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22-01-2008 @ 3:58 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Detailed Religion
Transcribed from a taped lecture the Shaykh on 29 November,
2007 in  a camp in the Kuwaiti Desert.

ash-Shaykh Aboo 'Uthmaan Muhammad al-?Anjaree (حفظه
الله تعالى) said:

"I wish, here, to mention an important issue.
A man called me, so he said, ?I want to read to you an article that was published yesterday where it speaks about obedience to the Walee al-Amr (the Muslim ruler).? He is the one who wrote the article. So after the end (of the article), he asked, ?What is your opinion of the article, Aboo ?Uthmaan?? And he is ikhwaanee, from the sons of Jam?iyyatul-Islaah al-Ijtimaa?iyyah, as though he was trying to say ?we [ikhwaanul-Muslimeen] speak about obedience to the Walee al-Amr.?

So I said to him:

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) came with al-Mufassal (that which is detailed and specific).  When the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) came, (he came) with al-Mufassal.  And this is a faariq (that which distinguishes and differentiates) between the da?watul-Haqq (the da?wah of the Truth) and all of the other da?waat.

So beware, O ?Abdullaah, of the mujmalaat (the generalities)!  The mujmalaat ? our da?wah is the da?watus-Salafiyyah. From the mujmalaat is seeking knowledge (talabul-?Ilm),  a general statement.  From the mujmalaat is giving importance to the books of Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah.  From the mujmalaat (generalities) is (saying) ?I am a graduate of the the Islaamic University (of al-Madeenah)?.  From the mujmalaat is ?Obedience to the Walee al-Amr is obligatory?.  From the mujmalaat is warning against the takfeerees.

Mujmalaat!" [1]
And today we hear this, isn?t that so?! ?Abdur-Rahmaan (?Abdul-Khaaliq) says: ?I say: it is upon you to seek knowledge!? Safar (al-Hawalee) says: ?I call (the people) to seek knowledge.? Salmaan al-?Awdah says: ?It is upon you to seek knowledge and to read the books of Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah.? Then the  subject matter is one!

Then how are you, O ?Abdullaah, to differentiate?! Here is the problem! The miskeen one, this student of knowledge, 18 years old, 19 years old, (says) ?O akhee, this is confusing and problematic for me! This one says ?seeking knowledge? (talabul-?Ilm), and ?Abdur-Rahmaan (?Abdul-Khaaliq) says ?seeking knowledge?, and Salmaan says ?seeking knowledge?!?

The other says: ?No, I read upon the Mashayikh (the Scholars)!? Salmaan says: ?I read more than you upon the Mashayikh, jazaakallaah khayr!?

Is that not so?!

(He says:) ?I am a najdee (from Najd), and Shaykh ?Abdul-?Azeez bin Baaz and Shaykh Ibn ?Uthaymeen are from Najd, I have been raised (in knowledge) with these people?.

So how do you, O student of knowledge, distinguish and separate? The Qur?aan distinguishes and separates. The Prophet, from his names is ?Faariq? (the one who distinguishes and separates between Truth and Falsehood). The Battle of Badr, what is it? What? [the brothers answering the Shaykh]

Furqaan! [2] So then how do you differentiate? I will mention to you a statement here. There called me, before 2 or 3 weeks, a youth studying in the Islaamic University (in al-Madeenah). So I was advising him with adherence (to the religion), to read, and taking the maadah as-Sunniyyah (subject matter derived from the Sunnah). He says, ?Aboo ?Uthmaan ?he sent me a message?, he says ?I have just left a lecture, the educator, the teacher, has read and attained (the various) sciences?. Whose son (is he referring to)?

He is the son of an Imaam, the author of ?Adwaa?ul-Bayaan?, Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee.?, his name is ?Abdullaah. What does he say? He says, to the students in the Islaamic University (of al-Madeenah) ? look, where are you, O Shaykh ?Abdul-?Azeez?! Allaahu Akbar! ? He (this ?Abdullaah) says: ?And what do you know? Maybe a Jaan [3] has placed his luggage in Jannah?.

[The Shaykh makes disapproving sounds] ?What do you know?? So he says: ?I have attained the sciences (funoon), I studied with the Mashayikh, and I completed my studies in the Islaamic University and now I teach in it. And my Mashayikh ? well I am in no need of an  ntroduction, you want to ask about my Mashayikh?! I?ll narrate to you the chain now.

The supplemental sciences (the sciences of the language, Usoolul-Fiqh, etc.), and for Allaah is all praise, I teach. If you bring me a single word, I will bring ten proofs from the Qur?aan. I challenge you!?

Then what do you do now?

Look at these Aathaar (narrations of the Salaf), look at these Aathaar and you will find the distinction:

Aboo Ishaaq would not teach, or would not narratehadeeth to a student, until he tested him. He would say: ?Say that Zinaa is by the Qadr of Allaah.? And if not, he would not narrate (to him). ?Say that Zinaa is by the Qadr of Allaah.? And if not, he would not narrate (to him). ?Say that Zinaa ?? this is an Imaam! So if the student said that, he would narrate to him. Do you see, O brothers? So then there is what? Indeed the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) came to us with what? With al-Mufassal (detail)! Leave the general. Enter into? The tafseel (detail)! And here is the Faariq. And here the truth becomes clear to you. For that reason the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) came with what?


I will mention to you ? this is the guidance of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) ? a woman came, or, we will mention another hadeeth. A man wanted to free a slave, and he is thesahaabee Mu?aawiyyah (رضى الله عنه و أرضاه) . So the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said (( Bring her to me )). So she came, and the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) asked her:

(( Where is Allaah? )) Detailed or not?

[brothers answer: detailed].

Do you notice the Prophetic methodology?! (( Where is Allaah? )) So she said: ?Above the Heavens.? This is the Prophetic methodology! This, this is the prophetic methodology! There must be tafseel (detail)!

A person comes to me and I say ?Come, the question (from me to you) is clear. What is your position towards Jam?iyyah Ihyaa? at-Turaath? What is your position towards Jam?iyyah Ihyaa? at-Turaath?!? If he says to you, ?O akhee, what kind of questions are these?? Know that there is something inside him!  You see?

Here ? (and) of course there are people who have eaten barseem (been affected by wealth and sustenance), just as one of the Salaf said ? the Kullaabiyyah in that time had position and status - so that Imaam would not narrate hadeeth to the children until he tested them. So he would say: ?Say: ?O Allaah! I free myself (before you) from the Kullaabiyyah.?? He would not narrate hadeeth to the student
until he would say that phrase. ?O Allaah! I free myself before you from the Kullaabiyyah.? So a student said: ?O Shaykh! My father won?t give me sustenance (?aysh)? ? meaning barseem. So the  teacher laughed. The Shaykh laughed.

This path is not easy. In this path is ghurbah (Strangeness), the Prophet -صلى الله عليه و سلم - says. And for this the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) described these people with his statement ? look! (( Those who rectify what the people have corrupted )) ? from what? From my Sunnah al-Mufassilah (my detailed Sunnah)! ((Those who rectify what the people have corrupted from my Sunnah )).

This, this is the risaalah (message). This, this is the risaalah ? that we rectify what the turaathee has corrupted from the Sunnah of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم),that we rectify what the ikhwaanee has corrupted from the Sunnah of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم), that we rectify what the juhaymaanee has corrupted from the Sunnah of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم), that we rectify what Salmaan al-?Awdah has corrupted from the Sunnah of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم). This is the manhaj  al-Mufassal (the detailed methodology) in this time.

And I say this (what I have said), and I ask forgiveness from Allaah for myself and you.?

[/url] to read the transcription in pdf format.

[1] Meaning that all of these statements are general and not specific, and you will find everyone speaking with these terms.  But what the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) came with was specific and detailed, as the Shaykh further explains in his lecture.
[2] The distinction between Truth and falsehood. Allaah said: ?If you have believed in Allaah and in that which We sent down to Our
slave (Muhammad) on the Day of Furqaan, the Day when the two forces met?? [8:41] al-Imaam Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree said: ?Ibn ?Abbaas said about His saying (in this aayah), ?the Day of Furqaan?: ?He means by Furqaan, the Day of Badr. In it Allaah differentiated and separated between Truth and falsehood.? See the Shaykh?s article ?The Light of Furqaan? for more on this issue.
[3] singular of Jinn

Translation by Aboo Sufyaan
Edited by Firas Al-Ragom

02-02-2008 @ 10:25 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002
There is a correction that should be made to the translation that the Shaykh clarified last week in his Sharhus-Sunnah dars:


There called me, before 2 or 3 weeks, a youth studying in the Islaamic University (in al-Madeenah). So I was advising him with adherence (to the religion), to read, and taking the maadah as-Sunniyyah (subject matter derived from the Sunnah). He says, Aboo Uthmaan he sent me a message, he says I have just left a lecture, the educator, the teacher, has read and attained (the various) arts (funoon). Whose son (is he referring to)? He is the son of an Imaam, the author of Adwaaul-Bayaan, Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee., his name is Abdullaah. What does he say? He says, to the students in the Islaamic University (of al-Madeenah)  look, where are you, O Shaykh Abdul-Azeez?! Allaahu Akbar!  He (this Abdullaah) says: And what do you know? Maybe Ja'd [bin Dirham] has placed his luggage in Jannah.

So "Jaan" (singular of Jinn) is not correct.  Rather it is "Ja'd", meaning Ja'd bin Dirham.  And the Shaykh explained to us that what this means is that you find people who, when the Salafee, the Atharee who gives the people Furqaan and clarity, will come and say 'but you don't know! Maybe Allaah has forgiven him! Maybe Allaah will enter him into Jannah!' and the like of this, to cause the Atharee to doubt the Haqq and to abandon clarifying the Haqq from baatil to the people.

So when the Atharee refutes the people of innovation, they make statements such as these to cause doubts in the people and to stop Ahlus-Sunnah from warning against the people of desires and innovation.


He (this Abdullaah) says: And what do you know? Maybe Ja'd [bin Dirham] has placed his luggage in Jannah.

Meaning: 'Why do you speak against Ja'd? You don't know!  Maybe Ja'd has a place reserved for him in Jannah, and you are speaking against him?!'

Another thing that some of our brothers didn't understand from the Shaykh's speech - and one should keep in mind that it was a recorded talk he gave in a camp in the desert (in the presence of Shaykh Falaah, Shaykh Muhammad bin Ramzaan and Abool-'Abbaas 'Aadil Mansoor) - is the Shaykh's saying:  


So beware, O Abdullaah, of the mujmalaat (the generalities)!  The mujmalaat - our dawah is the dawatus-Salafiyyah. From the mujmalaat is seeking knowledge (talabul-Ilm),  a general statement.  From the mujmalaat is giving importance to the books of Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah.  From the mujmalaat (generalities) is (saying) I am a graduate of the the Islaamic University (of al-Madeenah).  From the mujmalaat is Obedience to the Walee al-Amr is obligatory.  From the mujmalaat is warning against the takfeerees.

Mujmalaat (generalities)!"

Then know that all of these affairs are things which are general and are not a proof for a person being upon the Haqq.  That a person speaks against the takfeerees or defends the Muslim rulers by itself is not a proof for him. You'll find the callers to the Jamaa'aatus-Siyyaasiyyah also speak about these matters.  So this is something mujmal (general).

Everyone today speaks about talabul-'Ilm (seeking knowledge) - Safar and Salmaan, Turaath, Ikhwaanul-Musilmeen, Tableegh - all of them speak about the same thing - importance of seeking knowledge.  All of them recommend the students to read the books of Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah.  So these are Mujmalaat!

That a person has written behind his name "Graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah"  is mujmal.  Without tafseel it means nothing. 'Abdur-Rahmaan bin 'Abdul-Khaaliq graduated from Madeenah, the one who speaks with Tawheed al-Haakimiyyah, attacks the 'Ulamaa' of Ahlus-Sunnah and makes takfeer of the Muslim rulers. So is his graduating from Madeenah a proof for him?

The individual that the Shaykh al-'Anjaree mentions in his lecture- a graduate and teacher in Madeenah. So does that mean that he is upon the Haqq? Does that mean that he is a person who gives the people Furqaan and clarity?  

Rather the Salafee looks at the tafseel (the detail)!  Who does he sit with? What does he teach the people?  Does he clarify Haqq from baatil for the people, or is he someone who cheats them by giving them mujmalaat and affairs that everyone speaks about?  

So we look to the detail, not the generalities.  

How many people have we seen who have studied in Yemen or Sa'oodiyyah, or studied under this Shaykh or that one, yet they don't give the people Furqaan?!  The Prophet of Allaah (Sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam) was sent with Furqaan, with al-Mufassal (detailed, specific matters). Is that what we see them giving the people?  Or are they cheating the people?  When you ask them about ahlul-bid'ah, do they say "next question, please", "ask questions that will benefit everyone", or "how much Qur'aan have you memorized"?  Or do they make the Haqq clear from baatil as was the manhaj of our Righteous Salaf?


Look at these Aathaar (narrations of the Salaf), look at these Aathaar and you will find the distinction:

Aboo Ishaaq would not teach, or would not narrate hadeeth to a student, until he tested him. He would say: Say that Zinaa is by the Qadr of Allaah. And if not, he would not narrate (to him). Say that Zinaa is by the Qadr of Allaah. And if not, he would not narrate (to him). Say that Zinaa & this is an Imaam! So if the student said that, he would narrate to him. Do you see, O brothers? So then there is what? Indeed the Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam) came to us with what? With al-Mufassal (detail)! Leave the general. Enter into? The tafseel (detail)! And here is the Faariq. And here the truth becomes clear to you. For that reason the Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam) came with what?


So this is what we wanted to mention to help make what our Shaykh, Shaykh al-'Anjaree (hafidhahullaah) mentioned clear for the brothers and sisters, and hopefully make apparent the importance of this affair.  And the Tawfeeq is from Allaah.

The MP3 file with the words of Shaykh al-'Anjaree can be downloaded here

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher

ٍShaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen:  "Indeed, from what is obligatory for the taalibul-'Ilm to maintain and adhere to is defense

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