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08-06-2003 @ 3:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 14
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Assalaamu alaykum

I happened to browse the salaf not khalaf site today, and I usually take interest in browsing the various other sites every now and then, besides the well known salafee sites, and I was shocked when I saw on the first page, the admin have placed a list of "salafee" sites and included in both the english and arabic links, a link to a clear suroori, qutbi website (which I will not mention). When you click on that site, you are just a click or two away from the books (and audios) of Salman al-Awdah, Amr Khalid, al-Munajjid, Aqeel al-Maqtaree, Abu Ruhayyims refutation of al-Albaanee and accusing him of Irjaa, Nasir al-Fahd, the clear outright takfeeree, kharijee from Saudi, Ali al-Khudayr (one of those recently arrested in connection to the bombings in Riyadh) Hamood Uqlaa Shuaybee, Safar al-Hawali - and this is only the beginning!!!! Allaahul Musta'aan. I have saved the page in question for reference and that particular post has been there since 21st March(!!!!) and I never noticed it before.

I have been casually browsing that site for a few months now, every now and then, and this is not the first time that I have been alarmed. Sorry, I did not wish to raise this issue and open up more problems, but seeing what I saw today, it was the last straw, something has to be said so that people are not misled. And I know of numerous other people who feel the same way and have seen some if not all of the things that I have mentioned.

I advise Salafees to be cautious about their deen and their manhaj, and I advise those who are in charge of internet sites, or those who just put themselves forward to run Internet sites and just copy other sites without any deep knowledge or grounding or having any real experience that they fear Allaah!!!! fear Allaah!!!! fear Allaah!!!! fear Allaah!!!! fear Allaah!!!!.

I advise those who use the Internet often to only stick to clear Salafee websites which have been around for a long time and whose realities are known and clear. I am especially thankful to those involved with which since its launch has made things a lot easier for me and many other salafees that I have spoken to.

This message was edited by abu.abdul.barr on 6-9-03 @ 10:20 AM

08-06-2003 @ 11:13 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 14
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Just to clarify, that post in question was actually posted by the admin himself and not any of the members. The admin of that site was the one responsible for putting that list of sites including the qutbi, suroori one, included amongst both the arabic and english links. And the admin featured his own post on the very first page.

What bothers me is unqualified people setting up sites and forums, then inviting and involving many Salafees on their forums, allowing many people to become attached to these sites and making them think that these sites are firmly upon the manhaj. And once this has happened we see many doors to evil opening up, or allowed to be opened and confusion is then allowed to spread. In the above case, people being directed to a site which is hardcore qutbi, suroori, takfeeri, with all of the materials of the greatest deviants that have been fighting the Salafee manhaj in recent times. I find this scary!! I don't think people realise what a heavy burden is on their shoulders when they put themselves forward for internet ventures.

This message was edited by abu.abdul.barr on 6-8-03 @ 11:22 PM

09-06-2003 @ 8:17 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 53
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Assalamu Allaykum

Ya Akhi Abdul bar perhaps you are taking the wrong approach on this. I would first like to ask you: have you personally e-mailed the admin beforing posting the message on this site? And I also as salafees we should watch what we say and how we say things. For example, you state in the post that you "...have been casually browsing that site for a few months now, every now and then, and this is not the first time that I have been alarmed. As it clearly appears, the admin(s) do not have any grounding at all in the Salafee manhaj, and it appears to me that they are newcomers" I don't think you should label them as "new-comers", maybe some of them have been in the dawah more than you, Allahu Alim. And another point is, if you feel that they have no "clue" than you should assist them in a way that is best. Maybe you are right, the website isn't well organized, but most of the info that you find on their comes from

In other words, we should advice our brothers who are upon salafiyyah in the way that is best and we should not throw them out of the manhaj when their mistakes are so small.

If I have said anything wrong, please forgive me

Jazakallah Khair

09-06-2003 @ 10:20 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalaamu alaykum. I accept your nasihah brother Mahmoud so I have edited my post. Sorry, but I was really upset. And the admin of salaf not khalaf has been advised by others in the past. Even members themselves have posted advice and informed the admin to remove such links (like a sister reminded the admin yesterday that she advised him previously on the same point) and to fear Allah about moderation. And I remember in a few posts other people have advised the admin to improve moderation or close the site. That link in question is not from that link is a famous qutbee,takfeeree site and Sahab would not link to it. As soon as you see the books and materials of Nasir al-Fahd and Salman al-Awdah and Safar al-Hawali and Nasir al-Umar and many others on that website, which you can access from just two clicks, you know it is a takfeeree site. So the admin has been very neglectful. I dont think they have still noticed? May Allaah help us all.

09-06-2003 @ 3:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 67
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Aslaamu alaikum:


I have looked at aspects of the salaf not khalaf site myself. I have some major concerns. I agree that it seems the admins are not really well grounded in the methodology. It is possible they have been Salafees longer that you or me, but really that is not the point of dispute.

What is important is that these sites do not seem to have a strong background in the da'wah and thus fall into major errors.

As for the particular point of abu.abdul.barr, then maybe he needs to bring out what he has noticed. Myself I have seen an arabic link: (saaid/rasael) on the site which is clearly in opposition to the Salafee manhaj and here are some quotes from it,


العلماء وطلبة العلم:

الشيخ حمود العقلاء

الشيخ بكر أبو زيد

الشيخ سلمان العودة

الشيخ سفر الحوالي

الشيخ عائض القرني


'Ulemaa And Students Of Knowledge:

Ash-Shaikh Hamood Al-'Uqalaa

Ash-Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid

Ash-Shaikh Salmaan Al-'Awdah

Ash-Shaikh Safar Hawaalee

Ash-Shaikh 'Aa'id Al-Qarnee

So these are some of the scholars of the website that the brother from Sweet Sunnah has his website linked to. I hope that is sufficiet daleel.

Also, the same site has posted the works of the scholars without permission from the copyright holders, such as is well-known concerning the books of Shaikh Al-Albaanee, rahimahUllaah.

Other books on offer at the link on his Salaf not Khalaf site,


من قصص الشهداء العرب .. تأليف م. حمد القطري وتقديم فضيلة الشيخ سلمان العودة

A book with introduction of Salamaan Al-'Awdah

قواعد الاعتدال لمَن أرادَ تقويم الجماعات وَالرِجَال .. عقيل بن محمد المقطري

A book by 'Aqeel Al-Maqtaree

حقيقة الإيمان عند الشيخ الألباني محمد أبو رّحيِّم

'The Reality Of Imaan With Ash-Shaikh Al-Albaanee' by the takfeeree,Qutubee Abu Ruhayim!!

I hope that is daleel that is acceptable as signs of weakness in understanding the manhaj or at least neglect of duty to convey the truth.

Also what I noticed is that in electronic library link on the right hand side of that main page of that site you see drop down links for each of the following (in same order):

Hamood al-'Uqlaa Shuaybee
Salmaan al-'Awdah
Safar bin AbdurRahman al-Hawali
Bakr Abu Zaid
'Ai'd alQarnee
Abdul-wahhab Tareeree
Nasir al'Umar
Ibrahim ad-Duwaish
Nasir al-'Ulwan
Sulaiman al-Kharashee

You can also download many of those books from that site that have been fighting the salafee aqeedah and manhaj.

I have also seen over the last few weeks on that site clear signs that the site is not correctly monitored. There were unknown people on their attacking the daa'ees to Allaah. There was an obscene, sustained attack on Salafi Publications claiming that our noble brothers are involved in 'internet wars'. This thread was allowed to continue for days and days. Time and time again concerned brothers and sisters begged for it to be removed, but it was left for much longer than acceptable by any stretch of justice. Why?

Sorry but it is not good enough to say, 'Therefore we ask all those who adhere tenacioulsly to this dawah to assist us in this indeavor.' The responsibility lies with the brother from Sweet Sunnah I'm afraid. He set up the site and if he cannot monitor it and allows people to post attacks on Salafis, then he is responsible. If he allows those people who set up websites to fight Troid and Spubs to promote their events, then he ultimately is responsible. And if he cannot monitor or is not uptodate with the reality of matters in the da'waa in the West, then nobody will be upset with him if he was to close his site down. In fact he will be praised for that as it will close the opportunity for those who see his site as a soft entry point to attack the salafis. This da'waa is a big big responsibility so please be careful.

Also I saw today,


Can anyone tell me how someone becomes Thiqqa?

If someone is said to be thiqqa, but is known to be a liar, slanderer, womeniser and on regular basis mixes up what that person hears.

These types of sarcastic rhetorical questions are nothing short of mockery and has hidden intents which are aimed at daa'ees in the USA and the UK. It smells of the defenders of Abu Usaamah Adh-Dhahabee and Abdul-Qaadir of Luton. And the ones who posted this are the same ones who were involved in the attacks upon SPubs and talking bad of them.

So please akhi beware and be careful. If I think of anymore matters I will post them.

Allaah know best.

This message was edited by Northern.Salafi on 6-9-03 @ 3:33 PM

09-06-2003 @ 5:31 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 37
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As Salaamu Alaykum

Jazaakum Allaahu Khayr for bringing this to our attention.

I can confirm all the above details are accurate. The link is a Qutubee Takfeeree site, and I don't understand why the brother is still claiming in his above post that there is no daleel and still requesting daleel. In fact the website contains just about every aspect of deviant Ikhwaanee ideology with a large variety of material from deviant Ikhwaanees. To this minute, that site is still linked on the salafnotkhalaf website on the first page, even though the notification was made by the brothers above yesterday and the admin has since posted on his own site and on this site requesting daleel after it was posted.

If I can offer my sincerest advice, if the Administrators of that site are not knowledgeable of the Salafee manhaj or do not understand issues and are not aware of what is going on around them they should not have opened the site in the first place. The site has been a continuous source of confusion and has allowed many people to use that site for their own ends.

Also I agree with the brother Yoosuf, that would definately not link to that site. That particular site is a well known reference point for the Takfeerees and Suroorees.

This message was edited by Abu.Abdullah.A on 6-9-03 @ 6:35 PM

09-06-2003 @ 5:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Brother abu.ibraaheem.SS, I am your brother and I love you for Allaah's sake but your reply was surprising to say the least.

You asked for daleel and I gave you the clear daleel of that site. They praise takfeerees and suroorees and put their books for everyone to download and read.

As a defence you state that such and such a salafi site has links to them also. As the brother Yoosuf.AbuSafr has said it would be suprising if website had a link to this strange site which has suroorees on it. Anyway I went to and found no links to that site.

So please accept the advice, a brother to a brother.

Your brother in Salafiyyah.

10-06-2003 @ 8:44 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Brothers have advised the admin of SNK since it was launched.  This heedlessness has never ceased to be noted from SNK.  The admin has been advised many times to either monitor the site properly and keep it from being a tool for fitnah or remove the site and save themselves from being accountable for the spread of misguidance in front of Allaah.

In shaa' Allaah the admin of SNK intend good, and we do not claim that they seek to make fitnah or anything.  However, we ask Allaah to help them find another means of calling to Allaah, one that is within their range of ability, one that will be a pure source of reward for them.

Moosaa Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

10-06-2003 @ 11:08 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 264
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Assalaamu Alaikum

Concerning the SNK site, then as i am aware from a very reliable person that the brother that actually admins the site is busy most of the time, thus he has other brother(s) helping him out with admining the site. however for some strange reason those who help admin it hav had the "delete topic", and "lock topic/forum" option removed from the administrative console. this is why the admin seems very "loose" as the only person who is able to admin it, most of the time is away from the computer. make no mistake the brother(s) previously had locked the forum as the topics/posts were "getting out of hand", but again for no apparent reason it was unlocked, and the problems seem to have flared up again!!

I, my self used to post on that site, but was advised not to by one of the brothers (May Allaah preserve him...ameen!) due to the type of posts/questions that were being placed there.

i advise the admin of SNK to "tighten" the admin of the site, or if that is not possible then close it to stop the people speaking without knowledge and spreading their doubts.

wassalaamu alaikum

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