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» Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan: It is obligatory to clarify the danger of at-Tahazzub and the danger of dividing and splitting
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15-07-2006 @ 5:29 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
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This post has moved. You can find this article at the Website of Masjid Aboo Bakr as-Siddeeq in Atlanta  (
Click [url=]here[/url] to download the question and answer in PDF format.

Ibn Taahir al-Maqdisee al-Haafidh said, "I heard the Imaam, Aboo Ismaa'eel 'Abdullaah bin Muhammad al-Ansaaree saying, while he was in Haraah:
'The sword was put to my neck five times [and each time] it was not said to me, 'Leave your madhhab' but it was said to me, 'Remain silent about those who are in opposition to you'. So I would say, 'I will not remain silent'."
[Aadaab us-Sharee'ah (1/207) of Ibn Muflih]

23-09-2006 @ 7:56 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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In explanation of the statement of Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul wahhab ''ilam rahimakallah- know may Allah have mercy upon you'', sheikh Saaleh al Fawzaan (hafidha-hullaah) stated:

''Rahima-kallaah'':  This is a supplication made for the student of knowledge.  The sheikh (Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab) supplicates for the Mercy of Allah upon the students of knowledge, that Allah has mercy upon them.  So in this is gentleness from the teacher towards the student.  Indeed he (the teacher) begins with a good word, and a righteous supplication (for the student) until that has an effect thereby making the student incline towards his teacher with acceptance.

But if he (the teacher) began with a harsh statement or a statement not deem proper, this would make him flee.  Therefore, it is waajib upon the teacher and upon the one who calls to Allah, and upon the one who enjoins good and forbids evil, that he is gentle with the one he addresses-by way of supplication for him, commendation, and soft speech.  For indeed, this calls for acceptance (i.e. one's call to the truth to be accepted by the ones he is calling)  

But as for the mu-aanid, (the stubborn willful opposer) indeed this one is to be addressed differently.  Allah (subhaanah) said:  

''And argue not with the people of the Scripture unless it be in a way that is better, except with such of them as do wrong----''29:46

Those who do wrong among the people of the scripture, willfully opposing and are haughty/proud- these ones are not addressed with that which is better, rather they are addressed with that which will prevent from their (harm and misguidance).  Allah said:  

''O Prophet (Muhammad)! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be harsh against them, their abode is Hell,-and worst indeed is that destination'' 9:73

Striving against the hypocrites is not done with silaah (weapons), rather it is done with proofs, words/statements, refutation against them with harshness that prevents (from their misguidance and harm), and to keep the people away from them.  Allah said about them (i.e. the hypocrites)

''but admonish them, and speak to them an effective word to reach their innerselves'' 4:63        

So for these ones, a particular type of speech is prescribed because they are willful opposers and proud ones.  They do not want the haqq, rather they want to misguide the people.  So they are addressed in a way they deserve.    

As for the seeker of guidance, this one is addressed with rifq, rahmah and gentleness.  That is because he wants the truth, knowledge and faa-ida (i.e. that which benefits him/her of good). ''end of quote Ref: sharh usool thalatha of sheikh fawzaan, page13-15
All praise is due to Allah (Who- by His Great Mercy) makes known the clear sharee-ah proofs in every affair by way of the ilm of the kitaab and the sunnah transmitted from the inheritors of the prophets (i.e. the ulema).  Indeed, the above clarification of sheikh Fawzaan is far removed from that blameworthy type of attachment practiced by those who defend and stick to defiant and stubborn opposers of the manhajus Salafi.  The mu-aanid is neither similar to the seeker of guidance nor is he similar to the one ignorant of the sources of the authentic sunnah and its upholders.  

In this is a nullification of the dangerous principles of those ones (such as jamiat ahle Hadith Uk, ihya turaath, and others) who allow within their ranks some of the heads of the innovators among the deobandees, the qutbees, the ikhwaanees, etc.--all of whom are clear opponents of the manhajus Salafi, the sunnah and its ulema.  

We ask Allah for safety

Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah al Gambi

03-10-2006 @ 9:05 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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Beneficial Reminder From Sheikh Saaleh al Fawzaan Concerning The Danger Of The Eloquent Speech Of The Callers To Misguidance

The long Hadith collected by Imam Bukhari [(rahimahullah)Vol 9, No:7084.]on the authority of Hudhaifa Bin al-Yamaan (radiyallaahu anhu), that  evil will appear, until there appears callers to the gates of hell-fire, and that whoever responds to their call will be thrown by them in the fire.  These callers will be from our own people and will speak our language.

The Messenger (sallal-laahu alayhi wasallam) said:

''They(i.e. these callers to the gates of hell-fire) will be from our own people and will speak our language''

Sheikh Saaleh Al Fawzaan said:  

This is Calamity!!  Indeed, they are close to us.  They are from our community and country. Had they been foreigners, had they been from America or other than it, then the affair would have been easy.  However, the problem is that they are the son/s of so and so, and it may be that they say, ''I am a scholar, and I have with me shahaadaat ilmiyyah and I am...and I am...

They are from us, and they speak with our tongue.  They are Arabs like us; rather they possess eloquence.  When they write or deliver a speech, or a lecture, they speak with our tongue just as Allah said concerning the hypocrites:

''And when they speak, you listen to their words'' (Al Munaafiquun 63:4)

They possess eloquence that grabs the attention of the listener.  The listener listens to them because of their eloquent speech.   The Prophet (sallal-laahu alayhi wasallam) said:  

''Indeed some eloquent speech has the influence of magic''(e.g., some people refuse to do something and then a good eloquent speaker addresses them and then they agree to do that very thing after his speech) (Bukhari Vol 7. Hadith No: 5146)

They speak with our tongue (i.e the Arabic tongue).  And had they spoken with a foreign language or the language of the Persians, there would not have been inclination towards them.  However, the problem is that when they speak with eloquent speech/good style of speech, the people are lured towards them.  This is from the height of fitnah.[Ref: Sharhu Hadiithi inna kunnaa fee jaahiliyyatin of sheikh Fawzaan, Page 35-36]


Therefore, O Sunni Salafi, ponder upon the words of the Allaama Saaleh al Fawzaan (hafidha-hullah) and ask Allah for firmness upon the sunnah.  Do not bewildered by the great numbers of open callers to shirk and innovations from among the 72 destroyed sects upon opposition to the way of our salafus saalih, nor join those so-called eloquent speakers of the parties and organizations upon haraam unity.  

How many a feeble people have lend an ear to the deceitful heads among the (marabiyyoon, ihya turaath, jamiat ahle Hadith UK etc-who openly extend co-operation to the extreme misguided soofees and takfeeris, whilst openly declaring their hatred for the salafis).wal-iyaadzo-billah.  We ask Allah to guide us and them to that which pleases Him (subhaanah)    

Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah Bin AbuBakr Al Fulaani al Gambi

26-11-2006 @ 11:02 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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How To Deal With The Innovators/s

Sheikh Saaleh al Fawzaan (May Allah preserve him) states:

It is forbidden to visit the innovator and to sit with him, unless it is for the (purpose) of advice and rejection of what he is upon.   That is because keeping his company has an evil effect and leads to spreading his enmity (i.e. his misguidance) to others.  It is obligatory to warn against them (i.e. the innovators), and to warn against their evil if it becomes impossible to prevent them from practicing innovation.  

And if not, it is obligatory upon the scholars of the Muslims and those in charge of the affairs of the Muslims to prevent and restrain the innovators from their evil.  That is because the danger they pose to Islaam is great.  

It must be known that the nations of disbelief encourage the innovators in spreading their innovations, and aid them upon that in creating divergent paths (i.e. disunite the word of the Muslims and create sects that are in opposition to the singular path of the Salafus Saalih in Belief and Methodology).  That is because in this is termination of Islaam and distortion of its image.  And Allah knows best.

We ask Allah (subhaanah) to aid His Religion and make His Word Uppermost, and make His enemies forsaken.  Wa sallal laahu alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad wa aalihi wa sahbihee.  

[Source: Al Irshaad ilaa Saheehil Ittiqaad War Raddu alaa Ahli Ash-Shirki Wal Ilhaad of sheikh fawzaan (Page:455)]

So know O Sunni Salafi (may Allah guide us and you to fairness), have the heads at Jamiat ahle Hadith openly renounced their alliances with ahlul bidah or not.  Is it not what sheikh fawzaan has clarified become the reality of these heads.  Indeed, their alliance with ahlul bidah has led some of them to openly praise some of the leaders of the sects of Shirk.

Then, why do the bias ones single out Sheikh Ubaid and Sheikh Rabee for enmity?  Is Sheikh Fawzaan not clarifying the same principles these other two sheikhs also clarify as regards the dangers of keeping the company of innovators?  Indeed, it is the bias partisans who are at difference, but the Kibaarul Ulema and those upon their way are united upon that which was narrated from our Salafus Saalih.   And they are not upon the corrupt walaa wal baraa promoted by Ihyaa Turath, Abul Fitan al Misri and the heads at Jamiat ahle Hadith.

We ask Allah for safety.


19-03-2007 @ 7:38 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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The Likeness Of Those Who Seek To Unite The Muslims Even Though They Are Upon Divergent Beliefs, Is The Likeness Of One Who Attempts To Bring Together Water And Fire, And A Reptile And Fish

Sheikh Saaleh al Fawzaan(may Allaah preserve him) said:

As long as the Aqeedah is shaky and blemished, the Muslims cannot be united.  It is not possible to unite the one upon Bidah with the one upon the Sunnah, abadan.

It is not possible to unite the person of corrupted aqeedah with the person of sound aqeedah, even though they share the same name (i.e. they are both called Muslims).
It is inevitable to unite the word of the Muslims upon Tawheed, upon the correct aqeedah, upon the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (Muhammad-sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam).

The Muslims must be together.  They are to be united, and that they follow that which comes from that (bond and unity), as long as this does not depart from obedience to Allaah and His Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam)

For that reason the Messenger (sallal-laahu alayhi wasallam) said:

''Allaah is pleased for you with three things:  ''that you worship Him (alone) and not to associate anything with Him; and that you (all) hold unto the Rope of Allaah and not to be divided; and that you give sincere advise to the one placed in charge over your affairs (i.e. the Muslim Ruler)''

As for the one who calls to the unity of the Muslims, even though they differ in their aqeedah, this indeed cannot be possible.  The one who wants to unite the Muslims, even though they are upon divergent beliefs, even though they are upon shaky beliefs, this is but inconceivableý like the one who attempts to bring together water and fireý(This is not  possible);  Or bring together (as it is said) a reptile and a fish.   This is not possible ever, because the reptile lives on land and the fish lives in the sea...

[Source: Excerpt from a lecture delivered by sheikh Saaleh al Fawzaan at Masjid At-Tawheed in Taa-if.  Title of lecture: At Tahdeer Minal Furqati Wal Ikhtilaaf]  

Another reminder to the Figure Heads at Jamiat Ahle Hadith Uk --What excuse can you find for yourselves for showing love and affection to the people of corrupted aqeedah and innovations, such as those whom you openly congregate with upon the same stage-from amongst the Takfeeris, Qutbees, Tableeghis, Ikhwaanees and Soofees etc.  Are you not then from those who want to bring together water and fire, and the reptile and the fish?

How free is the authentic sunnah from your corruption O Figure Heads at Jamiat Ahle Hadith.  We ask Allaah for safety.

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin AbuBakr Al Fulaani al Gambi

28-04-2007 @ 5:55 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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27-05-2007 @ 2:22 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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Sheikh Saaleh al Fawzaan was asked:

What is the ruling on the one who reveres, venerates, and praises the people of bidah, for the reason that they apply the rulings of Islam, whilst being aware of their bidah.  

And at times when they mention them in the general doroos, they speak in defence of the positions held onto by these innovators, and speak with regards to overlooking that which these innovators are upon, and defend written statements of theirs in which is found attacks against the Sunnah, disregard for the sahaabah, and undervaluing the prophet.  What is the ruling on this speaker, and are these statements of his to be warned against?


It is not permissible to exalt and praise the innovators, even if they have with them some of that which is the haqq.  That is because raising and praising them will spread their bidah, and makes them from amongst the sincere ones, who are taken as examples from amongst the men of distinction of this ummah.

Source:At-Tabde Wat-Tafseeq Wat Takfeer. Page: 72-76

To be continued....Inshaa-Allaah

03-06-2007 @ 9:46 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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Sheikh Saaleh Al Fawzaan continues.....

And the salaf have warned us against having trust for the innovators, and have warned against praising them, and from their gatherings.  With regards to this is that which Asad Ibn Musa wrote:

''And be beware of being a brother of the innovator (by association), or a companion of his, or one whom you sit with.  For indeed there has come the athar: ''whoever sits with a person of innovation; has left the protection of Allaah and is entrusted to himself.  Whoever proceeds towards a person of innovation has proceeded towards the destruction of Islaam''.    

The innovators must be warned against and kept away from, even if they have with them some of the truth.  Indeed, the most astray are not devoid of something of the truth, but as long as they have with them innovation, opposition and sinful views/ideas; then it is not permissible to praise and exalt them.  And it is impermissible not to have an objection towards their innovation, because in this is spreading of bidah and belittling the sunnah.  And through this the innovator will emerge and become a guide for the ummah. No. Allaah has decreed; the obligation is that they are warned against.  

To be continued....inshaa-Allaah


All praise is for Allaah, and may He (subhaanah) keep us on the safe Aqeedah and Manhaj.  

Sheikh Saaleh al Fawzaan further clarifies for us the stance of the Salaf and the ulema upon their path, with regards to the impermissibility of praising and exalting the innovators, and to be distant from them.

So when those figure heads of Jamiat ahle haduth Uk (such as the likes of Abdul Haadi) openly praise the likes of raza khan brelvi and mawduudi, and we see the other heads of this Jamiat on the platforms of the soofees, the takfeeris, the qutbees and ash-arees, then how can one who has concern for his manhaj ignore this open corruption.  

However, their followers persist upon error and deceit, and we ask Allaah to protect us from hearts that are not inclined towards repentance.  And we ask Allaah to grant us reliance and trust in Him (subhaanah) in standing firm against these heads and their followers, as Imaam Ibnul Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said:

''The greatest of reliance and trust in Allaah, is to have reliance and trust with regards to Hidaayah, and in actualising Tawheed, and making ittibaah of the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam), and striving against the people of baatil.  This is the Reliance and Trust of the Messengers, and in particular their followers.'' (Al-Fawaa-id. Page.138)

Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullaah Bin AbuBakr Al Fulaani al Gambi

04-06-2007 @ 11:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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Sheikh Saalih Al Fawzaan continues...

And there are those Imaams in every era, who have no affairs of innovation with them.  And all Praise is due to Allaah, in them is that which suffices the ummah.  They are the leaders/guides.

That which is obligatory: is to make ittibaa of the straight path which has no bidah.  As for the innovator, then it is obligatory to warn against him.  And he is exposed, until the people are cautious about him, and until him and his followers are subdued.

And as for the consideration that he has something of the haqq; then this does not justify praising him.  This is, to a far greater extent against that which is of overriding benefit.  And it is known with regards to the fundamental of the religion, that averting harm takes precedence over seeking that which is of benefit.  And with regards to showing animosity towards the innovator, the harm that is averted from the ummah is weightier than what he has of supposed maslahah, (if that is the case).

And had we adhered to this concept, no one would have been judged to be misguided and declared an innovator.  This is because; there is not an innovator except that he has with him some of that which is from the haqq and from iltizaam (adherence to the Sunnah)  

To be continued......Inshaa-Allaah


All praise is due to Allaah, and we ask Him by His Greatest Name to keep us firm upon Salafiyyah.

Are we not sufficed with the Imaams of this era (such as Abdul Azeez bin Baz, Muhammad ibn Saalih al Uthaimeen, Naseerud-deen al Al-baanee)?  Indeed, they transmit the correct aqeedah and manhaj from our salafus saaleh.

However, Abdul Haadee chose to praise the likes of raza khan and mawduudi.  He has yet to openly free himself from that open corruption he uttered.  May Allaah guide us to that which pleases Him (subhaanah)

Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullaah Bin AbuBakr Al Fulaani Al Gambi

06-06-2007 @ 6:44 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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Sheikh Saaleh al Fawzaan continues....

The innovator is neither a kaafir nor is he in opposition to all the Sharee-ah; rather he is either an innovator in some or most of the affairs.  

And if the innovation is particularly to do with affairs of Aqeedah and Manhaj, then the affair is dangerous indeed; because it becomes a model and bidah will be spread, and the innovators will become active in spreading their bidah.

So, this one that praises the innovators, and makes their affair obscure to the people, with what they (innovators) have with them of truth, then this is one of two affairs:

1.He is either one ignorant of the manhaj of the salaf and their stance against the innovators, and it is neither permissible for this ignorant one speak nor is it permissible for the Muslims to listen to him.

2.Or he is one who has an objection to the truth; because he knows the danger of bidah and the innovators, but is one who has an objection and wishes to spread innovations.  

Nevertheless, all of this is a dangerous affair.  And it is not permissible to be lackadaisical with regards to bidah and its people, whatever that may be.


All praise is due to Allaah.  We ask Him (subhaanah) by His Greatest Name to protect our hearts from the many affairs of deviation in Aqeedah and Manhaj in this present era.

Indeed, the ulema of salafiyyah have clarified the great affairs of shirk and innovations within raza khan brelvi's sect.  Likewise, mawduudi has with him great affairs of deviation in manhaj.  However, Abdul Haadee (One of the Foremost Figure Heads of Jamiat Ahle Hadith UK) offers his open praises to these ones.  We seek Allaah's Protection from that, and ask Him (subhaanah) for safety.

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin AbuBakr Al Fulaani Al Gambi

21-06-2007 @ 10:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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Sheikh Zaid Bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee (Hafidha-hullaah) Clarifies

Questioner:  Is it permissible to respond/accept the invitation of an Ikhwaani for a meal, and sitting together for a reminder (i.e. reminder on affairs of the religion)


You (already) know from that which has passed shortly, regading what has been stated about the group (Ikhwaan ul Muslimoon), and those who traverse their methodology (in speech and action) amongst the various people of innovation.  And if that is the case, then it is incumbent upon you to know the stance of the Salaf against the people of innovation, with regards to where it was applied, and their (application) of boycotting.

Indeed, their boycotting is tied to that which brings about benefit, and prevention of harm and corruption.  So, when they saw benefit in boycotting, they applied it even if that was against those closest to them amongst the people.  So when they see benefit in its application, they applied it.  And this was so that the Sunnah is made clear and called to.  And to clarify the innovations and warning against itý (and you should be like them).  This (clarification)not have happened had they not given preference to seeking goodness over all other things.

It is known of the elders of the Salaf, that they placed emphasis on keeping away from the innovator, and to boycott the innovator who calls to his innovationý(such as those} those similar to the leaders of the ikhwaan (ikhwaan ul muslimoon) of today and the past.

And it has been reported from Imaam Sufyaan Ath-thawri (rahimahullaah) that he said:  

''Whoever listens to an innovator has left the protection of Allaah and is entrusted with the innovation''

Imaam Ibnul Mubaarak (rahimahullaah) said:  ''Beware of sitting with a person of innovation''  

Imaam Fudayl Ibn Iyaad (rahimahullaah) said: ''I will eat with a Jew and a Christian, but not with a person of innovation''

Imaam Asad Ibn Musaa (rahimahullaah), and (he is well known as Asadus Sunnah).  He said:

''And be beware of being a brother of the innovator (by association), or a companion of his, or one whom you sit with.  For indeed there has come the athar: ''whoever sits with a person of innovation; has left the protection of Allaah and is entrusted to himself.  Whoever proceeds towards a person of innovation has proceeded towards the destruction of Islaam''



Indeed, the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alaihi wasallam) forbade that one should sit at a table where alcohol is consumed/drank.(Reported by Abu Daawood)  

And the banquet offered by the innovator, in reality is more dangerous than oneýs presence at a table where alcohol is served, due to that which comes about from the innovator of fitnah in one's religion.  And the preservation of the deen takes precedence over preservation of the body.

The Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said:

Do not be the companion, except of a believer.  And let not your food be eaten, except by one who fears Allaah.(Reported Abu Daawood)

Page: 157-158


All praise is due to Allaah.  We ask Him to protect us from the astray sect ikhwaanal Mufliseen, and those who congregate with them from amongst the heads of Jamiat Ahle Hadith Uk and Ihya Turaath.  And we ask Him (subhaanah) to protect our hearts from the deceit of the Marabiyyoon at Loton, for they are upon open co-operation with the likes of Maghraawi (the takfeeri) and Qoosee (declared mubtadi by Sheikh Ahmad bin Yahya An-Najmi(may Allaah preserve him).

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin AbuBakr Al Fulaani al Gambi

28-06-2007 @ 7:53 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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Calling To Allaah With Wisdom, Fair Preaching And Arguing In A Way That Is Better

Adherence to the manhaj of the Salafus Saalih, Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa-ah, is required of every caller to Allaah, whilst deviation from that causes deffiency in the correct creed.

Due to this, being acquainted with the manhaj of the Salafus Saalih in calling to Allaah occupies an important position, particularly that which is related to the tools of Wisdom, fair admonition and arguing in a way that is better.

Allaah said:

''Call to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better.  Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided'' (16:125)

And He (Ta-aala) said:

(The angel) said: ''I am only a messenger from your Lord, (to announce) to you the gift of a righteous son'' (19:19)

And He (Ta-aala) said:

''He grants wisdom to whom He pleases, and he, to whom wisdom is granted, is indeed granted abundant good'' (2:269)

Imaam Abdul Azeez Bin Baz (rahimahullah) said:

Wisdom: It is clear statements in conformity with the truth, from the aayaat, the ahaadith, and clear authoritative manifest evidences, which invalidate that which is false.

Imaam Ibnul Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said:

Wisdom: It is action that is to be performed at its proper place and time.

Sheikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) said:

Wisdom: It is to be acquainted with the truth, and speech and action upon it.

[Source: Ad-dawatu ilal Jamaa-ati wal itilaaf, wan nahyi anit tafarruq wal ikhlilaaf {with the introduction of Sheikh Fawzaan (page 76-77)]

To be continuedýý..Inshaa-Allaah

29-06-2007 @ 9:56 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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Wisdom Requires Firmness At Times

The Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) whilst referring to a man who prolonged the fajr prayer said:

''O people! Some of you make others dislike good deeds'' (Bukhari Vol 1. No:90)

Sometimes wisdom is to be with harshness and sometimes with mildness.  The position Musa (alayhis Salaam) took with Fir-awn was mildness.  He (subhaanah) said:

''And speak to him mildly, perhaps he may accept admonition or fear (Allaah)'' (20:44)

And the position Musa took with his brother Haaroon (alayhis-salaam) was harshness.   He (subhaanah) said:

''And he (Musa) seized his brother by (the hair of) his head and dragged him towards him'' (7:150)

Therefore, the sensible one traverses upon his dawah in consideration of the circumstances and conditions, and he weighs up between harshness and mildness; and places each in its place.  Perhaps benefit is achieved either through mildness or harshness.  

To be continuedýý.Inshaa-Allaah

30-06-2007 @ 10:51 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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Calling With Mildness And Fair Speech Is Much Better

But calling with mildness and fair speech is far better, and this is how the messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) used to be.  Allaah (subhaanah) said:

''And by the Mercy of Allaah, you dealt with them gently.  And had you been severe and harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about you; so pass over (their faults), and ask (Allaahýs) Forgiveness for them; and consult them in the affairs'' (3:159)



Do we extend this mildness to stubborn opposers, such as the heads of innovated sects and the open callers to munkaraat, shubuhaat, and bidah?


Sheikh Saaleh al Fawazaan said in Sharh Usoolus Thalatha in explanation of the statement of Imaam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab:


''Rahima-kallaah'':  This is a supplication made for the student of knowledge.  The sheikh (Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab) supplicates for the Mercy of Allah upon the students of knowledge, that Allah has mercy upon them.  

So in this is gentleness from the teacher towards the student.  Indeed he (the teacher) begins with a good word, and a righteous supplication (for the student) until that has an effect, thereby making the student incline towards his teacher with acceptance.

But if he (the teacher) began with a harsh statement or a statement not deem proper, this would make him (i.e. the student) flee.  Therefore, it is waajib upon the teacher and the one who calls to Allah, and the one who enjoins good and forbids evil, that he is gentle with the one he addresses-by way of supplication for him, commendation, and soft speech.  For indeed, this calls for acceptance (i.e. oneýs call to the truth to be accepted by the ones he is calling)  

But as for the mu-aanid, (the stubborn willful opposer) indeed this one is to be addressed differently.  Allah (subhaanah)-said:  

''And argue not with the people of the Scripture unless it be in a way that is better, except with such of them as do wrong----''29:46

Those who do wrong among the people of the scripture, willfully opposing and are haughty/proud- these ones are not addressed with that which is better, rather they are addressed with that which will prevent from their (harm and misguidance).  Allah said:  

''O Prophet (Muhammad)! Strive hard against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be harsh against them, their abode is Hell,-and worst indeed is that destination'' 9:73

Striving against the hypocrites is not done with silaah (weapons), rather it is done with proofs, words/statements, refutation against them with harshness that prevents (from their misguidance and harm), and to keep the people away from them.  Allah said about them (i.e. the hypocrites)

''ýbut admonish them, and speak to them an effective word to reach their innerselves'' 4:63        

So for these ones, a particular type of speech is prescribed because they are willful opposers and proud ones.  They do not want the haqq, rather they want to misguide the people.  So they are addressed in a way they deserve.    

As for the seeker of guidance, this one is addressed with mildness, rahmah and gentleness.  That is because he wants the truth, knowledge and faa-ida (i.e. that which benefits him/her of good).  [end of quote Ref: sharh usool thalatha of sheikh fawzaan, page13-15]


Do Not Confuse Yourselves

So understand this well O Sunni Athari.  The Tullaabul Ilm and the du-aat in the salafi centers warn against those whom the ulema have warned against.  

Therefore, do not place mildness, forgiveness, firmness and harshness in their wrong place.  Yes, one is to forgive personal harm directed at him, and overlook the ignorance of the oppressors.  However, it is not right to forgive and overlook transgression against the manhaj, especially after the ulema have spoken against such transgression.  

Had the Tullaabul Ilm and the du-aat in the Salafi Maraakiz kept quiet, the centers would have been corrupted by the mu-mayyi-een.  Therefore, one must speak the haqq.  The liars and forgers have terrorized many to keep them silent.  Whenever one stands up to defend the honor of innocent people, he is targeted and slandered.  

So let us have a good suspicion for the tullaabul Ilm and the du-aat who are targeted and slandered.  They have stood firm and continue to transmit the works of the ulema, and sacrifice their time to teach the people in every salafi center in the UK.  

Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullaah Bin AbuBakr Al Fulaani Al Gambi

02-07-2007 @ 11:21 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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The Religion Of Islaam Is The Religion Of Al Wasat In Every Affair

The Religion of Islaam is the Religion of 'Al Wasat' in every affair.  Therefore, it is obligatory to hold onto its position and state of affairs.  The people are at difference, and there has to be an estimation of benefits and harms.  

Fair speech is from the means of calling to Allaah, so the people are to be prompted to have a desire, and made to fear, by making a mention of Paradise, Hell Fire, Recompense, Punishment, Reward and Bliss- in the light of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and the Understanding of the Salafus Saalih.


Firstly, that which is related to calling to Allaah with Wisdom and fair speech has proceeded.  Likewise, the method employed with the seekers of good and the confused is different from that which is to be employed with stubborn opposers and open callers to bidah and evil.


''The people are at difference, so there has to be an estimation of benefits and harm''.

These benefits and harms are weighed up by ahlul ilm. They decide who deserves to be openly warned against and who is to be dealt with mildly.  However, one must bear in mind that it is the innovators who bring about differences and not the Salafis.  Sheikh Zaid Ibn Hadee al Madkhalee said:  

The mubtadi (the innovator) is the cause for the splitting (in the ummah);because splitting is connected to innovation.  And unity (upon the sound creed and methodology of the Salaf) is connected to the Sunnah.  The obligation of refuting the Mukhaalif (the opposer of the truth) is not lifted from the scholar due to anticipation of harm, unless it is harm he is not able to bear/repel.  Then (in this case), Allah does not burden a soul beyond what it can bear.  The earth is not devoid of people of knowledge who will carry out refutation against the innovator and the opposer.    

[Source: Al Ajwibah Al Mukhtasar Alaa  As-ila Al-Ashrati. Of sheikh Zaid Al Madkhali(may Allah preserve him). Page43-44]


''The Religion of Islaam is the Religion of 'Al Wasat' in every affair.  Therefore, it is obligatory to hold onto its position and state of affairs''.

What Is This Wasitiyyah? (The Middle Path)

Sheikh Baazmool (Hafidha-hullaah) states:

It is widely known with some of the people, that Al Wasat is only that which occupies the middle position between two things, and they do not call to attention the other meaning of this word, as mentioned in the Magnificent Qur'aan and the Prophetic Sunnah.

'Al Wasat' in the Sharee-ah: is that which is Superior {with regards to justice}

He (Ta-aala) said:

''Guard strictly (five obligatory) As-Salawaat (the prayers) especially the Salatul Wustaa (the Asr prayer)''(2:238)

'Al Wustaa'- with the meaning: the best, more upright, and more excellent.

And He (Ta-aala) said:

''Min Awsati (On the scale) of the average of that which you feed your own families'' (5:89)

That is; the best and most just of that.

And He (Ta-aala) said:

''Thus We have made you Ummatan 'Wasatan' (the best nation) (3:143)

That is; the best and most upright/just.

The intent behind all this:  is to understand that 'Al-Wasatiyyah' in the context of the Religion is that which is 'BEST' and the 'Justice of the Religion; to follow that which Allaah (Azza-Wa-Jal) has commanded and keep away and refrain from that which He has forbidden.

As for the explanation of 'Al Wasatiyyah' in the deeni context, with a meaning other than this meaning; then it is settled on an edge (i.e. unstable).  It is a mirage which the thirsty one considers water. (an illusion)

[Source: Al Haqeeqatus Shar-iyyatu Fee Tafseeril Qurýaanil Adheem Was-Sunnatin Nabawiyyati page: 186]

All Praise is due to Allaah

Therefore, O Sunni Athari! Be mindful, and refer to the Ulema of Ahlus Sunnah, for they are the ones who provide the correct definitions from the Kitaab and the Sunnah.

Do not seek to take that so called middle path, as understood by the people, rather follow that which is Best, Most Just, and Excellent.  This can be manifested in mildness or harshness according to that which ahlul Ilm clarify with daleel in times of Fitan and confusion.  

Indeed, this is what is transmitted by the Tullaabul Ilm and the Du-aat in the Salafi Centers (May Allaah protect them).

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin Abu Bakr Al Fulaani Al Gambi

Sheikh Saaleh al Fawzaan

Question: Is clarifying some of the mistakes in the books of illegal partisanship, and the groups that have arrived in our land to be considered renouncement of the du-aat?


No.  This is not renouncement of the du-aat.  That is because these books are not books of Dawah.  The owners of these books and those who hold such views are not callers to Allaah with clear sightedness, knowledge and truth.

So when we clarify the mistakes in these books and the mistakes of these callers, it is not from the angle of singling out individuals for criticism due to who they are, rather it is from the angle of giving sincere advise to the ummah--that (these books and these callers) carry with them dubious views that bring about fitnah, division and splitting of the Jamaa-ah.

So our criticism is not targeted at an individual personality.  Our criticism is directed at the views that are present in the books that have reached us in the name of dawah.

[Source: Silsilatu Tanbeehaat Alaa Akhtaa-il Jamaa-aatil Islaamiyyah. Page: 8-10]


06-07-2007 @ 10:47 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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As for debate, it is to be carried out in a way that is better.  He (Ta-aala) said:

''And argue not with the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians); unless it be in a way that is better, except with such of them as do wrong'' (29:46)

Imam Abdul Aziz Bin Baz (rahimahullaah) said:

''If he (the person) has doubts, then debate him in a way that is better.  Do not be harsh on him, rather exercise patience and do not be hasty.  Do not be severe, rather strive in removing the doubt and in making manifest the evidences though means that are better''

12-07-2007 @ 10:53 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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Giving Advice To The Servants Against The Innovators

Imaam Fudayl Ibn Iyaad (Rahimahullaah) said:

''Whoever is approached by a man and he directs him to a mubtadi, has acted with deception towards Islaam.  Be mindful of entering upon the people of innovation, for indeed they prevent from the haqq.''

Imaam Al Awzaa-ee (rahimahullaah) said:

''Fear Allaah Community of Muslims, and accept the advice of the advisers, and the admonition of those who admonish.  And know that this knowledge is Religion, so look to what you do, and who you take from, and who you take as a guide/model and to the one with whom your religion is secured; for indeed, ahlul bidah are Mubtiloon (people of futility-those who falsify and seek to invalidate the haqq), Affaakoon (liars), and Aathimoon (sinners).  They neither take heed nor contemplate, nor do they have fear.''  

Up until he (rahimahullaah) said: ''so be towards them, as those who are wary of them; those who censure/denounce them; and those who reject and keep away from them.  Indeed, this is what your earliest scholars and the upright ones from those who came later used to do and command''.

[Quoted by the author of the Book titled: ýIrwaa-ul Ghaleel Fee Difaa-I An Sheikh Rabee Al Madkhaleeý page: 153. Original source: Taareekh Dimashq (6/263)]


We ask Allaah for safety.  May Allaah guide those who praise the heads of deviant sects, and may He (subhaanah) guide those who co-operate with maghraawi the Takfeeri, after the ulema have clarified his grave errors.  

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin AbuBakr Al Fulaani Al gambi

15-07-2007 @ 7:39 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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Do Not Find Fault With The Tullaabul ILm By Way Of Suspicion, Rather Supplicate For Them So That They Speak The Haqq At All Times

After stating that which the Talabul Ilm should begin his call with of Tawheed, he (Imaam Abdul Azeez Bin Baz-rahimahullaah) then said:

Then after that the student of knowledge is very eager not to hide anything he knows.  He is eager to clarify the truth and refute the opponents of the Religion of Islaam.  He is neither lackadaisical nor does he seek to escape.  He is always manifesting due to his endurance.

So when the opponents of Islaam appear with that which obscures and defames Islaam, he brings forth refutation against them by writing, and by word of mouth, and other than that.  He is neither lackadaisical nor does he say, ''these affairs are for other than me'', rather he says, ''it is for me, it is for me''.  Even if there are other scholars, he still fears that the affair will slip away.  

So he is constantly salient and does not seek to escape, rather he comes forward at the appropriate time in order to aid the haqq, and refute the opponents of Islaam by writing and other than means of the radio, or the newspapers, or TV, or through any means he can.

He also does not hide what he has of Ilm, rather he writes, gives khutbah and refutes the people of innovation and other than them from the opponents of Islaam, with what Allaah has bestowed upon him of strength, in accordance to his knowledge, and with that which Allaah has made easy for him of various capabilities.  Allaah (Ta-aalaa) said:

''Verily, those who conceal the clear proofs, evidences and the guidance, which WE have sent down, after WE have made it clear for the people in the Book, they are the ones cursed by Allaah and cursed by the cursers.  Except those who repent and do righteous deeds, and openly declare (the truth which they concealed).  These, I will accept their repentance.  And I am the One Who accepts repentance, the Most Merciful'' (2:159-160)

[Source: ýThe Responsibilities of the Student of Knowledgeý-(page: 15-16) by Imaam Abdul Azeez Bin Baz (rahimahullaah)]

All Praise is due to Allaah, and we ask Him (subhaanah) by His greatest Name to protect the ulema of Sunnah, the students of knowledge and the du-aat.  

So let us pay attention to this affair.  These are times of Fitan in which many have failed in their responsibilities with regards to making clear the straight path.  The innovators, illegal partisans and the compromisers are always on stand by to enter into false alliances against those who uphold the pure Manhajus Salafi.

So when the trustworthy ulema stand up to clarify the haqq with clear proofs, then seek Allaah's protection from the devils amongst mankind and jinn who may seek to divert your attention from the haqq.  

Likewise, after the ulema have spoken, and are quoted by the Tullaabul Ilm and the du-aat in the various maraakiz of Salafiyyah, especially in the West, then be mindful of desires and friendship that blinds from the haqq.  

And let us have a good suspicion for the Salafi Tullaabul Ilm and the Du-aat in the various Salafi centers in the West.  And let us not take the path of those who harbor suspicion and seek after what they consider to be errors, yet they neither speak with daleel nor do they give naseehah.  

Therefore, we should not entertain the doubts and suspicions of the petty ones, rather we tell them that email addresses and telephones are available if their intention is naseehah and not fault finding.  Indeed, what is given preference is the safety of the dawah based on clear proofs, and not unfounded concerns founded on case studies, suspicions, doubts and emotions.  And how many people fall to that which sheikhul Islaam clarified from the forms of backbiting, when he (rahimahullaah) said:

''Then there are those that take backbiting out into many forms.  So at times it would be in the form of Religion and rectification, so he will say: ýI am not in the habit of mentioning anyone except in good; and I neither like backbiting nor lies.  However, I shall inform you of his affairs.ýý  So He will say: ''By Allaah he is a good man; however he has in him such and such.''  Whilst his intent is to belittle him as well as causing a wrong to his flank.  Thus taking the backbiting out from the form of rectification and Religion.  They seek to deceive Allaah with that just as they deceive the creation.  For we have seen this and its like from them in many varying colors''.  

(SOURCE:Source: Quoted in the Ark. Issue 19. page 1. Under the title: ýAre You Backbitingý        
So fear Allaah O people.  And O you Tullaabul Ilm and Du-aat in the various centers of Salafiyyah, seek the Aid and Assistance of Allaah in transmitting the haqq from the ulema of Ahlus Sunnah, and fear not the blame of the blamers.

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin AbuBakr Al Fulaani Al Gambi

20-08-2007 @ 3:53 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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A Reminder To The Hosts Of Usaama Qoosee And Maghraawee At Luton And The Figure Heads At Jamiat Ahle Hadith UK

Imaam Sadi (rahimahullaah}said:

''He who deceives the Muslims in their Religious and Worldly Affairs is not from them''

Imaam Abdur Rahmaan As Sadi (rahimahullaah) stated:

From the benefits of naseehah (sincere advice) is safety from deceit.  For indeed, he who deceives the Muslims in their Religious and Worldly Affairs is not from them.  Deceit is from the most repugnant of ugly traits with regards to (fulfilling) the rights of a relative and the non-relative, the one in opposition and the one in  agreement (with you).

The Great Qurýaan calls to this quality, which is from the best of qualities; and it {naseehah-sincere advice) is upon which the Religion of Islaam is founded, and upon which its structure is made to stand firm, and by which its superiority over everything else is manifested.

For indeed, giving sincere advice to every individual is commendable by the sharee-ah, the intellect and the natural disposition, and that which is in opposition to it is repulsive to the sharee-ah, the intellect and the natural disposition.

(Source:Fathul Raheemil Malikil Allaam Fee Ilmil Aqaa-id Wat-tawheed, Wal Akhlaaq, Wal Ahkaam. Page: 98)


We ask Allaah to protect us and the Muslims from those who refrain from giving sincere advice to the Muslims especially in the affairs of their religion.  

The hosts of innovators at Luton Masjid act with deceit towards the Sunnah and salafiyyah, for indeed they expose the people to the innovators such as Maghraawi and Usaamah Qoosee even after ahlul ilm have clarified the evils of Qoosee, Maghraawee (the Takfeeri) and Abul Fitan al Marabi (The Innovator).

The hosts at Luton Masjid do not give sincere advice to the people, rather they are deceivers bent upon promoting innovators.  Imaam Fudayl Ibn Iyaad (rahimahullaah) said:

''Whoever is approached by a man and he directs him to a mubtadi, has acted with deception towards Islaam.  Be mindful of entering upon the people of innovation, for indeed they prevent from the haqq.''

Therefore, may Allaah guide those blind ones who attack the Tullaabul Ilm and the Du-aat in the various maraakiz of salafiyyah.  For indeed, these Tullaabul Ilm and Du-aat do not deceive the people, rather they convey the naseehah of the ulema to the ummah.  Allaah is the One Who grants Tawfeeq.

We ask Allaah for safety.

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin AbuBakr Al Fulaani Al Gambi

30-09-2007 @ 5:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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Question to Sheikh Saaleh Al Fawzaan

In this era, we hear a lot about something called the Islamic Jamaaýaat (groups) in the various parts of the world.  What is the source for this name?


The Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) informed us and explained to us how we should act.  He did not leave off any matter that would bring his Ummah closer to Allaah except that he explained it.  Nor did he leave off any matter that would bring them further from Allaah except that he explained it.  An example of that is this issue.  He (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said:

''For indeed, whoever lives amongst you will see many differences.''

But what is the solution when this occurs?

He (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said: ''so stick to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided Khulafaa that (come) after me.  Hold onto it and bite onto it with your molar teeth.  And beware of newly invented matters, for indeed every newly-invented matter is an innovation and every innovation is misguidance.''

So these jamaa-aat (groups) whoever from them is upon the guidance of the messenger and the companions, particularly the righteous khulafaa and the (first) virtuous generations- then whichever jamaaýah (group) is upon this methodology, we are with this jamaaýah.  We ascribe ourselves to it and work with it.

And those groups that oppose the guidance of the messenger, then indeed we abstain from them, even if they call themselves ýIslaamicý groups.  Consideration is not given to names; it is only given to the facts.  Names could be grand and magnificent but hollow and empty on the inside, not possessing anything, or they could also be falseý..up until the sheikh said:

As for those who oppose this methodology (of the prophet and the companions) and tread other ways, then indeed they are not from us and we are not from them.  We do not affiliate with them and neither should they affiliate with us.  They should not be called a ''Jamaa'ah'', rather they should be called a sect among the sects of misguidance.

This is because the Jamaaýah can only be upon the truth.  So it is that which unites the people and as for falsehood, then it only divides and it does not unify.  Allaah says:

''And if they turn away, then verily they are only in divisions''

Source: ýBeneficial Answers to Questions on Innovated Methodologiesý Page:28-31.  Publisher: Al Ibaanah Book Publishing.

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