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» Pearls for the Salafiyyeen: Should the dhikr after wudu also be said after ghusl and tayamum?
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Posted By Topic: Pearls for the Salafiyyeen: Should the dhikr after wudu also be said after ghusl and tayamum?

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01-01-2004 @ 1:49 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 73
Joined: Sep 2002

Assallaamu alaikum

Allaah hayyik yaa Abal 'Irbaad

I know I speak for most if not all the english speaking salafees (and Allaah knows best) on this forum due to their hunger for knowledge when I say, I look forward to the forthcoming of this wonderful and beautiful piece of work of this noble Shaykh rahimahullaah.  

SubhanAllaah how bad is this needed in this day and age when most Muslims know not how to even make a Ghusl, Wudu, how to relieve oneself and so on, and how do we expect our deeds to be accepted from the One who is above His creation and free from any deficiences.  Allaahul Musta'an.

Again akhi kareem JazakAllaahu khairan and may Allaah aid you in your Jihaad for His sake.  Ameen.

wassallaamu alaikum

Abu Mariam al-Atharee

01-01-2004 @ 11:30 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 153
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Wa alaykum assalaam

Hayaak Allaah Yaa Abaa Mariam,

Yes, InshaaAllaah all these 'Pearls' will be collected together and compiled into one PDF to be found on SPUBS, in the near future. This is because on a site like SalafiTalk things move to the background and are not easily found again.

Jazaakalaahukhiran for your continued support and encouragement.

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

31-12-2003 @ 10:16 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 73
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assallaamu alaikum

Yaa Abid I have one question for you inshaAllaah.  

Could you inform us all on this forum if you are collating these opinions and others that you are posting on this forum barakAllaahu feek of the noble Shaykh rahimahullaah in English to be published by maybe the likes of T.R.O.I.D, Spubs, Athariyyah or any other salafee publishers?

I would like to express my gratitude to you for these 'Pearls' that you have made available to us who are either not fluent in the arabic language or do not have the means of attaining these invaluable works of the scholars. "He who does not thank the people, does not thank Allaah."  

Shukran wa jazakAllaahu khairan for the opportunity to benefit from the Shaykh's works rahimahullaah.

wassallaamu alaikum

Abu Mariam al-Atharee

31-12-2003 @ 10:07 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 153
Joined: Oct 2002

Pearls for the Salafiyyeen: A series of preferred opinions of al-Allaamah ibn Uthaymeen

Introducing, bi idhnillaah, a selection of preferred opinions of the Imaam, the Salafi, al-Faqeeh, al-Allaamah Aboo Abdillaah Muhammad ibn Saaleh ibn Uthaymeen, which he chose and as the ?qawl ur-raajih? on different fiqh issues during his explanation of ?Zaad al-Mustaqni? ? (a treatise on Hanbali fiqh), which is entitled ?as-Sharh al-Mumti? alaa Zaad il-Mustaqni? ?.

Over 900 of these preferred opinions are collected in a book ?Tawjeeh ur-Raaghibeen ilaa ikhtiyaaraat as-Shaikh ibn Uthaymeen? by Muhammad adh-Dhiyaab.

And all success lies with Allaah! We continue with:


Should the dhikr after wudu also be said after ghusl and tayamum?  

The preferred opinion of al-Allaamah ibn Uthaymeen:

?Saying the dhikr after ghusl is closer to the truth than saying it after tayamum, since the one who has made ghusl has actually also made wudu.?  

{Page 180 from Sharh al-Mumti?, page 26 from Tawjeeh ur-Raaghibeen.}

ابو العرباض
Abid Zargar

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