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» refutation of dr. jibaaly pt. 1
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10-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 297
Joined: Sep 2002
this is an article put out by the brothers in arlington, tx. who have abandoned dr. j.:

Why have we abandoned Dr. Jibaaly?
A clarification of the Salafi youth in Texas who have left the Sagheer, the Miskeen, Dr. Muhammad Al-Jibaaly - Part 1

Written by Editorial Staff at

Edited by Editorial Staff at

Verily all praise is for Allaah, we praise Him, seek His aide, ask for His forgiveness, and we seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of ourselves and our evil actions. Whomever Allaah guides there is none who can misguide him, and whomever Allaah misguides there is none who can guide him. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah alone, having no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His messenger.

O' Mankind! Reverence your Lord who created you from a single person, created, of like nature his mate. And from them both spread countless men and women. Reverence Allaah, through whom you demand your mutual rights, and reverence the wombs that bore you for Allaah ever watches over you.

O' You who believe! Fear Allaah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islaam.

O' you who believe! Fear Allaah, and always say a word directed to the right: that He may make your conduct whole and sound and forgive you your sins: He that obeys Allaah and His Messenger, has already attained the highest achievement.

As for what follows:

Al-Hafidh ibn Asaakir said, "Know O my brother - may Allaah awaken you and I to His pleasure and make us of those who have deep fear and piety in Him as we should have - that the flesh of the scholars is poisonous. It is well known that Allaah will expose those who seek to revile and belittle them and whoever lets loose his tongue by insulting and belittling the scholars, then Allaah will cause his heart to die before he actually dies." (1)

This beautiful admonition of al-Hafidh ibn Asaakir is the exact condition that we the Salafi youth of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex found ourselves in this year when the statements of the self-appointed caller to Islaam here in North America, Dr. Muhammad Al-Jibaaly, were exposed and brought to the forefront.

Our intention in writing this article is to warn the Muslim youth in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and the world abroad of the statements and actions of this ignorant and arrogant individual who in recent years has taken to cooperating with the people of innovations, misguidance, and desires while seeking to position himself as one of the only true pioneers of the callers to Salafiyyah here in the West (2). He is on the same level as his contemporary Aboo Muslimah and the likes of them who revile and belittle the Major Scholars of Islaam of this day and age, acting as people of knowledge and elevating their position, when in reality their knowledge is like a man made lake in comparison to the Major Scholars' oceans of knowledge that are vast and continuous with benefit and blessings.

We hope this refutation will bring Dr. Jibaaly back to his senses and we ask Allaah to guide him and forgive him of his mistakes and if he turns away then he will remain as al-Hafidh ibn Asaakir has said of the one who reviles and belittles the major scholars as one whose heart is dead before being actually dead. We strive only to love for Allaah and we strive to hate for Allaah and in doing so we do not attach ourselves to personalities. Rather we strive to enjoin the good and forbid the evil here in the Metroplex and the evil caused by this man has caused us to warn against him.

And how beautiful is the advice of Shaykh Rabee bin Haadee (may Allaah preserve him) when he said:

"Verily we the people of the Islaamic ummah have been given distinction over the other nations due to the fact that we enjoin good and forbid evil. Allaah, the Most High said: 'You are the best of nations ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin good and forbid evil.'"
The Messenger of Allaah (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said: "Whoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart and that is the lowest level of faith."

And our Lord has entrusted us with establishing justice, as He, the Most High, said:

O you who believe! Stand out for justice, as witness to Allaah, even though it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin."

Similarly He has ordered us to cooperate upon righteousness and piety and has prohibited us from cooperating upon sin and enmity. Allaah, the Most High, said:

Help one another in birr and taqwaa; but do not help one another in sin and transgression and fear Allaah, verily Allaah is severe in punishment.

So with that said we now answer the question that is being placed before us here in the Metroplex, "Why have we abandoned Dr. Jibaaly?"

Issue #1: Dr. Jibaaly seeks to water down "Jarh wat-Ta'deel" (3)

Dr.Jibaaly states in an email message:

As-salaamu `alaykum wa-rahmat Ullaahi wa-barakaatuh.

The purpose of this message is to start, I hope, a self-criticism dialogue among the Salafi brothers on this list. What I have been sadly observing over the last few years is the development of a strong trend among us that can be described by the following (among other problems):

1. Harshness in judging other individuals or organizations. Relying on the views of various scholars and students of knowledge, we have set ourselves stern judges and given ourselves the ultimate authority to admit or expel whomever we please from the Salafi da`wah.

2. When our great scholars make a statement criticizing a certain group or individual, they often limit the criticism to the criticized scope or area. They do not go beyond that to drop all the Islamic rights of the criticized party. Thus, they apply a great measure of fairness that we have totally neglected. Just listen to the tapes of al-albani (r) when he criticizes Sayyid Qutub or Safar al-Hawali.

3. We have set a few scholars as the Czars of "Jarh-and-ta`deel", taking their views as the final words that could doom or save a person. We forgot that those scholars are only human, and their views are liable to being right or wrong.

4. Major organizations in US, Canada, England, and other countries have adopted particular scholars as their guides on approving or disapproving all other scholars and organizations. This has resulted in feelings of hatered and mistrust among many Salafi brothers who support this or that scholar, and has created wide rifts among the scholars themselves.

5. Many Salafi brothers go to certain scholars and describe to them their viewpoints regarding certain individuals or organization in the West, thereby securing judgments from those scholars that they take back to the West and use as weapons against their "Salafi" opponents. This has furthered the atmosphere of hate and mistrust within the Salafi community.

6. The young brothers who come into the Salafi da`wah are first introduced to the issues of "Hizbiyyah", "Qutbiyyah", "Takfeer", "Haakimiyyah" before they understand the alphabets of the Salafi Dawah. This is not the way we started, neither is it the way that our Ulama recommend.

7. Many of the students of knowledge have said words of criticism in the past that were not meant for the general public, but were nonetheless so widely spread that they set a wrong trend in the minds of the newcomers. I feel myself guilty of helping with that, and am now more inclined to remaining silent than voicing an opinion that can very easily be misunderstood or misrepresented.

8. The typical "Salafi" champion in the minds of many people is now a frowning person, clutching his teeth, and carrying a "jarh-and-ta`deel" gun with which he is ready to "zap" whomever he thinks suitable. Where did the compassion disappear, and what did we do with the established rights of other Muslims on us? Where did we go wrong in our tarbiyah?

My sincere advice to the enthusiastic young Salafi brothers around the world is that they should direct more attention toward seeking the true and deep knowledge instead of mostly dwelling on "Jarh and ta`deel" issues that only bring hardness to the heart.

WAllaahu ta`aalaa a`lam.

Was-salaamu alaykum
Abu Abdillaah Muhammad al-Jibaly (4)
Noble readers the above statement of Dr. Jibaaly is not only inaccurate but also goes against the teachings of the very one which he claims to be loyal to! In regards to this issue above Shaykh Naasir (may Allaah have mercy upon him) was asked what foundations should the Islaamic world be called to towards implementing Islaam, and he gave a detailed description of returning to the Book and to the Sunnah as understood and practiced by the companions, if you wish you may refer to the as-Salaah magazines in which he mentioned regarding this topic of Jarh and Ta'deel, "...and here occurs a very important question, which many of the Islaamic groups and parties have neglected. Indeed it is: 'What is the way towards gaining knowledge of what his companions were upon from the understanding and practical application of this Sunnah?' The answer is: There is no way towards finding that out except by returning to the science of Hadeeth, the science of Hadeeth terminology, the science of Al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel, and the application of its principles and its terms."

And we are aware that this principle exists in this day and age and it was confirmed by Shaykh Naasir as he said regarding Shaykh Rabee, "He is the carrier of the flag of Jarh wat-Ta'deel in this present age and he is our brother..." and he later said, "...the ones who refute him do so without knowledge and the knowledge is with him!"

So beware noble reader as Dr. Jibaaly is seeking to water down Jarh wat-Ta'deel to fit a definition that he wants it to mean. And this is because he has been afflicted with Tamyee' (Softness and watering down of his leniency towards the people of deviation) which occurred when he began to associate with the likes of 'Adnan 'Ar'oor, Suhaib Hasan, Waleed Basyouni, Basheer Shill, Sayyid al-Adly and other deviants from amongst those who mix with those who oppose the way of the Salaf.

A Brief Tafseer of Dr. Jibaaly's pathetic and deviant email

This harshness that Dr. Jibaaly is describing is the science of Jarh and Ta'deel. The various scholars and students of knowledge are none other than Shaykh Rabee' and the Kibaarul 'Ulaymah of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In reality the Salafeeyoon have not given the ultimate authority to admit or expel whomever they please from the Salafi dawah, rather this has been done by those who are agreed upon by the 'Ulamaa al-Kibaar themselves. This was attested to by Shaykh al-Albaani himself in the well-known and famous tazkeeyah that he gave Shaykh Rabee. Notice noble readers how Dr. Jibaaly uses the word, "We" as if he is from amongst the students of knowledge! Dr. Jibaaly is trying to paint a grim picture that the 'Ulamaa al-Kibaar go around wrongfully throwing everyone off the manhaj! The truth of the matter is that the 'Ulamaa al-Kibaar have critiscied everyone that Dr. Jibaaly strongly associates with and loves specifically 'Adnan 'Ar'oor, Aboo Hasan al-Ma'ribee, Bilal Phillips, Aboo Muslimah, and others. Not once has the Kibaar critiscied a Muslim without evidence and without first speaking to that individual and notifying them of their wrongdoing. How far is Dr. Jibaaly from the truth and we have not yet reached the other points in his email and already we find major errors with just the introduction, Wa Allaahu musta'an!

Notice Dr. Jibaaly's use of the royal "We" attempting to make the naive and ignorant think he is from amongst the Major Scholars and their students. He is also trying to limit the Jarh and Ta'adeel to only shaykh al-Albaani and diminish the position of the Major Scholars who possess the knowledge of criticizing and praising individuals. Of all of the deviant individuals who have been criticized by the Major Scholars and their students not one has been labeled with takfeer. The Major Scholars have warned against certain individuals but all of this was based on the level and extremity of the individual's error or deviance.

The only one who has neglected fairness is Dr. Jibaaly. As we stated above none of the Major Scholars have gone on a wild goose chase singling out individuals to critisize, as Dr. Jibaaly would make you think. Wa Allaahu musta'an.

End of Part 1 - by the Mercy of Allaah

1 Tabyeen Kadthibil Muftaree, p. 29  
2 Our brother in Islaam Aboo Zainab Al-Hashimi (may Allaah preserve him and reward him for his efforts) on his refutation of Dr. Jibaaly, quoted from him via email the following statement:

"Remember my brother that we are still talking about Salafiyyah and not about Soofiyyah while we love our scholars and respect them we are not blind to their errors nor will we remain silent if they start to negatively influence our da'wah. I have witnessed this da'wah grow in the West from zero, before you or many of these mashayikh have even heard the word Salafiyyah with the praise of Allaah.

I have been and will continue to be the loyal student of my shaykh Al-Albaani rahimahullah in spreading the da'wah, as I understand it from him. Had I not believed that anyone of recent times had understood it as well as he did which is not to say that I would blindly follow all of what he says because this would be against the manhaj that we learned from him (rahimahullah). I have met on a personal level with almost everyone that was considered one time or another as part of the da'wah of the world before your group had expelled most of them from the da'wah. Frankly I have not seen anyone in the West or East as disrespectful to the scholars as those with whom you are unfortunately currently affiliated." End of quote.

And we know from Dr. Jibaaly's books, which are nothing more than translations of the works of the Major Scholars of Al-Islaam and their students, that he professes to be a student of the late Shaykh Al-Albaani as he states in the acknowledgement of one of his books:

"May Allaah reward my shaykh and teacher, Muhammad Nasir ud-Din al-Albani whose works have benefited us in ways beyond description..."

This was refuted by our brother in Islaam Aboo-ul-Hasan Malik al-Akhdhaar (may Allaah preserve him) who was asked regarding his condition and the permissibility of reading his books:

"...For some time the people have been asking with regards to this individual Muhammad Al-Jibaaly and years ago the most that we know about him or the most that we had heard of him was the president of QSS some years ago... and for myself I had never heard anything thaabit (established) with regards to his affair, his minhaaj and what he was upon. And then it began to reach me his ta'an, his criticism of the mashayikh and the 'Ulaymah and his arrogance and puffing himself up as if he was upon their level. His lying and making himself from the students of shaykh Al-Albaani, and when he was asked to clarify the meaning of that he said from the tapes and from the books. But he made himself a student of shaykh Naasir (rahimahullah wa ta'ala) as if he was someone who had mulaazamah as if he had time in with shaykh Al-Albaani years in with the shaykh (rahimahullah wa ta'ala)"  
3 Our Brother Abul Hasan Malik al Akhdar also stated, "This particular individual has also made war with the science of Jarh wa Ta'deel itself and he has gone to where those people have gone to and saying that the brothers are extreme in regards to the affairs of Jahr wa Ta'deel. As our shaykh said this week, Shaykh Fawzee Al-Atharee, he said when we asked him about the likes of this Muhammad al-Jibaaly and other than them who constantly come and try to attack the science of Jarh wa Ta'deel and the brothers who are trying their best to preserve the methodology by bringing to light the errors of these individuals. The Shaykh said that the reason why these people go out of their way to fight this methodology and to defend these people's innovation is because they have a cover for themselves, they are covered with people of innovation. So they know that once those people of innovation have been discarded and dealt with that they're next because they're affair is becoming clearer and clearer and clearer to the people. So by this they prop other people up and try to defend themselves or cover themselves or block themselves."  
4 And despite the deviants' arrogant and wicked behavior the Major Scholars have advised with good advice to the extent that our Salafee brothers in the areas of East Orange and Newark, New Jersey posed a question concerning the validity of the prayer behind Aboo Muslimah, the Hizbee, to our esteemed and learned Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree (may Allah preserve him) to which he responded with, "The prayer behind him is valid, we have not declared him a kaafir, rather we hold him to be a surooree..."

And you may listen to the discussion at the site for further reference in the audio lounge where the Shaykh's lectures are available and translated online for us to benefit from, may Allah reward him with all good."  

shahid williams

10-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assala mu alaykum,

Masha Allah! A brand new salafi website!

May Allah keep our brothers in Texas firm upon the adherance to the salafi manhaj and make the website a means of guidance to the HAQQ, for the millions of muslims and kufaar in the four corners of the world.  Ameen!


Ekbal as-salafi al-Bangali

11-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa Ashrafil-Anbiyaa.e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:,

Na'am Jazaaka Allaahu khairan wa ahsan jazaa for this noble action from the brothers in arlington, tx.

And this information is excellent since it is coming from the brothers who live in the same location who know him and his actions better than most of us. After reading one of Jibaaly's gutter emails, all of us felt this man is shameless who has no respect for the ulema and very little respect for the salafis in the west.

Finally I would just like to ask who are the salafi brothers in arlinton, and do they have a salafi center and community etc..?


Yusof al-Amriki

11-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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I would like to know about the brothers at too.  Their website seems to be a very good project, maa shaa' Allaah  I am assuming that the brothers from TROID and SPUBS know them, since has taken a lot of material from those two sites, and I would assume they have permission to do that.  So could they be identified so we know our brothers/sisters there?  Jazaakum Allaahu khayran!

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

11-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaah,

I have met some of the brothers from the Arlington Area. I spent some brief time in Texas. The Salafiyyeen are few and the da'wah is very young. Texas is filled with ikhwaanees and hanafees. I remember going to the masjid where Jibaalee teaches at, I distinctly remember Jibaalee finishing his class for Salaatul-Maghrbib, after Salaat, an older man in a suit and tie became to speak to the audience. This is supposedly one of the best masjids in the area!

The Salafee brothers who are active in da'wah in the area are few in number but insha'Allaah striving to spread the haqq. They have recently tried to contact some of the mashaykh, lauched a website and arranged to get a centre. We hope that Allaah blesses them with khayr and that they remain connected to the Kibaarul-'Ulamaa and their known students.

Aboo Zakee

11-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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From the names known to me,

Aboo Imraan al-Mexikee
Aboo Mujaahid Saadiq al-Atharee

These are some of the good brothers who work with the organisation that I know of. They are Salafee brothers and we hope that from within their community, brothers will be able to to go and study and return to spread the da'wah.

12-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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as-salaamu 'alaykum,

i am posting this for the bros. at

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

My noble brothers & sisters in Islaam it brings us great pleasure to finally have our site available online for our salafee brothers & sisters to benefit from.

Our site is mainly a local site geared towards the muslims of the Dallas/Ft.Worth Metroplex as we struggle to call them to this noble and beautiful manhaj as well as calling them to love & respect the Senior Scholars of Islaam as we have been commanded by Allah to do.  

I have been chosen by the Salafee brothers here to be the mudeer of this noble effort in spreading the dawat-us-Salafiyyah and calling the people (muslim or non-muslim) to Tawheed. We are a small community of 7 to 8 families who left the Center Street Masjid in Arlington,TX. The reasons for this departure were due to the overwhelming amount of innovations & deviance that were occuring there. After seeking advice from Shaykh Ahmad Bazmool from a tele-link with brother Abu Abbad Kabeer from Masjid Ar-Rahmah in Newark, NJ and looking at other evidence from the Kibaar we checked out of the Center Street Masjid and began to hold the 5 daily prayers, Friday Prayer, along with   establishing Taraweeh & the Eid-ul-Fitr at one of the brothers apartments. We also have established Saturday & Sunday Arabic classes going over Madinah book 1, as well as a word-by-word study of every surah from Juz Amma. By Allah's mercy we are now on Lesson 5 and we have already covered 3 short suwar in detail with thier meanings and tajweed. Before Ramadhan we were doing manhaj classes with Brother Abu Abbad Kabeer (may Allah reward him tremendously for his effort we love him in Allah's cause) and on Saturday's we were linking up with him at Masjid Rahmah for the Q&A with Shaykh Ahmad Bazmool. We stopped during Ramadhan but we are hoping to link back up again. We also have made it an effort to link up with brother Aqeel Walker in ATL for some small beneficial classes may Allah reward him for his kindness and support. Most of the tele-links we will be making available at our site for the Salafeeyoon to listen & benefit from.

We are now in the process of renting a musallah in Arlington but we need $1000.00 to rennovate in order to move in. We are in desperate need of donations as well as your duaa for this noble effort. We have the first months rent but we are struggling Allahu Mustaan you will be able to find the information soon at the homepage.

As for the site then right now we have posted articles from TROID & Salafi Publications to fill the void until we have translated and placed our own original material. You must know that we love the brothers from TROID & Salafi Publications and the reason we placed thier articles online is due to the fact that a lot of muslims here in the Metroplex do not even know about TROID or Salafipublications and we only want to attract more readers to thier sites. We will be placing a link with all the Salafee sites in English & Arabic soon Allah willing. Be on the lookout for the Arabic Section and we have just completed the first part of Usool-Ath-Thalaathah in Spanish to accompany the Spanish section of our site. (For those who have been here to Texas it is has a large Hispanic population who do not know or understand English.)

As we are just establishing the dawah here and calling to Tawheed and respect for the Senior Scholars we are asking all who are close by or in the area to take a firm Salafee position and assist us with establishing the community. Once the centre has been completed we will be looking for a qualified brother to be the Imam here. (And I use this word loosely as even our noble brother Aboo Tasneem does not allow the brothers to call him this, may Allah reward him.) My being the Mudeer is temporary and only until one with more knowledge comes to take over. We also invite all constructive criticism from the Salfeeyoon so if Aboo Uwais, or Aboo ul-Hasan, Aboo Tasneem, and all the other brothers who surpass us in the Arabic Language if you find any mistakes in our translations or articles let us know. We take pride in respecting our elders and thier advice, and I say this out of respect as I am very young myself not even yet reaching 30 so my respect is to my elders in knowledge from the duaat here and those overseas studying. If there is anything else that I may answer please feel free to email me at May Allah bless you all and keep us all firmly established on this manhaj.

The one in need of Allah,
Aboo Imraan Abdus-Saboor ibn Tomas Maldonado Al-Meksiikii

shahid williams

12-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As salamu alaikum

Can we ask either the students of knowledge, or those who wrote the above article to include brief replies to each of the points raised by Dr. Jibaly, in an updated version. It will be a good idea to refute each one because it might be the case that if this is article is spread, even though it explains the condition of Dr. Jibaly in general, it does not address the contents of Dr. Jibaly's points adequately. This will be of wider benefit inshaa'allah.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

12-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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this is an email received by the bros. at, from the brothers at troid, that they requested that i post.  the email addresses have been changed to protect the privacy of their owners:

From: "Maaz Qureshi"
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Yaa Maaz!

as salaam 'alaykum

May Allaah preserve the Salafee brothers Dallas/Ft.Worth Metroplex in the city of Arlington,Texas and grant you an apparent and manifest victory over the enemies of Salafiyyah such as Jibaalee and his likes. By Allaah, it brings joy to the heart of every Salafee to see the Ahlus-Sunnah in such a desolate place taking upon themselves the responsibility of carrying out the da'wah of the Prophets and cleansing it from the doubts of the mukhaalifeen.

I advise you to be zealous in your gheerah (sense of honour) of your Religion, and protect it from innovations and desires like you would protect a priceless jewel that was in your posession. Know that our 'aqeedah and manhaj is more beloved to us anything else and we do not compromise it regardless of the hardships we may face from hizbees, lack of numbers etc... Preserve the correct 'aqeedah and manhaj by studying the foundational books of Salafiyyah, such as Usooluth-Thalaathah, al-Qawaa'idul-Arba'ah, Kitaabut-Tawheed, Kashfush-Shubuhaat (all by Shaykhul-Islaam Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab), Usoolus-Sunnah, ar-Radd 'alal-Jahmiyyah waz-Zanaadiqah (by Imaam Ahmad), the 'aqaa'id: al-Waasitiyyah, al-Hamawiyyah, at-Tadmuriyyah (by Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah) as well as the books of Ibnul-Qayyim, and the later Scholars who wrote numerous books and explanations of the Salafee creed and methodology. These will develop your foundation and help you to call others to the pure and unadulterated path of Sunnah and Salafiyyah.

Amongst your Salafee brothers do your utmost to keep the ties of brotherhood strong. We have seen that in America, unlike Canada and Britain, the Salafee are often plagued by the personal problems and disputes which eventually becomes obstacles for working together for the sake of Allaah. Visit each other, eat and travel with each other, inquire about each others families and never hold anything in your heart against your Sunnee, Salafee brother. Invite those who are unsure or "in the middle" between you and the mu'aanideen. Give them special consideration and sit with them to carefully explain the da'wah and its finer points to them so that they may join the ranks of the Salafiyyeen upon surety and be saved from the shubuhaat of those who fight Salafiyyah.

Keep in close contact with the well-known mashaayikh of Salafiyyah and stick to the kibaar and those whom they recommend from the students. In our time there is none other like Shaykh Rabee'us-Sunnah al-Madkhalee, Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree, Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee, Shaykh Faalih al-Harbee, Shaykh Muhammad al-Bannaa, Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin al-'Abbaad and those with them from the 'ulamaa` in the mamlakah. Then there the students such as Shaykh Fawzee Ibn 'Abdullaah al-Atharee, Shaykh Saalih al-Bakree and Shaykh Yahyaa al-Hajooree and their brothers in Yemen, Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee and others. Then from the lesser students such as Shaykh 'Abdul-Maalik Ramadaanee and Shaykh Muhammad al-Anjaree. In the west, in England there is Aboo Talhah, Aboo Khadeejah, Aboo Hakeem, Hasan as-Sumaalee and their brothers in Birmingham, in the US we advise you to stick with Abul-Hasan Maalik, Daawood Adeeb and the brothers in Daarul-Hadeeth wal-Athar of Philadelphia as Shaykh Fawzee has advised.

In the end, you are not responsible for the guidance of the people, your duty is simply to convey the message. Do not feel sadness if the people turn away from you to darkness and innovation. Those who oppose you and forsake will never be able to harm you as long as you keep a firm hold upon the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger and remain under the guidance of the Scholars. Know that your Salafee brothers in Toronto are aware of your situation and ask Allaah to spread Salafiyyah there through your work. We do not consider ourselves above you in any fashion, rather we are your associates in the endeavour to give victory to the haqq over the baatil. Spread our salaams to the Salafiyyeen over there and do not despair, we send you glad tidings of triumph for Salafiyyah as long as you remain sincere.

Inshaa` Allaah, we will meet in Philly...

Maaz Qureshi
T.R.O.I.D. Publications
Toronto, Canada
Stay Salafee...
Said Sufyaan Ibn Sa'eed ath-Thawree - rahimahullaah, "Treat Ahlus-Sunnah kindly, since they are the strangers." Related by al-Laalikaa'ee (1/64), and Mafhoom Ahlis-Sunnah (p. 83) of Dr. Naasir al-'Aql.

shahid williams

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24-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 18
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as salaamu alaikum

so what do we understand concerning dr. jibaaly from the points raised by the brothers in arlington?  is he considered a mubtadi'?  do we abandon him completely, or do we explain where he has erred?

25-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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what we understand is that the man is ta'baan and is from those who have with them tamyee'. Rather he's worst than that he even make taan of Shaykhul Islaam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahaab rahimullAllah. I mean this is enough as a sign to those thats see the man has distiguishing charateristics of ahul bid'ah wa ahwaa , and it is that they make taan of Ahlul Ilm except those whom their desires agree with and then these hizbees like jibaali always want to claim Shaykh NaasiruDeen Al-albaani rahimullah as their teacher after they swerved from what he was upon rahimullah. Wa Allahi Shaykh Naasir is free from these fools. Wala hawla wala quwatta illa billah!SubuhoonQudoosunRabbulMalaa'eekateeWaRuh.

06-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 133
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Assalaamu alaikum,
the brothers at TROID (may Allaah preserve them all) have put up on their website the refutation of Muhammad Jibaly by the noble Shaykh Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab al-Bannaa (hafidhahullaah). Here is the overview of what will be discussed by the Shaykh;

A Refutation of Muhammad al-Jibaalee
By al-'Allaamah Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab al-Bannaa

One of the eldest and wisest of the ?Ulamaa, al-?Allaamah Muhammad Ibn ?Abdul-Wahhaab al-Bannaa begins by delivering a short and concise admonition on manhaj and the science of jarh wat-ta?deel (Counterbalancing good and bad points in critique). The noble Shaykh explains how the religion has not only been carried upon this great science but furthermore how the callers to innovation have been clarified and exposed, and the true methodology been made manifestly clear. Shaykh Muhammad Ibn ?Abdul-Wahhaab speaks about the mouthpiece of innovation in this past decade, Sayyid Qutb, before fielding questions regarding the hizbee, Muhammad al-Jibaalee.

The Questions:

[Q1] Muhammad al-Jibaalee in America wrote an email recently on the 14th of April, in which he said, ?the likes of Shaykh ?Abdul-?Azeez Ibn Baaz, Shaykh Ibnul-?Uthaymeen and Shaykh al-Albaanee were not know as Kibaar (major scholars) until after their deaths.? What do you say about this?

[Q2] Muhammad al-Jibaalee continues to say (in his email), ?the likes of al-?Allaamah Saalih al-Fawzaan, al-muftee, Shaykh ?Abdul-?Azeez Aalush-Shaykh, Shaykh Rabee? Ibn Haadee, Shaykh ?Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad and Shaykh ?Ubayd al-Jaabiree, none of the hold great status, especially the last one??

[Q3] [Cut off] ?Only one area of Islaam, Jarh wat-Ta?deel, nothing else?

[Q4] It is stated that Muhammad al-Jibaalee has said ?it is not from the way of the salaf to label people with one word labels (i.e. liar, weak etc.)??

[Q5] Muhammad al-Jibaalee after he has spoken about about the ?Ulamaa in this (derogatory) way, has spoken about Adnaan Ar?oor (in a praiseworthy manner) and he states that Imaam ?Abdul-?Azeez Ibn Baaz has praised him (Ar?oor)?

[Q6] We know the famous hadeeth, one of the signs of the hour that knowledge will be taken from the ignorant ones, some people say we must follow the kibaarul-?ulamaa and some people say we can follow the students of the ?Ulamaa, what is the reality in this regard?

Please listen to this audio and benefit from it insha'allaah! Unfortunately there are many people who are confused about this haughty individual. Hopefully this audio will bring some light to his condition, barakallaahu feekum!


Aboo Shaahir as-Salafee

This message was edited by aboo.shaahir on 1-6-03 @ 5:21 PM

11-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 94
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as-Salaamu alaykum may Allah give you brothers SUCCESS-

    Even though that you brothers and I haven't met in the flesh I still wanted to congradulate you on being from Ahlus Sunnah and may Allah bless you brothers for rejuvenating the Dawah in your respected area. If Allah wills for you brothers to continue to remain firm on clear Salafiyyah clinging to the Jamaa'ah you will gain support from the Salafi's in every place because the Minhaj and Aqeedah of the people of the sunnah is one, and their Jihad for Allahs sake is one. So remain united on whats pure and don't be divided because there isnt any Justification for division or blameworthy innovations that may cause agitation or hinder the on going war in exposing ahlu-bidah both in their belief and actions. So you brothers must continue to remain united and comply to clinging to the united body because this is the rope of Allah that He ordered us with when He stated { AND HOLD FAST ALL OF YOU TOGETHER TO THE ROPE OF ALLAH AND DO NOT BE DIVIDED AMONGST YOURSELVES }. I ask Allah to make your war against Jibalee and his currupted principles a successful one and make your hearts firm against ahlu-Bidah.                                            

Love for Ahlus-Sunnah wa Hadeeth Aboo Zaahid

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