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26-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 43
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Asalamu Alaykum wa Ramatullahee wa Barakatuhu

I ask ALLAH Azza wa jall that this benefits the brothers and sisters who are confused about the authenticity of this sunnah.  Ameen.

To proceed:

It is narrated on the authority of Ikrimah that Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them both, said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah exalt his mention, said to the Al-Abbas b. Abdul-Muttalib: 'O Abbas, My uncle! Shall I not give you, inform you, of something that if you are to do it, Allah would forgive all your sins, its past and present, its intentional and unintentional, its minor and major, its private and public? Pray four Rakat, in each read al-fatihah, and another surat...after you finish reciting (in the first rakat) say, while you are standing, SUBHANALLAH, AL-HAMDULILAH, LAILAHAHILLAALLAH, ALLAHU AKBAR 15 times, then make rukoo and say it 10 times, then go down to sujood and say it ten times in your sujood, then raise your head from the sujood and say it ten times, then make sujood and say it ten times, then raise your head and say it ten times...that is 75 in each rakaat, do it in all four rakaat. If you can pray this prayer every day then do it, but if you cannot then do it once a week, if you cannot than once every month, then if you cannot then once a year, if you cannot then once in a lifetime.' (this is in the meaning of the hadeeth).  

This hadeeth is Saheeh (authentic li-ghairihi) and is narrated in Abu Dawood (1297), Ibn Majah (1387) al-Haakim (1-308).

Al-Haafidth ibn Hajar said, 'And in the narration of At-Tabrani: even if your sins were as the foam of the sea, or as much as the sand, Allah would forgive you...'

Abu Bakr b. Abi Dawood said that he heard his father say, 'There is nothing in the Tasbeeh prayer more authentic than this hadeeth.'

Imam Muslim said, 'There is no hadeeth with a better chain of narrators in this matter other than this...' (i.e. Ibn Abbas narration).

The second hadeeth, which is also authentic (Saheeh li-ghairihi) is narrated on the authority of Abi Rafi' to is similar to the above (in its wording).

This narration was narrated by Ibn Majah, at-Tirmidthi, Ad'daar-Qutni, and al-Baihaqi.

Al-Baihaqi said, that Abdullah b. al-Mubarak used to pray the Tasbeeh prayer, this prayer was handed (to us) by the pious predecessors, and from this, the above hadeeth gains extra strength...!

At-Tirmidthi said, 'this is a ghareeb hadeeth from the narration of Abi Rafi' he then said, 'Ibn al-Mubarak used to practice it, and other people of knowledge used to practice it also, and they mentioned its merits.'

Of those who corrected (authenticated) the above hadeeth:-

1. Abu Dawood,

2. Ibn Mundah,

3. Al-Aajari,

4. As-Sum'aani,

5. al-Madini,

6. al-Mundthiri,

7. Abul-Hasan al-Mundthiri,

8. Ibn As-Salaah,

9. Ad-Dailami,

10. Al-Haakim,

11. Al-A'laali,

12. Az-Zurkashi,

13. Al-Muhaamili,

14. Abul-Hasan al-Muqdasi,

15. al-Juwaini,

16. Al-Baghawi,

17. Ar-Ra'fiee',

18. Al-Haitami,

19. As-Su'youti,

20. Al-Luknawwi,

21. Ibn Aa'bideen,

22. Al-Albani and others...

There is a third hadeeth which too is authentic and is narrated by Ahmed, At-Tirmidthi (who stated this narration as Hasan), an-Nasa'i, ibn Khuzaimah, and Ibn Hibban in their Saheeh collections, and al-Haakim, said that is authentic according to the conditions set by Muslim.

This narration is on the authority of Anas b. Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him, that Umm Sulaim asked the Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention, 'teach me a few words that I may say them in my prayer. He said, 'Say Allahu Akbar 10 times, Say Subhanallah ten times, Say Al-Humdulilah ten times, then pray as much as you want...' (in its meaning).

Al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him, said: The main hadeeth on which the Tasbeeh prayer is based on is the hadeeth of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, (the first Hadeeth I mentioned).

I have returned back to the original books were Sheik Muhammad Naasir ad-Deen al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him, authenticated the ahadeeth (pl. Hadeeth) which conern the Tasbeeh prayer...such as Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah, At-Targheeb and at-Tarheeb. To summarize this altogether, there are authentic hadeeth which concern the Tasbeeh prayer and other Hadeeth which are weak.

So from the above, no one can call the one who practices the Tasbeeh prayer a man of bid'ah, nor the prayer itself a bid'ah practice...Subhanallah!

An argument which may be heard from those who deny this prayer is: 'Now somebody might say to you...'look brother although the hadeeth is Saheeh, none of the Salaf (pious predecessors) practiced it.'

The answer to this is that if the hadeeth is authentic, we should immediately put it into practice regardless of the fact if somebody did it before you or not...the proof of this is as follows: Imam ash-Shafi'ee said in his book 'Ar-Risalah':  Umar b. Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, used to rule that the diyah (blood money) for the thumb, was 15 camels; but when he found the letter of Aal-Amr b. Hazm, and in which a hadeeth was mentioned: 'For every finger there are 10 camels.' He immediately put this hadeeth into practice...

Imam Ash-Shafi'ee said, 'They didn't practice what was in the letter of Aal-Hazm until it was affirmed that it was an authentic letter from the Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention.'

Al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him, said: 'From this hadeeth we take two very important things, that we should accept the hadeeth once it is deemed authentic, even if nobody practiced it before you...'

Besides has been authentically reported that some of the Salaf practiced it, such as Ibn al-Mubarak!

Secondly, if you put this hadeeth into practice, which is regarded by some as bid'ah you would be reviving a Sunnah of the Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention, and whoever revives a Sunnah of the Prophet, would receive its reward and the reward of whomever practices it till the Day of Resurrection....Allahu Akbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way I have used some terms in the email which I will elaborate on here more in depth:

Ghareeb: Lit. Strange. This is one of the types of hadeeth in which in any stage of its narration goes through only one person. for example...Lets say the hadeeth in its first level was taken by two companions, then two or three Ta'biee, then 4 Tabi tabiees...then in the fourth level the hadeeth was only taken from one person...this hadeeth is considered Ghareeb...because its chain (other than the companion) in one level has only person in it....If the chain is authentic it is authentic...and so on.

Saheeh li-Ghairhi, this is a group of hasan hadeeth which combine and gain strength and then are considered saheeh.

Was Salaam

Akhook Fil Islaam

Abu Abdurrahman as Salafee al Kanadi

26-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 88
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SubhanAllah!!  This is one of the inumerable reasons why I LOVE THIS DEEN!!  Islaam gives hope to the one who sincerely seeks to obtain the most complete success in this life as well as the hereafter.  I openly and wholeheartedly accept the favors of Ar-Rahmaan upon the believers of Kitaabullah wa sunnatal Muhammad...wa sallallahu 'alaa nabeey-yanaa Muhammaddan, wa 'ala alihe wa ashaabihe ajma'eena birahmatikaya arhamar-rahemeen.


"So Let those who oppose the Messenger's order beware that they will be stricken by some affliction or suffer a painfu

This message was edited by abu.jameelah.m on 2-14-04 @ 11:19 PM

26-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 67
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This message was edited by alykhan.somani on 1-14-07 @ 12:40 AM

27-01-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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02-02-2003 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 116
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Asalaamu alaikum
Jazak Allahu Khairun for this daleel.
I would like to know :
a)does one recite the first tashahhud after the second rakah?
b)does one recite the tasbeeh before or after the tashahhud if the tashahhud is to be recited?

This message was edited by s.bint.ahmed on 2-2-03 @ 7:02 PM

18-01-2005 @ 12:20 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 27
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As-Salaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

I would just like the references where these Mashaykh said that this is Saheeh.


There is a mistake where the hadeeth posted says
"then make rukoo and say it 10 times, then go down to sujood and say it ten times in your sujood".
  It should be
"then make rukoo and say it 10 times, then get up from rukoo and say it 10 times, then go down to sujood and say it ten times in your sujood".

Abul-Haarith Bilaal al-Kanadie

25-08-2009 @ 1:36 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salamualikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh, Ramadan Mubarak.

There are ahaadeeth concerning Salaat al-Tasaabeeh which are attributed to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and which were classed as hasan by some of the scholars, but may scholars said that they are dażeef (weak) and that this prayer is not prescribed in Islam.

The Standing Committee was asked about Salaat al-Tasaabeeh, and they answered:

Salaat al-Tasaabeeh is a bidżah (innovation) and the hadeeth concerning it is not proven, rather it is munkar. Some of the scholars mentioned it among the mawdooż (fabricated) ahaadeeth.

See Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daażimah, vol. 8, p. 163

Shaykh Ibn żUthaymeen said: Salaat al-Tasaabeeh is not prescribed, because the hadeeth is dażeef (weak). Imaam Ahmad said there is no sound evidence for it. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said it is a fabrication, and he said that none of the imaams recommended it. He (may Allaah have mercy on him) spoke the truth, because whoever examines this prayer will find that it is odd in the way it is performed ż Moreover, if it were prescribed, it would have been something that was reported in many reports because of its great virtue and reward. Since there are no such reports and none of the imaams described it as being recommended, we know that it is not proven. The oddness in the way in which it is performed is as described in the hadeeth narrated concerning it, which says that it is to be performed once every day, or once every week, or once every month, or once every year, or once in a lifetime. This indicates that these reports are not sound; if it were prescribed, it would be something to be done on a regular basis, and one would not be given such a variety of options.

On this basis, people should not do this prayer. And Allaah knows best.
Fataawa Manaar al-Islam, 1/203
Allahu Allam.

May Allah bless you all, Ameen.

05-10-2009 @ 9:37 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 31
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Asalamu alykum warhamatu allah wabarakatuhu

I  have asked this question in the General Discussion and a brother may Allah reward clarified me on it. Please read below and May Allah guide us.

I think akhi you are asking about salat al tasabih .
This salat had ikhtilaf between ahul al ilm from the past and the present some saying it is innovation like the four imams and ibn taymiya and ibn alqatim rahimahum allah and from the present like shaykh al fawzan ibn baz ibn uthaymeen but the shaykh al albani graded the hadith as hassan in sahih al taghrib wa tarhib , AND SHAIEK AHAMD SHAKER , AND SHEIK MUBARAKFURI .
I will say to you brother  like what shaykh saleh alfawzan ahfidahu allah said when he was asked about this salat : he said  the the person that asked since you want to do good stick what is known from the sunnah like the rawateb , tahajud , and the duha .
Walahu a3lam and for further information look at what lajana had said may allah preserve and have mercy upon the shaiks of the lajna .

The Standing Committee was asked about Salaat al-Tasaabeeh, and they answered:  

Salaat al-Tasaabeeh is a bidżah (innovation) and the hadeeth concerning it is not proven, rather it is munkar. Some of the scholars mentioned it among the mawdooż (fabricated) ahaadeeth.  

See Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daażimah, vol. 8, p. 163  

Jazaak Allah Khayr
Umm Laina

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