Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan was asked, ?Whoever opposes the usool (foundations) of Salafiyyah from amongst those (contemporaries) who are around us and assists and supports other methodologies, such that he praises their founders and their theorists (mufakkiroon) is it obligatory to associate him with them in order that the people may take caution from him and so that they do not become deceived by his manhaj??
He answered, ?Whoever opposes the manhaj (methodology) of the Salaf and praises the methodologies which oppose the manhaj of the Salaf and praises those who are upon it, then he is considered to be upon the actual opposing methodologies himself. It is necessary to advise him and to call him (to the truth), for if he returns to the truth then so, otherwise he is to be abandoned and cut off?? (al-Ajwibah al-Mufidah, p.105).