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» The kayfiyya of making up missed units of prayer in Jama'ah
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Posted By Topic: The kayfiyya of making up missed units of prayer in Jama'ah

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15-07-2003 @ 12:44 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 73
Joined: Sep 2002

Asallaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

InshaAllah someone can shed some light on this issue (that some of us brothers were discussing earlier today) inshaAllah barakAllahu feekum.

An individual has entered a masjid for Maghrib and finds the congregation sitting in the first of the two tashahhud.  He follows the imaam in their third rakah which happens to be his first.  After the Imaam gives the tasleem the individual gets up to make his missed units of prayer.  

How does he do this?

1) Does he recite in both units aloud with only one tashahhud. i.e. in the last unit seeing that he missed the first two units?

2) Or does he recite aloud in only the first of the two missed units and sit in tashahhud in both units missed?

3) Or does he do something other than these?

jazakamullahu khairan

Abu Mariam al-Atharee

21-07-2003 @ 8:43 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Q:  A person entered the masjid an found the Imaam in Salat Al-Maghrib and caught the last rakaah with him.  When he stands up to make up the two rakaahs that he missed, does he read aloud in both rakaahs, and does he make tashahhud in between them, and does he read two soorahs in each rakaah?  We would like the correct opinion about this.

A:  The correct statement from the statements of the Ulamaa is that the part which a latecomer catches with the Imam is considered the first part of his Salaah.  Based upon this, one who catches the last rakaah of Maghrib should read the Fatihah and another soorah aloud in the first rakaah that he makes up, make tashahhud in this rakaah, and recite the Fatihah only in the second rakaah (that he makes up) silently, and make his final tashahhud in this (second) rakaah.  As for his tashahhud in the rakaah he caught with the Imam, that is for the purpose of following the Imaam.

A Fatwaa given by the Committee for Iftaa, under the chairmanship of Abdul Azeez Bin Baaz rahimahullaah.
Fatawaa Al-Lajnah Ad-Daaimah vol.7 pg.324  Fatwaa #5565

Ali Yahya

This message was edited by abu.basheer.alee on 7-21-03 @ 8:45 PM

22-07-2003 @ 12:55 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 73
Joined: Sep 2002

Assallaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

Akhi kareem barakAllahu feek for the post may Allah brighten your face on Yawm ul-Akhir.  Ameen

Abu Mariam al-Atharee

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