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» Shaykh Fawzi advises those in the America to stay in contact with Darul Hadeeth!
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08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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الحمد لله الذي جعل في كل زمان فترة من الرسل بقايا من أهل العلم : يهدون من ضل إلى الهدى ويبصرونهم من العمى ، ويحيون بكتاب الله الموتى ، فكم من قتيل لإبليس قد أحيوه وكم من ضال تائه قد هدوه فما أحسن أثرهم عل الناس وما أسوأ أثر الناس عليهم .
وصلى الله على نبينا محمد المجتبى الأمين وآله وصحبه وسلم تسليمًا

Today on Paltalk the Shaykh was asked who does he advise the salafis to stick with in the US and UK.
He mentioned SalafiPubs along with their noble and pure website (Everyone is aware of the clarity and the strong connection that these brothers have with the Scholars).

He also mentioned the brothers at Darul Hadeeth  who also have a website
Can someone give us some background information on these brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Men are known by the truth, the truth is not known by way of men.

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Shaykh previously spoke well of the brothers at TROID as well, can someone post that if they have his words?

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
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08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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With the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful the Bestower of Mercy
To whom it may concern:
The praise is for Allaah, Lord of the worlds. This is to inform you that the brothers of the Reign of Islaamic Da'wah Centre - we hold them to be like that and we do not praise anyone above Allaah - they are the Salafee youth who are paving the way for the call to Allaah the Exalted upon baseerah (insight) and 'ilm (knowledge). And the Ummah of Islaam is in urgent need of brothers like these to take care of the correct Islaamic deeds. And they make sure that it stays as such and remains continuous.  And we hope for your help in this affair. May Allaah reward you with the best of rewards.
Written by:
Aboo 'Abdur-Rahmaan Fawzee Ibn 'Abdullaah al-Atharee
Dated: 23 Rabee'uth-Thaanee, 1423H/July 1st, 2002
Toronto, Canada

SOURCE:  TROID e-Group Archives

Umm Khadijah Shahidah al-Kanadie

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismilla Was Salaatu Was Salaam Alaa Rasoolillah

Our brothers at Daarul Hadeeth wal Athar, are a group of students of knowledge from Egypt and Madinah(including Abul Hasan Maalik) who have gotten together and established a Dawah Center calling to the pure salafi aqeedah and manhaj, and they are doing this thru tasfiyyah wa tarbiyyah.  So they are holding regular classes in language, aqeedah, and manhaj for the brothers to benefit from, and they are also the only group in Philadelphia who truly refuting the people of innovation and hizbiyyah, and those who side with ahlul baatil.  They are known to return their affairs to the Kibaar al Ulemaa of this noble da'wah such as Shaykh Rabee', Shaykh Muhammad Al Banna, Shaykh Faalih, and also to the Sighaar Al Ulemaa such as Shaykh Fawzee Al Atharee!

They have a relationship with Salafipublications, TROID, and are running a website with the brothers at Waseelatus Salafiyyah called

Walhamdu lillah, they have now moved the dawah center closer to a new Salafi Masjid which is named Masjid Ar Rahmah.  Presently our brother Abu Abdillah Hassan As Somaalee is also working with them by giving classes in the masjid.

May Allah make it easy for them and all other organizations trying to establish the Salafi Da'wah in their respective areas.

Further clarification can be sought from Salafipublications and TROID.

Was Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmathullah
Kashif Khan As Salafi

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Shaykh Fawzee al-Atharee is one of the students of the Allaamah and Noble Shaykh, Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymeen, and studied with him for 10 years or so. He is in Bahrain and has established numerous centres in various places, all calling to the Salafi Da'wah.

The Shaykh speaks the truth and fears not the blame of the blamers, and for this reason some of those who are weak in soul, knowledge and character, have accused him of being a Haddaadee, a grievous and odious lie, by which they prevent others from the truth and its people.

The Noble Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen also has a written and signed tazkiyah for Shaykh Fawzee. And Shaykh Fawzee, by testimony of his books is a "Hardcore Atharee", as he supports the Aathaar and submits to the Ahaadeeth, and these books are abundant and available, and also his research into the masaa'il is extremely deep and comprehensive.

May Allaah increase the likes of him!

09-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salaamu Alaikum

The Masjid which Daarul Hadeeth is joining is named Masjid Khair, not Masjid Rahmah, wa jazaakumallahu khayra.

As Salaamu Alaikum

09-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatahu

May Allaah aid the brothers in Darul Hadeeth and Masjidul Khayr in clarifying the sunnah and connecting the youth to the scholars.
If someone has their telephone number maybe they could post it for the people in America as Maa Shaa Allaah the Shaykh advised the salafis to keep contact with them!!!!!!

09-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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They're number is 215-739-6727

10-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah.

May Allah reward our Sheikh Fawzee Al-Atharee, Hafidhahullah, for his advice to the youth in America to keep in contact with the center of our noble brothers at Dar Al-Hadeeth wal-Athar. The Sheikh got to know of the center and the brothers when he was in Canada for the conference with our noble brothers of TROID, may Allah preserve them. We informed him of the effort that was being put forth in our city and throughout the States to bring the pure methodology of the People of Hadeeth and Narration, and we also informed him of the opposition that we faced from so many of the people. The Sheikh advised the brothers with firmness and steadfastness and to remember that this is the way of the Salaf in facing hardship in the way of calling to Allah, and he would constantly remind us not to fear the blame of the blamers!

From the beautiful works that the center has by the grace of Allah, had the ability to achieve is taking up the task of translating the tapes of the scholars and to bring the meaning of this vast ocean of knowledge to the English speaking world. Tapes have been translated on Aqeedah from the likes of Sheikh Muhammad Aman Jami, rahimahullah, and tapes on manhaj like "The Methodology of the People Hadeeth", by Sheikh Rabee, hafidhahullah, and the tape, "The refutation of the Habashis" by Sheikh Al-Albaani, rahimahullah. There are many other tapes that have been done and I pray to Allah that He continue to bless them upon the way of the companions of Hadeeth, and that Allah continue to make them steadfast and firm upon this methodology of which no one strays from it except that he is destroyed.

Abul-Hasan Malik Al-Akhdar

10-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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MuhammedNubi   10-10-2002 @ 12:29 PM     Notify Admin about this post        

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assalam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu wa maghfiruh
The location of Masjid Al-Khair:
Masjid Al-Khair
6028 Summer St.
Philadelphia PA 19139

Can Muhammed tell us what lessons are beng taught and what days.!!!!!!!!!

10-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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assalam alaikum wa rahmatullah,
at the current time Masjid Al-Khair is holding the following classes:
Monday,Wednesday,Friday(with the permission of Allaah)
the sharh(meaning(s)-the sharh from various shuyukh-)of the three fundamental principles(alusool thalatha)between maghrib and isha, medina arabic books(currently book 1) class is held on sunday(after salatul asr). the classes that are held on Monday,Wednesday and Friday is recorded(contact darul hadeeth wal athar for info on the tapes,etc.)Because of the large turn out of brothers and the current situation of the masjid(under construction)at this time the masjid is not suitable for sisters,May Allaah allow the masjid and the community to continue to move forward to meet the needs of the people and firstly for the pleasure of Allaah. May Allaah reward the brother Hasan as-sumaalee and the brothers of darul hadeeth wal athar for their efforts,advice,teaching,and for connecting the salafies of phildaelphia to the ulema.ameen
salam alaikum
Muhammed Al-noobi
--Imaam Maalik(rahimahullah) used to say: knowledge is not the multiplying of narrations,rather knowledge is that which benefits and is used to perform good deeds--

This message was edited by MuhammedNubi on 10-11-02 @ 1:02 AM

11-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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barakallahu feekum ya shaykh fawzi and abu hasan.
11-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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The number 215-739-6727 is disconnected eqwaan. Is there another number?

Baarak-Allaahu Feekum - wa sal-Allaahu wa-sallam 'alaa Nabiyyinaa Muhammad,
was-Salaam 'alaykum wa-Rahmatullaahe wa-Barakaatuh.

Abu' Salafi'ayn
As-Salafiyoon in Cleveland

11-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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assalam alaikum,
that number is not working at the moment because darul hadeeth wal athar is moving to their new location closer to masjid al-khair. so as soon as their new number is made available inshallah it will be given.
salam alaikum
mohammed alnoobi

This message was edited by MuhammedNubi on 10-11-02 @ 2:31 PM

11-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Salaam alaikum

The new number to Dar Al-Hadeeth wal-Athar is:

The contact brothers are: Abu Zubair Abdul-Azeez, Abu Muhammad Nadir Al-Jamaiky, Abu Zainab Tawfeeq, Abu Hanifah Zahir, and also our brother Hasan As-Sumali is now on the States teaching at the masjid and assisting the brothers at the center. May Allah reward them and keep us and them upon the manhaj As-Salafi.

Abul-Hasan Malik Al-Akhdar

11-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Al hamdulillahir rabbil aalameen was salaatu was salaamu 'ala nabeeyinaa muhammad wa 'ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'een

May allah bless our brothers there at daarul hadeeth and grant them aid against those who oppose them due to that which they are upon from da'wah and manhaj.

For indeed we saw from them (during our visit to them) that which brings joy to the heart of any salafi ghuyoor upon this manhaj,from defense of ahlul ilm and promotion of this pure manhaj, being un-affected by the principles of baatil spread in the west at the hands of the supporters of al misri, al maghraawi, al uroor, those so called 'salafi' organisations and callers whose efforts have been channeled into refuting and belittling the proponants of the da'wah that they claim to be calling to...wallahul musta'aan wa alaihit tuklaan.

So may allah increase them in tawfeeq and thabaat.

Wal hamdullillahir rabbil aalameen.

Abu Hakeem Bilaal Davis

13-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Al hamdulillahir rabbil aalameen was salaatu was salaamu 'ala nabeeyinaa Muhammad wa 'ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'een
May Allah reward the noble Shaykh Fawzee al-Atharee with khair in this life and the next for his beautiful words of encouragement and admiration in regards to our noble brothers at Daralhadeeth. The brothers at Daralhadeeth, just like the brothers at TROID and Salafipublications are upon CLEAR salafiyyah! In these times of fitnah(i.e. Abul Fitan al-Mubtadi) we in the west need to stick to those who bring us the kalaam of the kibaar ulamaa and the firmly grounded talibul-ilm. The noble Imaam al-Barbahaaree(rahimahullaah) stated in his tremendous book 'Explanation of the Creed' point #108;
"Whoever realises what the innovators have abandoned of the Sunnah and left behind and he clings to it, he is a person of the Sunnah and the Jamaa'ah. He should be followed, helped and protected. He is one of those whom the Prophet(sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) bequeathed should be looked after."
May Allaah preserve the brothers at Daralhadeeth, TROID and Salafipublications...aameen!

Aboo Shaahir as-Salafee

This message was edited by aboo.shaahir on 10-13-02 @ 5:39 AM

15-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismilla Was Salaatu Was Salaam Alaa Rasoolillah

What is the position of IIIN and Masjidus Sunnah who are also in Philadelphia in all this fitnah?
i. They still sell the tapes of Abu Usaamah.
ii. They still sell the tapes of Usaamah Al-Qoosi.
iii.  They are silent on the issue of Abul Hasan.
iv. Their plotting and planning against the clear brothers in Darul HADEETH.
v. Their refusal to sell the tapes of salafi du'aat such as Abul Hasan Maalik which contain refutations on people such as Abu Ameenah Bilaal Philips and Jibaali.

This message was edited by AnNooniyyah on 10-15-02 @ 8:51 PM

16-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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All praise is due to Allah, and may His peace and Blessings be upon the Messenger:

To add to what our brother Nooniyyah has said:

While having complete knowledge of what Abu Usaamah al Jaahil said about Shaykh Rabee', they still invited him to thier conference with no remorse whatsoever. And until today they have not seperated themselves from that Jaahil, and as the brother said, they still sell his tapes in their dawah center, while removing the rudood of Abul hasan Maalik upon the hizbees!

So you will go to their dawah center, and you will see the tapes of Abu Usaamah, but if you ask for Abul Hasan's radd on Bilaal Philips, which was done at THEIR conferencem you will be informed that they do not sell it, and if you ask for the tape that Abu Hakeem Bilaal, Hasan as Somaali, and Abul hasan Maalik did in THEIR masjid, and they advised the administration and the brothers in the masjid, you will be informed that they do not sell it!

So what type of Salafiyyah is this that you sell the tapes of Abu Usaamah al Jaahil, one whos toungue does not hold back when it comes to the Ulemaa of this da'wah, but you will not sell the tapes of Abul Hasan Maalik, Hasan as Somaali, Abu Hakeem, because they are refuting the people of innovation!

Also, their minbar is not used to refute ahlul bida'ah but it is becoming known as the source of refutations against the Salafis who take clear mawaaqif against Ahlul Bida'ah, namely our noble brothers at Daarul Hadeeth wal Athar!

So Abu Muhammad al Maghrabi will get on the minbar and speak against the salafis, yet his claim is that he is only "Teaching tawheed".

Also, there is no clear Salafi Organization except that they have taken a clear stance regarding Abul Hasan al Mubtadi', whether it SPUB, TROID, Daarul Hadeeth, etc., they have all made their stance clear on Abul Hasan and his blindfollowers (i.e. QSS, SSNA, Abu Usaamah, Abdul Munim, etc.) so where is their bayaan?!

This message was edited by salafiyyah2000 on 10-16-02 @ 12:09 AM

16-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Aboo Muhammad Al-Maghribee - what did he do exactly?  When he came this summer to Makkah, he sat with Shaykh Rabee', and as the maghribee student of shaykh Rabee' (Aboo Ishaaq) said, the brother is salafee and understands issues and positions well.  Can someone clarify his recent actions/statements, may Allaah reward you?


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