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» Tashahhud posture for supererogatory prayers
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Posted By Topic: Tashahhud posture for supererogatory prayers

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30-01-2011 @ 1:36 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
Q: A questioner asks: Is it permissible for me to sit in a posture of Tawarruk (placing the left foot under the right leg and sitting on the posterior during the last Tashahhud) in the two-Rak'ah Prayers such as the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer and supererogatory prayers? Or, is it the Sunnah (action following the example of the Prophet) to sit in a position of Tawarruk in the three-Rak'ah and four-Rak'ah Prayers only?

A: Tawarruk is a Sunnah in the three-Rak'ah and four-Rak'ah Prayers. As for the two-Rak'ah Prayers such as the Friday Prayer, the Fajr Prayer and supererogatory prayers, the Sunnah is to sit in a position of Iftirash (placing the left foot to the side and sitting on it between the two prostrations, keeping the right foot vertical) as this is better.

source: Nur 'Ala Al-Darb Fatwas of Imaam Ibn Baaz Vol. 8 Page No. 353

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