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» Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan: It is obligatory to clarify the danger of at-Tahazzub and the danger of dividing and splitting
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30-12-2008 @ 1:24 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
Joined: Nov 2003

[A Test For The Hizbies And Their Followers With Regards To Correct Repentance If They Claim It

Question To Sheikh Saaleh Al Fawzaan (hafidha-hullaah)

There some callers here, about whom is it said have turned away from the wrong methodology they were upon in the past--of takfeer and inciting the common people against the Muslim Rulers, finding fault with the ulama and commending ahlul bidah and what is similar to that; but there a number of affairs noticed with regards to that:

Firstly: these callers have not clearly announced their repentance from the methodology they used to traverse.

Secondly: their books and audio cassettes filled with incitement, takfeer and commending ahlul bidah are spread in the internet, and those it belongs to have not declared their innocence from what is contained in them of falsehood.

Thirdly: Some of them have not ceased traversing the methodology they were upon in the past.

(So) what should be our stance towards these ones and what are the conditions of repentance for the likes of these ones.  Baarakallaahu Feekum.


Whoever used be upon a wrong methodology, then it is not enough to publicize that he has turned away from it until he clearly announces that he has turned away (from it) and acknowledges his error.  Allaah (Ta-aalaa) said:

'Except those who repent and do righteous deeds, and openly declare (the truth which they concealed).'[2:160]

And when Abul Hassan Al-Ash'ari (rahimahullaah) turned away from the manhaj of the mutazilah, he stood on the mimbar in the main city mosque and announced his (repentance) and his books such as Al-Ibaanah and Al-Maqaalaat are an assurance for that.  Likewise whoever was upon a wrong methodology and has followers or written works or wrong statements, then he must announce that when he turns away from it. (He  must) refute and criticize his errors.

[Source: Al-Ijaabaatul Muhimmah Fil Mashaakil Al-Mulimmah. (Page: 226)]

To be continued.....Inshaa-Allaah

31-12-2008 @ 2:22 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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The Source Of The Ikhtilaaf Is As A Result Of Differences In Methodology

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan (hafidha-hullaah) stated:

The cause of the differences that take place between the callers is the differing in methodologies.  And had the callers (may Allaah guide them and grant them success) traversed a singular methodology; and that is the methodology of the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam)-- that which the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-sallam) and his companions were upon, then these differences would not have occurred.  

Therefore, it is obligatory upon all the callers to make their methodology one--upon the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam); and that their call is (carried out) for the sake of Allaah and to make the word of Allaah uppermost.  Their call should not be for the sake of desires, raising individuals or parties; rather their call should be sincerely for Allaah's Face, to make Allaah's word uppermost, to follow the Messenger of Allaah (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) and to aid his Religion.  (So) by way of this the differences will cease.[1]

Who Is To Be Blamed For Causing Splits; Is It Those Who Defend Innovators And Find Excuses For Them Or Those Who Disown The Innovators And Traverse Upon The Advice Of The Ulama?

Sheikh Zaid Ibn Hadee al Madkhalee said:  

The mubtadi (the innovator) is the cause for the splitting (in the ummah); because splitting is connected to innovation and unity (upon the sound creed and methodology of the Salaf) is connected to the Sunnah.  The obligation of refuting the Mukhaalif (the opposer of the truth) is not lifted from the scholar due to anticipation of harm, unless it is harm he is not able to bear.  Then (in this case), Allah does not burden a soul beyond what it can bear.  The earth is not devoid of people of knowledge who will carry out refutation against the Mubtadi and the Mukhaalif[2]

To be continued.....Inshaa-Allaah

[1][Source:Al-Ijaabaatul Muhimmah Fil Mashaakil Al-Mulimmah (page:221-222)]

[2][Source: Al Ajwibah Al Mukhtasar Alaa As-ila Al-Ashrati(Page43-44)]

01-01-2009 @ 7:10 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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Another Doubt Of The Hizbies Clarified: 'The Speech Of Contemporaries Against One Another Will Come to Pass And Will Not Be Transmitted'

Question to Sheikh Fawzaan:

At present whenever a scholar refutes another (person) who errs, they say: This is speech of contemporaries, it will come to pass and will not be transmitted.  What is your view regarding this principle and is it (applied) absolutely?


It is obligatory to clarify the truth and refute the error.  We do not flatter anyone; we clarify the error and direct to the truth and our (concern) is not the importance of this one or that one.  

It is not permissible to keep quiet; because if we were to abandon (speaking) about this error, and that second error and that third error, the errors will become numerous and the people will think that it is the truth due to the silence of the scholars about it and will consider it as a proof.  

Therefore, clarification must be carried out especially when the one who erred is one followed or has leadership.  And it is not to be said that errors are narrated and will come to pass; rather it should be said that it is narrated and refuted; because this is from sincerity to Allaah, His Book and His Messenger, and it is advice to the leaders of the Muslims.

To be continued.....Inshaa-Allaah

[Source:Al-Ijaabaatul Muhimmah Fil Mashaakil Al-Mulimmah page:236)]            

03-01-2009 @ 12:51 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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A Reminder To The Hizbies And Defenders Of Innovators;The One Who Speaks Ill Of The Ulama Is One Of Two Persons, Either A Sinner Or One With Deviated Ideas And Orientations

Question to Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan

Some of the people speak ill of the ulama and the callers; so when they are advised, they say that this (speaking of theirs) is from the angle of Jarh Wat Tadeel.


Yes, it is from the angle of Jarh, and this Jarh is haraam and not permissible for you.  The one who speaks ill of the ulama is one of two persons, he is either from the people desires, sin and disobedience; so he hates the ulama when they have authority because they forbid and prevent him from that.  He hates them due to his sin and haraam desires, because they (i.e. the Ulama) come between him and his (sins and forbidden desires) or make him fearful of (acting) upon it.

The second man is a person of desires with deviated inclinations, deviated orientations, and the ulama do not agree with him on that; so he hates them due to that, and due to them not agreeing with him upon deviation in his ideas, in his madhab, and in his orientations.  They forbid (him) from splitting and partisanship, whilst he is passionate about partisanship and splitting, so he hates them for this.  

There is no good in the one who hates and speaks ill of the ulama; because if there was good in him, he would have had love for the people of knowledge, the believers and the friends of Allaah (Subhaanahu-Wata-Aalaa)        

To be continued.....Inshaa-Allaah

[Source:Al-Ijaabaat Muhimmah Fil Mashaakil Al-Muhimmah (page:262)]      

25-08-2009 @ 9:38 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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Respect For The Ulama

[A Reminder To Those Youth Afflicted With Hastiness And Self-Amazement]

Shaikh Abdullah Bukhari (hafidha-hullaah) was asked at the end of his lecture at the Birmingham Conference at Maktabah Salafiyyah (may Allaah protect it)

Question: 'Who are the Ulama of this time?'

Answer: Allaah does not leave His servants without ulama.  The ulama have characteristics, and from their characteristics is that they are firmly grounded in knowledge....up until the shaikh said, 'and from the ulama are the likes of Shaikh Bin Baz, Shaikh Uthaimeen, Shaikh Al-Albaanee, Shaikh Muqbilýall of whom have passed away, but this does not mean that the earth is devoid of ulama; rather there still exist scholars whom Allaah have placed upon the earth.  And from the present day scholars is Shaikh Ahmad An-Najmi, Shaikh Zaid Al-Madkhalee,  Shaikh Saaleh al Fawzaan, Shaikh Muhammad Amaan Al-Jaami, Shaikh Rabee, Shaikh Abdul Muhsin, Shaikh Ubaid  Al-Jaabiree, Shaikh Ali Naasir, Shaikh Badee....etc

The shaikh (Abdullaah Bukhaari) was further asked:

Question:  What is your advice concerning the one who speaks ill of Shaikh Ubaid and some of the Ulama

Answer: Indeed, Shaikh Ubaid is a man from the ulama of Ahlus Sunnah.  He is like the other ulama of ahlus sunnah; he is sometimes correct and incorrect at other times; and we do not believe that Shaikh Ubaid and the rest of the Scholars do intend to make mistakes, just as Imaam Maalik and Imaam Ahmad were correct in issues and mistaken in issues; but to speak ill of the scholar due to a mistake he made, and to degrade and disrespect that scholar, then this from the most false of types of falsehood....[1][ [end of quote from lecture]

Shaikh Abdullaah Bukhaari (hafidha-hullaah) also stated:

And there is not of knowledge anything that has to do with insolence, thoughtlessness, concealment, lies, insults and its likes from the manners of the Ahlul Dzulm Wal Hawaa (The people of oppression and desires); rather knowledge is clarification of the truth and a refutation of falsehood.  Imaam Awzaaýee (rahimahullaah) said:

'knowledge is that which has been transmitted from the Companions of Muhammad (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam), and that which has not been transmitted from a single one of them, then that is not knowledge.'[2] [End of quote]

So may Allaah keep us safe and grant us the tawfeeq to approach the scholars with the manners and etiquettes to be employed in their presence or when speaking about them.

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullah Bin AbuBakr Al-Fulaani Al-Gambi

[1] Lecture by Shaikh Abdullaah Bukhaari (hafidha-hullaah) at the Conference at Maktabah Salafiyyah Birmingham     (August 2009) Translated by Abu Hakeem (hafidhahullaah)

[2] Al Maqaalaat Shar-iyyah by Shaikh Abdullah Bukhaari (hafidha-hullaah)

27-08-2009 @ 6:48 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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Haste Is From Shaytaan

O Youth Of Ahlus Sunnah!  Neither Ignore The Advice Of The Rabbaani Scholars Nor Embark Upon That Excitement And Zeal That Leads To Sin And Transgression In Times  Of Fitan And Severe Differing

Shaikh Abdullah Bukhaari (hafidha-hullaah) stated:

It is obligatory to attach the Ummah to the Rabbaani Scholars; those who are well known for their goodness, steadfastness, leadership; and sound advice to the Ummah; and they are those who teach the smaller affairs of knowledge before the greater affairs.  Therefore, their status must be made known amongst the people; because the Ulama are the inheritors of the Prophets, as reported in the narration [1] from the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam).        

Imaam Ibnul Qayyim (rahimahullaah) in explaining this hadith stated:

This is from the greatest of virtues of the people of knowledge; and because the Prophets are the best of the creation, so their inheritors are the best after them.  And when it is the case that every one who is inherited from passes on inheritance to his inheritor, then the inheritors are those who take the place of those they inherit from. And none will take the place of the Messengers in propagating what they have been sent with, except the Ulama.  They are the most worthy of their inheritance. [2] End of quote

So may Allaah guide us to correctness and grant us Tawfeeq to truly realize the station of the Ulama.  O hasty Youth!  Do not transmit statements in the name of enjoining good and forbidding evil in times of Fitan and severe differing, even though the Rabbaani Scholars have already adviced you to withhold your tongue.  

Sheikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) stated:

It is incumbent upon the one enjoining good and forbidding evil to have knowledge of that which he is enjoining and forbidding.  He (rahimahullaah) also said, 'It is incumbent upon the one who enjoins good and forbids evil, that his enjoining of good and forbidding evil is for the sake of Allaah, and that his intention is to rectify the affairs of the one he commands towards good and forbids from evil and to establish the proofs.  His intention should not be for seeking leadership for himself, or for his group or to diminish the worth of others. [3] End of quote

So, we refer the affairs back to the Rabbaani Scholars in times of severe differing.  Shaikh Zaid Bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee (hafidha-hullaah) stated:

Returning to the Book and the Sunnah in affairs in which differing occurs is a legislated shareeýah requirement, confirmed by the noble Revelation, and by sound and correct intellect, as Allaah (subhaanah) stated:

'And if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allaah and His Messenger, if you believe in Allaah and in the Last Day.  That is better and more suitable for final determination' [4:59]

And it cannot be debated that this is the balance for (attaining) correctness; but it should be (carried out) upon the understanding of the Salaf and upon their sound fundamentals and upright principles; because the well being of this Ummah is found in its former part; and returning to the text of the Book upon the understanding of the (salafus saaleh) is the practice of those Scholars who are firmly grounded in knowledge. End of quote [4]

So we ask Allaah for safety against that dangerous excitement and hastiness that afflicts some of the youth during times of severe differing, which leads them to oppression and evil speech.  Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) stated:

It is not for any of the Mu-allimeen (teachers, or disseminators of knowledge) to transgress against the other, or to cause harm by way of speech or action without due right; because Allaah (subhaanah) stated:

'And those who annoy believing men and women undeservedly, they bear (on themselves) the crime of slander and plain sin' [33:58)

He (rahimahullaah) also said:

And if a person commits a crime, then it is not permissible to punish him with other than a legislated shareeýah punishment.  And it not for any of the Muta-allimeen (seekers of knowledge) and the Ustaadheen (teachers, disseminators of knowledge) to punish him as he pleases; and it not for anyone one else to co-operate or agree with (this teacher or seeker of knowledge) upon that; such as when he commands the boycotting of an individual without that person committing a sin in opposition to the sharee'ah. [5] End of quote.

So we are not to ignore the advice of the Ulama in times of Fitan and severe differing; because this only leads to sins, transgression and speaking about the Religion of Allaah without knowledge. O youth! Withhold your tongue, and stick to the advice of the Rabbaani Ulama, such as the likes of Shaikh Rabee and his brothers amongst the Ulama of Ahlus Sunnah, and you will find yourself upon clear sightedness and safety in times of Fitan Inshaa-Allaah.  

'O Allaah, Lord of Jibraa'eel, Meekaaýeel and Israaýfeel, Creator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of the seen and the unseen.  You judge among your slaves concerning in that which they have differed.  Guide me rightly to that which has been differed upon of the truth by your leave, You guide whomever You will to a straight path.'[6]



1: Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud (rahimahullaa) 4/3642.  Allaamah Naasirud-deen Al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) (Saheeh At-Targheeb . Footnote Number 70; page:139)]

2: Maqaalaat Shar'iyyah of Sheikh (hafidha-hullaah) (page:15-16)

3: Quoted in small risaalah titled: Kun Salafiyyan Alal Jaad-dati, page: 62-63) read by shaikh Saaleh al Fawzaan; and its introduction was by Shaikh Ubaid and Sheikh Ali Naasir (may Allaah preserve all of them and their brothers amongst the ulama of ahlus Sunnah)

4: Al-Ajwibah As-Sadeedah Alaa Al-asýilah Ar-Rasheedah Vol 6; page:407

5. Quoted in Ddam At-Tahazzub Wal-Hizbiyyeen pages: 11-13 (Maktabah Al-Furqaan)

[6] Reported by Imaam Muslim (1/534)

20-12-2010 @ 8:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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Shaikh Rabee (hafidha-hullaah) stated:

Indeed, from the most severe of afflictions and trials upon Islaam and the
Muslims in this era, is the appearance of a group claiming to be upon the
methodology of Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jamaa-ah, but unfortunately this group does not act except in opposition to this manhaj and its people; openly at times and behind veils at other times.

And indeed this group has placed a heavy burden upon its shoulders, and
that is its defence of the people of innovation and misguidance.
   They author books in this regard and decorate statements for it; and they spread such defence in the world under the slogan of justice and equity or the manhaj of Muwaazanaat.

They exceed the limits in the affair of Fiqul Waaqi (knowledge of current
affairs) and speak ill of the scholars of the salafi methodology as a result of that; rather they degrade the methodology of the scholars as a
result of this and increase in ill speech against the salafi methodology
and its people. The effects of the path of justice and equity are
neither seen in their arguments against the people of the salafi
methodology nor in their praises and exaltations for the people of innovation.

Alongside concealing themselves with the Salafi Methodology, they are not
seen to give it importance except with respect to what they utilize to deceive those deceived by them, or (what they utilize as) garments of
salafiyyah in order to bring the people to their corrupt hizbi organization to kill off their love for the Salafi Methodology, the call to it, defence of it, traversing in it upon the methodology of the pious predecessors with the (correct) walaa wal baraa and being warned against  the people of innovation;

So they divert a great deal of people from the true methodology and the
truthful alliance for it; and (direct them) towards that passionate
allaince to the people of innovation and in defence of them, their
innovations and falsehoods; or playing down their innovations to the extent that it leads them to the station of the extreme murji-a with regards to their views towards the major innovations and greats affairs of opposition to the true religion of Allaah.

And due to this, hatred has occurred from them towards the carriers of the
Sunnah and the salafi methodology; and they set up those who present their
mistakes which have neither been criticized by a sunni nor a bid-i from
amongst those who ascribe themselves to Islaam.  They present these
mistakes as mighty affairs of blunder and destruction, rather they make the virtues and merits of ahlus sunnah to be repugnant and disdainful in
addition to much fabrication and accusation.

So with these disgraceful deeds they perpetrate, they are from the severest in war against the salafi methodology and its people; the severest in their opposition to the salafi methodology and its people; the most intense in their defence of the groups of innovation and fitan, their claims and methodologies.  They have authorships in this regard and from them: The many authorships of Shaikh Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq who carries the responsibility of this destructive orientation.[1]

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin AbeeBakr Bin Abdullaah Bin Abee Bakr
Bin Umar Al Fulaani Al-Gambi

[Source: Bayaanu Fasaadul Mi'yaar; Hiwaar Ma-a Hizbi Mutasattir; page:5-6] |

The Salafi Centre of Manchester
2 Dudley Street

21-12-2010 @ 9:16 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
Posts: 359
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An Affair Regarding Repentance Which Some Are heedless Of; That Is:

Has the person repented from the corrupt principles he was upon or
did he only repent from some of the mistakes he fell into?

Shaikh Abu Usaamah Al-Uthaybee (hafidha-hullaah) stated:

Many people are heedless of this affair, where a person has with him
corrupt principles he traverses upon and as a result of such principles,
there (occur) a number of various mistakes; then we find that such person
has recanted from some of those mistakes and someone embarks upon
announcing the repentance of such a deviated person due to the fact that he
has repented from some his mistakes, whilst being forgetful and heedless,
or being caused to be heedless of the corrupt principles which (such a
deviant) has not repented from yet.   And due to this, we find many of
those who repent either quickly returning to their mistakes which they
recanted from or to mistakes that are more severe, branching off from his
corrupt principles which he did not repent from.  

Therefore, the most important of that which is sought from a person who
repents, is that he repents from the corrupt principles he traverses upon
and from the mistakes that branches off from such corrupt principles.

Source: Muhammad Hassaan Wat-Tawbatun Nusooh; page:13-14 | [url=][/url]

The Salafi Centre of Manchester
2 Dudley Street

21-12-2010 @ 9:16 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
Posts: 359
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An Affair Regarding Repentance Which Some Are heedless Of; That Is:

Has the person repented from the corrupt principles he was upon or
did he only repent from some of the mistakes he fell into?

Shaikh Abu Usaamah Al-Uthaybee (hafidha-hullaah) stated:

Many people are heedless of this affair, where a person has with him
corrupt principles he traverses upon and as a result of such principles,
there (occur) a number of various mistakes; then we find that such person
has recanted from some of those mistakes and someone embarks upon
announcing the repentance of such a deviated person due to the fact that he
has repented from some his mistakes, whilst being forgetful and heedless,
or being caused to be heedless of the corrupt principles which (such a
deviant) has not repented from yet.   And due to this, we find many of
those who repent either quickly returning to their mistakes which they
recanted from or to mistakes that are more severe, branching off from his
corrupt principles which he did not repent from.  

Therefore, the most important of that which is sought from a person who
repents, is that he repents from the corrupt principles he traverses upon
and from the mistakes that branches off from such corrupt principles.

Source: Muhammad Hassaan Wat-Tawbatun Nusooh; page:13-14 | [url=][/url]

The Salafi Centre of Manchester
2 Dudley Street

23-12-2010 @ 6:43 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
Posts: 359
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A Reminder To The UK Allies Of Ihyaa Turaath

Imaam Al-Albaanee And The Imaam Of Jarh Wat Tadeel Of Our Era Unveil The Plots And Poison Of Some Of The Allies Of Abdur Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq Of Ihyaa Turaath

The Saahib Al-Miyaar (author of the book al-Miyaar), a student of Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq hid his identity and presented his poison to the Imaam of Jarh Wat-Tadeel of our times, saying:

Al-hamdulil-laah; we are not amongst those in agreement with either the old or new school of thought of Rabee, rather we traverse the appropriate methodology of criticism which has been affirmed by the precise researchers of the madhab of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa-ah such as Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmoo al-Fataawaa, Adh-Dhahabee in his authorships and Ibn Katheer in his work on history, which is brief in warning against innovation in aqeedah which the [person whose life story is being written about] was upon;  and (brief in ) warning against following him in that or relying on his statement on an issue of belief, whilst benefiting from his books in what is other than that and not completely invalidating his good deeds due to his innovations.  It [i.e. the above] is a methodology established upon the middle path and equity, in opposition to what is seen of Rabee past and present....]end of shubhah

Shaikh Rabee's Reply To The Above

I say:  

Firstly; from the most false of falsehoods is the acription to an old or new methodology.

Secondly; from the most false of falsehoods is the acription to Ibn Taymiyyah, Adh-Dhahabi and Ibn Katheer to that which the hizbiyyoon traverse of aiding ahlul bidah and defending them, particularly their leaders.  

The evidence against this lie is that since they began this dubious (affair), they have not been able up to this day to transmit anything from the pious predecessors of this Ummah from amongst the Sahaabah, the taabi-een and the Imaams of guidance in ascertaining this methodology (of theirs); and that which they ascribe to Ibn Taymiyyah is a lie, a deception and an attachment to some of his unclear statements.  

His books are filled with clear and evident texts in censoring ahlul bidah; an absolute censorship and rebuke in which is found nothing of muwaazanaat.  This is the greatest evidence against their fabrications against this Imaam, rather most of his life was spent in striving against ahlul bidah and he saw refutation against them to be Jihaad.            

The Shaikh [hafidha-hullaah] also said:

And where is Abdur Rahmaan and his student today, as it relates to the sound, truthful and sincere stance of Shaikhul Islaam towards Ahlul Bidah?  And how many can compete and pass him (Abdur-Rahmaan) and his student in their oppression and enmity against Ahlus Sunnah in defense of the people of innovation and misguidance?!

How many a statement and methodology have they falsified against ahlus sunnah, which (ahlus sunnah) is free from; how many a depreciable appalling affair is there between Abdur Rahmaan and his student (as opposed to the affair of) Ibn Taymiyyah, his methodology, his striving and suffering for the sake of Allaah?!

It is not possible for one to catch up with Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in everything, but who is upon his manhaj with regards to opposing bidah and its people; Is it Rabee or Abdur Rahmaan and his party, his followers and partisans?!

Shaikh Rabee (hafidha-hullaa) continues:

     And from the clearly exposed lies, is his statement: 'And Dha-habee in his authorships'

Adh-Dhahabee has four books in the science of Jarh and they are: Al Meezaan, Ad-deewaan Fid Du'afaa, Al-Mughnee and Adh-dhail Alad-deewaan.   As for the books, it has been transmitted in the biography of Al-Haarith Al-Mahaasibee about Abu Zur-ah warning against the books of Haarith, and he (Dha-habee) used that as support to warn against other than the books of Al-Haarith.

Adh-dhahabee (rahimahullaah) said: Al-Haafidh Saeed Bin Amr Al-Barda-ee said:  

'I was present with Abu Zur-ah and he was asked about Al-Haarith al-Mahaasibee and his books, so he said to the questioner: 'Beware of these books; these are books of bidah and misguidance.  So upon you is to stick to the narrations, for indeed you will find in the (narrations) what suffices you'  Then it was said to him, 'There are imporatnt lessons in these books', so he said: 'If there are no important lessons in the Book of Allaah for one, then there can be no important lessons for him in these books.  It has reached you that Sufyaan, Maalik and Awzaa-ee clasified these books as perilious and whisperings of the devils.  And how quickly are people (drawn towards) innovations.!?'

Adh-Dha-habee said: 'Al-Haarith died in the year 243AH and where are the likes of Al-Haarith?!  Therefore, what would it have been if Abu Zur'ah saw the books of those who came after.............

Shaikh Rabee said:

I say; May Allaah have mercy on Abu Zur-ah and the Imaams of Hadeeth in his era; what would it have been if he saw the books of Sayyid Qutb, such as Al-Adaalatu Al-Ijtimaa-iyyah in which he speaks ill of the companions of the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) and dropped the Khilaafah of Uthmaan (radiyallaahu-anhu); and in it he makes takfeer of banu umayyah from amongst the companions of the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam)........[1]

Imaam Naseerud-deen Al-Albaanee Clarifies

He (rahimahullaah) said:

That which is presented in the arena of discussions among many individuals around what is referred to as........or around this new innnovation referred to as 'muwaazanah' in criticism against men;  I say:

Criticism can either be with regards to the biography of a person; (that is) a criticism as it relates to a historical biography; So in this (case), mention must be made of what is good and ugly as it relates to his good and evil affairs (i.e. the person's biography).

But if the aim with regards to the biography of a man is to warn the muslims, especially the common people who do not possess knowledge of the state of affairs of men, their standing and shortcomings; and it may be that he has a fine and good reputation that is approved of by the common people, but embraces an evil aqeedah or evil manners and those common people are not aware of any of that from this man, then in this case this new innovation which is nowadays called muwaazanah is not carried out, and that is because the aim in this case is to give naseehah and it is not an entirely complete biography.   And whoever studies the Sunnah and the prophetic biography will not doubt the falsehood of the unconditional application of this innovated principle nowadays, and that is muwaazanah.  

And that is because we find ten texts in the ahaadith of the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) making mention of evil related to a person on an occasion in which giving advise is  imperitive and not imperitive in presenting a complete biography  of the man regading whom the people are given advise.  The ahaadith in this regard are too many to be presented in this quick (discussion/conversation), but laabasah in mentioning an example or more if that is facilitated.

It has been transmitted in Saheeh Al-Bukhaari that a man sought permission to see the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam), so he said:

'Allow him to enter.  What an evil man, the brother of the clan or father of the clan he is.  When the man entered, the Prophet was preasant and spoke to him gently.  After the man departed they said: 'O Messenger of Allaah! You said what you said about this man, and then you spoke to him gently.'  He replied: 'The most wretched of the people are those who the people abandon fearing their evil.'

The Prophet did not apply to this man the contemporary new innovation (of Muwaazanah), because this is not a domain of giving a biographical (account) a man, rather it is a domain of  warning, and a description of this man so that caution is taken with regards to him.....[End quote from Imaam Al-Albaanee]

For further details see 'Bayaanu Fasaadul Miyaar; Hiwaar Ma-a Hizbi Mutasattir: pages: 156 onwards' Also, one may find this discussion in the Majmoo-ah of Shaikh Rabee which is a 15vol set.

We ask Allaah to grant our ulama thabaat and continue to raise their status in this life; and that He (subhaanah) raise their status in the afterlife and enter them into Jannatul Firdaus.  We ask Allaah to protect us and the maraakiz of salafiyyah from every divider and preacher of shubuhaat.  

We ask Him (subhaanah) to protect us from the enmity, deceit and envy of the hizbiyyoon, of those seeking to destroy the sound principles of salafiyyah as it relates to the correct implementation of love and hate for the sake of Allaah.  

We ask Him (subhaanah) to show us haqq and baatil as they should be seen, and protect us from the evils of our souls and the whisperings of the shayaateen amongst mankind and Jinn.  

We ask Him (subhaanah) to strengthen the unity of the brothers in the maraakiz of salafiyyah in Birmingham, Manchester, Bradford, Bolton, Stoke-on-trent, London, Cardiff  and elsewhere; and that He (subhaanah) grants us tawfeeq to attain beneficial knowledge, pure provison and righteous actions.

And we ask Him (subhaanah) to guide those who are bent upon destroying the sound principles of salafiyyah, and that he guides or exposes those who claim to be followers of the ulama of salafiyyah, but are foremost in opposing the sound principles they transmit from the salaf of this Ummah.

And Allaah knows best

And may Allaah send His Salaah and Salaam upon our noble Messenger Muhammad (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam), his family and companions.

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin Abeebakr Bin Abdullaah Bin Abeebakr Bin Umar Al-Fulaani Al-Gambi | [url=][/url]

The Salafi Centre of Manchester
2 Dudley Street

25-12-2010 @ 7:17 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Some Manifest Similarities;

[Some Shared Methods And Ambitions]

A Brief Look At Some Manifest Similarities Within The
Ihyaa Turaath -Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth UK


Question To Imaam Al Albaanee (rahimahullaah)

Have you come across a book written (titled) 'Al-Muslimoona Wal-Amalus
Siyaasee, or in a cassette other than that (of) Shaikh Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul
Khaaliq's book?


Perhaps surely I have read it.  I have observations/remarks on it, because from a (certain) view point we hold that political activity is premature at present.  And in my belief, the brothers in Kuwait have become like ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen.  They do not give importance to dawah; they do not give importance to what is called Tasfiyah Wat-Tarbiyyah [Purification and Cultivation]; their concern is politics, position, elections, parliament and what is similar to that; and it is clear that at the most some of the unlawful (affairs) will be committed due to it..... [End of quote] Siyaanatus Salafi:page: 613]

Pay attention to the statement of Imaam Al Albaanee (rahimahullaah) as

'And in my belief, the brothers in Kuwait have become like Ikhwaan Al-

Shared Characteristics Between
Ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen,
Ihyaa Turaath And Its Uk Allies

First shared characteristic: [Hiding Their True Reality From The

Pay attention to the statement of Shaikh Saaleh Aala Shaikh (hafidha-
hullaah) on Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen as follows:

'As for Ikhwaan  Al-Muslimeen, from that which is the most manifestly
evident of dawah with them is that they conceal, disguise, change colours
and get close to the one they believe will benefit them and not making
known their true reality.  The reality of the affair is hidden; and amongst them is one who mingles with some of the ulamaa and the mashaa-yikh for a long time and he (the aalim or shaikh)  knows not their reality.  He makes manifest a statement but hides the opposite; he does not say all that he has with him..........[Al-Fataawaa Al-Muhimmah Fee Tabsiratil Ummah: page:180]

Pay attention to the statement of Shaikh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) on Ihyaa

'As for Shaikh Al Albaanee, he freed himself from them long ago and
Shaikh Bin Baaz disapproved of them in some affairs.  The hizbiyyoon are
deceivers; they approach the virtuous mashaa-yikh of ahlus sunnah, amongst
those who trust them and say: 'O Shaikh! Indeed a lot of good has been
actualized through us, indeed we went to Africa'; when in reality they
went to split the unity of the Muslims.....'we went to Pakistan and to
such and such, so the Shaikh believes (that).  And indeed he (Shaikh Bin
Baaz) has refuted Abdur -Rahmaan Bin Abdul Khaaliq and I am sure that if
their [ihyaa turaath] affair becomes clear to him, he will free himself
from them' [Siyaanatus Salafi: page:619-620]

Second shared characteristic: [Politics, position, elections, parliament etc]


Pay attention to the statement of Imaam Al Albaanee (rahimahullaah) on
Ihyaa turaath as follows:

'They do not give importance to what is called Tasfiyah Wat-Tarbiyyah
[Purification and Cultivation]; their concern is politics, position,
elections, parliament and what is similar to that.' [Siyaanatus Salafi:


Pay attention to statement of Shaikh Saaleh Bin Abdul Azeez Aala Shaikh
(hafidha-hullaah) on Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen as follows:

'And also from what is apparent of them, is that they deem it
appropriate to gain authority.....' [Al-Fataawaa Al-Muhimmah Fee
Tabsiratil Ummah: page:181]


Pay attention to the statement of Shaikh Ubaid  on the Uk Allies Of Ihyaa
Turaath at Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth UK (Greenlane) as follows:

'And from the Political Groups (Al-Jamaa'aat As-Siyaasiyah) which I see should not be co-operated with or to come under their banner is the Jamaa-ah Ahlul Hadeeth in Birmingham, Britain, whose head is Abdul Haadi Al-Omari......'[]

Third shared characteristic: [Spreading lies and slander against those
who caution the youth against their path and methodology]

Pay attention to the statement of Shaikh Saaleh bin Abdul Azeez Aala Shaikh (hafidha-hullaah) on Ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen as follows:

'They warn against those who refute them.  If they see an individual
amongst the people who knows about their methodology and path and begin
to refute them, and warns the youth from affiliation to repugnant partisanship,they begin to warn against him through different paths/ways;
sometimes accusing him, sometimes telling lies about him and sometimes
charging him with things he is free from, whilst knowing that to be a lie.
Sometimes they pursue his mistakes and vilify him; and they inflate that so as to prevent the people from following truth and guidance........' [Al-Fataawaa Al-Muhimmah Fee Tabsiratil Ummah: page:181]


Pay attention to the statement of Shaikh Rabee (hafidha-hullaah) on the
Ihyaa Turaath as follows:

'And due to this, hatred has occurred from them towards the carriers of the Sunnah and the salafi methodology; and they set up those who present their mistakes which have neither been criticized by a Sunni nor a bid-i from amongst those who ascribe themselves to Islaam.  They present these mistakes as mighty affairs of blunder and destruction, rather they make the virtues and merits of ahlus sunnah to be repugnant and disdainful in addition to much fabrication and accusation...... [Bayaan Fasaadul Miyaar;Hiwaar Ma-a Hizbi Mutasattir: page: 5-6]

Pay attention to the actions of those who find shelter with Jamiat Ahle
Hadeeth UK (Greenlane) to narrate untruth:  [See on this website sticky: Those who narrate falsehood to Shaikh Waseelul-laah]


Therefore, it makes sense; Jamiat Ahle Uk (Greenlane) utilizes some of
these methods of Ihyaa Turaath against Salafipublications, because
Salafipublications and the rest of the Maraakiz of Salafiyyah hold onto the detailed criticisms of the scholars against the repugnant hizbiyyah of
Ihyaa Turaath, whilst Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth UK (Greenlane) are open allies to Ihyaa Turaath.  

We ask Allaah to protect us and rectify their affairs.  We ask Allaah for
Sidq, Thabaat, Ikhlaas and Istiqaamah upon the clear manhajus salafi.  And
Allaah knows best.

May Allaah send His salaah and salaam upon our noble Messenger Muhammad
(sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam), his family and companions.

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin AbeeBakr Bin Abdullaah Bin AbeeBakr
Bin Umar Al-Fulaani Al-Gambi

Detailed exposition see:
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The Salafi Centre of Manchester
2 Dudley Street

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Ask Abu Usaamah And Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth
Some Questions
After Reading The Following Advice

Shaikh Rabee Clarifies: The Differing Of The Salafi Youth Concerning The Repentance Of An Opposer Of The Salafi Manhaj

Question to Shaikh Rabee Bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee (hafidha-hullaah):

A lot of faults and differing occurs amongst the Salafi youth as a result of the return or claimed return of an opposer of the Salafi Manhaj to the domain of Salafiyyah; What is your advice to the youth, (as) some of them accept the repentance of (such a person) and others do not.


Whatever the case may be, if a person falls into Sin, Shubhah and Bidah and then repents and turns in repentance and obedience to Allaah, it is not permissible for anyone to close the door of repentance in his face; because the door of repentance is open up until the sun rises from The West.  If a person repents and returns, it is obligatory to praise and encourage him.

However, some people are well known for lying and changing colour (i.e. inconsistent), so he acts as if he is repentant.  With regards to this person, we say: Inshaa-Allaah your repentance is accepted, but we are cautious of him until he manifests his correct repentance.

Abul Hasan Al-Ash-ari announced his repentance on the Mimbar.  He used to be an extreme Mutazili; a leader from the leaders of the Mutazilah and he persisted in defence of this evil school of thought for forty years and repented after that.  He announced his repentance, and from the proofs of his repentance is that he began to author books of astounding refutations against  the Mutizalah; (in) refutation of their Shubuhaat.  So there are signs of truthful acts of repentance that dispels doubts; Meaning: He publicised and manifested, with regards to what he displayed to the people that he follows the haqq.

So there are affairs that show the truthfulness of (the repentant one) and there are factual evidences that show the untruthfulness of (the one who merely claims to have repented).  He (the person) is encouraged if there are factual evidences showing his truthfulness, and it is incumbent upon the Salafiyyoon to be cautious of him if there are factual evidences showing only the mere claims of his, as it can be that he is being deceitful; because right now is an era of Siyaasah, Nifaaq and Taqiyyah.

The groups are widespread; It is not possible to ruin the Salafi youth and (it is not possible) to hinder the Salafi youth from the Manhajus Salafi, except with either claims of (ascription) to Salafiyyah or (claims) of withdrawal from mistakes that are in opposition to the Salafi Manhaj.  So if they incline towards him, he can be capable of enticing the one he can entice amongst them towards a corrupt Manhaj.  This does take place.

Whatever the case may be, encouragement is given to the one from whom repentance is manifested and it is incumbent to be cautious of the one from whom playing games is manifested.  The Salafiyyoon should be alert with regards to the likes of these (people).

[Source: Siyaanatus Salafi Min Waswasati Wa-Talbeesaat Ali Al-Halabi: page: 79-80]              

Where Does Abu Usaamah And Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth Fit In The Above


Have they freed themselves from Abul Hasan Al Maribi (Al-Mubtadi) and his followers at Masjid As-Sunnah (Manchester), Luton and elsewhere?!

Have they  freed themselves from the hizbiyyoon of Ihyaa Turaath?!

Have they freed themselves from the Mubtadi Maghraawi and his followers at Luton and elsewhere?!

Have they  freed themselves from the {b]Mubtadi Ali Halabi and his followers.?! | [url=][/url]

The Salafi Centre of Manchester
2 Dudley Street

11-01-2011 @ 2:38 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Ihyaa Turaath and Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth UK
Ali Halabi and Abu Usaamah Adh-Dhahabi

Some Beneficial Points and Reminders from Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool's Rebuttal of Ali Halabi (Al-Mubtadi)

Two False Principles of the Illegal Partisans
We Advise and We Do Not Make Jarh

We Do Not Make Our Differing Concerning Other than Us a Reason for Differing Amongst Ourselves

Shaikh Ahmad Bin Umar Bin Saalim Baazmool (hafidha-hullaah) stated:

Al-Halabi followed these two principles to commend Ahlul Bidah and (to) defend himself and them.  

The affair of commending Ahlul Bidah on Halabiýs part is the essence of the struggle between him and the Salafi Scholars; and because of it, he made up principles, spoke ill of Salafi scholars and students and praised the adversaries of the Salafiyyeen.  And due to this, this affair is the true justification of the decisive battle between truth and falsehood with regards to the differing of the Salafiyyeen with Halabi.


Al Halabi stated in that which he called the Manhaj of the Salafus Saaleh:

'The differing within the sphere of Ahlus Sunnah with regards to Tabdee is a tolerable differing; it neither warrants boycott nor renunciation, nor Tabdee.' (i.e. Al-Halabi means that when Ahlus Sunnah differ with regards to whether a particular individual is an innovator or not, this differing does not lead them to boycott, renounce and make tabdee of one another)

Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool then replied to Ali halabi as follows:

I say, whilst seeking the Aid and Assistance of Allaah:

[1] Al-Halabi is not able to make clear his opposition to the Salafi Manhaj, because he wants     to continue being Salafi together with all his opposition and his war against the Salafi Manhaj, so that he may misguide greater numbers from the Salafiyyeen.  This is the desire of Ihyaa Turaath Al-Islaamee and those Ahlul Ahwaa whose aim is to strike at the Salafi Manhaj and its unmatched men of distinction.      

[2] The new Manhaj of Al-Halabi is built upon erroneous (affairs) and philosophy, and this speech from him is an example of that.  So he made the truth falsehood and falsehood the truth Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaah.  Inshaa-Allaah weýll come across many of his erroneous (affairs).

[3] Here Al-Halabi claims that his differing with the Salafiyyeen regarding those he commends amongst Ahlul Bidah is from the realm of the differing of Ahlus Sunnah; a tolerable differing which does not bring about the ruling of boycotting, Tabdee and so on.    

[4] In reality Al-Halabi knows of the condition of those whom he defends, praises and finds excuses for by way of falsehood.   And there is nothing more indicative of that but a number of affairs that unveils Al Halabiýs condition and that he is manipulative with these commendations.

Firstly: Al-Halabi sits with them and came to know of their condition, just as he makes it clear and boasts about that.  Indeed, he came to know of what they have with them of misguidance at first hand.

Secondly: it occurred from him in the past that he spoke ill of and censured those he commends at present, such as his statement concerning Muhammad Hassaan that he is a Qutbi; alongside (the fact) that their condition at present is severer than before.

Thirdly: those scholars who commended some of the innovators; when condition of (those innovators) became clear to them, they spoke ill of them and withdrew their commendations.  This is demonstrated by the case of Imaam Ahmad with Ibn Humaid when he (Imaam Ahmad) used to praise him, but when he came to know of (Ibn Humaidýs) condition he spoke against him and made Jarh of him.

Fourthly: the condition of those whom Al-Halabi defends is not obscure in respect to him, as opposed to some of the people of knowledge who came across that which they gave recommendation for and they did not come across the reasons for making Jarh.  This happens to the great Imaams.  

Then it is said to Halabi:

Have Ahlus Sunnah differed with regards to those whose Manhaj is Qutbiyyah, Sorooriyyah, Ikhwaaniyyahýý..Do Ahlus Sunnah differ if it is established with them regarding  a man who praises and defends Ahlul Bidah and other than that from the affairs that are in opposition (to Salafiyyah)?  A mention of this is to come Inshaa-Allaah.

[Further details: See Siyaanatus Salafi Min Was-wasati Wa-Talbeesaat Ali Al-Halabi)] page: 158-160]

Imaam Al Al-Baanee (rahimahullaah) and Shaikh Rabee (hafidha-hullaah)Are Free From the Distortions of Ali Halabi

Shaikh Ahmad Bin Umar Bin Saalim Baazmool (hafidha-hullaah) stated:

Ash-Shaikh Al-Allaama Rabee Al-Madkhalee stated in An-Naseehah as also (stated) in that which Al-Halabi called the Manhaj of the Salafus Saaleh:

'And of that which Ikrimah was disparaged for, is that he was upon the madhab of the khawaarij.  Some of the Imaams made Jarh of him with thisýand Imaam Bukhaari did not accept their Jarh due to the weakness of their proof/s.'

Al-Halabi attached his statement to the (above statement of Shaikh Rabee) stating:

'There is the proof', but Bukhaari declared it weak!!  

Therefore, if this differing is repeatedýwith acceptance and rejectionýin the history of the realm of criticism or disparagement at present or in futureýdoes it become a reason for argumentation, toppling (one another) or disputation between those who have differedýwhilst they are upon a singular truthful Manhaj and a singular true aqeedah?!  

Is it that when Bukhaari differed in thatý(with) the one who differed (with him) concerning the one who was disparaged and spoken ill of--; did that become a reason to topple Bukhaari alongside confirmation of the opposite (of this)! Or (did that become a reason) to eradicate and speak ill of him?! Remembering (also) that the position of Bukhaari here was (in relation) to an Aqeedah issue.      

I always reiterate this in particularýand some people have criticized me for this without right, that: 'We Do Not Make Our Differing Concerning Other than Us a Reason for Differing Amongst Ourselves.'

It is very clear that my intention (behind) ýýOur Differingýý is (a reference) to Ahlus Sunnah and the callers to the Manhaj of the Salaf.  And due to this, we find that the Scholars neither (declared) one another misguided nor (declared) one another innovators alongside their severe differences in some of the issues (of the religion); as in Salaatul Taraaweeh (page: 36-37) of our Shaikh, The Resolute Imaam. (i.e. Shaikh Al Al-Baanee)

And Shaikh Rabee Bin Haadee (May Allaah Aid Him) stated with regards to some of his statements directed at some of those he consider to be innovators and that which occurred of differing with other than him in this; (saying):

'So why this staunch differing that makes the enemies laugh?  I appeal (to you) to be just towards your brothers with whom to till now the errors have not become manifest; and that (you) restrain (your tongues) from them, rather respect them and declare their innocence.'

Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool (hafidha-hullaah) continued his reply to Al Halabi as follows:

I say, whilst seeking the Aid and Assistance of Allaah:

Al-Halabi has not ceased being continuous upon his errors.  He mixes up the pages in order to remove himself from the dilemma of commending Ahlul Bidah, (his) defence of them and the origin of that; even if that (is done) by way of changing the realities or (by way of) Tadlees and Talbees!

For there is a difference between the differing that is based upon an unintended mistake alongside striving to seek the truth and the one who intentionally errs and continues upon his falsehood and desires.  (The former is) rewarded and (the latter) is sinful and held accountable by the Islamic law.

Then, is the differing concerning Ikrimah (who was one of the Imaams of Tafseer in his era, rather one of the Imaams in his lifetime) the same as the differing concerning Muhammad Hassaan, Maribee, Al Huwaynee, Al-Maghraawee, Ar-oor and other than them; was Ikrimah involved in an open bidah and (did) he wage war against the Salafi Manhaj, or is it that (what he was charged with) is something un-established and incorrect about him, as opposed to those whom you (Ali Halabi) defend, for their voices and writings pronounce them guilty and have been established against them in truth; (and) they were disparaged by those who disparaged them from the Salafi Scholars.  [Siyaanatus salafi: page: 162]

Next Topic: Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool Clarifies what Ali Halibi distorted of the statements of Shaikh Al Al-Baanee (rahimahullaah) and Shaikh Rabee (hafidha-hullaah) to prove his falsehood [See Siyaanatus Salafi: Page:162 onwards]

Reader: The Methodology Of Ihyaa Turaath, Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth, Ali Halabi And Abu Usaamah Is The Same

The above tricks of Ali Halabi are no different from that of Abu Usaamah and Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth UK;

Ali halabi utilizes false principles and trickery to defend innovators and Abu Usaamah also defends innovators.  

Ihyaa Turaath shelters innovators such as Abdur Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq and Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth also shelters those who either defend or praise innovators, such as Abu Usaamah (a defender of Maribi) and Abdul Haadee (one who praises the leader of the brelvis).

Ali Halabi utilizes the general statements of the ulama without returning to the detailed statements that explains those general statements; likewise, Abu Usaamah deliberately abandons the detail statements of the ulama against innovators such as Maribi, Maghraawi etc and clings to the general statements of the Ulamaa.

All of this is carried out by way false principles, which Sheikh Ahmad Baazmool has detailed in his book (Siyaanatus Salafi).  It is a thorn in the throats of those who defend innovators upon error.        

So, it is better that the hizbiyyoon are sincere to the manhaj, rather than expect the salafiyyoon to keep silent about the corrupt principles they employ to protect the innovators and false claimants to salafiyyah.

And Allaah knows best

To be continued......Inshaa-Allaah

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin AbeeBakr Bin Abdullaah Bin AbeeBakr Bin Umar Al-Fulaani Al-Gambi | [url=][/url]

The Salafi Centre of Manchester
2 Dudley Street

14-01-2011 @ 3:44 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Ihyaa Turaath and Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth UK
Ali Halabi and Abu Usaamah Khaleefah Adh-Dhahabi

Shaikh Rabee (hafidha-hullaah) and Imaam Al Al-baanee Are Free from the Distortions of Ali Halabi

Ali Halabi stated:

'I always reiterate this in particularýand some people have criticized me for this without right, that: 'We Do Not Make Our Differing Concerning Other than Us a Reason for Differing Amongst Ourselves.'  It is very clear that my intention (behind) 'Our Differing' is (a reference) to Ahlus Sunnah and the callers to the Manhaj of the Salaf.  And due to this, we find that the Scholars neither (declared) one another misguided nor (declared) one another innovators alongside their severe differences in some of the issues (of the religion); as in Salaatul Taraaweeh (page: 36-37) of our Shaikhýý(i.e. Shaikh Al Al-Baanee)'

Shaikh Ahmad Bin Umar Bin Saalim Baazmool (hafidha-hullaah) responded to Ali Halabi's falsehood as follows:

As for Albaaneeýs statement, it is in complete agreement with the statements of our Salafi Scholars and not at difference.  It is a proof against you O Halabi and a refutation of your new false methodology.  

He (Al-Albaaneeýrahimahullaah) differentiates between the mistaken one, the person of desires and the persistent obstinate one.  

His speech in the Mas-alah is firmly established to embark upon refutation of your falsehood completely, and I will present it due to its numerous benefits and in order to silence Al-Halabi with the speech of Al-albaanee (Al-Imaam).    

Al Albaanee (rahimahullaah) said:

Our position towards those in opposition to us in this Mas-alah and other than it: If that is known, none would have presumed when we choose to restrict ourselves to the Sunnah with regards to the number of the Taraweeh Rakýaat and not allowing an increase in it, that indeed we declare misguided or make Tabdee of those early and later scholars who hold not that view; just as some people think.

They hold this as a proof in speaking ill of us, and they presume that our statement: 'such and such an affair is not permissible or that it is a bidah' necessitates that everyone who speaks about it being permissible or recommended is misguided and is an innovator.  Nay, indeed this is a presumption and extreme ignorance; because the innovation (for) which the performer is dispraised and (for which) the ahaadith reproaching innovation are conveyed against him, is (that) devised path in the religion that resembles the shareeýah through which exaggeration in the worship of Allaah is intended.  

So whoever innovates an innovation (and) intends exaggeration in worship by way of it, whilst knowing that it is not from the shareeýah; then he is the one the ahaadeeth are directed at.  As for the one who falls into it unknowingly and does not intend exaggeration in worship by way of it; then neither is he absolutely implicated by these ahaadeeth nor are they related to him; rather these (ahaadeeth) relate to those Mubtadi-a who stand (as obstacles) in the path of dissemination of the Sunnahýýý[1]

As for the statement of Shaikh Rabee Al Madkhalee, I do not know whether you do not have intelligence or that you do not understand the statement or that you are a Mulabbis and a Mudallis.  The statement of Shaikh Rabee (as follows): 'I appeal (to you) to be just towards your brothers with whom the errors have not become manifest till now'

So is it that the errors have not become clear to you (i.e. Ali Halabi) and that you are not acquainted with it? Then, you are not included in this statement of Shaikh Rabee; rather you are a person of desires. [End of quote from Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool]

Ali Halabi has been declared an innovator by Shaikh Rabee due to his many false principles and his defence of innovators.   Likewise Abdur Rahmaan Bin Abdul Khaaliq of Ihyaa Turaath has been declared an innovator by Shaikh Muqbil (rahimahullaah).  Likewise, Abul Hasan al-Maribi and Maghraawi have been declared innovators due to their false principles and persistence upon falsehood.  The evidences against these innovators have been detailed by those scholars who refuted them.  

We transmit the verdicts of the Ulama and we ask Allaah to protect us from the deceitful methods of the hizbiyyoon of Jamiat Ahle hadeeth and Ihyaa Turaath; for they deliberately turn a blind eye to the Jarh Mufassar of the Ulama and cling to their general statements.

Ihyaa Turaath and Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth are aware of the state of affairs of these innovators mentioned above, but hizbiyyah prevents them from the correct walaaa wal baraa to be applied upon the innovators.  

Likewise, we see Abu Usaamah persisting in his defence of these innovators.  Abu Usaamah has not been declared an innovator, but it is very clear to the Mashaayikh such as Shaikh Ubaid, Shaikh Falaah Ismaa-eel, Shaikh Rabee Bin Haadee, Shaikh Anjari, Shaikh Ahmad As-Sibaayee, Shaikh Muhammad Bin Haadee etc that indeed Abu Usaamah is a defender of those innovators mentioned above and that he is a representative of an organization that co-operates with ahlul bidah.  

And none denies this except a person who is either genuinely unaware of these affairs or a diseased partisan of Ihyaa Turaath and Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth.

So we advise the brothers to obtain a copy of Siyaanatus Salafi and acquaint themselves with the many deceptions and false principles of the hizbiyyoon; for indeed they seek to uproot the correct walaa wal baraa of the salafiyyoon wal-iyaadho-billaah.

We ask Allaah for Thabaat, Sidq, Istiqaamah and Ikhlaas in holding onto the correct manhaj positions.  And we ask Him (subhaanah) to protect us the plots, hatred, lies and slander of those bent upon defence of the organizations of Tahazzub.

And Allaah knows best

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin Abeebakr Bin Abdullaah Bin AbeeBakr Bin Umar Al-Fulaani Al-Gambi

To be continued......Inshaa-Allaah | [url=][/url]

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2 Dudley Street

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