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» Prostrate on all seven parts of the body
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Posted By Topic: Prostrate on all seven parts of the body

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03-10-2009 @ 7:43 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified Abdul Karim (United Kingdom)
Posts: 20
Joined: Dec 2008
As-salamu Alaikum

Shaykh Ibn ıUthaymeen said:

It is not permissible for a worshipper to lift up any of these seven parts of the body when prostrating, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ıI have been commanded to prostrate on seven bones: on the forehead,ı and he pointed to his nose, ıand on the two hands, the two knees and the edges of the two feet (i.e., the toes).ı Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 812; Muslim, 490. If he lifts up one or both of his feet, or one or both of his hands, or his forehead or nose, or both of them, then his prostration is invalid and does not count, and if his prostration is invalid then his prayer is also invalid.

Liqaaıaat al-Baab al-Maftooh by Shaykh Ibn ıUthaymeen, 2/99

Does anyone know wether your prayer will be invalid, if you lift one of these limbs up out forgetfullness and not deliberatly, are their any fatawa on this?

And do you stop the Prayer when you lift any of them up and start all over again (both praying alone & congregation).

Can someone clarify this, this issue has left me confused.

Jazakallahu Khair

04-10-2009 @ 8:26 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
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Wa 'alaykumus-salaamu wa rahmatullaah.

Sujood is a rukn (pillar) of the prayer, meaning that if a capable person does not perform it, whether he left it intentionally or unintentionally the prayer would be invalid.  If he did not perform a pillar unintentionally (out of forgetfulness for example), then he returns back to that position when he remembers and repeats what came after it in the prayer, completing it fully, and then adds two sajdahs at the end called sajdatay as-sahw, prostrations made due to forgetfulness.

This includes if a rukn (pillar) was not performed in a valid way, like in the example mentioned, when a capable person makes sajdah on some but not all of the seven body parts.

I don't really understand how someone in reality would just "forget" to put their feet on the ground, leaving them hiked up in the air (?!), or "forget" to put his hands down, perhaps leaving them in his pockets (?!), or forget to put his face down...  since the sajdah is such a comfortable and natural position... Anyway, if he did forget to do any of those, then he is like the one who forgot to make the sajdah in the first place.  That is because the sajdah which is a pillar itself is made up of seven necessary elements:

1) the face with both of the following on the floor:
  a) forehead
  b) nose

2/3) the two hands

4/5) the two knees

6/7) the two feet, the edges of the toes

that is based on the hadeeth mentioned.

And the hadeeth that proves that any missing action mentioned above would render the sajdah invalid is the hadeeth narrated by Ibn 'Abbas (may Allaah be pleased with him):

ııı ııııııı ıııııı ııı ııııııı ıııııııı ıııı ıııııııı ııı ııııııı ıııııııııı
"There is no prayer for someone whose nose does touch the floor as much as his forehead."

Al-Albaanee said that it was collected by Ad-Daaraqutnee, al-Bayhaqee, and al-Haakim, who called it saheeh according to al-Bukhaaree's conditions and Ath-Thahabee approved of that verdict.  

And in one wording collected by at-Tabaraanee (used as support for the authenticity of the above narration):

ıııı ıııı ıııııııı ıııııııı ıııı ıııııııııı ıııııııııı ııııı ıııııı ıııı ıııııı ııııııııı
"The prayer of the one who does not place his nose along with his forehead to the ground when he prostrates is invalid."

These narrations show the importance of the two parts of only one pillar of sujood being fulfilled properly, and that if one of the two is missing or deficient, then the prayer is invalid.

Al-Albaanee says in conclusion, "This is an explicit text that shows that when the nose is not touching the floor the prayer is invalid."

Refer to: Aslu Sifatis-Salaatin-Nabee (2/733-735) sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam

Knowing this issue is of the highest level of importance, since it is related to the basic elements of a pillar of our religion, may Allaah bless us all with understanding of His Religion.

I hope this helps make the issue clear, and Allaah knows best.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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05-10-2009 @ 2:42 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Maryam Dardan bin Saadri al-Albanee (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
Posts: 72
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As Salamu Alaykum

Do the hands (the fingers) have to face the Qiblah while they are on the ground during sajdah?  

Abu Maryam Al-Albanee

05-10-2009 @ 3:04 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Dihyah Dawud Adib (Philadelphia, PA U.S.A.)
Posts: 265
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Dear Abal Abbaas, may Allaah preserve him

Due to the mentioning of Shaykh Al-Albaanee's book Aslu Sifatis-Salaatin-Nabee sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam would you please share with the readers of this forum:

1.What EXACTLY is the book Aslu Sifatis-Salaatin-Nabee?

2.How important it is to the student of knowledge?

Maybe this answer can also be placed in the student of knowledge section.

Dawud Adib the son of David C.White Sr.

05-10-2009 @ 9:40 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
Joined: Sep 2002
wa 'alaykumas-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

Do the hands (the fingers) have to face the Qiblah while they are on the ground during sajdah?
  That is the Sunnah, that the hands, including the fingers, even the thumb, are toward the qiblah.  Refer to the book of Shaykh al-Albaanee for discussion of the proofs for that.  And Allaah knows best.

1.What EXACTLY is the book Aslu Sifatis-Salaatin-Nabee?  2.How important it is to the student of knowledge?
Refer to:

May Allaah bless you immensely.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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