguidance." See page no. 8.
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Q: Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya (may Allah be merciful with him) is one of the most famous religious scholars in India and Pakistan, especially among the followers of Tabligh (a group calling to Islam). He has numerous publications; of which is: Fada'il A`mal, which is read in the religious circles of the Tabligh group, and which the members of the group consider as Sahih Al-Bukhari. I was one of them. While reading this book, I found that some narrations are incomprehensible and unbelievable. Therefore, I refer my problem to your Eminent Committee, hoping that you could solve it. These narrations include the one reported by Ahmad Al-Rifa`y in which he claims that after performing Hajj, he visited the grave of the Messenger (peace be upon him) and recited the following lines: When I was away, I would send my soul on my behalf to the ground to kiss Now that I am here body and soul extend your right hand to me to kiss After reading them, the right hand of the Messenger (peace be upon him) came out and he kissed it. This is mentioned in the book entitled Al-Hawi by Al-Suyuty. He also claims that nine thousand Muslims witnessed this great incident and saw the blessed hand, including Shaykh `Abdul-Qadir Jilany (may Allah be merciful with him) who was there in that place in Al-Masjid Al-Nabawy (the Prophetıs Mosque in Madinah). In the light of this story, I would like to raise the following questions: 1- Is this a real or baseless story? 2- What is your opinion concerning the book entitled Al-Hawy by Al-Suyuty in which this story is mentioned? 3- If the story is not true, is it permissible to offer Salah (Prayer) behind the Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer) who narrates and believes in this story? 4- Is it permissible to read such books in the religious circles held in Masjids (mosques), as this book is read in the Masjids of Britain by the Tabligh group? It is also widespread in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, particularly in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, as the author of the book lived there for a long time. Your Eminence, could you please guide us to the satisfactory answer so that I could translate it into the local languages and distribute it among my friends, colleagues and all Muslims I talk with in this regard? A: This story is false and utterly baseless. The basic ruling concerning the dead; a prophet or otherwise, is that he cannot move in his grave. What is claimed that the Prophet (peace be upon him) extended out his hand to Al-Rifa`y or any one else is not true; rather, it is a baseless Wahm (illusion), which should not be believed. He (peace be upon him) did not extend his hands to Abu Bakr, `Umar or any other one of the Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet). One should not be deceived by mentioning this story by Al Suyuty in his book Al-Hawy, for according to many scholars, Al Suyuty did not check the authenticity of the narrations he reported in his books. Moreover, it is not permissible to offer Salah behind an Imam who believes in this story, for he is imperfect with regard to his `Aqidah (creed) and believes in superstitions. It is not permissible to read the book of Fada'il A`mal or any similar book that contains superstitions and lies to the people in Masjids or elsewhere, for this implies misleading people and spreading superstitions among them. May Allah (may He be Glorified and Exalted) guide all Muslims to the truth. He is All-Hearer and Responsive! May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions! Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' `Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah Al Al-Shaykh `Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan Salih Al-Fawzan Bakr Abu Zayd
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Jamaa'at at-Tableegh are ignorant of the meaning of Laa ilaaha illallaah Ash-Shaykh Hamood bin ıAbdillaah at-Tuwayjiree [d.1413] - rahimahullaah - mentions in his al-Qawlul-Baleegh feet-Tah-dheeri min Jamaaıatit-Tableegh (pg.3): ıAnd they (Tableegh) explain the meaning of Laa ilaaha illallaah with the meaning of Tawheedur-Ruboobiyyah, and that Allaah ııııı is al-Khaaliq, ar-Raaziq, al-Mudabbir of all the affairs. And indeed the mushrikoon used to affirm this Tawheed as Allaah has mentioned that about them in many aayaat from the Qurıaan, and that did not benefit them, and that did not enter them into Islaam. And indeed the Tableeghiyeen are ignorant of the meaning of Laa ilaaha illallaah in reality. And it is that He is deserving of worship, Alone, free of the worship of other than Him. So it is obligatory to single Him out with all acts/types of worship, and it is not permissible to direct something from them to other than Him.ı Translation by
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RIDICULOUS DEOBANDI FATAAWA Attached are the Screenshots of 2 deobandi fataawa in Urdu language from their official website. These haven't yet been translated on their website into English. However, I'm providing the translation below for those who can't read Urdu. Please let me know of any errors in translation. Question 7126: Maulana Zakariyyah rahmatullahi alayhi said in Fadhail Hajj, ıKaaba goes for the Dhiyaarat(pilgrimage) of pious peopleı. Does it really go? I have read in Fatwa Shami[1] and Rad Mukhtar[2] that it is possible for Kaaba to be away from itıs place and if a person canıt find the Kaaba in itıs place then according to Hanafi fiqh a person should face this new position of Kaaba while praying. On the other hand, Ahmed Reza Khan has mentioned a poetry in regards to Abdul Qadir Jilani rahmatullahi alayhi (translated into English) ıWhole world does tawaaf(circumambulation) of Kaaba but Kaaba does your(Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani) tawaafı Answer: It is possible for Kaıaba to go for Dhiyarat of pious people and to move away from itıs place. If anyone does not find the Kaıaba in itıs place then it is permissible to face this new position for salaah. What Ahmed Reza has said is a lie. And Allah knows best. Footnotes: 1 References in the book(page no.,etc.) are mentioned in the original question. 2 References in the book(page no.,etc.) are mentioned in the original question. ------------------------------------------------- Question 6083: What is Majzoob? What are itıs distinguishing features and because of majzoob if someone does any act against Aql and Shariah then will the fatawa of shirk & kufr be applicable? Al Qawl al Jali (malfoozat shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlawi rahmatullahi alayhi) and Mashaykh Ahmedabad (Taalif Muhammad Yusuf Matala Khalifa Majaaz Maulvi Zakariyya Khandelwi rahmatullahi alayhi). Are both of these books authentic? And in these 2 books and other books there are narrations about Shah Moosaa Suhaag rahmatullahi alayhi ı did he dress up as a female? And did he behave like a female? Please let us know the status of this Buzurgh (pious man). Once there was no rain and the people requested him to make duaa then he he picked up a stone and said, ıEither give rain or take your bride.ı Suddenly there were clouds in the sky and it started raining. Similarly once on the saying of the Qadhi, he wore men's dress & went to Friday Prayer. But as soon as he heard the takbeer the female dress appreared and he said "Allaahu Akbar My husband in ever-living who will not die and these people are making me a widow.ı And similarly there are many other tales and narrations that are ascribed to other Majzoobs in various books. Some people after reading these not only show enmity to such Majzoob Wali of Allah but also declare the writers & narrators as Mushrik, Kaafir, etc. Please throw some light on this also. Answer: We havenıt read the 2 books that you have mentioned. And you didnıt mention the page nos. also. In regards to the Buzurgh (pious man) that is mentioned, we say that majzoob are those people who have drowned in the Ishq(Love, Lust, etc.) of Allah; it is very difficult to know about the secret relation between these people(i.e. the majzoob) & Allah. Also these people are mad in Ishq(love) of Allah. Hence, sometimes they commit acts in opposition to the Shariah. But others should neither pay attention to these acts nor publicize or spread them. These people are so beloved to Allah that Allah Taıala likes all their wrong and right actions. We donıt know about their Hidden states. Hence, we should not say anything regarding these matters. And Allah knows best. --------------------------------------------------- We hope that the common Deobandis and Tablighis will realize that there's a huge difference between the Miracles of the Prophets and Awliya and the Deobandi Fairy-Tales. Deobandis don't have any right to criticize Brailwees for similar nonsense in their books as long as the Deobandis themselves don't openly renounce these Baatil aqaaid. Don't these so-called "Majzoobs" who are "mad in ishq of Allah" and commit acts in opposition to the Shariah deserve to be in hospitals for the mentally-challenged? May Allah guide the common folk from the Deobandi, Tablighi and Brailwee Soofees.
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Attached is the screenshot of the fatwa that is checked by Mufti Ibrahim Desai - one of the foremost Deobandi from South Africa. Look, O reader, may Allah bless you, how these Deobandi muftis condone shirk akbar found in the Qasidah Burdah poem with the excuse of "immense love of Rasulullah". See the following links for translations of portions of this poem and also the fataawa of the real Ulemah of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah on this poem that has words of kufr and shirk. See the post of with the time-stamp 10-14-2007 @ 1:35 AM by clicking here. It has fataawa by quite a few Ulemah of the past rahimahumullah. [url=]Permanent Committee of Saudi Arabia forbidding reading of Qasidah Burdah[/url] [url=]Prohibition of reading the Al-Burdah book[/url] [url=]Fatwa of Shaykh Ibn Baaz[/url] - Read the explicit words of Shirk in Qaseedah Burda on this link. May Allah protect us and may Allah guide the common Deobandis and Tablighis who don't realize the severity of the mistaken aqeedah of their elders. Aameen.