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» It is not considered backbiting when talking about the people of desires and innovation
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26-08-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 20
Joined: Aug 2002
It is not considered backbiting when talking about the people of desires and innovation, and those who oppose the Salaf:

Al-A?amash reported that Ibraaheem (An-Nakha?ee) said: "There is no backbiting with regard to (talking about) the innovator." [1]

Al-Hasan Al-Basree said: "There is no backbiting with regard to (talking about) the innovator or the sinner who openly professes his evil." [2]

And he also said: "There is no backbiting when it concerns the people of innovations." [3]

Al-Fudayl Ibn ?Iyyaad said: "Whoever enters upon a person of innovation, then he has no sanctity (i.e. protection from being talked about)."[4]

Sufyaan Ibn ?Uyainah said: "Shu?abah used to say: 'Come let us backbite for the sake of Allaah, ?azza wa jall.'" [5]

Abu Zayd Al-Ansaaree An-Nahwee said: "Shu?abah came to us on a rainy day and said: 'This is not a day for (learning) hadeeth. Today is a day for backbiting. Come let us backbite the liars (in hadeeth).'" [6]

On the authority of Makkee Ibn Ibraaheem who said: "Shu?abah used to go to ?Imraan Ibn Hudayr saying (to him): ?O ?Imraan, come let us backbite for an hour for the sake of Allaah.? And they would mention the faults and defects of hadeeth reporters." [7]

Abu Zur?ah Ad-Dimashqee said: "I heard Abu Mushar being asked about a man that makes mistakes, misconstrues and distorts ahaadeeth, so he said: ?Make his affair known.? So I said to Abu Zur?ah: ?Do you consider that to be backbiting?? He said: ?No.?" [8]

Ibn Al-Mubaarak said: "Al-Mi?allaa Ibn Hilaal is fine except when it comes to hadeeth, he lies." So someone among the sufis (i.e. ascetics) said: "O Abu ?Abdir-Rahmaan! Are you backbiting?" So he said: "Be quiet! If we do not clarify this, how will the truth be made known from the falsehood?" [9]

?Abdullaah, the son of Imaam Ahmad said: "Abu Turaab An-Nakhshabee once went to my father, so my father began saying ?this person is weak? and ?that person is reliable.? So Abu Turaab said: ?O Shaikh, do not backbite the scholars!? So my father turned to him and said: ?Woe be to you! This is advice, this is not backbiting." [10]

Muhammad Ibn Bindaar As-Sabbaak Al-Jarjaanee said: "I once said to Ahmad Ibn Hanbal: ?Verily, it is becoming hard upon me to say: (So and so is weak) and (so and so is a liar). So Ahmad said: ?If you remain silent and I remain silent, then who will make the ignorant person aware of the authentic from the defective??" [11]

Shaudhab reported that Katheer Abu Sahl said: "It used to be said: ?The people of desires do not have any sanctity (i.e. protection from being talked about)." [12]

Al-Hasan Ibn ?Alee Al-Iskaafee said: "I asked Abu ?Abdillaah Ahmad Ibn Hanbal about the meaning of backbiting. He responded: "It is when you mention the defect of a person." I said: "What if the person says: ?Do not hear (hadeeth) from so and so? and ?Such and such person makes mistakes (in his narration)??" He said: "If the people were to abandon doing this, the authentic would not be known from its opposite." [13]

Isma?eel Al-Khatabee said: ?Abdullaah Ibn Ahmad reported to us, saying: "I said to my father: ?What do you say about seekers of Hadeeth going to a teacher who perhaps is murji?ee or a shi?ee or he has some opposition to the Sunnah in him. Is it permitted for me to remain silent about him or should I warn against him?? So my father said: ?If he calls the people to innovation and he is an Imaam (or a head figure) in that and calls to that, then yes, warn against him.?" [14]


[1] Al-Laalikaa?ee (1/140, no: 276)
[2] Al-Laalikaa?ee (1/140, no: 279)

[3] Al-Laalikaa?ee (1/140, no: 280)

[4] Al-Laalikaa?ee (1/140, no: 282)

[5] Al-Kifaayah fee ?Ilm-ir-Riwaayah of al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee (91) and Sharh ?Ilal At-Tirmidhee of Ibn Rajab (1/349)

[6] Al-Kifaayah fee ?Ilm-ir-Riwaayah of al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee (91)

[7] Al-Kifaayah fee ?Ilm-ir-Riwaayah of al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee (91)

[8] Sharh ?Ilal At-Tirmidhee of Ibn Rajab (1/349) and Al-Kifaayah of Al-Baghdaadee (91-92) but there occurs in Al-Khateeb?s report: "So I said to Abu Mushar" instead of "So I said to Abu Zur?ah."

[9] Sharh ?Ilal At-Tirmidhee of Ibn Rajab (1/349) and Al-Kifaayah of Al-Baghdaadee (91-92)

[10] Al-Kifaayah fee ?Ilm-ir-Riwaayah of al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee (92) and Sharh ?Ilal At-Tirmidhee of Ibn Rajab (1/350)

[11] Majmoo?-ul-Fataawaa of Ibn Taimiyyah (28/231)

[12] Al-Laalilkaa?ee (1/140, no: 281)

[13] Sharh ?Ilal At-Tirmidhee (1/350-351)

[14] Al-Kifaayah (93) and Sharh ?Ilal At-Tirmidhee (1/350)

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