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20-07-2003 @ 5:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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From the magnificent book ?Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah wa shai min fiqhihaa was fawaaidihaa? by the Noble Imaam, the Mujaddid, the Mujaahid, the Muhaddith Abu Abdur Rahmaan Muhammad Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah).

Hadeeth no. 229, Page 453


Entering the Masjid while the people are in rukoo?.

From Ataa (rahimahullaah) that he heard Abdullah bin az-Zubayr (radiallahu anhu) say upon the pulpit,

?When one of you enters the masjid and the people are in rukoo?, then let him make rukoo? upon entering, then he should proceed in rukoo? until he enters into the row, for verily that is the Sunnah.?

Reported by at-Tabaraanee in ?al-Awsat? (1/33), Muhammad bin Nasr reported to us, Harmalah bin Yahyaa reported to us, Ibn Wahab reported to us, Ibn Jareeh mentioned to me from Ataa that he heard Ibn Zubayr upon the pulpit saying, ?so he mentioned the above in mawqoof form?

Ataa said, ?And I saw him doing that.? Ibn Jareeh said, ?And I saw Ataa doing that.? And at-Tabaraanee said, ?And it is not reported from Ibn Zubayr except by this chain, where Harmalah is alone in reporting it.?

I say: He (Harmalah) is trustworthy, from amongst the narrators of Muslim and those above him (in the chain) are all trustworthy from the trustworthy narrators of the two Shaikhs (al-Bukhaaree and Muslim). And Muhammad bin Nasr is Ibn Humayd al-Waazi? al-Bazzaar, and other than at-Tabaraanee have named him Ahmed, as mentioned by al-Khateeb (vol. 3 bio. 1411, and vol. 5 bio. 2625) and he said, ?He was trustworthy.? And regarding the hadeeth, al-Baihaqee (2/96) said, ?It was reported by at-Tabaraanee in ?al-Awsat? and its narrators are the narrators of the saheeh.?

I say: The chain is saheeh if Ibn Jareeh heard it from Ataa. For he (Ibn Jareeh) was a mudallis who used to perform ?ananah, however his saying the latter part of the hadeeth, ?And I saw Ataa doing that?, indicates that he received that from him directly, since it is highly improbable that he could have heard by way of someone else and then saw Ataa doing that which he had been told about, and then not ask him about the hadeeth and not even raise the issue. This is highly improbable. So that which is correct is that the chain is saheeh. Then I saw in ?Mussanaf Abdur Razzaaq? (2/284, 3386) that which supports what I mentioned about him meeting Ataa directly.

And from that which supports the authenticity of this hadeeth is the action of some Companions after the Prophet (sallallaahualaihi wasallam), amongst them Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq, Zayd bin Thaabit, Abdullah bin Masood and Abdullah bin az-Zubayr.

1)     Al-Baihaqee reported from Abu Bakrah bin Abdur Rahmaan al-Haarith bin Hishaam, that, ?Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq and Zayd bin Thaabit entered the masjid while the Imaam was in rukoo?, so they went into rukoo?, then proceeded while they were in rukoo? until they joined the row.?
Its narrators are trustworthy. [The Shaikh then discusses the chain.]

2)     From Abu Umaamah bin Sahl bin Hunaif that he saw Zayd bin Thaabit enter the masjid while the Imaam was in rukoo?, so he walked until he was able to reach the row while he was in rukoo?, he made takbeer and then went into rukoo? and he proceeded in rukoo? until he reached the row.
Reported by al-Baihaqee (2/90, 3/106) and its chain is saheeh.

3)     From Zayd bin Wahab who said, ?I set off with Abdullaah (ibn Masood) from his home to the masjid so while we were half way into the masjid the Imaam went into rukoo?, so Abdullaah made takbeer and went into rukoo? and I went into rukoo?, then we walked in rukoo? until we came to the row when the people raised their heads. So when the Imaam finished the salaah, I stood up because I thought I had not caught (the rak?ah), so Abdullah took me by my hand and sat me down, then he said, ?Verily you caught it (the rak?ah).?

Reported by Ibn Abi Shaybah in ?al-Mussanaf? (1/99/1-2) and similarly Abdur Razzaaq (2/283/3381) and at-Tahaawee in ?Sharh ul-Ma?aanee? (1/231-232) and at-Tabaraanee in ?al-Mu?jam al-Kabeer? (3/32/1) and al-Baihaqee in his Sunan (2/90-91) with a saheeh chain. And at-Tabaraanee has other chains for this narration.

4)     From Uthmaan bin al-Aswad who said, ?I and Abdullaah bin Tameem entered the masjid, and the Imaam went into rukoo? so both I and he went into rukoo? and we walked in rukoo? until we entered the row. So when we had finished the prayer, Amr said to me, ?Regarding that which you did just now, from who did you hear it?? I said, ?From Mujaahid.? he said, ?I saw Ibn az-Zubayr doing it.?
This narration is also reported by Ibn Abi Shaybah and its chain is saheeh.

The Shaikh, may Allaah grant him Firdaus, then discusses another point that is extracted from these narrations, where he (rahimahullaah) says,


And these narrations prove something other than what we have used them to prove so far. And it is that whoever catches the rukoo? with the Imaam then he has caught that rak?ah and that is established in the saying of Ibn Masood and Ibn Umar with two saheeh chains from them. And I have given their takhreej in ?Irwaa ul-Ghaleel? (no. 119) and regarding this topic is the hasan hadeeth which is marfoo? from Abu Hurayrah, the takhreej of which I have also given there (Irwaa). So do not be misled by anything else that opposes this.  

The Shaikh (rahimahullaah) then discusses further issues related to the topic of catching the rak?ah upon catching the rukoo?.

Abul Irbaad
Abid Zargar

20-07-2003 @ 10:47 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Jazaakallaahu khayran akhee abu naasir. Perhaps - if Allaah faciliates it - you could make this translation a regular feature because the benefits of this work of the Shaykh are indeed tremendous.

al-hamdu lillaahi rabbi-l 'aalameen

Ja'far ibn Richard Railton

21-07-2003 @ 9:29 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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as Salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

Jazak Allahu Khair Abul Irbaad for those posts on the Silsilah. I definitely concur with Ja'far about making those translations a regular feature.

However, I have a question about the most recent Gem that you posted:
How do we reconcile between the narrations above and the following hadith:

Hadeeth No. 751 - Narrated Abu Bakra

I reached the Prophet in the mosque while he was bowing in prayer and I too bowed before joining the row mentioned it to the Prophet and he said to me, "May Allah increase your love for the good. But do not repeat it again (bowing in that way)." From SahihalBukhari.Com

May Allah increase our love for the good. Ameen

21-07-2003 @ 12:54 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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as-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah,

there is more info on this subject here:

abu hussam shahid williams

21-07-2003 @ 7:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Jazakallah khair brother Abul Irbaad for an enlightening post.

Jazakallah khair brother Shahid for the link to the article on; this discusses the second part of brother Abul Irbaad's post on "...whoever catches the rukoo? with the Imaam then he has caught that rak?ah...".

Could one of the students of knowledge please help reconcile the ahadith mentioned in brother Abul Irbaad's post and the hadith in Saheeh Al Bukhari that was mentioned by brother ibn Khalid; the reconciliation is needed with respect to making ruku and joining the congregation (in that state), and joining the congregation and then making ruku, when the Imam has gone to ruku.


22-07-2003 @ 10:22 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 31
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Bismillaahi walhamdulillaahi was-salaatu was-salaamu 'alaa rasoolillaahi, wa ba'd:

This is a just brief reply until someone more knowledgeable can clarify the issue properly. I do not have the Silsilah books but I have listened to some of Abu Talhah's tapes going through the books and remember where Shaykh al-Albanee, rahimahullaah, explained this issue. I cannot bring the daleel at the momnent because I would have to re-listen to and transcribe the relevant section of the tape - obviously if someone has the text it would be better. I can just mention, however, that the Shaykh reconciles these narrations by gathering together additional relevant narrations and then concluding that the statement of the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu 'alaihi wassallam, "do not repeat" was not intended in relation to the bowing before entering the row but rather was intended in relation to the hurrying to do so, thereby causing some degree of disturbance. Therefore, according to the Shaykh, the actual meaning of the hadeeth of Abu Bakrah is not that meaning which is most apparent when the hadeeth is viewed in isolation (and the Shaykh's daleel for this seems very clear, alhamdulillaah.) And Allaah knows best.

al-hamdu lillaahi rabbi-l 'aalameen

Ja'far ibn Richard Railton

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