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28-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 21
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Assalaamu alaykum
my qeustion is what is Manhaj
I think to myself i know but then i can't say i am certain.
Can the du'aat or anyone that knows help please.
this is important to me .
Baarakalaahu feekum.  

28-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 208
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as salaamu alaikum

The best thing to do is go to . Enter as a regular user and click on the title 'MANHAJ' there you shall find all you need for now on manhaj in detail in shaa Allaah. Also you can go to May Allaah help you and all of us to understand this manhaj.

أبو سلمان النمري طلحة بن وليم

والعصر ان الانسان لفي خسر الا الذين آمنواو عملوا الصالحات و تواصوا بالحق و تواصوا بالصبر

29-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Jazaakalaahu khayraa abusalmaan
ihave read some of the articals on manhaj of spubs,
and from what i understand is that the salaf have a manhaj they adhered to.
a manhaj in aqeedah,a manhaj in how they give da'wah,
a manhaj in how enjoying good and forbidding evil based on the qur'aan and the sunnah
Allaahu A'lum
what is the sharee'ah definition of manhaj?

29-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Masha Allaah!
Jazaakallaahu khayraa yaa abu Iyaad
this is very Clear! masha Allaah
Barakallaahu feek

29-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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س / سئل الشيخ العلامة صالح الفوزان حفظه الله هل هناك فرق بين العقيدة والمنهج ؟؟

ج / المنهج أعم من العقيدة ، المنهج يكون في العقيدة وفي السلوك والأخلاق والمعاملات وفي كل حياة المسلم ، كل الخطة التي يسير عليها المسلم تسمى المنهج .

أما العقيدة فيراد بها أصل الأيمان ، ومعنى الشهادتين ومقتضاهما هذا هي العقيدة . اهـ

[ الأجوبة المفيدة عن أسئلة المناهج الجديدة لشيخ الفوزان 75]

وسئل العلامة الشيخ عبيد الجابري حفظه الله عن هذا السؤال فأجاب بنفس جواب الشيخ الفوزان مع زيادة في التفصيل وهذا هو نص السؤال .

س / شيخ عبيد حفظكم الله هل هناك فرق بين العقيدة والمنهج ؟؟؟

ج / العقيدة هي ما يجب على المرء اعتقاده في الله عز وجل ، وفي ما جاء من عنده ، وما جاءت به رسله .
وعمود ذلك وملخصه : أركان الإيمان الستة التي هي : الإيمان بالله وملائكته وكتبه ورسله واليوم الآخر والإيمان بالقدر خيره وشره ، ثم ما يتبع ذلك مما يجب على المسلم اعتقاده ، وأنه حق وصدق ، من أخبار الغيب كحدوث الفتن التي أخبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، أو كأخبار من مضى من النبيين والمرسلين سواء ما كان منها في الكتاب أو السنة ، وأحوال البرزخ من نعيم القبر وعذابه ، وما يجري في القيامة الكبرى من نصب الحوض والميزان والصراط وغير ذلك .

وأما المنهج فهو : تقرير أصول الدين وفروعه . المنهج هو الطريق الذي يقرر به المرء أصول الدين وفروعه ، فإن كان هذا الطريق موافقاً للكتاب والسنة وسيرة السلف الصالح فهو منهج حق ، وإن كان مخالفاً لذلك فهو منهج فاسد ، والإسلام مؤلف من هذين : صحة المعتقد وسلامة المنهج وسداده ، فلا ينفك أحدهما عن الآخر ، فمن فسد منهجه فثقوا أن هذا نابع من فساد عقيدته ، فإذا استقامت العقيدة على الوجه الصحيح ، استقام لكذلك المنهج .

فالخوارج فسد منهجهم لفساد عقيدتهم ، لأنهم اعتقدوا استحلال دماء أهل الكبائر ، فسوغوا قتلهم وقتالهم ، والخروج على الحكام العصاة الفساق ، واستحلوا الأموال والدماء ، ولهذا قال من قال من أهل العلم بأنهم كفار . اهـ

المرجع [ شريط الإيضاح والبيان في كشف بعض طرائق فرقة الإخوان، الوجه الأول تسجيلات ابن رجب السلفية ]

Men are known by the truth, the truth is not known by way of men.

29-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Sorry, one of the posts on this thread got deleted, Abu Iyaad's. If he has a back up maybe it can be posted again.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

29-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Just general advice to members, when you post and you find that it is taking time to add your post, please do not click the reply button again, and again, as this adds multiple posts. It is more than likely that your post has been added, but it is not refreshing as quickly.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

29-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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I did save it, here it is again...

As Salaamu `Alaykum

The word manhaj is a general word that refers to the specific way and methodology adopted by Ahl us-Sunnah, that is derived from the Book and the Sunnah, upon the fahm (understanding) of the Salaf, in the various affairs of the deen, be they related to beliefs, or other aspects of knowledge, or aspects of action.

So for example, Ahl us-Sunnah have a specific methodology in the way that they make tafseer of the Book of Allaah, likewise they have a specific methodology in the way that they derive their aqeedah, and they have specific methodologies in the subject of ahaadeeth, and they have a specific methodology in the way that they perform the da'wah to Allaah, and they have a specific methodology in refuting, warning, and they have a specific methodology in behaving during specific circumstances, such as oppressive rulers, or empowerment of the kuffar over the Muslims, and so on. So many other affairs can be listed.

So from this we understand that manhaj is something that is very broad and vast. In light of this, it also becomes clear that it is of the utmost importance that we are precise and exact in these methodologies, which is really a matter that returns back to gaining a proper understanding of the Book and the Sunnah in light of the understanding of the Salaf. When subtle mistakes are made in the methodologies underlying these fields they can lead, over time, to great innovation and misguidance.

The subject of manhaj is more vast than the subject of tawheed and aqeedah,  the affairs of manhaj are more broad and they  underlie the affairs of the deen in general, so they underlie the affairs of Tawheed, because Ahl us-Sunnah have particular methodologies in understanding Tawheed and explaining it, and teaching and calling to it, likewise in Aqeedah, likewise in Fiqh, likewise, in dealing with the Innovators, likewise in refuting and warning from deviation, likewise in rectifying the society, likewise in correcting the rulers and so on. The affairs of manhaj cover both knowledge based matters, such as the affairs of tawheed, and tafseer, and aqeedah and fiqh, and they also cover action based matters, such as how to behave with the rulers, how to behave with the Innovators, how to rectify the society, how to perform da'wah, where to begin, what are the priorities, and how to implement the aqeedah of walaa and baraa and so on.

In contemporary times, the word manhaj has been identified primarily with the affairs of da`wah and whatever is connected to them. This has occurred because in the last century, due to the birth of political activist ideologies imported from the Kuffar and spread under the banner of "Islaam", many mistakes and deviations were made in these methodologies that relate to da`wah and rectification of the Ummah (and as a consequence in other fields also, such jarh and ta`deel, dealing with the Innovators, and jihaad, and takfeer, and cooperative work, walaa and baraa and other affairs).

In light of that, when we speak about "the manhaj" and "correcting ones manhaj" and "understanding the Salafee manhaj" and the "importance of knowing the manhaj" and phrases such as these, then what is meant is knowing exactly what was the manhaj (way, methodology) of the Salaf in the various affairs subject to controversy, and returning to them, and being exact and precise with respect to them and implementing them.

This is why the Salafee Shaykhs like Shaykh Rabee` and Shaykh Faalih and Shaykh`Ubayd always stress the importance of correcting and being precise and exact in the Salafee manhaj, as this is what distinguishes the Salafees from all the people of deviation, innovation and hizbiyyah.

And many people from the hizbiyyeen, the takfeeriyyeen, the qutbiyyeen and surooriyyeen and others now also ascribe themselves to Salafiyyah and call themselves Salafees, fraudulently. However,what distinguishes the true Salafees from them is that the Salafees have distinct and clear methodologies and also clear positions that they hold on issues, events, individuals organisations and groups and one can quite easily identify those who make false ascriptions to Salafiyyah by looking at where they stand and what positions they hold  on these same matters.

These are just some brief notes, maybe others can add inshaa'Allaah. There are also some quotes from the Scholars somewhere on this forum, I remember from Shaykh al-Albaanee, Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan and Shaykh `Ubayd concerning manhaj.

-=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=-

29-04-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 182
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Refer to this link as well, where some of the statements in arabic above are translated...

-=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=-
23-07-2003 @ 9:36 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 154
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Assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah

So if someone manhaj is not sahih can we say his aqeedah is not sahih also?

barakallahu feek

wa'alaikum assalaam

abu ayyub al bukhari

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