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12-11-2003 @ 9:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002

The Hizbees And Mumayyi'ah Grasp At Straws

After a long hard summer for the people of hizbiyyah and tamyee' in which they found themselves in defeat after defeat in their onslaught against the Salafees, they have now decided to grab onto any shred of straw they can.

You should know, O Salafee Atharee, that the people with regard to the Ikhwaanee infiltration in the ranks of the Salafees of different types. Likewise, those with regard to the Ma'rabee brand of Ikwaaniyyah are of various types. Likewise those who make claims to the haq after the Ma'rabee fitnah are of various types. The matter of affirming a person's Salafiyyah is not just based upon a mere disownment of Abul-Hasan al-Ma'rabee, as the Mujaahid Faaleh Bin Naafi' Al-Harbee stated:
"So it is not Abul-Hasan that is the question, rather it is that the Muslim understands the true and correct Manhaj, and adheres to it..."
"So another fitnah will come, or another Abu Hasan or Abu Husayn will come, and this person will still be like a lost lamb wandering between the sheep; he will not remain settled upon one condition if he does not know the true methodology and adhere to it..."
Know O Salafee! that the ones who disowned al-Ma'rabee are from three types of people.

Firstly, those who left him and abandoned him after the scholars spoke out against him due to their recognition of the truth and their embracing the Jarh mufassar that was established by the Scholars - the likes of Rabee Bin Haadee, Faaleh Al-Harbee, Ahmad An-Najmee, Zayd Al-Madkhalee and others, may Allaah preserve and extend their lives.

Then there was another group for whom the matter was not clear at the beginning so they did not jump to defend Abul-Hasan Al-Ma'rabee nor did they attack the scholars an still affirmed their love for them - so they looked into the jarh that was established by the scholars and they strove to understand what was going on. Then after a short time came to the truth and realised the deviation of Al-Ma'rabee. And may Allaah reward them for that.

Then there was the third group who fall into what the noble Scholar Faaleh Al-Harbee has alluded to above, "like a lost lamb wandering between the sheep; he will not remain settled upon one condition if he does not know the true methodology and adhere to it"! So they realised that Abul-Hasan has been destroyed and that victory in the UK, by the Blessing and Aid of Allaah, is for the Salafees who opposed and fought this venemous manhaj of Abul-Hasan Al-Ma'rabee, with the guidance and support of their scholars. So this third group, left Ma'rabee the person for political reasons, but they did not leave his false principles!

Shaykh Faaleh said:
"So those brothers should realize that what happened with them indicates their lack of understanding of their Manhaj, and they followed the people of misguidance because of their lack of correct knowledge and insight..."
We have seen from their behaviour and conduct throughout the whole of the summer months, that though they claimed that they are no longer with Ma'rabee the individual, they still maintained their hatred for the Salafees. They stopped at nothing to tear the Salafees apart in every place. Their sowed and continue to sow hatred between the Salafees. The Salafees that were once united and endowed with love and mutual co-operation with each other were targetted by their campaign. But rejoice, O Sunnee! Because their plots failed and the Salafees rejected them, the brothers and even the sisters saw through their plots. Those who remain with them are either ignorant of the issues or from the worst of characters numbering no more than a handful from the Sub-Continent, supporters of the deviated "Jamiat Ahle Hadath" group of Suhayb Hasan and Abdul-Haadee Umaree.  

This behaviour of theirs is reflected in the statement of Shaykh Faaleh:
" But the way they are behaving at present is the behaviour of those who are still upon deviation, and upon corruption and shows that they do not in reality know the Salafi Manhaj, and do not know ?al-walaa wal-baraa?? (necessary alliance and enmity) based upon that. Otherwise how can that remain upon an evil stance with regard to their brothers? This shows that the affair is that they have opposition to their brothers."
So they stuck to the principles of Al-Ma'rabee that entail corruption in al-walaa and al-baraa, meeting in secret with hizbiyyeen of Luton such as Abdul-Qaadir. They sat secretly, hoping to remain undetected, in the gatherings of Al-Qoosee, Moosaa Nasr and Al-Hilaalee, posing questions against the Salafees and rejoicing at the answers. They were identified in these gatherings and were exposed them for their two-faced tactics. Showing one face to the unsuspecting Salafee and another to the people of hizbeeyah. Hidden and secret plots of deceit and treachery upon the Salafees.

They are amongst the ones who spread the lie in the West against ourselves at Salafi Publications and specifically brother Abu Hakeem Bilaal claiming that Shaykh Muhammad Bin Haadee and Shaykh Khaalid Raddaadee had refuted us and were speaking against us, they added to that the name of the noble Imaam Rabee' Bin Haadee, Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jaabiree and Shaykh Faaleh Al-Harbee. And this cheap manner, they continue thinking they will succeed in their devilish plots.

So we say to them, firstly, bring us a tape from any of these Scholars where they have spoken against Salafi Publications. Secondly, if you cannot bring that and you will surely not be able to, ring them individually and ask about the brothers at Salafi Publications. Ask Ash-Shaykh, the Mujaahid, the one well founded in the science of Hadeeth, Muhammad Bin Haadee al-Madkhalee ? phone and ask him about Salafi Publications (Al-Makatabutus-Salafiyyah, Birmingham) and ask about the brothers involved with their da'wah. Ask him if he has ever criticised them. Then do the same with the other Mashaykh.

Then send us the tape and spread the tape, put it on the web, distribute it, and we will do likewise!.

As for this open meeting with the noble Scholar Muhammad Bin Haadee al-Madkhalee and Shaykh Khaalid Raddaadee, then this meeting had nothing to do with Salafi Publications, nor did the Shaykhs mention Salafi Publications nor even indicate them. Nor did any of the Shaykhs speak against Abu Hakeem or any of the brothers involved with Salafi Publications. Since you are the ones making the claim, then you now bring the proof! And as for this claim of our brother Abu Hakeem not attending this meeting, then as Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee is already aware and has been informed in person by Abu Hakeem, Abu Hakeem was actually in the UK at the time of that meeting, in fact at the time of him even hearing about the so called meeting!

This is the method of disseminating baseless rumours which they have learnt from the Jews of old. They believe if you say something often enough, then the rabble will start accepting it. It is the likes of these machinations that the enemies of Ahlus-Sunnah from the people of desires utilise to split the ranks of the Salafiyyoon. In fact, a great deal of their lies have originated and spread in this manner over the past years.

No doubt, they have supporters in the USA who likewise would love nothing more than to destroy the da'wah Salafiyyah and transform it, as they claim into a da'wah of 'love and mercy' ? in reality meaning, 'let us co-operate and work with any hizbee innovator to further our ambitions of leadership and control by the destruction of the Salafee du'aat and their maraakiz'.

As ones who made a great deal of propagating the book of the Noble Shaykh, Abdul-Muhsin, and of all the people who did so - amongst them those who hoped for good and amongst them who only used it for their devised own agendas - of all such people, these ones who are responsible for latest assault are the most in need of this book. Especially seeing that some of them in the States are acting like spies, unlisted at that, and gathering as many rumours as they can. Woe be to them, how their hypocrisy has showed through and laid bare in front of the people at large. Any attachment they had to the book of the Noble Shaykh, Abdul-Muhsin, has just been exposed as a facade and a show. How Allaah reveals the true realities of these people by their actions, they think they are doing good and well covered, but they are blind to their nudity. They think it is from intellect to behave the way they are behaving, even after they made such a great attachment to the book of Shaykh Abdul-Mushin al-Abbaad, about which we have already indicated that it does contain benefit - and as Shaykh Rabee said, the book of Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin is actually against these Mumayyi'ah Hizbees.

Disaster after disaster befell them, and defeat after defeat befell them, during the whole crisis of Abul-Fitan al-Misree. They thought they gained victory by making attachments to Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin, and as has been openly observed by the dunyaa, this false and political attachment availed them nothing. Perhaps this is why they have become like raving lunatics, clutching at straws and working their hardest.

That is why you find them upon the websites of the innovators calling for the downfall of the Salafee du'aat and tulaab in the West. They invent stories of sins against them. They mix truth with falsehood to make exciting stories to dishonour the du'aat - just as the famous British 'gutter press' does against their victims. In manhaj they have found nothing with which to bring disrepute, so they have now begun to clutch at straws, straws that are not free from the barn dung from where they have been gathered.

They claim that all of this exposition of so-called sins is from the Deen of Islaam and the manhaj of the Salaf! We fear for them a painful and tormented long life of trials for what they are doing, not to the du'aat, but to their own souls. So you will find one of them from the USA writing on the alleged sins of a daa'ee, then another from the UK follows up with more gossip and additional alleged sins from the UK. Truly the Shaytaan at work, encouraging and goading them into their own destruction. If that wasn't enough, then what is equally worse is that they do all of this upon the websites of those who continually and persistently show hatred for the Salafees and their Major Scholars ? The organisers of this site: Accuse the Imaam and Muhaddith Al-Albaanee, rahimahullaah, of irjaa'; Attack the Mujaahid and Scholar Faaleh al-Harbee and accuse him of extremism; defend and propagate the ideas of the foolish Abdullaah Al-Faarsee in his attacks upon the scholars (they are truly his Mureeds and he like their Soofee shaykh whom they never oppose); defend Jam'iyyah Ihyaa Turaath Al-Islaamee; defend Zaakir Naik (who openly attacks the Salafees), they allow attacks to be staged upon the Mashaayikh of Ahl us-Sunnah from Saudi, and they entertain and accommodate the Takfeerees and Jihaadees who rear their despicable heads on the forums of those websites. Then after all this, you find these disturbed delinquents supporting all of that, and praising and joining the organisers of this onslaught against the Salafees in their attack upon them.

What is truly upon these people, those who fought us in the UK and outside, is what Shaykh Faaleh Al-Harbee has said:
"Because if it were just an issue of Abul-Hasan, and they were Salafis, and they knew the Salafi Manhaj and its value, and they recognised the truth that their brothers are upon, and that their brothers are upon correctness, then they should come wholeheartedly and openly free and dissociate themselves from what they were upon, i.e. their supporting Abul-Hasan and their standing at his side, and they should rectify what is between them and their brothers, and be upon harmony and love ? since they are companions upon a single methodology, and a single ?aqeedah, and people of alliance upon the Salafi Manhaj, and they cling to the Rope of Allaah together: meaning to the Book of Allaah, and the Sunnah of the His Messenger, sallallaahu ?alayhi wassallaam?"

So, in conclusion,
  • Their plots throughout the Summer failed and continued to fail. And all praise is due to Allaah.
  • They warned against the Masjid As-Salafee, they failed.
  • They warned against Salafi Publications, they failed.
  • They gathered the Markaz of Ahle Hadath and Abdul-Haadee against us, they failed.
  • They tried to return and gather strength from Al-Qoosee, Al-Hilaalee and the Luton hizbees, they failed.
  • They tried to utilise our scholars against us, with great devilish plots and they failed.
  • They sat with the hizbee Abu Usaamah Adh-Dhahabee to get ideas, they failed.
  • They tried to draw strength from Muhammad Abdudh-Dhaahir As-Somaalee, the follower of desires from Cardiff, they failed.
  • They tried whatever stratagem they could against the Salafees, but Allaah caused all of that to fail!

And truly all praise is for Him, Lord of all Creation.

And mighty indeed is the statement of the Mujaahid Faaleh al-Harbee:
"So it is not permissible, whatsoever, in any situation, if that is the case, that they take a stance of scepticism and enmity with regard to their brothers, and a stance of attacking them. This would be a proof that they only supported Abul-Hasan because of their being upon an opposing Manhaj, and then they have continued upon this methodology. But because they have seen Abul-Hasan being exposed, and that they would soon be exposed, they were unable to continue, they therefore say: 'We have retracted from supporting Abul-Hasan..'"

Or as it is said, "Rats jumping off the sinking ship".

Truly the following image is befitting:

And to Allaah belongs all praise.


This message was edited by on 11-12-03 @ 10:04 PM

13-11-2003 @ 7:58 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 91
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Allahu Akbar!!!!!

Men are known by the truth, the truth is not known by way of men.

13-11-2003 @ 8:46 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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May Allah guide these idiots to the haqq, the juvenile Jamiat ahle Baatil and co, or break their backs!!!!  AMEEN!
13-11-2003 @ 10:50 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Who Are The Ones Spreading Knowledge? The Hizbees Or The Salafis?

Also from the wicked and evil lies spread more recently, (and indeed over the past years) - all in order to confuse the rabble and to win over their sentiments, is the extremely wicked claim that the Salafees in general, and in particular Maktabah Salafiyyah have involved themselves in anything but refutations and as for teaching the deen, then they have totally abandoned that and have neglected that for years.

Thus, these hizbees (and they are found in the South, North, East and West) claim that Salafi Publications have nothing with them by way of spreading the Sharee'ah knowledge, rather all they do is refute and eject people from the Salafi Manhaj!

These lies have been spread for years and they have been simply regurtitated recently after the followers of Abul-Hasan and those with corrupt walaa and baraa faced disastrous and atrocious defeats, after they plotted to harm and attack the da'wah here in the UK. This is how they continue to clutch at the straws murkied with barn dung from where they have been picked.

This is yet another lie of theirs upon the people of Sunnah and Salafiyyah. So we will show you the da'wah of the Salafees in the UK - [which is due to Allaah's bounty and favour and absolutely nothing else and to Him belongs all praise and all favours return to Him alone, and He is the Bestower of all good, so He alone deserves praise and glorification]  - and then you can show us your da'wah (all or nothing of it!).

The Salafees, by Allaah's grace, have established circles in Birmingham at the Masjid as-Salafee. The classes at present include: Explanation Of 'Aqeedatil-Waasitiyyah Of Ibn Taymiyyah; Explanation Of Masaa'ilil-Jaahiliyyah Of Muhammad Ibn Abdil-Wahhaab; Explanation Of Sharhis-Sunnah Of Ahmad An-Najmee; Qawlul-Mufeed Fi Adillatit-Tawheed of Muhammad Al-Wasaabee; Explanation Of Riyaadhis-Saaliheen Of Ibn Uthaymeen; Duroos Minal-Qur'aan Of Fawzaan; Arabic Madeenah Books 1, 2 and 3; Explanation Of Ajroomiyyah; Qur'aan school every weekday evening for approximately 45 children; Madrassah Salafiyyah (Full time day School) for 200 Children. And we could continue, but that will suffice. Now show us what you have O hizbiyyeen except slander and seeking the sins of others and loving nothing more than to destroy this khair.

In East London we have classes each week in 'aqeedah, tawheed and Arabic language. The most important of this is the teaching of Qawlul-Mufeed, The Explanation Of Kitaabut-Tahweed of Ibnul-Uthaymeen. Now show us what you have, O hizbees!

In Middlesborough, Leeds and Bradford :  Explanation of Tadmuriyyah of Ibn Taymiyyah; Explanation Usoolus-Sittah of Muhammad Ibn Abdil-Wahhaab; Explanation Of Thalaathatul-Usool of Saaleh Aalush-Shaykh, Explanation of Lum'uat il-I'tiqaad of Shaykh Saalih Aal ush-Shaykh. Now show us what you have, O hizbees!

In Cardiff (Wales), we have classes in fiqh, 'aqeedah and manhaj. In Slough we have started lessons in Arabic and will move to teach the books of 'aqeedah. Now show us what you have, O hizbees!

This Summer alone, in Birmingham, we have had 6 weeks of daily lessons and classes with the wife of Shaykh Fawzee Al-Atharee, Umm Abdir-Rahmaan Al-Athariyyah. After came a brief visit from Shaykh Fawzee al-Atharee who spent two days with us. After that came the visit and lecture of Shaykh Muhammad Al-Anjaree. After that came the Seminars of Shaykh Falaah Ismaa'eel with live telephone links with Al-Allaamah 'Ubayd Al-Jaabiree. Then the dawrah (seminar series) with Shaykh Falaah Issmaa'eel lasting for 7 days. Likewise, in London, the Al-Athariyyah and Makatabatus-Salafiyyah conference with Shaykh Fawzee al-Atharee, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Anjaree with telephone lectures from Shaykh Zayd Al-Madkhalee, Shaykh Faaleh al-Harbee and Shaykh Ahmad as-Subaa'ee. Now show us what you have, O hizbees!

The du'aat such as Abu Hakeem, Abu Khadeejah, Abu Iyaad, Hasan As-Somaalee have participated in conferences in Slough, Hounslow, Bradford, Cardiff, Birmingham, London throughout the year. And on top of that we have ta'aawun upon birr and taqwaa with our Salafee brothers around the country, and this extends to da'wah efforts, mutual advice, support in worldly affairs and other than that, and we love and  for the sake of Allaah in that which is between us.

We praise and glofify Allaah, the Most High, for giving us the ability to achieve all of this. As we said, this is nothing but the favour and blessing of Allaah, and nothing of this originates from us. As we said earlier, if a lie is told often enough, it will be believed and this is the manhaj these Mumayyi'ah hizbees have taken from the Jews. And this is exactly what they have been doing for years. "All they do is refute people", "their manhaj is nothing but refutations and expelling from Salafiyyah" and the various other lies for which they will have to answer for. They have not been able to bring anything, so defeated and humiliated, their only remains with them the straws and the barn dung attached to them, and their contemporary despicable behaviour of wanting to destroy us, only because they destroyed themselves with their corruption in al-walaa and al-baraa and their wallowing in the Ikhwaanee fitnah of Abul-Hasan, and their allying with and aiding the Juhalaa of the Salafee manhaj.

Know, O Salafee, that this is what these hizbees and mumayyi'ah have been plotting to destroy, here in the UK. Many of them are filled with hate and jealousy and others lust after status and position, and they merely lust after what has been bestowed upon others by Allaah's grace and bounty. Their dispute with the Salafees is not personal, nor is it one of sincere advice or correction, rather it is only to destroy and demolish the Salafi da'wah in the UK and also the USA.

O hizbees and enemies of the Salafees, hidden or open, courageous or cowardly, you have nowhere to hide. Your websites were and still are filled with hatred, jealousy and animosity towards this daw'ah, and they are as stagnant as ever. You are a proof against yourselves. There will indeed come a Day when you will be brought to account for what your tongues have earned. While you attack us with these devilish and childish attacks be that upon the websites of the Hizbees, or be that in your private and secret gatherings, or be that in front of the ignorant and unsuspecting common folk, know that we are involved in teaching the Sharee'ah knowledge, so we hope that we earn some good from that as well as earn some good from your licentious nameemah and buhtaan. Toobaa lakum!

You want us to stop enjoining the good and forbidding the evil, to stop refuting and teaching knowledge. Then with what will you replace these efforts. Who have you invited to the UK to teach? What have you taught except the alleged sins of the du'aat and discord? Where is your self-respect and honour - Indeed, where is your masculinity? You type hatred on the websites of Ahlul-bid'ah. So is this how you intend to guide and teach people the path of the Salaf?

Ponder, O Salafee Atharee over the foolishness of these juvenile delinquents.


This message was edited by on 11-14-03 @ 12:00 AM

14-11-2003 @ 3:42 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 78
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May Allaah continue to spread the call of Tawheed and return the plots of His enemies upon them!!!

أذا اشتد صيف الحزبيين , وشتاء القطبيين , وخريف السروريين , فاعلم أن الأمة بحاجة إلى ربيع السنة و الدين

15-11-2003 @ 6:53 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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بسم الله الرحمـن الرحيم

I would also like to know exactly what the purpose is in posting pages of refutations of the Deobandiyyah and Jamaa'at ut-Tableegh if one later nullifies this jarh by either (a) including them into Ahl us-Sunnah or (b) staunchly defending those who do so. Is this not analogous to constructing a building and completely destroying it immediately after construction? Clearly, this indicates extreme confusion and lack of sound principles on the part of these people. I ask Allaah by His Beautiful Names to guide these people to the truth and allow them to realize that the corrupt tamyee' of Ma'ribee and his predecessors is what allowed the likes of Jamaa'at ut-Tableegh to spread throughout the Ummah in the first place.

Abu 'Abdil-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

This message was edited by abu.abdul.azeez on 11-15-03 @ 7:17 PM
16-11-2003 @ 12:02 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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For the record, we now know the specific network of individuals from within the UK who are the ones in touch with the kadhhaab called unlissted. This has not been too difficult to fathom, on account of local happenings here during the past few days, as well as fact-based deductions from some of the posts they have been putting on an Ikhwaanee website. They are the ones spreading tales to this kadhhaab who is then posting them on this forum which gathers together hizbees, takfeerees and other unsavouries.

The recent post filled with tales and slanders "SP Scared to Death" has now actually been removed from that Ikhwaanee website, probably by the request of the kadhhaab unlissted himself, when he realised his stupidity in posting that nonsense. In fact, we had already informed people in the past weeks, that unlissted will soon expose himself as a great dajjaal, when on account of his own stupidity he gains a false sense of confidence by his posts and that after this ocurrs he will soon start being more daring in posting outlandish and outrageous tales that he will acquire from his spy friends who email or pass on the juicy goss. This is the nature of unscrupulous people who are easily overwhelmed by their sentiments and whose souls are goaded on by praises and commendations by like-minded ignorants. And we informed that when he starts doing so he will uncover himself to all. This has already occurred with his recent posts. With us, he has been amongst the ranks of the kadhdhaabeen from a long time ago, but his recent activities should have exposed him more widely as a dajjaal coward. Now, apparently, he is going back and re-editing or completely deleting a lot of his own posts.

Just to give one example of the behaviour of his hypocrisy:
Joined: 08 Oct 2002
Posts: 92
Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 9:55 am    Post subject: Name calling  
This name calling stuff has got to stop.This doesnt apply to the scholars because they have the insight to know but as for the awaam(general people)Possibly some people might be falling into gheebah and butaan with these evil nicknames and insults(allahu alim) wallahee it's sad
And then (in this month of Ramadaan) he refers to our Salafee brothers as "heemaar" (donkey) and "jackass", and he says "ahlu wham bam" and other insults and name-calling. As we said earlier, the false attachment of these people to Rifqan Ahl us-Sunnah has become readily apparent. They have not benefited from it the least, even they were the most ardent of people in distributing it. In fact, they are the greatest of hypocrites in their speech and action and the most impious at that, seeing that they hailed this book as a victory for them when it was actually against them in reality as Shaykh Rabee pointed out. And by these actions of their's they only further confirm that Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin is actually convicting them of the matters he points out in that book.

As for the individuals who are in touch with this kadhhaab from within the UK they are the same ones from the same evil network who have been trying to destroy the dawah here in specific parts of the UK during the last year. While we give little importance to these individuals, we make this short notice just in case they think we are unwary of their evil plots. They are finished and have been so for a while now. Which is why these activities - as we said - are just the remaining dirty straws they are clutching on to.

17-11-2003 @ 9:59 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Can You Smell The Stench Of The Hizbees As They Slander The Salafees

Jaabir, radhiAllaahu 'anhu, said: We were with the Prophet, salallaahu alayhi wassallam, when there came a foul smell. The Messenger of Allaah, salallaahu alayhi wassallam, said: "Do you know what that smell is? That is the stench of those who gossip and backbite the believers."[Ahmad, Al-Adab al-Mufrad]

So likewise is the stench of these hizbees who curse, backbite, slander and lie upon the Salafees. Those who invent stories and gossip, just like the 'gutter-press' does to cause the hatred and rancour. As for the Salafees then they have - walhamdulillaah - in every fitnah been upon the haqq and remained firm upon it, openly proclaiming it and not fearing the blame of the blamers. This is what grieves these envious cowards, which is why they attempt to bring down the Salafees with lies and deception. Have these devils managed to find anything in aqeedah or manhaj or walaa and baraa or positions that need to be held with which they can find fault? They have utterly failed and all they have with them now is gossip.

Indeed the slanderer and gossip-mongerer is a coward with a weak character and a pathetic personality, who does not have the courage to advise, and nor to identify himself. That is why you find that tale-carriers are hardly ever identified. But one thing that they dont realise (or do not care about) is that Allaah punishes them in their graves. The Prophet, salallaahu alayhi wassallam, passed some graves and informed his Companions that its inhabitants were being punished due to them not cleaning correctly after urination and spreading tales and gossip-mongering.[Ahmad] However, the sources of this coward's tales and lies are known to us, by specifically by name and residence.

In another narration, the Messenger, salallaahu alayhi wassallam, said: "When I was taken up into the Heavens, I passed by some people who had copper claws tearing at their faces and chests. I asked, 'Who are these, O Jibreel?' He said, 'They are those who ate the flesh of people, and violated their honour'." [Musnad Ahmad]

So, O hizbees, you may be able to deceive the people with your lies and slander, but you are not hidden from Allaah, the All-Knowing. From Him, you are neither an unlissted nor an anonymous. Likewise is the case of those who follow up and encourage these devils, to continue with their evil. Their internet based network of shayateen are similar to those that gather around the Throne of Iblees, who sends them out to go and cause havoc amongst mankind. Why can they not be brave enough to confront a person with his so-called mistakes, and thus make him aware of his shortcomings, so then they can earn the reward for their enjoining of good and forbidding evil? This, in it of itself, is a proof of their falsehood and desire for evil and mischief.

And when they are confronted, as they were in the UK on several occassions, you find them lying and claiming that they had said nothing, even claiming that they have love for their Salafee brothers, whom they slander behind their backs and invent stories of sins against them. Then when they return to their pack of devils, after having openly and shamelesely lied, continue with their evil. This type of lying they even present to the Shaykhs! But you are not hidden, O hizbee! Your stench is too powerful and exposes you.

All of this, they do, due to their envy, jealousy and desire for status. That is why you find them uniting with anyone, regardless of manhaj or religious orientation. So, in the UK, they unite with Markaz Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth of Abdul-Haadee Umaree [those who make permissable demonstrations alongside Marxist Communists, Christians and Raafidah]; They unite with the blind-followers of Abul-Hasan Al-Ma'rabee of Luton; And at the same time, in front of the clear Salafees, they claim love for the Salafi scholars!

Learn, O hizbees from UK and USA, from the events of the hypocrite, Abdullaah Bin Ubayy, when he said to his friends, "Do not give what you have of possessions to those who are with the Messenger of Allaah until they desert him. And then, when we return to Madeenah, the honourable will drive out the lowly/mean ones". Zayd Bin Arqam came to the Messenger and told him about this. He sent someone to Abdullaah Bin Ubayy and he asked him whether he had said that or not. So this hypocrite swore by Allaah that he had not said that, and said that it was Zayd who had lied to the Prophet. Zayd said, "I was very disturbed on account of this until the aayah was revealed attesting that I had spoken the truth".[Bukhaaree, Muslim]

This is the behaviour of these liars in the UK who took out the whole of their Summer to wage a venemous, yet fruitless war against the Salafees and Salafi Publications. They actively encourage people not to aid the Salafi da'wah, not to give their sadaqah to the Salafees, they curse the Salafees, slander them and backbite them just as Ibn Ubayy did in the time of the Prophet, salallaahu alayhi wassallam. They promise their friends that soon the Salafees will be deposed and driven out of their positions. They regard themselves as honourable and regard the Salafees as being lowly and despicable. Then when their lies are brought in front of them by the Scholars, they claim that they said nothing against the Salafees. They then claim that, it is the Salafees who have lied!

So these are their characteristics of hypocrisy. We are showing these traits of hypocrisy they display so that the unsuspecting Salafee is aware, but we do not declare them to be hypocrites outside the fold of Islaam. And the same can be said about their US counterparts.

So now, these evil-doers and enemies of this Manhaj as-Salafee, wish to expose what they call sins of the Salafees. This is after all the atrocious defeats they faced in what has passed. They claim that they have a Sharee'ah duty to expose these sins. Then firstly, that which they have is lies and deception. Just like the devils from the Jinn who eavesdrop at the heavens, they carry 99 lies and one truth. So for example, the truth is that the Salafee gets married and maybe gets divorced from a wife. So they mix this truth with clear open lies and accusations of adultery and fornication and all kinds of foul accusations, just like the devils do. So marriage is not a sin, nor is polygamy a sin, nor is divorce a sin unless the rights of the sister are violated or she is deceived.

But even if the Salafees have sins that they try to hide, then know that the Messenger, salallaahu alayhi wassallam, said: Whoever reveals the sin of his Muslim brother (which he has been trying to hide), then Allaah will expose him, even if he is in the depths of his house.

So it is bad enough that you expose sins of your Muslim brother, what is worse is that you invent lies and attribute it to your Muslim brother, and then claim you must expose him as your religious duty! This is the way of Abdullaah Bin Ubayy and the hypocrites. So repent before Allaah takes your soul and whilst it is rotten and full of envy.

Further are the people expected to accept these accusations of sins without knowing who is bringing the accusations. Is this the way of the Salafee? Is this how witness is taken in an Islamic court?! Are we to blindly accept the babblings of an unknown, nameless network of devils who lie and distort?

I am sure that if the identity of these people was exposed, one of two things would happen: Either they would run to us and apologise begging forgiveness, relying upon our love of the Sunnah in implementing the taraaju' of the deviant - Or alternatively, they would abandon all attachment to Salafiyyah, and thus their true colours would be known by all.

So ponder, O Salafee, over the evil plots of these people.

We pray that Allaah guides them to their senses and guides them to sincerity. And if they do not return, we pray that Allaah destroys them and their evil plots.


This message was edited by on 11-17-03 @ 1:56 PM

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بسم الله  الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة السلام على رسول الله
أما بعد

Subhan'Allah. These obtuse, unintelligent and imperceptive  individuals really need to realise that they are going to face their lord one day alone.

Allah says in the qur'an  Surah 40, ayahs 18 & 19.

و أنذ ر هم يو م ا لأ ز فة  إذ القلوب لد ىا لحنا جر كظمين. الظلمين من حميم و لا شفيع يطا ع.  
يعلم خآءنة ا لأعين و ما تخفىا لصد و ر

?And warn them (Oh Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم )of the Day that is drawing near( ie the Day of Resurrection), when the hearts will be choking the throats, and they can neither return them (hearts)  to their chests nor can they throw them out. There will be no friend, nor an intercessor for the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers), who could be given heed to.

Allah knows the fraud of the eyes, and all that the breasts conceal.?

I say to my Salafee brothers around the world, utilise this blessed month beneficially and supplicate for your Salafee brothers at Salafee publications in UK and the rest of the du?aat and tulaab in the West.

May Allah protect the brothers at Salafee Publications, and the rest of the Salafee du'aat and tulaab in the West and grant them success and keep them firm in spreading this beautiful Da?wah and keep their enemies far from them. Ameen.

Abu Dawood Humza

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