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» Terrorist Attack Foiled - MAKKAH
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22-07-2003 @ 12:46 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 64
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Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmathullaahi wa barakathuhu

Kingdom Arrests 16 in Terror Raids, Confiscates Lethal Chemicals


[Washington, DC] -- Saudi authorities defused terrorist operations which were about to be carried out against vital installations and arrested members of a number of terrorist cells after searching their hide-outs in farms and homes in the provinces of Riyadh and Qaseem and in the Eastern Province, according to the Ministry of Interior.  Underground storage facilities were found at these farms and homes, containing bags filled with over 20 tons of chemical mixtures used in the making of explosives. The authorities found boxes, buried underground, that contained such items as 72 kilograms of the explosive material RDX, a fuse 981 meters long, and 524 ignitors, in addition to a number of machine guns and 18 rocket-propelled grenades with five launchers. They also found night-vision binoculars, communication devices, computer CDs, and SR 300,000 in cash, as well as motorbikes and cars ready for use in carrying out terrorist operations. Sixteen individuals connected to the terrorist cells were arrested in the raids. Saudi law enforcement authorities are continuing their search for other suspects connected to these cells.

Since May 2003, Saudi Arabia has arrested more than 140 individuals with suspected ties to terrorism. This is in addition to more than 300 arrests of terrorist suspects since September 11, 2001.

Ambassador to the United States Prince Bandar bin Sultan said: ?These arrests put yet another dent in Al-Qaeda?s terror network. They should serve as a warning to anyone who would jeopardize the security of Saudi Arabia?s citizens and residents that we will find them and bring them to justice.?

Posted By Hasan as-Salafee

Imaam al-Awzaa'ee said, "Patiently restrict yourselves to the sunnah, stop where the people stopped, say what they said, avoid what they avoided. Take to the path of the salaf, for indeed what was sufficient for them was sufficient for you."

This message was edited by Hasan.Salafee on 7-22-03 @ 12:59 PM

21-06-2003 @ 11:04 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 64
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Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmathullaahi wa barakathuhu

Imaams of Makkah and Madeenah condemn "heinous crime"

Imaams of Makkah and Madeenah condemn "heinous crime"

At Friday sermons in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah the imams of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet?s Mosque slammed the ?heinous crime? committed by a group of terrorists in Makkah last week, which resulted in the killing of two police officers and five members of the group and the discovery of huge quantities of weapons and explosives.

Imams throughout the Kingdom condemned the incident as unacceptable and urged the authorities to take the necessary measures to end such activities and punish those behind them.

The imam of the Grand Mosque in Makkah, Sheikh Osama Khayat, said no true Muslim would condone what happened in Makkah and earlier in Riyadh, where innocent lives were lost and the security and peace of people shattered.

?This is a terrorist act that neither God nor the Prophet nor any good Muslim would accept. To commit such a crime in the holiest place on earth adds to the gravity of the act, and it must be rejected by everyone. Those individuals have turned Makkah into a haven for manufacturing and stashing of weapons and other means of destruction. They went further in their plot and booby-trapped copies of the Holy Qur?an to cause death by targeting anyone coming close to the Holy Book,? the imam said.

In Madinah, Sheikh Abdul Bari Al-Thubaiti, who led Friday prayers at the Prophet?s Mosque, said Islam rejects any kind of violence and aggression and that the incidents that took place in Riyadh, Makkah and Madinah were a great sin.

?One stands perplexed before this chain of sad events that has not spared the holiest places, where everyone should feel safe and secure,? Al-Thubaiti said.

?Islam totally rejects all such acts where sacred places are desecrated and innocent people killed and threatened. Those behind such acts are driven by deviant thoughts that should not be allowed to flourish in this sacred land,? he added.

Arab News

Posted By Hasan as-Salafee

20-06-2003 @ 1:35 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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I saw a picture of one of their bombs in the Saudi daily, OKAZ, it was a hollowed-out mus-haf with a bomb inside.  Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah

Moosaa Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

20-06-2003 @ 12:05 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmathullaahi wa barakathuhu


June 17, 2003

The Ministry of Interior has released more details on the raid carried out by security forces on Saturday June 14 at an apartment building in the Khalidiya district of the city of Makkah where a terrorist cell was suspected to be in hiding. The report confirms that, acting on accurate intelligence, the security forces besieged the building, and confronted the group. The terrorists opened fire, forcing a response. When the security forces burst into the apartment, they found it wired and ready for detonation. They confiscated a number of booby-trapped Qu'rans and thermos flasks, as well as 72 hand-made pipe bombs, 12 machine guns with 50 magazines, 6 handguns with a large quantity of live ammunition, 40 cleavers, 23 flashlights of various sizes, telecommunication equipment, 11 bottles of acid, sawdust, white powder, and chemicals (notably aluminum nitrates).

The following 12 persons have been arrested:

?          Ahmed Khalid Mohammed Alhusan, Saudi

?          Musaed Ahmed Abdulrahman Alkhuraisi, Saudi

?          Amin Mohammed Abdullah Al Aqala Alghamdi, Saudi

?          Isam Khalaf Mohammed Alghamdi, Saudi

?          Rasheed Abdullah Rasheed Alkhathlan, Saudi

?          Majid Ibrahim Almighaineem, Saudi

?          Amir Abdulhameed Saud Alsaedi, Saudi

?          Ahmed Abdulrahman Isa Haroon, Chadian

?          Basheir Mohammed Haroon, Chadian

?          Khalid Ali Tahir Mohammed Ali, Chadian

?          Mohammed Fathi Abdulati Alsayyed, Egyptian

?          Ibrahim (code-named Abu-Thar), surname and nationality not yet

Five terrorists were killed during the raid. Two of them have been identified:

?          Ibrahim Abdulwahab Alnafeesa (code-named Abu-Alkhabbab), Saudi

?          Abdulhameed Trawoori (code-named Abu-Abdullah Almakki), Malian

Two others are identified only as 'Adnan' and 'Khalid"; the fifth is unknown.

The Interior Ministry reiterated that any act aimed at destabilizing the nation's security will be dealt with forcefully and promptly, and that such criminal plots will be foiled through the vigilance of the security personnel and with the cooperation of citizens and residents.


June 15, 2003

The Ministry of Interior has reported that at 9:30 p.m. last night security forces raided an apartment building in the Khalidiya district of Makkah, identified as the residence of a group of individuals preparing to launch an imminent act of terror. During the raid, there was a heavy exchange of fire, and two of the security officers were killed: Captain Yassir bin Hasabullah Al-Mulad and a police officer, Fahd bin Abdullah Wazna. Five policemen and four civilians also sustained slight injuries.

Five of the terrorists were killed, but have not yet been identified. Five others were captured, two of them Chadian, one Egyptian, one Saudi, and the fifth of unknown nationality. In the apartment were found 72 home-made bombs of different sizes, a number of submachine guns, revolvers, live ammunition, cleavers, contact devices, chemical materials for making explosives, and masks.

Posted By Hasan as-Salafee
19-06-2003 @ 12:51 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Wa `Alaykum as Salaam wa Rahmatullaah wa Barakaatuh

What else can we expect when there are people like this Abu Mus`ab as-Sooriyy [at-Takfeeree al-Khaarijee] who incite others with the following:

أستمع إلى الخطة الخارجية للإنقلاب في السعودية صوتياً

هذا مايحتويه شريط الخبيث الخارجي أبو مصعب السوري عجل الله بهلاكه...
1-   تكفير خادم الحرمين الشريفين وبقية الأسرة المالكة تصريحاً وبالأسماء.

2-   اتهمام علماء اللجنة الدائمة للأفتاء بأنم مداهنين وعلماء بلاط وبما في ذلك الشيخ عبدالعزيز بن باز بأنه صنمٌ يعبد من دون الله عزوجل.

3-   إثارة لبس الملك للصليب وأنه مرتد بهذا العمل.

4-   الطريقة لمواجهة الحكومة السعودية والقيام بالأنقلاب من اليمن حتى فتح مكة.

5-   تشجيع المجاهدين لحمل السلاح.

6-   تحريم العمل في الدوائر الحكومية العسكرية إلا أذاكان للأنقلاب فهذا مرخص به.

7-   إثارة شبه كثيرة مفادها كفر هذه الدولة السعودية ووجوب الخروج عليها.

8-   وجدت غالب كلامه الذي تحدث في هذه الأشرطة من ناحية مواجهة رجال الأمن وحمل
السلاح والتحرك للجهاد واتهام للعلماء هو واقعاً ملموساً نراه .

وهذا كلام مفرغ من الشريط الثاني من كلامه وهو ويتحدث عن الأنقلاب في الدولة السعودية

Refer to:

He makes explicit takfeer of the Saudi rulers by name, calls for open revolution and an overthrow, open confrontations with the government apparatus, security forces and police, and the carrying of arms, he describes Shaykh Ibn Baz (rahimahullaah) as an idol that was worshipped and so on.

The problem is that the likes of these evil and despicable ideological offsprings, descendents and by-products of the "Carrel-Lenin/Marx-Qutb" ideology draw upon their own twisted and sinister notions of Jihad [derived from the Kuffar Philosophers of the 19th/20th century embodied in the ideological and practical justification for the need of violent revolutionary resolve to remove the injustice of political and social shackles, and brought to them by Qutb/Mawdudi] to impress upon mostly sincere people [both in the East and the West] who lack firm grounding in the religion and the details of the Salafee aqeedah and manhaj. Then stirred and fired up with emotion, these often large groups of sincere but ignorant individuals can be led and incited with ease to different ends and goals, believing all the while, that the ways and means they have adopted for those ends and goals are those whose outcomes Allaah is pleased with.

And amongst those upon the generality of this way are also the insincere people, the seekers of wealth, possession, leadership and authority, and those who seek attention and fame, those who could not care less for the corruption and harm they cause, but who are just intent on attaining what their souls desire. This includes those to whom Jihaad is practically expressed as uttering profanities towards some of the Rulers from behind their computer screens, thousands of miles away in the lands of the Mushriks.

For if the Messenger (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa Sallam) cautioned against Riyaa' in the midst of the greatest of actions which is  Jihaad and showed his Ummah that Riyaa' can exist amongst those who partake in it in those situations in which it is sanctioned (i.e. the Jihaad that is commanded) and in which it is considered the greatest of good deeds, then most certainly it will be found amongst those who participate in that which is prohibited (which is unlicensed, unrestricted takfeer without reference to the true Scholars and calls to overthrows, revolutions and rebellions that lead to destruction of the society and the worldly affairs) and which is not actually Jihaad but Fasaad.

Many of the inciters and stirrers (the Qa`diyyah) know full well the destruction of this way, because they know what they brought about in Egypt, and in Syria, and in Algeria of the destruction of the worldly affairs, and more harm and repression upon ordinary Muslims. Thus, they can hardly be excused for the type of incitement quoted above, and they can hardly be characterised as wishing goodness for the Ummah. And this is especially so of those who fled the lands of the Muslims to be welcomed and accommodated by the Mushriks and aided by them to bring instability in the Muslim lands.

We ask Allaah that He tears these Khawaarij into pieces and makes their harm to only return upon themselves and not upon the innocent Muslims in their lands, and We ask him to rectify the lands of the Muslims, the rulers and the ruled, by returning them to the Book and the Sunnah upon the manhaj of the Salaf, and that He protects the Ummah from the harm of both the Kuffar and the Heretical Innovators.


This message was edited by on 6-19-03 @ 1:12 AM

18-06-2003 @ 8:40 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 1280
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wa 'alaykumus-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

Apparently one of my neighbors was one of the Saudi security forces that were killed, may Allaah have Mercy on him.  He died in the Haram, defending it, may Allaah accept him as a shaheed and forgive his sins.

People have to take manhaj issues seriously!  Its not just that the manhaj of the Salaf is better than the manhaj of takfeer or other than it, but there are real life implications to this takfeer.

A message to the loose talking Muslim who makes takfeer or speaks against the Muslim rulers:  You may be all talk, and you may feel that this talk of yours about the rulers is just getting you an audience and does not really affect anything serious, however the reality is there are people who are affected by this talk of yours who will actually act on these statements.  There are real Muslims who die as a result.  There is real fitnah and real bloodshed, real widows, and mothers who cry over their young children!


Because Muslims turn away from the manhaj of the Salaf, the clear path that grants us safety and security in the dunyaa and in the aakhirah, and they turn to the way of the khawaarij, the way of frustration and venting anger, the abandonment of patience in the Da'wah, the way of vengence and hatred.  They spill Muslim blood, in the Haram, in the HARAM where you are not even allowed to make a bird leave the shade so you can sit in it...  The HARAM where you can't even uproot a tree!  The Haram - where fighting is prohibited and it was never halaal EVER except for an hour out of a day in the entire history of earth!

May Allaah fight these takfeerees.  I hope that they are caught one by one and executed publicly.   AAMEEN

Moosaa Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

This message was edited by Moosaa on 6-18-03 @ 8:58 PM

15-06-2003 @ 8:57 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 64
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Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmathullaahi wa barakathuhu

Saudis Say They Foiled 'Imminent' Attack

By FAIZA AMBAH, Associated Press Writer

MECCA, Saudi Arabia - The Saudi government said Sunday it foiled "an imminent terrorist" attack with an overnight raid on a bomb-filled, booby-trapped apartment in the holy city of Mecca that left five suspects and two security agents dead.

It was not clear if the raid was linked to Saudi Arabia's crackdown since suicide bomb attacks on May 12 targeting Western residential compounds in the capital Riyadh. The attacks, blamed on al-Qaida, killed 26 people, including nine Americans. Nine Saudi attackers also died.

At least five people were arrested in the raid, including two Chadians, an Egyptian and a Saudi, a Saudi interior ministry official said.

The unidentified official, whose remarks were carried by the official Saudi Press Agency and state television, said a number of other suspects also were arrested in Mecca, Islam's holiest city, 450 miles west of the capital, following the raid. He did not elaborate.

At about 9:30 p.m., Saudi security agents broke into an apartment in al-Khalidiya district about three miles from Mecca's main mosque, where "a group of terrorists ... were preparing an imminent terrorist act," the official said. He did not say what the intended target was and gave no other details on the alleged plot.

Five suspects were killed in a gun battle initiated by the "terrorists," he said. Two police were killed and five injured; and four bystanders were slightly injured, the official said.

The official said the apartment was booby-trapped with explosives. Some 72 bombs of different sizes were found in the apartment along with a number of weapons, including semiautomatic rifles and knives, and communication devices, bomb-making materials and masks.

Saudi authorities, accused of acting too slowly against Islamic extremism after the Sept. 11 attacks, have taken pains to show their commitment to fighting terrorism in the kingdom, the birthplace of bin Laden and 15 of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers.

In a report Sunday, the Saudi newspaper Okaz had said the violence started when traffic police tried to stop a car whose occupants fired on officers and fled to the apartment building.

The Interior Ministry did not mention the attempted traffic stop.

Security was unusually tight in Mecca on Sunday, with troops stopping cars for searches and to check drivers' identification on the outskirts and at checkpoints scattered throughout the city. A number of police patrolled inside and outside Mecca's Al-Nur hospital, where those wounded Saturday were taken.

Abdul Khaliq Reheem Sheik, a 50-year-old Indian driver who was being treated for cuts at Al-Nur Sunday, said three masked men holding guns had approached him as he washed his employer's car in Mecca's al-Khalidiya district Saturday night.

The men demanded he drive them away from the area, Sheik told The Associated Press. When he refused, they shot at the car's windows, apparently to frighten him, and he was injured by flying glass. The three then drove away in the car, leaving Sheik behind. It was not clear if the three were still being sought or were among those killed or arrested Saturday night.

Helicopters hovered over al-Khalidiya into the early hours of Sunday. Sunday afternoon, dozens of police and special forces troops armed with rifles could be seen around the three-story apartment building, whose facade was pocked with bullet holes. Residents who had been kept out overnight were being allowed back in the area, after first stopping at a police check point to have their identities checked and cars searched.

Officials have reported violence linked to the crackdown on extremism only once before since May 12. On May 31, Yosif Salih Fahd Ala'yeeri was killed in a gunfight with police in northern Saudi Arabia. He was allegedly carrying a letter written by al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden (news - web sites).

Earlier, Saudi authorities had announced the arrests of a number of people in Medina, Islam's second holiest city, 540 miles west of the capital. Saudi authorities had said the arrests were peaceful, but security in and around Medina has been tight.

Last week, a Western diplomat said at least seven suspects linked to the Riyadh bombings have died since those attacks, some in clashes with Saudi authorities. The diplomat had no details.

Mecca is the birthplace of Islam and its seventh-century prophet, Muhammad, and the focus of the annual pilgrimage known as the hajj. Muhammad is buried in Medina. Reports of police clashes in those cities could anger Islamic militants who already accuse Saudi authorities of being little more than puppets of the "infidel" United States.

More Info at:


Indeed, if the reports are true and with what the Dogs of the Hellfire recently displayed in the city of the Prophet(Madinah), sadly one could only excpect that Makkah wouldn't be far off. Iam not normally the one to be engrossed with political criticism, because the Salafee's know the real reasons for the state of the Muslim Ummah and works towards its cure regardless of what the he faces in spreading Tawheed to the people inorder to bring about that cure. We know that the callers to Tawheed are treading the noble path of the Anbiyyah and it is a neccessity that they face hardship just as the Anbiyyah themselves faced enumerable hardships. But, we now find that this blessed land of Tawheed is facing hardship, and sadly the hardship has even entered the two blessed cities. It is a cause for concern and with what we have seen what these Kharijee's have done in the past, who knows what they can be capable of doing in the future.

And these incidents will for assurity cause many of us to be affected emotionally, And it would be very beneficial for the common Salafee's (like myself) to request the Du'aat to help them and all of us in returning these worrying affairs back to our Ulema for some Naseehah so we can be guided towards following the Qur'aan and the Sunnah upon the understanding of our Salaf more tenaciously, Insha'Allah. It would also be good to know more about this incident from our Brothers and Sisters living in Saudi Arabia Insha'Allah.

If you have not read it yet then you must read the latest from:

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan on the Khawaarij, the Bombings (in Riyaadh) and the Sanctioning of the Hypocrites.
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan exposes the ideology of the Khawaarij and its evil effects upon the land, and also those Hypocrites who lurk in the midst and who only reveal their true colours following certain events and incidents, desiring evil for Islam.

Posted By Hasan as-Salafee

This message was edited by Hasan.Salafee on 6-15-03 @ 9:35 PM

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