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» Ibn Fulaan Al-Miskeen is a Deceitful Fitnah Monger so BEWARE
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Posted By Topic: Ibn Fulaan Al-Miskeen is a Deceitful Fitnah Monger so BEWARE

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05-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 1280
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In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, may His Salaah and Salaam be upon His final Messenger. to proceed:

I had already explained the situation to this "IBN FULAAN AL-MISKEEN" when he asked me about the situation on either paltalk or MSN.  I explained it to him in detail until he had nothing else to say.  Now he comes out and pretends to not know about an affair I have already clarified to him.  So I sent an e-mail to him (a copy of it is below) and then blocked him from sending me any more mail, and I would advise everyone else to do likewise, since it is clear that he is trying to twist things and defame the salafees while promoting and defending the people of deviation...

Your brother, Moosaa


From :   "Moosaa Richardson" <>  

To :  
Subject :   Re: Why Don't They Want to Sit with the Scholars???  
Date :   Fri, 03 Jan 2003 11:04:31 +0300  

In the past when ppl knew their places, the masaakeen would stay quiet.  Subhaan Allaah.

"Why doesn't this Moosa Richardson, the one who said he would go to Shaykh Rabi' and ask him about the QSS seminar, tell the people what the Shaykh said when he talked to him???  FEAR ALLAH Mr. Richardson, why do you withhold information now that it doesn't fit your way of hatred!!!  Why are you hiding and concealing the FACT that the Shaykh did not want to talk about anyone and didn't want to be asked???  Even of more concern is why are you and the other youth still talking when the Shaykh is NOT?!?!?!?"

The shaykh spoke about Abdul-Mun'im.  We have his statement.  The shaykh told us to not attend his conference as a punishment for him.  We have his statement.

I asked him about his past position and he did not answer.  Do YOU, miskeen, now put words in the shaykh's mouth!?  Do you think that Shaykh Rabee', the one who stood up against the whole world and exposed their beloved Qutb, do you think he is afraid to tell us that he has changed his position?

I also had other questions about Abul-Hasan Al-Ma'ribee, and he did not answer!  IN THE SAME SITTING!  Do you now say that the shaykh has changed his position regarding Abul-Hasan?  I guess when you are grabbing at straws, anything looks like a tazkiyyah for your burnt and tired organization.  Rather, the shaykh has made his position clear, and when I asked him about the newest and latest charade (conference) of QSS, I included in the question, "Shaykh you told us before to not attend the last conference to punish him (Abdul-Mun'im)..."  So when he chose not to answer the question, he knew we had his previous statement, and I say that shaykh knows the fiqh principle quite well "LAA YAJOOZ TA'KHEER AL-BAYAAN 'AN WAQTIL-HAAJAH" (it is not permissible to delay clarification beyond the time of need).  

***IMPORTANT CORRECTION: This is not the correct uderstanding of this principle.  The principle applies to the texts of the Book and the Sunnah, and not the speech of people...  However, it is binding on the people of knowledge to inform the people of what they are in need of, which was the actual intention behind the incorrect usage of this principle. [1425/10/29]***

So if he wanted us to resume supporting them, we would have told us.  This is for those who can think clearly and are not hunting for SOMETHING, ANYTHING to save their horrible, deceitful, trecherous organization.  To the point, subhaan Allaah, the absence of an answer becomes a tazkiyyah!  ittibaa' Al-hawaa plain as day!

And furthermore, as for their claim that Shaykh Rabee' sent the Jordanians to resolve what is between QSS and TROID, then this is completely unfounded.  Bring your proof, that's all.  Don't expect the salafees to take the word of a liar or those who take salaries from the liar either.  Just send what you have from Shaykh Rabee'!  WHERE IS IT?!  No one has seen it?

Rather, they will not bring anything.  Because they have nothing but lint in their pockets.  If they had something, they would have updated their dinky web page and put it there, since thats basically the only time they do that, for occasions like this to support or defend their organization!  If they had something from Shaykh Rabee' it would have been broadcasted day and night to all ends of the earth.

So lets put our cards on the table.  Bring us what you have from Shaykh Rabee' so we can confirm it with the Shaykh.  And we love our 'ulamaa' and can not survive without their guidance, may Allaah preserve them all.  And if you can not bring it, then just fear Allaah and remain silent so the salafees can go on giving da'wah.

And how many of those speakers from that long list came to the QSS conference anyway?  Let me guess... 4?

Your email is address is now blocked, please do not bother me anymore.  And may Allaah rid the salafees of those who are trying to cause fitnah and destroy the da'wah from within.



"I have four kinds of days:
(1) A day when I go out and meet someone more
knowledgeable than me, so I learn from him,
and that is the day of my benefit and profit.
(2) A day when I go out and meet someone less
knowledgeable than me, so I teach him,
and that the day of my reward.
(3) A day when I go out and meet someone like
me and I study and review with him, and that
is the day of my lesson.
(4) A day when I go out and meet someone below
my level but he sees himself as being above my
level, so I don't talk to him, and I make that
the day for my rest."

- Ibraaheem An-Nakha'ee
(Jaami'u Bayaan Al-'Ilm #878)

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

This message was edited by Moosaa on 12-11-04 @ 6:04 PM

06-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 30
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asalaamu alaikum akh Moosa, barakallahu feekum, for advising all regarding this individual.
I am personally tired of receiving his 'ignorant', attempts to create fitan, amongst the salafeeyoon.

I guess you can sum up this individual, just by reading his name.  Wa'Allahu musta'3n!

May Allahu Subhana wa'tala guide him, and of course all of us.


07-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 265
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This is my reply to Ibn Fulan al-Miskeen around the same time Moosaa replied to him last week:

Correction #1-

Ibn Fulan al-Miskeen said:

"I was informed from a thiqa that Shaykh Rabi' has written a statement which places the scholars of Jordan as Arbitrators between YOU and the brothers of QSS..."

I (Dawud Adib) say: The same shaikh you have tried to make us think you have connected yourself to - Shaikh Rabee - addressed your above bolded and underlined statement as follows:

ANSWER by Shaykh Rabee' ibn Haadee Al-Madkhalee, well-known scholar and retired professor from the Islaamic University of Al-Madeenah

A thiqah is a sane, adult Muslim, someone who has upright character and is known for precision in what he narrates. One is known as thiqah either: (1) by way of the positive statements of the trustworthy and reliable Muslims who are well known for their fairness, precision, and trustworthiness in the Religion, or (2) by his position being well-known to all the people, that he is a scholar, he is thiqah, etc., just as the positions of the well-known scholars have become known to everyone.

As for other than this, the person who does not fulfill these conditions, he is not a sane, adult Muslim with upright character, or no one has testified to his trustworthiness, or his position is not well known amongst the people, then he is not a thiqah, may Allaah bless you, even if someone says, "A thiqah told me..."

Even if Ash-Shaafi'ee said, "A thiqah told me..." (without naming him) it would not be accepted from him. For example, Ash-Shaafi'ee says, "A thiqah told me..." then, afterwards, may Allaah bless you, it is found that he was narrating from Ibraaheem ibn Yahyaa Al-Aslamee, one of the least deserving of the people to be called a thiqah, since he was criticized about his Deen, his ability to narrate, everything!

We still have a good opinion of Ash-Shaafi'ee, may Allaah have Mercy on him, and the other imaams who said that they were narrating on the authority of a thiqah and it turns out that others knew he was not thiqah.

So it is binding that the people know who the thiqah is when someone says, "A thiqah told me..." even if he said, "An imaam told me..." it will never be accepted from him until he conveys the name of the person, and that the identity of this thiqah becomes known. Then, if he is well known for his fairness and precision, then his report is accepted. And if he is not known for his fairness and precision, then his narration is not to be accepted.

Correction #2-

Ibn Fulan al-Miskeen said:

"Another brother told me that while you were in Philly in the hotel lobby you recieved a phone call from a brother who said that Shaykh al-Halabi wanted to talk with you..."

I (Dawud Adib) say: This is not true or correct! Actually I was in room #2226 when I got the call from Ali Sabir. I immediately put on the speaker phone because I wanted those present to hear what was going on and could be witnesses.

I asked him (Ali Sabir) why did he (Shaikh Alee Hasan) want to speak to me because I am nobody. I told him, I don't want to speak to him!

Those who were witnesses to this in that room were:

Aboo Muhammad Naadir al-Jamaykee, the brother Yusuf (of whom the brothers call 'shaikh' Yusuf) , Zaki Muwakkil, who sells the Daffa thowbs and women's overgarments  and my brother in-law Aboo Khadeejah Abdullaah Olds.I told the brothers who witnessed and heard the conversation, that this was very strange that he wanted to speak to me since for the past six years or more he never called me, or wanted to speak to me when he came to the States, so why now?

I left the room, went to the lobby and while preparing to leave the hotel, informed the brothers sitting there (one of them being Aboo KhadeejahSP) of what transpired.  

Not to long after the collective statement of Shaikh Rabee and the shuyookh from Jordan, our brothers - Shaikh Alee Hasan al-Halabee and Shaikh Saleem al-Hilaalee - said that that collective statement/agreement did not neccesitate or compel them making tabdee' upon Abool Hasan al-Misree, then al-Ma'ribee. The question might be; did they inform the shaikh that they were going to say that publicly before they left his house? Maybe they did, I don't know.

But if they did not inform him that they were going to publicly release another bayaan, does that show any disdain for the shaikh? I will let you answer that yourself.

At the same time, that collective statement between them does not neccesitate or compel me sitting down with them to talk to any one of them nor does it indicate as you said any "HATRED" or "DISLIKE" from me towards him/them!

I have one finally question for you based on something else you said.
Ibn Fulan al-Miskeen said "...and that NO ONE should speak bad about???"

Did I say something bad about them? Do you have that recorded somewhere in writting or on tape or CD?

Or did your 'thiqah' inform you of it?

I am hoping that Shaikh Rabee' receives this information of my actions in the hotel from you or whoever would like to deliver it to him, to see what would be his reaction to the "path and position" I have taken.

And finally, there is something that you and I agree with you so far akhee and that is...

you are truly miskeen!!

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

07-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 91
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This man is a coward hiding behind his computer.If he believed that he was on the Haqq he would write in his own name.

My advice is leave these Majaaheel as they enjoy the attention!!!!!!!!!!

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