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» Shaykh Allaamah Ahmed An Najmi advises those who invited Qoosi to their masjid to Fear Allaah.....
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Posted By Topic: Shaykh Allaamah Ahmed An Najmi advises those who invited Qoosi to their masjid to Fear Allaah.....

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23-09-2003 @ 9:50 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 63
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Audio coming soon inshaa Allaah.....

وقال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية:
لا عيب على من أظهر مذهب السلف وانتسب إليه واعتزى إليه بل يجب قبول ذلك منه بالاتفاق فإن مذهب السلف لا يكون إلا حقا
مجموع الفتاوى 4/ 149

24-09-2003 @ 5:32 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Asslaamu alaikum.


Fear Allaah Brixton Mosque!
Fear Allaah Luton Mosque!
Fear Allaah Birmingham Separatists!

Please brother Hasan, put the tape on soon. This will be another proof against the defenders of the Ma'ribee minhaaj.


24-09-2003 @ 5:45 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Allahu Akbar !!!
24-09-2003 @ 8:13 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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So the Question was put to ash-Shaykh al-Allaamah Ahmad An-Najmi..

What is your advice O' Shaykh to those who invited Usaamah al Qoosee to their masjid after they were aware of the speach of the peoplel of knowledge concerning him?


My advice to them is to fear Allaah Azza wa Jalla, and not to invite the people of falsehood as guests, who speak ill of the Salafis and those callers who strive to give victory to the truth, and to give victory to the Salafi manhaj those who defend the call of al-Islaam, the call to at-Tawheed, the call to the Sunnah. They strive seeking to cleanse and purify them from the blemishes of innovation and other matters which the people maybe be unaware of. Those who speak ill concerning them should be disciplined, imprisoned and reprimanded, the rights of the people of the truth should be known due to them striving in the path of Allaah, and due to them arising with this task which is religious obligation (i.e. enjoining the good and forbidding the evil) of which many people have left off and followed innovated methodologies as to co-operate with and increase the ranks of the people of innovation. And maybe this is due to them desiring wealth or fearing harm, and this something which is definitely not permissible.

Recoreded 26 Rajab 1424 AH
Tuesday 24 September 2003

25-09-2003 @ 5:46 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalamu Alaikum

Yes Brixton fear Allah and clarify your position from that evil speech and false speech which was spoken at your masjid by Usaamah Al Qoosee!!!!

Why is it that the whole shurah remains silent after falsehood such as this, it can only be due to one of two things:

1: They are ignorant and unaware of what is being said.
2: They agree with this batil.

As for them being ignorant then we know that is not the case as when a similar incident took place last year they run to Shaykh Rabee to clear their name........

Brixton please be sincere.

26-09-2003 @ 9:23 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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عبدالحق بيكر (صاحب مسجد ابن تيمية فى بريكستون من ضواحى لندن) يزعم أنه سوف يرفع أمر مصلى بريكستون الى اللجنة الدائمة .  سبحان الله

اذا لم يوافق شيخ أهوائهم تركوه وبحثوا عن غيره، ما سمعناهم يذكرون اللجنة  من قبل او يرجعون اليها،    

تعلمون  يا اخوان ماذا فعلوا العام الماضى، الآن لا يبالون، لدرجة أنه تعب منهم حتى الأخوة الذين أيدوهم فى السابق.

على كل حال نحمد الله الذى وفقنا من قبل ومن بعد، ونرجوا ان يعلن الأخوة الذين ساعدوهم فى العام الماضى موقفهم وان لا يسكتوا مثلهم.

فان تاخير البيان فى وقت الحاجة لا يجوز، وان نترك التخبط فى المنهج السلفى الواضح  ، لماذا يحارب بعضنا اخوانهم فى قضية أبى الفتن ثم اذا راى خظا موقفه لا يتوب على رؤوس الاشهاد،

ثم تاتى فتنة مشائخ الشام فيشوش على السلفيين من أجلهم، ثم اذا ظهر كلام العلماء اختفى ولا نسمع لهم توبة معلنة،

ثم فتنة القوصى ثم أصحاب التمييع والمأربيين ، ما هذا ياخوان لمذا نجعل ديننا عرضة للتنقل يمنة ويسرة، لا بد من شجاعة أدبية وشيء من الرجولة والكف عن خذلان الحق وأهله،

أبو الحسن يمشى فى شوارع مدينة جدة هذه الايام وحيدا شريدا طريدا كالبعير الاجرب، تركه الناس، نعوذ بالله من حال أهل البدع

This message was edited by AbuAbdillaah on 9-26-03 @ 9:32 AM

26-09-2003 @ 6:00 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Akhee Abu 'Abdillaah could you please translate this for us english speakers.

jazaak Allaahu khayra

aboo 'Ubayd al-Athari as-Salafi

This message was edited by awzan.ibn.badr on 9-26-03 @ 6:11 PM

01-10-2003 @ 3:48 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Why is it that Brixton remain silent?
Are there any of those who attend Brixton masjid that will speak and protect the Honour of the elder scholars of this Ummaah?
It is shame to see our brothers end up like this!

02-10-2003 @ 9:13 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

I spoke to aboo 'abdillaah today on messenger, he told me that he probably will not be able to translate his post due to his busy workload, alhamdulillaah.

maybe Hassan or one of the bro's can do it, inshaaAllaah.

على كل حال

aboo 'Ubayd al-Athari as-Salafi

This message was edited by awzan.ibn.badr on 10-3-03 @ 10:55 PM

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