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12-04-2011 @ 8:28 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu 'Abdillaah Zubayr bin Mohammad (Ash-Shariqah, U.A.E.)
Posts: 15
Joined: Jul 2009
Translation of the article:

Allaamah Saalih al-Fawzaan's recent defence of Allaamah Rabee' and his advice to those who use nick-names like Jamiyun or Madakhilah (Madkhalis)

Posted by Sajid Chauhan on 11-7-10

Q. Our Noble Shaykh, we request you to warn about an issue which has spread among some of the students in recent times which is: accusing some of the noble scholars by naming those who listen to them as ýjaamiyooný or as ýmadaakhilahý. With that they intend our Shaykh, the scholar Mohammad Amaan Al Jaamee ý may Allaah have mercy upon him ý and our Noble Shaykh Rabeeý bin Haadee Al Madkhalee ý may Allaah protect him and rectify his mistakes - , and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad.

A. This is included in the answer that I gave a while ago. Leave these issues and these accusations, and do not accuse each other with titles. Allaah ý Almighty and Exulted ý said to you, ýand do not call each other by [offensive] nicknamesý ý Al Hujuraat, verse. 11.

All of you are brothers, from the same religion and colleagues ý all praise is for Allaah. Reject these issues and respect the scholars. One who does not respect the scholars will be deprived from their knowledge and benefiting from them. Leave this issue of accusing each other and backbiting the scholars that have favor and status over the people which Allaah has bestowed upon them, ýAllah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees.ý ý Al Mujaadalah, verse.11.

The scholars, they have their status, esteem and respect. And if the scholars are not relied upon then who is reliable? If scholarsý reliability is stripped then to whom will the people turn? This is without a doubt a plot and a scheme put amongst the people so it is obligatory to warn, reject, distance and forbid from it.
Source: Taken from the lecture titled ýObligation upon a student of knowledge after graduatingý given at Islaamic University in The City of The Prophet on 8/4/1431H.

Az-Zubayr bin Mohammad Bin Husayn Abbaasee

11-04-2011 @ 9:49 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu 'Abdillaah Zubayr bin Mohammad (Ash-Shariqah, U.A.E.)
Posts: 15
Joined: Jul 2009
Shaykh Saalih Al-Luhaydaan's latest defence and praise of Shaykh Rabee' Al Madkhalee - may Allaah protect them both.

Today on Friday the 6th of Jumadi-al-Awwal 1432H/8th of April 2011, a question was presented to the noble Shaykh Saalih Al-Luhaydaan - may Allaah preserve him - on Al Majd channel in the program 'Al Jawaab Al Kaafee' [The Sufficient Reply] hosted by a certain Mohammad Al Muqrin.

Questioner: Here in Iraq  there are some brothers, some students who make tabdee' of each other because of some fatawa of Shaykh Al 'Allaamah, our Shaykh Rabee' bin Hadee - may Allaah preserve him - with regards to some of the students of knowledge. So some of the youth took these fatawa and started to make tabdee' of each other. And this fitnah is going on in Iraq where they have split amongst themselves. So what do you advise these youth who have begun to make tabdee' of some salafee students and some students from ahlu-us-sunnah w-al jamaa'ah. May Allaah reward you with good?

Mohd. Al Muqrin: Aboo 'Aa'ishah. Aboo 'Aa'ishah.
Questioner: Yes, yes.

Mohd. Al Muqrin: Now, do you mean that the students of knowledge in Iraq are making tabdee' of their companions, and not of the scholars that are outside Iraq?

Questioner: No, they make tabdee' of some of them or those who do not make tabdee' of this person that Shaykh Rabee' makes tabdee' of, then they make tabdee' of him.

Mohd. Al Muqrin: I seek refuge with Allaah, alright hear the answer!!!

Mohd. Al Muqrin: Aboo 'Aa'ishah from Iraq asked you - this is always problematic - they are saying the reference is always... this question which is always posed Shaykh Saalih, they always say they rely upon the major scholars in Saudi Arabia. Your name personally has always been knocked upon in this topic - what is termed these days as factionalism, making tabdee' of people and other than that. It has shifted - as it used to be here with us for a while and still its effects remain - to Algeria and Iraq. They make tabdee' of each other while relying on others and sometimes they are pleased with you Shaykh Saalih, your name is always mentioned and that of some of the major scholars from the Permanent Committee of Major Scholars, what do you say about this kind of hurling?

Shaykh Saalih Al-Luhaydaan: First thing. My advice to those in Iraq is that they should always ask about these differences, they are amidst a big matter and great distress, and what used to be familiar and known has been twisted with except in few matters.

Second matter: Ash-Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee Al Madkhalee is from the people of knowledge and what an excellent man!

Al Muqrin: correct.

Shaykh Saalih: And a companion of the correct salafee creed. And what pertains to making tabdee', one may see a person to be an innovator but is not an innovation that takes one out of the millah [i.e. Islaam]. He may criticize some of the callers and see them to be upon error. And from what there is no doubt about is that the right scale to know the error is to weigh it upon the speech of Allaah and the sunnah of the Messenger - peace and blessings be upon him.

Those who are made tabdee' upon may not be from the innovators but might be from the lenient ones. And some of the people in this age go looking into issues of differences, looking at the easiest thing the questioner accepts it or the community he lives in propounds it. But it is obligatory that taking and leaving agree with traditions of Islaamic Law and lamps of guidance: verses of the Noble Qur'aan and traditions of the Messenger of Guidance - peace be upon him.

Then if a matter becomes confused for someone, he presents this sin to others saying fulaan says about fulaan such and such. Rather, if they presented this matter to Shaykh Rabee' it would become apparent to them, that he does not intend this dangerous path and dispelling methodology, rather the intent is those lenient ones, the warners and those who say: we facilitate all the people from all walks of life and each one of us acts upon what he believes and we excuse whatever others believe! No, the matter is not like that as well. It is obligatory that the truth be dominant upon various people and their ways and it is Allaah whose help we seek.

Az-Zubayr bin Mohammad Bin Husayn Abbaasee

10-04-2011 @ 8:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Video snippets of Allaamah Saalih al-Luhaydaan's praise of Allaamah Rabee' from a TV program this past Friday.

Question: [url=][/url]
Answer: [url=][/url]

For the transcription of the Q&A please click [url=]here[/url]. Hope someone can translate it into English.

30-12-2010 @ 10:10 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni (Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
Posts: 338
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Our brother Moosaa Richardson حفظه الله وجزاه خيرا wrote on troid forums:
And it really really hurts to hear people slander a great man like Shaykh Rabee', a man of the Sunnah, a concerned advisor, patient, full of love for the Muslims and hope for the success of their da'wah, busy with knowledge day and night, reading, writing, researching, compiling, falling asleep on a thin mattress on the floor with a book on his chest and books all around him, critical of his own self and his own students, a brave and guided critic whose writings are blessed with academic strength and clarity, a gracious host, a father-figure to people all over the world, a man who cries when he hears about things that harm the image of our da'wah, a man who reads a book about the history of the rightous Salaf and the trials they faced and becomes engaged in the story and attached to it more devoutly than how common people watch an action movie!!

May Allah preserve the Shaykh and all the Salafi's.

27-12-2010 @ 5:49 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Al-Allaamaah al-Muhaddith Abdul Qaadir ibn Habeebullaah as-Sindee (raheemahullaah) - d.1418H praised Shaykh Rabee' by calling him an "Allaamah" and praising his efforts in defending the Salafee aqeedah. Please click here to read more about it.

19-12-2010 @ 11:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
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Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin al-'Abbaad about Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee

هذا الذي قاله العلامة العبّاد لما سئل عما يفعله الإمام الربيع من حماية السنة والرد على أهل الأهواء
بســـم الله الرحمن الرحيــم
وبه نستعين وعليه التكلان
إن الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا، من يهده الله فلا مضل له، ومن يضلل فلا هادي له، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، وأشهد أن مُحمَّدًا عبده ورسوله.
{يَأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِ وَلاَ تَمُوتُنَّ إِلاَّ وَأَنْتُم مُّسْلِمُونَ}{يَأَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالاً كَثِيرًا وَنِسَاءً وَاتَّقُوا اللهَ الَّذِي تَسَاءَلُونَ بِهِ وَالأرْحَامَ إِنَّ اللهَ كَانَ عَلَيْكُمْ رَقِيبًا}{يَأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللهَ وَقُولُوا قَوْلاً سَدِيدًا يُصْلِحْ لَكُمْ أَعْمَالَكُمْ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ وَمَن يُطِعِ اللهَ وَرَسُولَهُ فَقَدْ فَازَ فَوْزًا عَظِيما}
أما بعد: سئل العلامة المحدث عبد المحسن العباد البدر حفظه الله ما يأتي:
السؤال: انتشر في الآونة الأخيرة الكلام بين بعض طلبة العلم والقدح في بعض مشايخ أهل السنة الذين ينافحون عن الحق بألسنتهم وأقلامهم كالشيخ ربيع المدخلي وغيره، بزعم أن هؤلاء المشايخ لم يسلم أحدُاً منهم، وأن الأمة بحاجة إلى أن تأتلف وتتفق وتترك الردود فيما بينها، فما نصيحة فضيلتكم لهؤلاء الشباب؟
الجواب: الواجب هو التناصح والتعاون على البر والتقوى، وأن الإنسان يحفظ لسانه عما يعود عليه بالمضرة،ومسألة الردود ،إذا كان الأمر يقتضي الرد، أي مانع يمنع منه ؟!بل هو مطلوب إذا كان هناك أمر يقتضي الرد أي مانع يمنع من الرد؟!يعني أن معناه أن المنكر أو الباطل إذا وجد لا يرد عليه يترك ؟ والذي يرد عليه ينكر عليه ؟! هذا لا يسوغ ولا يجوز، بل هذا من النصيحة، وهذا من الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر.
فالحاصل: أن الإنسان عليه أن يحفظ لسانه من الكلام الذي يعود عليه بالمضرة، وأن الإنسان إذا حصل منه رد في محله فإن هذا من النصيحة، ومما فيه فائدة ومما يعود على الناس بالفائدة اهــ1
والحمد لله رب العالمين

الرابط الصوتي وفقك الله

1:"شرحه على سنن أبي داود"رقم الشريط[217]الدقيقة: 01:03:06 .

07-11-2010 @ 8:21 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
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Allaamah Saalih al-Fawzaan's recent defence of Allaamah Rabee' and his advice to those who use nick-names like Jamiyun or Madakhilah (Madkhalis)

س/ نطلب من شيخنا الفاضل التنبيه على أمر ما قد انتشر في الآونة الأخيرة بين بعض الطلاب ألا وهو: نبز بعض العلماء الأفاضل إلى من يستمع إليهم بأن هؤلاء جاميون وهؤلاء مداخلة ، ويقصدون بذلك شيخنا العالم رحمه الله محمد أمان الجامي وشيخنا الفاضل حفظه الله وسدد خطاه ربيع بن هادي المدخلي وصلى اللهم وبارك على نبينا محمد .

الجواب: هذا داخل في جواب الذي انتهيت منه قريباً، اتركوا هذه الأمور وهذا التنابز ولا تنابزوا بالألقاب الله جل وعلا قال لكم:[ وَلَا تَنَابَزُوا بِالْأَلْقَابِ] (سورة الحجرات الآية:11).
كلكم إخوة، وكلكم أهل دين واحد، كلكم زملاء ولله الحمد ، فانبذوا هذه الأمور واحترموا العلماء احترموا العلماء، من لم يحترم العلماء فإنه يحرم من علمهم يحرم من الاستفادة منهم ، اتركوا هذا الأمر تنابز بينكم وتناول العلماء الذين لهم الفضل ولهم على الناس المنزلة التي أنزلهم الله فيها { [يَرْفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْكُمْ وَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ]،(سورة المجادلة الآية:11).
العلماء لهم مكانتهم ولهم قدرهم واحترامهم وإذا لم يوثق بالعلماء فبمن يوثق ؟
إذا نزعت الثقة من العلماء إلى من يرجع الناس ؟ هذه مكيدة لا شك ودسيسة لا شك بين الناس فيجب التنبه لها ويجب نبذها والابتعاد عنها والنهي عنها.اهـ

المرجع: نقلاً من محاضرة بعنوان (واجب طالب العلم بعد التخرج) في الجامعة الإسلامية بالمدينة النبوية وكانت يوم الإربعاء الموافق 8/4/1431هــ .

Transcription source:- [url=][/url]
Audio source: [url=][/url]

May Allaah protect the mashaykh and Duaat of Ahlus Sunnah and may Allaah reward the one who translates the kalaam of Shaykh Fawzaan.

Attached Filefozanrabee.mp3 (304 Kbytes)

28-10-2010 @ 7:24 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
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Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin al-'Abbaad recommends Shaykh Rabee's book on Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abd-al-Wahab

لعلامة المحدّث عبد المحسن العبـّاد البدر حفظه الله يقول: كتاب الشيخ ربيع في الرد على المالكي كتاب مفيد
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله على محمد وآله وصحبه
أما بعد :
سئل العلامة المحدث عبد المحسن العبّاد حفظه الله ما يأتي:
السؤال: أحسن الله إليك يذكر الأخ عبد الرحمن أن له1 في الطعن في شيخ الإسلام محمد بن عبد الوهاب ؟
الجواب: نعم، له كتاب خاص بهذا في الطعن في الشيخ محمد ، و تكلم فيه كلاماً قبيحاً سيئاً، وهذا ليس بمستغرب مادام الصحابة ما سلموا منه وهم خير هذه الأمة،وكذلك من بعدهم لم يسلم منه فمن باب أولى،ألاّ يَسْلَمَ الشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب،لأن مادام أصحاب الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم يدادون عن الحوض ولا ينجوا منهم إلا مثل همل النعم والبقية يؤمر بهم إلى النار ولا ينجوا منهم إلاّ مثل همل النعم فالذي يقول في الصحابة المقالات القبيحة التي لا يقولها اليهود والنصارى في أصحاب موسى وعيسى، فمن باب أولى ومن السهل أن يتكلم في الشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب كما تكلم فيمن قبله مثل ابن تيمية و ابن القيم وابن كثير والذهبي ، وفي أهل السنة من زمن الصحابة إلى عصرنا هذا، وقد تكلم في الشيخ محمد ومن كان على طريقة الشيخ محمد من العلماء حتى العصر الحاضر، فهو في منتهى السوء، وقد رد عليه الشيخ ربيع في كتابه عن الشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب رد عليه قريباً في كتاب وهو كتاب مفيد
السائل: طبع خلاص ؟
الشيخ :لا ما طبع
السائل :شسماه ؟
الشيخ :سماه(دحر افتراءات أهل الزيغ والاغتياب عن دعوة الشيخ محمد بن عبد الوهاب، أباطيل حسن المالكي )
السائل:الحمد لله الذي جعل في كل زمان من أهل السنة من يدحض أهل البدع.
الشيخ :الحمد لله 2 اهــ

المادة الصوتية رحمك الله

وصلى الله على محمد وآله وصحبه والتابعين

1:أي :حسن المالكي .
2:شرحه على "سنن أبي داود" رحمه الله شريط رقم [341] الدقيقة رقم [41:17:09].



The Scholars praise of Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee


Topic: Shaikh Al-Ghudayaan frees himself from the refutations upon Shaikh Rabee from Faalih al-Harbi's website:

18-10-2010 @ 8:30 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
Posts: 795
Joined: Oct 2008
Allaamah Saalih as-Suhaimee's tazkiyyah and defence of Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee  

دفاع الشيخ صالح السحيمي عن الشيخ ربيع في القول بالإلزام
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

سؤال / شيخنا حفظكم الله ولله الحمد أنتم الوحيدون حسب علمي الذين تذكرون وفي مسجد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم شيخنا الشيخ ربيع أنه من زمرة العلماء الذين يرجع إليهم في النوازل فما رأيكم فيمن يتكلم على الشيخ ربيع خصوصا ً وينال منه ويتهمه أنه ليس على منهج العلماء الكبار ؟

الجواب/ الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله بخصوص هذا السؤال المتعلق بالحملة على مشايخ الدعوة السلفية ، هذا أمر كما يقال شنشنة تعرف من أخزم وعلى رأس من تعرض إلى تلك الحملات شيخنا الفاضل العالم الجليل المحدث الشيخ ربيع بن هادي المدخلي الذي له جهود مباركة طيبة في التأصيل وفي الرد على أهل البدع فجزاه الله خير ما يجزي به عباده الصالحين فمثل هذه الحملات ليست غريبة على أهل السنة ، وشيخنا لا يحتاج إلى تزكية من أمثالنا من التلاميذ وإشادتي به في إجابات المسجد النبوي وغيره وإعتباره من ضمن علمائنا الأفاضل أمر أدين الله به وأتقرب إلى الله به وأنا سأعد أيضا ً من جديد بعض العلماء على سبيل المثال لا على سبيل الحصر فمشايخنا الذين تعرفونهم شيخنا إبن عثيمين والشيخ إبن باز والشيخ الألباني والشيخ حماد الأنصاري وغيرهم من مشايخ الدعوة السلفية البارزين الذين لهم جهودهم المباركة في نشر المنهج السلفي والذب عنه ومشايخنا المعاصرون الموجودون نسأل الله لهم التوفيق والسداد ويجزيهم خيرا ، وعلى رأسهم سماحة المفتي الشيخ عبدالعزيز بن عبدالله آل الشيخ والشيخ صالح بن محمد اللحيدان والشيخ صالح بن فوزان الفوزان والشيخ عبد المحسن بن محمد العباد البدر والشيخ ربيع بن هادي المدخلي والشيخ علي بن ناصر الفقيهي وغيرهم من المشايخ ومعالي الشيخ صالح بن عبدالعزيز آل الشيخ وزير الشؤون الإسلامية والأوقاف والدعوة والإرشاد وغيرهم ممن لهم جهود مباركة وطيبة في نشر المنهج الحق وأقول أن من يحاول النيل من الشيخ أغلبهم إما حزبي مريض بمرض الحزبية المقيتة وإما حاقد مريض أيضا ً مرضا ً قلبيا ً وإما سيء الفهم
وكم من عائب قولا ً صحيحا ً وآفته من الفهم السقيم
وأقول لهم : لا يضر البحر أمسى زاخرا ً أن رمى فيه غلام بحجر

سؤال ثاني/ بحكم معرفتكم الطويلة بالشيخ (حفظه الله تعالى) هل تعرفون عنه أنه يلزم الناس على الأخذ بقوله وأحكامه وأنه يضلل ويبدع كل من لم يأخذ بقوله وأحكامه ؟

الجواب/ أن هذا القول غير صحيح ولم نعرف عن الشيخ وفقه الله أنه يلزم الناس بأقواله وآرائه ولكنه يفصل في المنهج السلفي ويرد على الحزبيين ردودا ً مباركة وموفقة ما عليها من بأس.
وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم

وجهت هذه الأسئلة عند زيارتنا إلى مكتب الشيخ السحيمي (حفظه الله) قبل الظهر من يوم الثلاثاء السابع من رمضان عام 1431
رد مع اقتباس

22-08-2010 @ 5:35 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Imaam al-Albaanee said, " is necessary to undertake refuting this man (i.e. Muhammad Ghazali), and from those who refuted this person, the likes of our brother Dr. Rabia' bin Hadi, the professor of the subject of hadeeth in the university, you may have come across his refutation, indeed he has more knowledge of hadeeth than other than him."

source: Audio Cassette: 'Rihlaat an-Noor' 1410 A.H. Tape 38. Translated by Br. Abbas Abu Yahya on his "FollowingTheSunnah" blog.

21-08-2010 @ 12:35 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Haaroon Husayn Ahmad ibn Jamal (West Palm Beach, FL USA)
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I was trying to trying to transcribe a portion of a translation of an audio by Shaykh Ahmad Bazmool, where he speaks regarding those who malign Shaykh Rabee', but the audio quality of the translation was challenging to work with. For the original audio, refer to the lecture:

"Be Careful Who You Take Your Deen From!"
Shaykh Ahmad Ibn 'Umar Bazmool

But from the statements I was able to transcibe:

"...for the one to make a statement against Shaykh Rabee' is foolishness. Rather for anyone to make a statement against Shaykh Rabee' [then] he has removed himself from Salafiyyah in totality... Just like when the people used to say during the time of Imaam Ahmad, who was a man known as the Imaam of Ahlus-Sunnah. [And when] one made a statement against him, he was looked at as not being one of the People of the Sunnah [but] as being one of the People of Desires...

[here there was a portion hard to hear, but the point was being made as to why a person who spoke against Imaam Ahmad was seen as a person of desires. Was it because Imaam Ahmad was seen to be the Sunnah himself? No, of course not. But he (Imaam Ahmad) was looked at as one who was defending the Sunnah, a carrier of the Sunnah...]


... So when we find the likes of so-and-so saying something against Shaykh Rabee', then the case is the same as someone saying something against Imaam Ahmad. Because Shaykh Rabee' is known for defending the Sunnah..."

from the audio: "Be careful whom you take your deen from!"  
(fast forward to 01:50:00 in the audio to hear the translation of Shaykh Ahmad Bazmool's words on this affair).

15-07-2010 @ 3:36 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Br. Abu Ishaaq Nadeem Ahsan-Shah (a graduate from Madeenah University) posted here, "I bear witness to many of the above mentioned things by Abu AbdiRahman, as I sat in the gathering with Shaykh Ibraheem Ar-Ruhaylee* when [url=]Qadhi[/url] was told by the shaykh to make tawbah upon a number of issues. One of them which comes to mind now was his continued claim that the manhaj of Shaykh Rabee (Hafidhahullah) was not the same as that of [url=]Shaykh Ibn Baz[/url](rahimahullah) [incidentally the shaykh repied this doubt by saying that had shaykh Ibn Baaz the time to look into what Shaykh Rabee looked into and had he known some of the things that Shaykh Rabee knew his anger (for Allah's sake) would have excelled that of Shaykh Rabee's].

* Ash-Shaykh Dr. Ibraheem ar-Ruhaylee is a Professor at Islamic University of Madeenah and a teacher in Masjid an-Nabawee. One of the Shaykh under whom he has sought knowledge for many years is [url=]Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al-Abbaad[/url].

21-06-2010 @ 8:58 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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When Al-Muhaddith al-Faqeeh Ahmed an-Najmee rahimahullaah was asked about the Ulema' of [url=]Jarh wa ta'adeel[/url] of this time, he firstly named Sheikh Rabi' hafidhahullaah and then mentioned [url=]Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadi[/url] and [url=]Shaikh Saalih as-Suhaymee[/url] hafidhahumullaah.

source: Embedded Audio(3rd button) on pg. 7 of the pdf whose link is given [url=]here[/url].

05-05-2010 @ 1:37 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Below is an extract from the treatise "Al-Wasaayah as-Saniyyah Lit-Taa'ibeena ilaas-Salafiyyah" by Shaykh Abu 'Abdillaah Ahmad bin Muhammad ash-Shihhee which was reviewed and inspected by Shaykh Abdul Maalik Ramadaanee. It clearly shows the status Shaykh Rabee has in the eyes of the mashaykh. Shaykh ash-Shihee mentioned under the chapter 'The Fourth Advice: Do not take Knowledge except from one who is known to be upon the Sunnah'

This is an important point, which is: Differentiating between the enlightened Scholars, those who are referred to in issues related to knowledge and current events, such as the two Imaams, Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee and [url=]'Abdul-'Azeez bin 'Abdillaah bin Baaz[/url], rahimahumaAllaah, and those enlightened scholars who remained after them, such as the Mashaayikh, [url=]Muhammad bin Saalih Al-'Uthaymeen[/url], [url=]Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan[/url], [url=]Rabee' bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee[/url], our Shaikh, [url=]Muqbil bin Haadee Al-Waadi'ee[/url] and others who are at their level amongst the people of knowledge and fatwaa from Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah. So these individuals have their own level and position...

And between the prominent students of knowledge, whose knowledge is known and whose following of the Sunnah is apparent by way of their books and the commendations of the scholars for them. So these individuals also have their own level and position...

Produced by: as an e-book entitled "Magnificent Points of Advice for those who have turned to the Way of the Salaf"

07-04-2010 @ 1:45 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Shaykh Rabee' (حفظه الله) was quite respected by the other Mashaykh even when he was in Madeenah and he used to oversee Masters and PhD research and take part in their discussion/defense. Please click here for a list of these researches and the Mashaykh who were supervisors for them. Some names are [url=]Allaamah Hammad al-Ansaaree[/url], [url=]Allaamah Abdul Muhsin al-Abbaad[/url] and [url=]Allaamah Alee ibn Naasir al-Faqeehee[/url].

[url=]Allaamah Alee ibn Naasir al-Faqeehee[/url] also wrote an Introduction for the book "جماعة واحدة لا جماعات وصراط واحد لا عشرات" (A Single Jamaa'ah, not Many Jamaa'ahs, A Single Path, not Tens of [Paths]) written by Shaykh Rabee' in refutation of Abdur Rahmaan Abdul Khaliq al-Misri. Please click [url=]here[/url] to read that introduction where Shaykh Rabee' was praised for his research and manners and refuting the manhaj errors of Abdur Rahmaan Abdul Khaliq.

06-04-2010 @ 2:09 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Shaykh Abdullah Siwaan al-Ghamidi wrote[1]:

All praise is due to Allaah, I was with [url=]Sheikh Muhammad Abdulwahhab Marzooq Al- Banna[/url] a few nights before the last ten days of Ramadaan, and our brother [url=](Shaykh) Abu 'Umar al-'Utaybee[/url] and our brother Khaalid Qays, and our brother Abul-'Abbaas were with me. This was in his house in Makkah, so Shaykh al-Bannaa said some good words in the gathering about the people of knowledge, until he mentioned our Shaykh, Rabee', so he said about him:
لكل عصر مجدد وهو مجدد الجرح والتعديل في عصرنا
Every era has a reviver and he is the reviver of al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel in our time
[url=]Shaykh Muhammad bin Umar Baazmool[/url] said[2], "He(Shaykh Rabee') is a man who is unique in his speech in these affairs. It is almost the case that no one can be found in this subject, I do not know any man, meaning a man whose speech and time is unique for these affairs. He is the one who removed the fard kifaayah from the rest of the scholars (i.e. he performed what was obligatory, so the rest of the Scholars are absolved from this task). If it had not been for Shaikh Rabee and his likes from the people of knowledge standing to perform these affairs, then Ahl us-Sunnah would have remained quiet about Ahl ul-Bida' and from Ahl ul-Baatil and from explaining the errors which those people fall into."

1. Slightly modified from [url=]here[/url]. Note that the Sahab links mentioned in the posts are no longer working. The new links are [url=]this[/url] and [url=]this[/url].

16-03-2010 @ 5:23 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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On the website of the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Da'wah and Guidance whose head is Shaykh Saalih aal-Shaykh hafidhahullah, Shaykh Rabee's name is mentioned in a list of specialists in Sunnah (Hadith).


04-03-2010 @ 12:20 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
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As-salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu,

this is another testimony of al-Imaam, al-Allaamah al-'Uthaymeen rahimahullaah for the flag-bearer of al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel, the Subduer of the Ahlul-Bid'ah, ash-Shaykh Rabee' hafidhahullaah:

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم

الشيخ (ربيع بن هادي المدخلي) ثقة معروف عندي

كتب: محمد صالح العثيمن


Ash-Shaykh Rabee' (Ibn Hadee al-Madkhalee) is trustworthy (thiqah) and well-known (ma'aroof) to me.

Written by: Muhammad Saalih al-Uthaymeen
on 18/4/1417 Hijrih

See the foto of the original tazzkiyyahCLICK HERE

01-03-2010 @ 6:57 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Allaamah Muhammad Ibn Abdullah as-Subayyal [1] was asked about his opinion regarding whoever forbids (listening to) the tapes of the well-known scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah such as Shaykh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee (rahima-hullaah) and Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee (hafitha-hullaah), whereby he says that tapes of the Shaykh stir up fitnah. So the Shaykh responded [2]:
"Look! These two scholars (their tapes) are amongst the best tapes, they call to the Sunnah and holding firm to the Sunnah, however, none speaks about them (in this manner) except one who follows his desires, and those who speak most about them are the people of partisanship who associate themselves with a (misguided)group from amongst the groups, they are the ones who forbid these things. As for these two scholars well-known for their holding form to the Sunnah and their sound 'aqeedah upon the methodology of the Pious Predecessors, then they are amongst the best of people"
Below is a tremendous defence of Shaykh Rabee' by Shaykh Subayyal as quoted [3] by Shaykh  Abu Abdullah Ahmad bin Abdullah Ashrafee al-Bahrainee. It's from the year 1426 after the fitnah of Faalih and Fawzee. Shaykh As-Subayyal defends Shaykh Rabee' against various accusations and mentions the reasons why his reputation is being tarnished by some people. Hope someone can translate it.
سئل الشيخ السبيل حفظه الله صبيحة يوم الجمعة 1426 هـ - بعد فتنة فالح وفوزي - عن موقع الأثري الذي يقول إنَّ الشيخ ربيعاً يطعن في الأنبياء ويتكلَّم ويتعرَّض لله سبحانه وتعالى ويستهزئ بالقرآن ...ويقولون أنَّ هذا السبب أنَّ الشيخ ربيعاً ترعرع في أحضان الإخوان المسلمين ولم يتربَّ على العقيدة الصحيحة !! فما ردكم حفظكم الله ؟
فأجاب الشيخ: لا هذا غير صحيح : المدخلي الله يجزيه خيراً ربيع نِعم الرَّجل ,صاحب سنَّة , لكن اللي ما يبغونه اللي يكرهون السنة . لا ,هو رجل صاحب سنَّة وكتبُه كلُّها في العقيدة صحيحة ولكن هو جريء ، وينابذ النَّاس ...[كلمة غير واضحة] يُعادونه كثير من الناس أهل البدع وإلاَّ هو صاحب سنَّة .لا لا تأخذ بهذا القول أبداً ,فهو نعم الرَّجل ,كتبه كلُّها طيبة وهو عنده - سلَّمك الله- جزاه الله خيرا غيرة على السنة .

السائل : شيخنا سلَّمك الله يرمونه حتى بالإرجاء يقولون أنَّه مرجئ هو والشيخ الألباني .
الشيخ : لا لا ,هو طال عمرك ,هو سلَّمك الله جريء في الردود على الناس ولا يهمه أحد ,يتكلَّم بالحقِّ وهو صريح, ماهو مثل الناس يسكتون .
كثير من ها الشباب اللِّي لهم أفكار سيئة يُعادونه لأنَّه يردُّ عليهم ويتكلَّم عليهم .

السائل : شيخنا سلَّمك الله ,يقود هذا الموقع واحد [يقال له] فالح الحربي . يا شيخ سلَّمك الله هو اللِّي يقودهم .
الشيخ - مقاطعاً- : إيه إيه ,هذا فالح الحربي الله يهديه كان من طلاَّبه ولكن هذا الشكوى لله ,الأمر يومئذٍ لله ,الله يهدينا وإيَّاه .

1. Born in 1345H, Allaamah Subayyal is the General President of the Affairs of al-Masjid al-Haraam (Makkah) and al-Masjid an-Nabawee (Madeenah), and one of the seniormost Imaam and Khateeb of al-Masjid al-Haraam. He is also a member of the Council of Senior Scholars.

21-02-2010 @ 3:20 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Zayd Abu Ubayd (Peqin,Albania)
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Shaykh Salih al-Luhaydaan: Praises and Defends Shaykh Rabee' on 21/01/2010CE

Shaykh Salih al-Luhaydaan, in a question answer session yesterday (21/01/2010CE) following a talk on the characteristics of at-Taa'ifat ul-Mansoorah and al-Firqat un-Naajiyah, was asked a question regarding Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhali (audio quality is rather poor):

The article and the audio:CLICK HERE

Shaykh Muqbil about Shaykh Rabee:

[url=]CLICK HERE[/url]

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