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Topic: do women get the same rewards?
Posts: 13
Joined: Sep 2002
essalam aleykoum wa ra7matoullahi wa barakatouh i read its much better for women to pray in group but the rewards stated in the hadith only applies to men. can some one give me proove from sahih hadith that when men praying in group they receive more rewards and that the hadith doesnt apply to women. wa 3aleykoum essalam wa ra7matoullahi wa barakatouh
This message was edited by polina1423 on 9-30-02 @ 12:23 PM
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This message was edited by yusuf.adam on 12-28-02 @ 12:44 AM
Posts: 33
Joined: Sep 2002
Asalaam u alkium i have read and also heard on many tapes that Allah says that women and men will get the same reward and punishment...... i cant find it in quran so can you help
Posts: 13
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asalaam alaikoum warahamtullahi wabaraktuh jazak Allah khair yusuf but my question is regarding to prayer in group(juma'a) prayer...i lerned that only men get more rewards praying together but not women as the hadith about it only applies to men...insha Allah still looking for the hadith. waalaykum salaam warahamtullahi wabarakatuh
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"verily the women are the shaqaa'iq (siblings) of men" this hadeeth from aboo daawood, at-tirmithee, Ahmad, and others sets the principle that everything mentioned in the Deen is for both the men and women. This is the original of all rulings. What is halaal for the men is halaal for the women, and what is haraam on the men is likewise haraam on the women. This hadeeth was spoken by the messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) when Umm Sulaym asked about if women have to make a ghusl after they have a wet dream. Part of the hadeeth is in Al-Bukhaaree in kitaab Al-'Ilm without mention of the quote above. The point from the hadeeth is, specifically, men and women both have wet dreams, and they both are required to make ghusls if they notice a discharge when they wake. Generally, as mentioned, all rulings are shared by men and women alike. Now we come to the exception. When a text specifies that something is haraam on men but halaal for women, like the hadeeth about silk and gold for example, now we make a difference based on this evidence. Or if a text specifies that something is better for the women, like the hadeeth of the last rows being the best for women, or they're salah being better in their houses, now we make a difference. So to summarize - it is not permissible to specify a ruling to men, or to women, without a proof. So then for the question, men and women share all rewards mentioned in the Qur'aan and SUnnah for certain deeds, and they share the same punishment too. So long as there is no evidence specifying that it is either for men or women only. And Allaah knows best. Moosaa
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Posts: 13
Joined: Sep 2002
asalaam alaikoum this is what i got about women praying in jamaa...coz all i wanted to know is Is it better for women to pray together in jamaa?ah or individually? Which will bring the greater reward? this is the answer i got...but i need dalil insha Allah if anyone can help. Praise be to Allaah. It is better for them to pray in jamaa?ah, if possible, but the reward of twenty-seven times more applies only to men, because praying in jamaa?ah is obligatory for them. ?The correct view is that for women to pray in jamaa?ah, and for a woman to lead other women in prayer, are things that are permitted in Islam and indeed are mustahabb for them. The evidence (daleel) for that is the hadeeth of Um Waraqah that we have referred to above, in which it states that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) gave her permission to lead the (female) members of her household in prayer? It is also confirmed by the fact that some of the Mothers of the Believers led other women in prayer. It was reported from Laytah al-Hanafiyyah (from the tribe of Banu Haneefah) that ?Aa?ishah the Mother of the Believers led them in the obligatory prayer. And it was narrated from Tameemah bint Saleemah that ?Aa?ishah the Mother of the Believers (may Allaah be pleased with her) led women in Maghrib prayer, and that she stood in the middle of them and recited Qur?aan aloud. It was also narrated that Um Salamah the Mother of the Believers (may Allaah be pleased with her) used to lead women in prayer in Ramadaan, and that she stood with them in the row. And it was narrated that Ibn ?Umar used to tell one of his slave women to lead his womenfolk in prayer in Ramadaan.?