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» Events that will occur on Yaum Al Qiyaamah
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Posted By Topic: Events that will occur on Yaum Al Qiyaamah

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06-10-2009 @ 4:58 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdillah Salman bin Najm Khan (London, UK/Riyadh, KSA)
Posts: 18
Joined: Oct 2009
Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmtullahi wa barakatuhu

To all Salafee brothers and sisters,
I would like to open a new thread regarding collecting Ayaat and authentic ahadeeth regarding the different things regarding that which will occur on The Day of Resurrection. There are many, many things that are narrated that will happen and it will be extremely beneficial if we could all come together and try our best to mention them. For example, The Great Intercession etc.

Please try to refrain from mentioning Ayaat/Ahadeeth regarding the Signs before The Day. Only that which will happen on that Day (starting from when the Trumpet is blown).

I hope that this will remind us of Events that we once forgot or are negligent of. And that we are constantly reminded of The Standing infront of our Lord, 'Azza wa Jal.

I ask Allaah, 'Azza wa Jal, that He showers us from those 99 parts of Mercy that He has reserved on that Day. And that he keeps our hearts firm so we be of those that do not grieve nor are saddened. Ameen ya rab al Alameen!

I will begin with a verse from The Book of Allaah:

ııııııı ıııııııııı ııııııııııı
And Hell will be brought near that Day
(Surah Fajr:23)

In explaining, The Prophet (salallaahu alayhi wa salam) said, on the authority of Abdullah bin Masood:

ııııııı ııııııııııı ıııııııııı ııııı ııııııııı ıııııı ııııııı ıııı ııııı ıııııı ııııııııı ıııııı ıııııı ııııııııııııı
Hell will be brought on near that Day and it will have seventy thousand leashes, and each leash will have seventy thousand angels pulling it (Sahih Muslim)

Salman bin Najm Khan Al Baakistaanee

12-10-2009 @ 1:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdillah Salman bin Najm Khan (London, UK/Riyadh, KSA)
Posts: 18
Joined: Oct 2009
Abu Hurayrah reported

The Prophet said:

ıı.The Sun will be brought close, and the people will suffer distress and trouble that they cannot tolerate or bear. Then the people will say to each other: ıDonıt you see what we are suffering? Donıt you look for someone who can intercede for you with your Rubb?ı Some people will say: ıGo to Adamı.

They go to Adam and say to him ıOh Adam, you are the Father of Mankind. Allah created you with His Own Hand, and breathed into you of His Spirit, and He made His Angels prostrate themselves to you. Intercede for us with your Rubb. Donıt you see what state we are in? Donıt you see what condition we have reached?
He will say: ıIndeed my Lord is angry as He has never been before, nor will He be angrier afterwards. He forbade me the tree, but I disobeyed Him. Myself! Myself! Go to someone else, go to Nooh.ı

They go Nooh and say:  ıOh Nooh! You are the first Messenger on earth and Allah named you a thankful slave. Intercede for us with your Rubb. Donıt you see what state we are in? Donıt you see what condition we have reached?
He will say: ıIndeed my Lord is angry as He has never been before, nor will He be angrier afterwards. Indeed I had the chance to make one accepted invocation and I made it against my nation. Myself! Myself! Go to someone else, go to Ibrahim (alayhis salam)ı.

They go to Ibrahim and say: ıOh Ibrahim! You are the Prophet of Allah and His Khalil from mankind on earth. Intercede for us with your Rubb. Donıt you see what state we are in? Donıt you see what condition we have reached?
He will say: ıIndeed my Lord is angry as He has never been before, nor will He be angrier afterwards.ı Then he mentioned the three lies. ıMyself! Myself! Go to someone else, go to Musa (alayhis salam).ı

They go to Musa and say: ıOh Musa! You are the Messenger of Allah, Allah has distinguished you with His Message and His Speech. Intercede for us with your Rubb. Donıt you see what state we are in? Donıt you see what condition we have reached?
He will say: ıIndeed my Lord is angry as He has never been before, nor will He be angrier afterwards. I killed a man whom I was not ordered to kill. Myself! Myself! Go to someone else, go to ıIsa (alayhis salam).ı

They go to ıIsa (alayhis salam) and say: ıOh Isa! You are the Messenger of Allah, and you spoke to the people when you were an infant in the cradle, and you were born by His Command which He cast onto Maryam, and you were a soul that He created. Intercede for us with your Rubb. Donıt you see what state we are in? Donıt you see what condition we have reached?
He will say: ıIndeed my Lord is angry as He has never been before, nor will He be angrier afterwards (he does not mention any sin for himself). Myself! Myself! Go to someone else, go to Muhammad (sal Allahu alayhi wa salam).ı

They come to me and say: ıOh Muhammad! You are the Messenger of Allah and the last of His Prophets. Allah has forgiven your past and future sins. Intercede for us with your Rubb. Donıt you see what state we are in? Donıt you see what condition we have reached?ı
Then I go under the Throne and fall in prostration before my Rubb. Then Allah will inspire me forms of praises to Him as He has never inspired anybody before me. Then He says: ıOh Muhammad! Raise your head. Ask, and it will be granted. Intercede! It will be accepted.ı So I raise my head and say, ıOh my Rubb! My followers! My followers!ı It will be said: ıOh Muhammad! Usher those of your followers who have no accounts, through the right side gates of the gates of Jannah, and they will share the other gates with the rest of people.ı

Saheeh Muslim, Kitaabul Emaan. Also Saheeh Bukhari.  

Salman bin Najm Khan Al Baakistaanee

17-10-2009 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Amutullah Nai'ma bint Rashid (North West London)
Posts: 2
Joined: Jul 2008
Assalmu alaikum wa Rahmutulahi wa barakatu,

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

When the heaven shall be cleft asunder.
And when the stars shall be fallen and scattered.
And when the seas shall be burst forth.
And when the graves shall be turned upside down (and bring out their contents)
(Then)a person will know what he has sent forward and (what he has) leaft behind (of good or bad deeds)

Surah Al-Infitar(The Cleaving)
Verses 1-5

The example of the heart is like the example of a bird. Every time is ascends it becomes distant from the harmful things and every time it descends the harmful things hurt it. Ibn al-Qayyim

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