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09-12-2009 @ 10:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu 'Abdillaah Zubayr bin Mohammad (Ash-Shariqah, U.A.E.)
Posts: 15
Joined: Jul 2009
In the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

A Beautiful Reply Defending an Honourable Scholar
Explaining Fabrication of 'Abdullaah As-Sabt upon Shaykh Rabee' - hafidhahu-Allaah -

All praise belongs to Allaah in His Oneness, and may prayers and salutations be upon whom there is no prophet to be after. To proceed:

This is a very concise refutation on shaykh 'Abdullaah As-Sabt. The reason for writing it was that one of the Russian speaking brothers had heard his [Sabt's] foul speech on the honour of Dr. Rabee' Al Madkhalee - hafidhahu-Allaah - on one of the websites, translated into the Russian language. And it's [Sabt's speech] condition was as I had heard. So he [Russian brother] sent it to me inquiring the significance of this speech.

I requested him to send me the audio so I could listen to it. So as I listened to it, foul accusations; without any evidences to support or fear of Allaah, started to weigh in on the honour of the Shaykh, the father, the mujaahid scholar Rabee'[spring] of Ahl-us-sunnah.

And unfortunately, the one translating his [Sabt's] foul speech was a noble brother about whom it was not thought of would collaborate in such a slander. And even now I do not cease to give him the benefit of doubt and I ask Allaah the All-Mighty that he preserves us, him and all to what He loves and is pleased with.

The audio material is an extract from a sitting that took place with some non-Arab, Russian speaking brothers in which they ask different questions including  a question asked about the scholar Ar-Rabee' [the spring], as will follow.

And from the audio I transcribed the speech concerning the father, the scholar Ar-Rabee' [the spring] - hafidhahu-Allaah - and left the rest.

And shaykh 'Abdullaah As-Sabt had already manifested his manhaj to the people of knowledge as once a question was put forward to the scholar of Yemen; Shaykh Muqbil Al Waadi'ee - rahimahu-Allaah - as follows:

Question: "The fallacies of 'Abdullaah As-Sabt in this past time-period have increased; his lies have been the reason for dividing the salafee youth in the Arab Emirates. And from the evidences of his lies and fallacies is that he says: the da'wah of Zindaanee is wiser than your's O Shaykh! - hafidhu-Allaah - and he also warns from other salafee mashayikh. And the youth here wanted to have a meeting with him so as to clarify this news but he fled from this meeting (speech dropped from the tape). So we went ahead calling Shaykh Rabee' Al Madkhalee from Emirates asking him about this meeting. So he said: 'Abdullaah As-Sabt fled from this meeting and so we fixed with him more than one meeting but he went against them all and wa-Allaahu-almusta'aan... And Shaykh Rabee' Al Madkahlee said that 'Abdullaah As-Sabt divided the salafees in many countries and now the youth are in trial because of him?"

The answer: the shaykh - rahimahu-Allaah - : " 'Abdullaah As-Sabt came out here to Yemen and stayed with Ikwaan-ul-Muslimeen in 'Khumr' in the masjid of the brother: 'Aayid Mashnaar  ... and then what?  ... stayed with Ikhwaan-ul-Muslimeen and with the praise of Allaah overcame them, thanks for this and defeated them with whatsoever defeat. So he was initially in his matter; even 'Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq was also initially in his matter, on rectitude.

And after this 'Abdullaah As-Sabt reached Dammaj and said to us: we do not like to interpolate like this ...

Meaning: that we will give you aid on the condition that you must be tied to governmental institutions. So we said to him: we are not ready to sell our da'wah, so if you want to aid the da'wah for Allaah the All-Mighty's sake without conditions and without shackles' then aid it. And if you want to lay down conditions then Allaah will suffice us without your aid.

And he turned away taking with him a group of youth... yes they turned away and left being promised that for them there would be an institution belonging to the government and from that time on, he aided them and the da'wah of Ahl-us-Sunnah suffered a rift and we were patient with this rift for a period of three years. And the brothers were shouting and saying: O Aba 'Abdur-Rahmaan! The da'wah has been rent asunder. And I said to myself: maybe they will return. Then we were forced to explain their condition.

So we regret for our brother 'Abdullaah As-Sabt that he nullified his past like his refutation on soofiyyah, and clarifying the condition of shaykh-ul-azhar 'Abdul Haleem Mahmood and also the stance he took facing Ikhwaan-ul-Muslimeen and other than that ..

And after that what?.. With Allaah's praise he manifested his da'wah: companions of Jam'iyyah At-Turaath! They are a material da'wah ...

Perhaps 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul Khaaliq and he [Sabt] differed over worldly matters  ... did they differ over the 'aqeedah? So the 'aqedah is one  ... did they differ over that democratic elections are not allowed? With them they are allowed... did they differ over that we do not like that we split the da'wah of Ahl-us-Sunnah? They rent it asunder.

They split the da'wah of Ahl-us-Sunnah in Sudan, in Jeddah, in Egypt, in the Land of Haramayn, Najd, in Yemen and in other than that.

So if it came in the narration "Muhammad divided the people" in Saheeh-ul-Bukharee. Meaning divided the people: that a man would be a Muslim and his wife would be a disbeliever so he left her, and just like that also with his relatives, so this is a good matter.

How much from the wealth they came to Yemen with and what effect did this have on it... Al Furqaan Institute in Sa'ad, they brought for them 'Be-Ibn 'Aqeel...'

Look at what were the worldly goals and certificates with which they were making a living, they brought 'Be-Ibn 'Aqeel' for the one who did not even read 'At-Tuhfatu As-Sunniyyah' or the one who cannot even evaluate {زيد قام} [Zayd stood up] and they brought for him 'Be-Ibn 'Aqeel'. The students were saying we are in need of 'At-Tuhfah' so they would say to them; we will not give you any certificates except with this.

We say to 'Abdullaah As-Sabt: come to us with a student from your students and tell your shaykh 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul Khaaliq to come with a student  ... we will challenge him!

The jest is that: the brother 'Abdullaah As-Sabt, uses lying  ...

One of the brothers sent me a letter from the Emirates and I replied to it and advised him that do not sit [in plural] with 'Abdullaah As-Sabt and what?  ... and that do not attend [in plural] his gatherings! So they did that and so 'Abdullaah As-Sabt wanted to raise this issue to the prosecution  ... he said: this is not the letter of Abee 'Abdur-Rahmaan  ... the brother contacted us wanting a cassette in your voice O Aba 'Abdur-Rahmaan!

So the jest being that the lands of the Muslims are in surrender to 'Abdur-Rahmaan 'Abdul Khaaliq and to the Ihyaa' At-Turaath establishment and to 'Abdullaah As-Sabt  ... wealth spent to fight the sunnah of Rasoolu-Allaah - salla-Allaahu wa sallam- !
" -End.

Cassette: 'the answers to the Emaratee questions of the Muhaddith of the land of Yemen.'

So it became apparent from the speech of this imaam that shaykh 'Abdullaah As-Sabt uses lying. And amidst this refutation (in reader's hands) it will be confirmed that he [Sabt] indeed lies.

Ash-Shaykh Dr. Rabee' - hafidhahu-Allaah - in his book 'Methodology of Ahl-us-Sunnah-wal-Jama'ah in Criticising Men, Books and Groups'  on page 106 says: "And what is meant: that the one who speaks without justified knowledge and said what is not the truth, so he is named a lairý" -End.

And there is no doubt that lying is from the meanest of manners and the ugliest of them. al 'allaamah Ibn 'Uthaymeen - rahimahu-Allaah - said: "And beware of lying with the people. Do not inform them with what opposes the reality and do not treat them with what opposes the truth. Verily it is not possible for a believer that he lies; because lying is from the characteristics of the hypocrites: {...and Allaah bears witness that the hypocrites are liars indeed.} (63:1). {In their hearts is a disease (of doubt and hypocrisy) and Allaah has increased their disease. A painful torment is theirs because they used to tell lies.} (2:10). {It is only those who believe not in the aayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allaah, who fabricate falsehood, and it is they who are liars.} (16:105). Indeed it is not possible for a believer to lie because he believes in the verses: {Verily lying leads towards immorality.} And verily who believes in Allaah and believes in His Messenger; believes in the saying of the Prophet: 'immorality leads to the hellfire'. 'And the man does not cease to remain lying until he is written with Allaah as a liar'.

What an awful destination for lying!! What a bottom-rank of a liar!!

Verily lying leads to immorality. And it is deviation from the straight path and then towards the hellfire and woe be to the people of hellfire!

The liar is varmint because he is written with Allaah as a liar. And what an evil description it is for the one who is described as such. Verily the person is alienated when it is said to him amidst people: O liar! So how will he acknowledge that when he is written with his creator as a liar?!

And how unfortunate is a liar in this life that he is not trusted upon with regards to his speech or dealings, and it is a position with which he is remembered in bad terms after his death. And for this reason Allaah the Most-High has coupled it [lying] with the worship of idols. So the Most-High said: { shun the abomination (worshipping) of idol, and shun lying speech (false statements)} (22:30)
". [from 'The Illustrious Luminance from Mosquesý Sermons' 478-479]

And to begin with the intended clarification:

The following is the transcription from the audio:

Translator: The following question says: some people, they raise or they spread a manhaj called 'manhaj jarh wa ta'deel'. And to what extent is this manhaj beneficial for the ummah in present times? And are there imaams fully-involved with this manhaj only; and only their speech can be taken in these issues? Or must it be taken after questioning all well-known, trustworthy people of knowledge to ascertain if this person is realy truly disparaged or not? Because these ones of jarh wa ta'deel, they do not speak about ta'deel [praise] but they speak with tajreeh (disparagement) only. Even with many of them - meaning - even your name is mentioned our noble shaykh, and names of many of the students of knowledge and well-known famous scholars. So what - meaning - is the shaykh's saying in this regard?

Sabt: All praise belongs to Allaah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allaah - salla-Allahu wa sallam - to proceed:
'al jarh wa ta'deel' is knowledge from different branches of knowledge in Islaam and with it Allaah the All-Mighty and Most-High safeguarded His Prophet's - salla-Allahu wa sallam - Sunnah. But as nowadays in medical, you find a junior doctor who cures minor illnesses and senior doctors who are resorted to in major issues.

We do not know in the history of Muslims of old who practiced the knowledge of jarh wa ta'deel except an imaam. Meaning in that time there were many muhadditheen, fuqahaa and others besides them but no one became famous in jarh wa ta'deel except a certain number like Ibn Ma'een, Ibn Al Qattan, Al Bukharee, 'Alee Al Madeenee and Ahmad bin Hanbal - meaning - those who became famous in jarh wa ta'deel were a certain number from the scholars. In this case no. This is the first step.

Translator: (he began translating and added a little something from himself)


I said:  his [Sabt's] restriction of the practice of jarh was ta'deel only to the imaams is not correct and making it  a necessity; that the scholars are not suitable for jarh was ta'deel - leave aside well-grounded students of knowledge - in that case not every scholar is an imaam as is well known. And there is a purpose for this corrupt foundation which you [the reader] will come to know by the end of his [Sabt's] speech.

And with this said, it is appropriate for me to quote salafee foundation from al 'allaamah Ar-Rabee' [the spring] in regards to this topic.

The Shaykh - hafidhahu-Allaah - was asked the following question:

"Is it appropriate for a student of knowledge to say: this one is mubtade', this one is daal or leave this to the scholars? Or what if he kept quiet about fulaan...?"

Answer: "Moderation and fairness in everything; if there rose a need to warn against a raafidee, a qubooree-soofee, a hizbee-haalik and their likes, and saw this being from sincere advice to the Muslims by clarifying to them this person's condition, so he clarifies according to what he knows. So there are some things that are clear; the misguidance in it is apparent as such that it is known by the student of knowledge and by the scholar. In this case if he is able to advise him he should advise him

And if he saw a person being deceived he should clarify for him, and this is not from the blameworthy backbiting but rather from the legislated issues. So if he is afraid for his misguidance from a raafidee, a qubooree-soofee, a hizbee or their likes from the people of desires, it is upon him that he advises him with wisdom and says: this one has with him such and such barak-Allaahu feekum.

And then there are issues that are hidden or unclear and no one speaks in these except those from the people of knowledge with evidences. So the scholar himself does not speak except with the truth, with clear evidences, with fairness and does not speak about Allaah without knowledge. And like that also the student of knowledge; the issues he does not know about he does not speak in them.

As for the issues he knows and they are clear and apparent and in it is benefit for the Muslims he speaks about them with evidence in his capacity of strength and knowledge.

And as for the gagging rumour: do not say fulaan is misguided or anything else but rather just silence!

For this is what the people of misguidance want!

They do not want to speak about the people of innovation ever!

Only keep quite and all people are Muslims, rawaafid are our brothers, the quboorees are our brothers and what resembles that;

These things are wrong

And the student of knowledge and the scholar speak with evidences, guidance, wisdom and good exampling.

And not with ignorance and recklessness, some of them with their ignorance and recklessness bring about more harm then good. So this ignorance and recklessness should be abandoned baarak-Allaahu feekum.
" - End.

What a generous man! How good he is! From a wise scholar and a faithful advisor.

And through this salafee foundation we can derive the following:

1.Warning from people of misguidance has to be in accordance with need.

2.The clear, apparent misguidance is for the student of knowledge to warn from.

3.The hidden or unclear issues are for the people of knowledge to speak about with evidences.

4.It is unbefitting for the student of knowledge to speak about hidden and unclear issues and major rulings.

5.It is upon the student of knowledge and the scholar that they speak with evidences, guidance, wisdom, good exampling and not with ignorance and recklessness.

So these are concise words from this scholar putting things into right perspective.

Back to the audio:

Sabt: And amongst the present day scenario you find youth who do not know anything from the religion - meaning - I have interviewed people in Britain and in Europe from the Algerian youth who slander Shaykh Bin Baaz, Al Albani, the scholars and he would not even know how to perform ablution.

Translator: (translates)


This speech does not carry dust over it. So this has appeared from a category of youth who are ignorant and enthusiastic and what a great number they are on the 'athary' website. And there is nothing to be surprised about this as they followed Faalih and his ilk. So verily those youth are the Haddadiyyah.

And from what it is to be warned against is that some people throw this injustice upon the Salafi youth. And there is no doubt about the existence of some of the ordinary Salafi youth who may resemble the foolish Haddadiyyah in their reckless actions, hastiness and absence of wisdom. But that does not mean that all the Salafis are upon such vainness.

Returning to the audio material:

Sabt: So Jarh wa Ta'deel should be taken from the senior scholars only. The likes of Shaykh Bin Baaz, Ibn 'Uthaymeen, Al Albani, Salih Al Fawzan, 'Abdul Muhsin Al 'Abbad, As-Shaykh 'Abdallah Al Ghudayan and the great scholars. As for the likes of me and who resemble me then do not take Jarh wa Ta'deel from us. We can only convey and cannot pass rulings. Meaning - when you ask me about fulan, I will convey the speech of scholars but from myself I cannot pass rulings because I do not belong from the people of Jarh wa Ta'deel.
Translator: (translates)


I said: So verily I refuted his (Sabt's) speech that Jarh wa Ta'deel is from the speciality of the Imams and now here he makes it into speciality of the senior scholars.

So are all the scholars Imams?

Returning to the audio material:

Sabt: So we advise our brothers because a lot of Fitnah has spread, may it be in Yemen or in Algeria or in Azerbaijan or in Kazakhstan ... in the Caucasus now there is Fitnah and troubles: this one is an innovator, that one is that.

And on the internet it is much more and you do not know who the speaker is. And what if the writer on the internet is a Jew, who knows? So taking knowledge and building rulings should be taken from senior people of knowledge if you were able to reach knowledge of the elders.

And then they may be lying: Ibn Baaz said.

We say to them: come out with it, bring the evidence (say: bring your evidence if you really are truthful)

As for listening to these young youth then no, it's not allowed, because they demolished Algeria, and demolished Madina Al Munawwara, and demolished the country of Russia and what surrounds it. They demolished a lot of countries so it is not allowed to give them hearing.

Translator: (translates)

Sabt: Is it clear or do they need any more researching?

Is this clear to them and do they not have anything else for asking?

Translator: (asks those attending if they have any questions)

Sabt: Meaning - we say to them: now you are young, so do not get involved in matters of the elders. Like how Shaykh Al Albani said: "I am amazed at the youth of the Islamic call, they abandon what they are capable of and they get involved in what they are not capable of."

Now is not your time to make rulings of Takfeer and Tasfeeq, this matter is for the elders.

You are able to call towards Allah the Most-High, to seek Islamic knowledge.

A lot of youth even those now amongst you, you find him speaking in matters of Takfeer and Tabdee' but if you asked him about the nullifiers of ablution? He would not know.

This is the problem in out times.

Translator: (he began translating and added a little something from himself)


This speech does not carry dust over it. And there is no doubt that the Haddadiyyah are the ones to set the fire of this Fitnah. And Allah is the Helper.

Returning to the audio material:

One of those attending questions in Russian: where he named some Scholars: Al Albani, Al 'Abbad, Al Ghudayan.

So is it permissible to take this knowledge (Jarh wa Ta'deel) from Shaykh Rabee' Al Madkhali because now there is a lot of Fitnah?

Translator: He said O! Shaykh a question related to the same topic:
Did you understand?

He said: We heard names that are famous Allah willing - meaning - the speech is clear.

Meaning - does this speech apply to, is it permissible to take this knowledge (Jarh wa Ta'deel) from Shaykh Rabee'?

Sabt: There are requirements for the scholar of Jarh wa Ta'deel that he must meet.

First: Knowledge.

Second: Wisdom; which is withholding with patience, derivation and validation (Tathabut).

Like how the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: inform the peopleý

'Ali bin Abi Talib said: "Speak or inform people according to their intelligence capabilities. Do you like for them that they lie upon Allah and His Messenger?"

Ash-Shaykh Rabee' may have knowledge, only he does not have wisdom that makes him when to say and when not to say. He does not validate (Tathabut).


Firstly: his saying "As-Shaykh Rabee' may have knowledge"

I say: Allah is the Greatest ... may have knowledge!!!
Where is the justice and fairness you were calling towards O Shaykh?!

Is this where the level of enmity has reached towards Shaykh Rabee' that you refuse to even accept a scholar the likes of him to be from the scholars?!

Uff! Then Uff! Then Uff! From partisanship (Hizbiyyah).

I had rallied together the sayings of the scholars in praise of the knowledge of Shaykh Rabee' (may Allah preserve him) and this concise refutation is not a place with its simplicity to quote all but it shall suffice if I quote one of them only for example's sake.

Al 'Allamah Dr. Salih Al Fawzan (may Allah preserve him) in his introduction to Shaykh Rabee's book "The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah that is the Way of Wisdom and Intelligence" said, "So because these groups (Jamaa'aat) are a threat to Islam which may obstruct it, or prevent people from entering into it, then this is something which must be properly explained, and it must be made clear that this is something which is not from Islam at all. Allah, the Most-High, says: {Verily, those who divide their Religion and break up into sects (all kinds of religious sects), you (O Muhammad) have no concern in them in the least.} (6:159). So since explanation of this is obligatory and this is binding to make it clear, a group of scholars having sincere concern for Islam and the required level of knowledge and research took on the task of indicating the mistakes of these groups and explaining where they are at variance in Da'wah with the methodology of the prophets, so that they may return to what is correct. Indeed the truth is that which the Muslim always seeks, and so that those who do not realise their errors may not be beguiled by them. So from those scholars who took on this great duty of acting upon the sayings of the Prophets (peace be upon him): "The religion is sincere advice, the religion is sincere advice, the religion is sincere advice." We said, "To whom, O Messenger of Allah?" He said, "To Allah, and to His Book, and to His Messenger, and to the rulers of the Muslims and their common folk," - ((from those who explained this matter and gave sincere advice about it is the noble Shaykh, Dr. Rabee' ibn Hadee Al Madkhali in his book entitled, 'The Methodology of the Prophet... ))" -End.

So here is the speech of Al 'Allamah Al Fawzan (may Allah preserve him) saying about Shaykh Rabee' that he is from amongst the Scholars.

And as Shaykh Rabee' clarified about the partisans (Hizbiyyeen) that they come up with false principles to support the people of innovation, and abandon the use of their (false principles) with the people of Sunnah.

This speech will come soon onwards.

Secondly: His (Sabt's) saying about Shaykh Rabee' (may Allah preserve him), "only he does not have wisdom that makes him when to say and when not to say."

I say: This also is a lie. And how truthful was Shaykh Muqbil when he said, "The jest is that the brother: 'Abdallah As-Sabt, uses lying  ..."

Ash-Shaykh Rabee' is a wise scholar knowing when to speak and when not to and his refutations are the biggest witness to that.

And I will quote to you in short what I reported in 'Exposing the injustice and refuting of falsehood upon the flag-bearer of Jarh wa Ta'deelý.

I said: "Ash-Shaykh Rabee' is a wise, patient and a keen man with regards to the unity of the Muslims upon the methodology of truth. And a lot of what he advices the offenders (Mukhalif) with in secrecy reach great numbers. And he corresponds with them through letters and stays patient with their repugnance. All that in his keenness for the unity of the Muslims and his reluctance of spreading Fitnah amongst them. But very unfortunately most from those he advised secretly refused his advice. More so, some among them attacked and slandered him. So O Allah! All praise is Yours.

So I will give two such examples - and there are many - about the truth I have said:

First example:

When Salman Al 'Awdah strived in spreading of his methodological misguidance one of them being his differentiation between the Firqatun-Naajiyyah and Taa'ifatul Mansoorah, so he claimed them to be two different entities.

So when Salman Al 'Awdah spread this innovated speech to defend innovated parties like Ikhwanul Muslimeen, Jama'ahtut-Tableegh and others. Shaykh Rabee' wrote a book in it collecting more than 40 saying of the scholars from different time-periods who never differentiated between Firqatun-Naajiyyah and Taa'ifatul Mansoorah ever. And he stated the stance taken by the Salaf in this matter and sent the book to Salman to read and know his mistake and gave him a whole year.

So did Salman except the advice?

The answer: Never. Rather he refused and persisted in his innovated speech. So then Shaykh Rabee' printed and disseminated the books publicly so that the people could know the truth about this matter which Salman had twisted with.

So O you fair-minded ones!

Shaykh Rabee' did not spread the book from the first instance; rather he sent it to Salman and waited for him for a whole year that he may return to the truth.
" -End.

I say: Is this example not - others are many - witness about the wisdom and patience of Shaykh Rabee'?

Is this example not - and others are many - witness about the lies and slanders of shaykh 'Abdallah As-Sabt?

And the brothers at Sahab Al Khair ( helped in the article 'The assembly of Evidences of the Methodology in Da'wah of Shaykh Rabee' is with Wisdom and Softness' so refer to it for its importance:

Thirdly: His (Sabt's) saying about Shaykh Rabee' (may Allah preserve him) "He does not validate"

I say: This also is a lie which was reported by Abul Fitan, 'Adnan 'Ar'oor and before them 'Abdur-Rahman 'Abdul Khaliq and now shaykh 'Abdallah As-Sabt.

And I will quote to you in short what I reported in 'Exposing the injustice and refuting of falsehood upon the flag-bearer of Jarh wa Ta'deel'.

I said "So Shaykh Rabee' studied the books of Sayid Qutb an extensive study spanning many years. And Shaykh Rabee' stopped upon the falsehoods of Sayid Qutb from the first glance but did not make haste in passing a ruling upon him (Qutb) until after studying most of his (Qutb's) books perhaps he (Shaykh) comes across a recantation and may condemn him (Qutb) wrongfully.

And upon you is an example which proves the devoutness of the Shaykh and his not rushing in emitting the ruling upon the offender (Mukhalif).

This is what he says in his book 'The Dividing Line between the Truth and Falsehood' which he wrote in 1414H, page number 110: "So that the reader may know that I stopped on the exoneration of Sayid Qutb about Qur'an being the creation of Allah and it being created, more than twenty years ago but I did not publicise his description of Qur'an's creation until I had gathered together strong, clear evidences from the speech of Sayid himself and his biography which warranted me he described it with this description. I did this traversing the path of the Salaf in advising the Muslims and revealing the intrigues and thoughts of the innovators."

May Allah preserve you O Shaykh! How staunch is your devoutness and your fearfulness.
" -End.

I say: Is this example not - others are many - witness about validating (Tathabut) and not rushing of Shaykh Rabee'?

Is this example not - and others are many - witness about the lies and slanders of shaykh 'Abdallah As-Sabt?

And anyone who studies his (Sabt's) speech will find him to be slandering upon Shaykh Rabee' and accsusing him of what he is free of. And before this he (Sabt) questioned his (Shaykh's) knowledge.

Is this not from Jarh (disparagement)?

Why did you disparage Shaykh Rabee' and you said that Jarh wa Ta'deel can not be practiced except by the Imams?

Or have you become from the Imams who are allowed to practice such?

Or is it weighing with separate measures or a game with two ropes?

You were right when you said, "As for the likes of me and who resemble me then do not take Jarh wa Ta'deel from us." So for that matter we will take the right and the truth that you have said, and we will reject your lies and injustices.

And what is to be observed from his (Sabt's) disparagement which does not have any origin whatsoever, contemplate his saying, "We can only convey and cannot pass rulings - meaning - when you ask me about fulan, I will convey the speech of scholars but from myself I cannot pass rulings because I do not belong from the people of Jarh wa Ta'deel."

He alleges that he cannot pass rulings in such matters because he is not from the people (scholars) of Jarh wa Ta'deel, so why then did he disparage and issues an unfair ruling in the honour of Shaykh Dr. Rabee' (may Allah preserve him)?!

And after that he alleges Shaykh Rabee' of not validating (Tathabut). And as an evidence for this great slander he is cited as saying:

And the most famous example about that is; that Shaykh Rabee' (may Allah preserve him) - and he is my peer - praised shaykh Faalih a lot and we know Faalih from the time that we were with Juhaiman's group.
You may have heard of this Juhaiman's group?

When I was with them, Faalih was also at that time.

Faalih is an 'Aamee (normal) person, he does not understand anyt

25-03-2010 @ 12:53 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu 'Abdillaah Zubayr bin Mohammad (Ash-Shariqah, U.A.E.)
Posts: 15
Joined: Jul 2009
This refutation [its Arabic original] was read by Shaykh Rabee' bin Haadee - hafidhahu-Allaah - on Friday 12th of rabee'-ul-awwal 1431H, after salat-ul-maghrib, who said:

(It is a knowledge-based refutation and sufficient.)

And he - hafidhahu-Allaah - also said:

('Abdullaah As-Sabt is a kadh-dhaab [a liar]!)
And he - hafidhahu-Allaah - was asked:

Should the Russian speaking youth attend classes at his [Sabt's] maktabah?

So he - hafidhahu-Allaah - said:

(Of course not, this is ma'roof [known/established])

The one who quoted this speech is an Albanian brother who studies in makkah and attends lessons at the Shaykh's - hafidhahu-Allaah.  Anyone who wishes to confirm, can call and confirm with the Shaykh - hafidhahu-Allaah.

And Allaah is witness to what I said.

Wa salla-Allaahu 'alaa nabiyyina Muhammad wa 'alaa aalihee wa sahbihee wa sallim

Abu 'Abdillah Az-Zubayr bin Mohammad Bin Husayn Aal 'Abbas

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