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26-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismillaahi Rahmaani Raheem.

Alhamdullilaah. As I have still been looking for my answer, I have come across these narrations.

From Malik, from Naafi': From Ibn 'Umar: That he was asked about a pregnant woman who feared for her child, so he said: "She should refrain from fasting and she should feed a mudd (the amount of both hands cupped together) of wheat to a poor person for every day".
Reported by al-Bayhaqee (4/230) by way of Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee and its isnaad is saheeh.

Ad-Daaraqutnee reports (1/207) from ibn 'Umar, and he declares it saheeh that he said: The pregnant woman & the breastfeeding woman should break the fast and not make up the days". He reports it through another chain:'that a pregnant woman asked him, so he said:"Refrain from fasting, but feed a poor person for every day and do not make up the fasts". And through a third chain from him: 'That a daughter of his was married to a man of the Quraish and she was pregnant and she became very thirsty in Ramadhaan so he ordered her to break the fast and to feed a poor person for every day."

Ad-Daaraqutnee reports with an isnaad which he declares saheeh (1/207) from ibn Abbaas that he saw a slave girl of his, pregnant or breastfeeding, so he said "You are of those who are unable, upon you is recompense and there is no atonement (qadaa) due upon you".

25-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Jazakallahu Khair ukhti for posting these fatwas.

Due to the fatawaa of actually fasting the missed days & notgiving charity(Feeding the poor,only as kaffaarah),a sister has now become concerned as she fed the poor(to make up her missed days), and has now concluded that she was to actually fast. What is she to do about this? Does she have to fast them again? Is anyone able to answer this?

25-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Died whilst still having days to make up from Ramadhaan

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Question: What is the ruling of one who has died whilst still having had days to make up from Ramadhaan?

Response: If he has died whilst still having days to make up from Ramadhaan, then the one who is in charge of his affairs from amongst his close relatives or inheritors should fast on his behalf. That which is mentioned in the hadeeth by 'Aa.ishah is that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said: ((One who has died whilst having days to make up from Ramadhaan, then the one who is in charge of his affairs must fast on his behalf)). If the one who is in charge of his affairs does not fast on his behalf then he must feed a poor person for every day (to be made up).

Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen
Fataawa Ramadhaan - Volume 2, Page 626, Fatwa No. 626;
Fiqh al-'Ibaadaat libni 'Uthaymeen - Pages 202-203


Subhanaka 'allahumma wa bihamdika
'ash hadu 'alla 'ilaha  'illa 'anta '
astaghfiruka wa 'atubu 'ilayka

25-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Must make up remaining fasts of Ramadhaan first

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Question: Whoever has (fasting) days remaining to make up from Ramadhaan and has not yet made them up, is it permissible for him to fast the supererogatory fasts even though he has not made up the fasts remaining from Ramadhaan?

Response: It is not permissible for a Muslim to fast supererogatory fasts whilst having obligatory fasts remaining (to make up). So it is not permissible for him to fast with the intention of a supererogatory fast whilst he has not made up that which he missed in Ramadhaan.

Shaykh Ibn Jibreen
Fataawa as-Siyaam libni Jibreen - Page 126, Fatwa No.150


Subhanaka 'allahumma wa bihamdika
'ash hadu 'alla 'ilaha  'illa 'anta '
astaghfiruka wa 'atubu 'ilayka

25-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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The issue of continuity (i.e. fasting all the required days consecutively)

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Question: Is continuity (i.e. fasting all the required days consecutively) obligatory in making up the fasts of Ramadhaan?

Reponse: As for making up the fasts of Ramadhaan, then continuity (in making them up) is not obligatory.

Shaykh Abaa Butayn
Fataawa Ramadhaan - Volume 2, Page 657, Fatwa No. 661;
ad-Durur as-Sunniyah fil-Ajwibah an-Najdiyah - Volume 5, Page 360


Subhanaka 'allahumma wa bihamdika
'ash hadu 'alla 'ilaha  'illa 'anta '
astaghfiruka wa 'atubu 'ilayka

25-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Completed post-partum bleeding before Ramadhaan and then fasted during Ramadhaan

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Question: My wife gave birth to a baby just before the blessed month of Ramadhaan, by about seven days, and she became pure (completed her post-partum bleeding) before the arrival of the month of Ramadhaan. (Subsequently,) is her fast complete or is she required to make up the days, knowing that she only fasted whilst she was pure (from the post-partum bleeding)? Advise us and may Allaah reward you all with good.

Response: If the situation is as described, then the fast of your wife during the month of Ramadhaan whilst she was pure (in the state of purity - free from post-partum bleeding), is correct and she is not required to make up the days.

And with Allaah lies all success, and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions.

The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa, comprising -
Head: Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn Abdullaah ibn Baaz;
Deputy Head: Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee;
Member: Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Ghudayyaan
Fataawa Ramadhaan - Volume 2, Page 590, Fatwa No.575
Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa.imah lil-Buhooth al-'Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa. - Fatwa No.10138


Subhanaka 'allahumma wa bihamdika
'ash hadu 'alla 'ilaha  'illa 'anta '
astaghfiruka wa 'atubu 'ilayka

25-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Unable to make up the fasts because she gave birth during Ramadhaan a number of times over a period of a few years

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Question: What is the ruling regarding a woman who gave birth during Ramadhaan a number of times (over a period of a few years) and was unable to make up the days (of fasting) she missed?

Response: It is obligatory upon the woman who gave birth in the month of Ramadhaan to make up the days she was unable to fast in Ramadhaan afterwards. And if she delayed making up the fasts until the (arrival of the) next Ramadhaan without (an Islaamically acceptable) reason, then it is obligatory upon her to feed a poor person for everyday she missed in addition to making up the fasts (she missed). However, if the delay in making up the fasts was for an Islaamically acceptable reason, then it is obligatory upon her to just make up the number of days she missed.

And with Allaah lies all success, and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions.

The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa, comprising -
Head: Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn Abdullaah ibn Baaz;
Deputy Head: Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee;
Member: Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Ghudayyaan
Fataawa Ramadhaan - Volume 2, Page 588, Fatwa No.573
Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa.imah lil-Buhooth al-'Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa. - Fatwa No.9861


Subhanaka 'allahumma wa bihamdika
'ash hadu 'alla 'ilaha  'illa 'anta '
astaghfiruka wa 'atubu 'ilayka

25-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Had five fasts to make up and then she became pregnant

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Question: A woman did not fast for five days in Ramadhaan and did not make up these fasts until such time she realised she was pregnant. (And) when she wanted to make up these fasts, she was unable to do so. She then estimated that she will be giving birth in Ramadhaan and (as such) will not be able to fast (the month of Ramadhaan) either. What should she do? Should she make up the fasts of Ramadhaan and the five days (remaining) from the previous year or should she feed a poor and needy person for the five days (remaining) and make up the fasts of Ramadhaan?

Response: If the situation is as mentioned, then she should make up the fast for the five days (remaining) and also make up the fasts of the month of Ramadhaan and there is no kaffaarah upon her.

And with Allaah lies all success, and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions.

The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa, comprising -
Head: Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn Abdullaah ibn Baaz;
Member: Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Ghudayyaan;
Member: Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Qu'ood
Fataawa Ramadhaan - Volume 2, Page 589, Fatwa No.574
Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa.imah lil-Buhooth al-'Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa. - Fatwa No.5168


Subhanaka 'allahumma wa bihamdika
'ash hadu 'alla 'ilaha  'illa 'anta '
astaghfiruka wa 'atubu 'ilayka

25-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Pregnant wife unable to make up days remaining from Ramadhaan
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Question: In the year 1409h (1988), my wife did not fast for fourteen days due to her menses. Afterwards, she was able to fast for seven days and she had seven days left (to make up). Now, she is six months pregnant. I seek your assistance, is it enough to make an expiation for the remaining days (she needs to make up)? What should I do? May Allaah reward you.

Response: It is obligatory that your wife make up the days left from the Ramadhaan in which she did not fast due to her menses. If she delayed making these days up until the arrival of the next Ramadhaan without a valid, Islaamic reason, then she has to make those days up together with making expiation for each of the days left. The expiation will take the form of feeding a poor person for each day (left to make up), half a measure of dates or barley or that which is similar to this from the food of the people or else, a number of poor people according to the days left to make up. However, if the delay was due to pregnancy or an illness, then there is nothing more required of her except making up the days (missed or left).

And with Allaah lies all the success, and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions.

The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa, comprising -
Head: Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn Abdullaah ibn Baaz;
Deputy Head: Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee;
Member: Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Ghudayyaan;
Member: Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Qu'ood
Fataawa Ramadhaan - Volume 2, Page 583, Fatwa No.568;
Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa.imah lil-Buhooth al-'Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa. - Fatwa No.13545


Subhanaka 'allahumma wa bihamdika
'ash hadu 'alla 'ilaha  'illa 'anta '
astaghfiruka wa 'atubu 'ilayka

25-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Salaamu aleykunaa wa rahma

my dear sisters, i've been dealing with the same issues as i have been pregnant for the last two Ramadhaans and as i'm expecting our third this years Ramadhaan will be the same as the previous ones

you should keep track at all times of how many days you need to make up for (i keep a list, it has gotten quite long)

you should also inform your husband how many days you need to make up for, so when you die before you could make up for them he can fast them for you or when needed pay the kaffaarah insha Allaah

when you know how many days, than you should make up for them before the next Ramadhaan comes, but when the valid reason for not fasting (like another prenancy, breastfeeding, illness, etc.) is still actual than there is no compulsion to have these days made up before the next Ramadhaan and you make up for them when you are able to or when the valid reason is no longer actual

when you are no longer pregnant, breastfeeding and your health permits you to make up for the fasting, you should do so before the next Ramadhaan

wa Allaahu alim

i will post some fataawah on the subject insha Allaah

Salaamu aleyk


Subhanaka 'allahumma wa bihamdika
'ash hadu 'alla 'ilaha  'illa 'anta '
astaghfiruka wa 'atubu 'ilayka

This message was edited by Oem_Imaan on 9-25-02 @ 5:52 PM

25-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Asalaam u alkium
I also have heard this and me my self have had 3 children and due to being very sick did not fast and also gave money to a charitable cause i asked a question over 4 years ago when we had circles at green lane masjid in birmingham to one of the brothers and was told that that was ok but now im hearing the same as umm amatullah about making up the fasts its just that i dont know how many days i would have to make up due to not being sure as i would fast a couple in each pregnancy

This message was edited by Umm.Qais on 9-25-02 @ 1:35 PM

25-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Asalaamu alaikum. My question is that during a previous Ramadhaan, I was pregnant and therefore was unable to fast the whole month. I fasted the first 6 days but at iftaar,I was vomiting heavily and causing great harm to my health. I was told by a few sisters that to make up the other days by feeding the poor.But I also read that to make up for it, was to actually fast the missed days. Which is the correct opinion? Barakallahu feekum.

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