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Posted By Topic: assistance from those who have talib-ilm libraries

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08-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 30
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asalam alaykum good feedback ..
i briefly reviewed the jahmee inquisition
but yet it briefly touched on individuals
and for the common muslim or non muslim after the first page theyd be lost and wouldnt really be able to identify or pin point the defense of islam also for the non muslim was a bit intensive for the muslim it was good but for the common person along with the other booklet on hijacking they used alot of terms and words which are over the heads of people ....
the statement of awzaee rahaimatullah isa perfect example look at abdullah fayzal that guy spread his dawa in the uk.the entire carribean .south africa .australia .nigeria the usa his tapes flooded the western world ..he was assited by siraj wahaj whos masjid was distributing the tape saudi salafi for free
and you had abdul hakim quick distributing in canada
...feizal openly challenged the ulama on his website and slandered them beyond imagine on his tapes yet he went unchecked as he toured the world attacking the dawa alhamdolilah hes in jail now ... but him like the others mentioned who call to the tariqah have been basically gone unchecked ... remember abul fitans dawa
attack the innovation criticize the mistake not the individual ..we cant afford to have irjaa with these individuals expecting that if we put up some articles that evereyone can put 1plus one together and figure out who the culprit is ... when you go back to awzaees statement its manifest ...people think that hamza yusuf and kabbani and zayd shakir are the representetives of the america muslims along with siraj and wd . wrong direction ... just like in the uk yusuf islam ect .... but this is for another thread ...
i still havent had anyone stepp up to the plate and reply to the main topic of this thread which was actually qunoot in fajr and ihyaah uloom deen
and who had the books in there librabries to check for references ...this was and is the main purpose of this thread ..but brother idris and hashimi i appreciate your feed back on the other side issues which also are areas of concern and empty gapps ...

abu abdullah muhammad islam

08-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 47
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bismillah ar rahmanir raheem , as to the refutation of these such as nu ha min, zaid shakir and hamz useless then salafi publications has already taken these fools to court for those who remember the Jahmee Inqusition which took place and was posted on spubs frontpage for several weeks before the fitnah of abul fitnah al ikwaani al mubtadi al misri had become clear to all the salafees. And this refutation of thier (zaid, hamza,nu ha min) belief is there on spubs for all those who trully wish to learn of their deviations. AQIDAH>JAHMEE INQUISITION 10 articles and another small book in the callers and individuals section on nu ha min keller al jahmee al-khabeeth. And it would however be nice to refute siraj wihajj if we can figure exactly what he is. But if you have this maktab and you can call the ulama then why don't you prepare a small treatise/rudd on these ones you named , especially if you have some knowledge about their actions and so have you. And much of the work is already done through these works (translations ) at spubs. So barakullah feek. Maybe speak to the brothers there to use those sources. As the brother Abul Hasan Malik did a wonderful job on the book In Defense of Islaam : After Sept. 11 , most of those translations were from salafipubs. And with Allaah is the Success.

Al-Awzaa'ee said , "When Innovations emerge and the People of Knowledge do not show rejection against them, they become the Sunnah".

Tahdheeb Sharul Ashaabul-hadeeth of al-Khateeb al-Bagdaadee (p.46)

07-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismillah Alhamdullilah Wa Salatu Wa Salamu alla Rasullilah Sallahu alayhi wa salam wa ba'ad:

Assalamu alaykum:

I agree with you brother in Islam upon the way of the salaf that we need to have some serious very detail refutations of Hamza Yusuf, Zaid Shakir and all those who are upon their sufiyyah way and trying to destroy Islam with their modern ways and bartel minhaj. The talib ul ilm need to refer these brothers situations to the ulama and then get the okay to expose them to the public by ways of books and tapes that need to be widely distributed among america, england, and all throughout the west. These individuals hate the haqq with a passion and are confusing so many muslims who are jahil and who are new to Islam. Alhamdulillah the individuals who are under the cloak of salafiyaah have been exposed and given the chance to repent. However, we need to really expose those who's Aqeedah and Minhaj is known to the public to be bartel and misguidance. Inshallah, I second the request by our brother who is residing in Malaysia to get some serious refutations out about these individuals who talk and lie against our ulama like they don't have knowledge at all. Wa Allahu Musta'an.

07-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 30
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many have read the post .yet ive recieved no replys
does anyone have any of these books in which the resources can be checked in regards to the fajr qunoot .. does any one have the evidences which imam shaifee rahmaimatullah suposedly uses to support this claim ...does any one have kitab umm or majmoo a-nawawee ?????  enshallah i hope to see in the future amongst the salafi websites the increase of the fiqh archives ...
we dont need a thousand message board sites .and evereyone posting on there sites the same fatwas and articles its becoming repetitious and the sites are frequented by the same people ...
lets see the sections which are and have been underconstruction completed

1) fiqh
2) usool fiqh
3) hadeeth
4) quran and its sciences
5) tazkiyyah
6) arabic
8) sisters section
9) seerah
10) islamic history
11) and the list goes on
12) new muslim resource section
its clear the methodology of the majority of the ummah
has to be treated because its clearly diseased
and that the light had to be turned on in regards to
abul fitan and his mischevious bunch ... and that certain individuals had to make there position clear
so internal cleaning had to and continuoulsly has to be done to keep the ranks tight ... but at the same time tom smith in oklahoma or michele jones in liverpool or david jenson in vancouver never heard of
abul fitan the destroyed miskeen one in marib when you ask them about islam  they either know saddam or usama
or they or the majority of the ummah will say the scholars or representatives of islam are
siraj wahaj
hamza yusuf
zaid shakir
these guys are on c-spann going to the whitehouse singing god bless america  and they are internationally known and the only one whos been refuted extensively is kabbani .....
these individuals not only are with the exception of siraj are well versed in quran and arabic but fiqh .hadeeth tafseer .history if your not grounded they will tie you in a not in the west other than
abu bilal al-swedee -abu uwais abdullah and abu talha s.p.  theres nobody on there caliber these boys were trained in syria by the archenemies of the dawa like
saeed ramadan al-booti- saqqaf ..nuh hameem keller
... and the newest addition  is a guy by the name of of jihad hashim brown he got his degree in arabic from rutgers in new jersey then went to syria for like 8 years hes warning against the dawa hard in the usa
so internal cleaning is a must like the hizbees
surrooris.qutbis.takfeeris. ect and the new fitnah makers in the cloak of salafiyyah ...but at the same time external cleansing as well ....
so lets see a detailed refutation of hamza yusuf
and his counterparts like zaid shakir ..combined with his teachers nuh hahmeem -saqqaf and there aqeedah ..
and the poison there pushing to the world in the name of islam ...and does anyone know of a supposed compilation of works that shaykh albani rahaimatullah
was putting together in which he was seperating the weak and saheeh hadeeth located in the fiqh books of the imaams
any answers are appreciated  like one brother mentioned this is not a fatwa board but just like a global information and communication board
which can be helpful

from malaysia where its 90 degrees
( alhamdolilah for a.c.)
abu abdullah muhammad islam
p.s. may ALLAH reward aboo abdullah umar bryant
for doing something creative and new
which is putting some arabic grammar info on his communitys site

30-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 30
Joined: Sep 2002

asalam alaykum i am residing in malaysia and iwas not able to bring my entire library with me i have in arabic hard covers only about 30 books which is nothing .in the field of hadeeth i have the 3 volumes of saheeh abudawud checked by shaykh nasir and riyadh saliheen ...along with lu-lul margan then ihave 1 book qwaid al hadeeth by jalal deen al qasimee and also taweel hadeeth by abee qutaibah im hurting for books
also mukhtasar sahih bukhari

i need info from anyone who has a real library

if you have these books then ill know your a reader and you can help

1) majmoo imam nawawi
2) kitab umm imam shafiee
3) takreej ihyaa ( uloom deen ) hafiz al iraqi
4) darqutni
5) baihaqi

i need some concerete dalleel pertaining to qunoot in the fajr prayer and the weakness of the hadeeths that support it ....if you have the above mentioned books
can you please check  the sections pertaining to qunoot

ive collected some evidences but im looking for the info which can be found in the above mentioned books ...

in regards to takreej ihyaah im looking for an organized list on the statements of kufr in ihyaah uloom a deen  and also some of the daeef hadeeth...
i have the book by ali hasan but its more of the statements of the peopple of tarikh (historians)
and the ulama with out to many concrete points with direct reference...
page numbers included ... and also is it documented anywhere that imam ghazzali repented from his statements like imam abbul hasan al-ashari in
al -ibanah usooludinniyah ...

also the proofs of what to say on the day of eid such
as before the salat .along with the amount of takbeers and whether to raise the hands i need this documented as reference here ..its a bit sad we have so many sites filled with refutations which are needed but at the same time lacking info such as eid .fiqh issues.
marriage .quran.. tafseer.refutations of individuals who are much more popular like siraj.zayd shakir hamaza yusuf who are the crusaders of sufi evangelism whos headquaters is syria .fizzle  and other topics pushed to the way side i hope in the future for the benefit of the new shahadahs and brothers and sisters new to the dawah we see each topic filled ...
a dear brother of mine in kashmir emailed me with some basic questions which iwas alhamdolilah able to provide the answers from subul salam .in regards to marriage my first reaction was to refer him to a site
and there was no info on any of the sites ... in a way i think the sites make us a bit spoiled and lazy
reading the books is much more beneficial ..its like food .and its better for the eyes.. and its the way of the salaf
so who ever has built up there library and has acess to any of these books id appreciate your detailed answer a.s.a.p.

abu abdullah muhammad islam

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