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» Permissiblity of Putting a Cat to Sleep by means lethal injection?
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Posted By Topic: Permissiblity of Putting a Cat to Sleep by means lethal injection?

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07-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 60
Joined: Dec 2002
Posted on behalf of a brother (


Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.

I have a 14 year old female cat (average excpected lifespan of a cat is 15 - 16 years). She is very sick, and a recent trip to the vetenerians revealed that she has very bad kidney problems and this has resulted in her stomach swelling up causing a lack of movement. She is clearly in distress and pain and is walking on its last weeks on this earth, insha'allah.

Her illness has been so noticable that i have even considered to put her to sleep, to end her pain and anguish.

Thus, my question to a Shaykh is, " Is it islamically permissable to put a Cat to sleep (death) by means of lethal injection (or any other means of painless death), in order to end the anguish that it would be suffering? "

One must realise that my cats illness is life threatening. Also treatment will go into the hundreds of pounds and even then their is no chance of a full recovery at her old age.

So can some of the students of knowledge refer this back to a shaykh, jazakallah'khair.

May Allah subhanahu wa'ta'aallah reward you for your time and patience

wa salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah


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