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» wearing hijab and travelling without mehram...permisable in such cases...?
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Posted By Topic: wearing hijab and travelling without mehram...permisable in such cases...?

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26-05-2011 @ 11:52 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Istabraq Abdul (England)
Posts: 36
Joined: Nov 2009
i want to ask a question regarding not wearing jilbab to somewhere, such as non-Muslim school due to rules nd regulation which one is obliged to abide by.

the school permitts the students to wear scool uniform which consists of trousers or skirts. is it permissable for a girl to wear like a long skirt to school where there are male surroundings; as jilbab is not allowed, or abayah???

At this school, Phisical Education (PE) is compulsory at the School and long skirts are just out of the question. therefore, is it permissable for a girl to wear trousers that are quite baggy like jogging bottoms?

Also, at this school, i have taken the A-Level course of Geography where it is compulsary for me to take field trips. these feild trips are well out of the city i live in, away from home, therefore needing a mehram, but this is not possible as the trip is to be made with school students (who are female) and teachers. i did not know that such problems would occur prior to taking the course and i am not allowed to resign or drop it due to the conditions and regulations of taking the course. what can i do?

May Allah reward you for replying as i really need a response from the sunnah.

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