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Posted By Topic: Imaam Ash-Shawkaani: Accepting the Jarh and Ta'deel of A Scholar is not Taqleed.

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28-05-2010 @ 5:52 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 795
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Accepting Jarh' of scholars Is NOT blameworthy Taqleed (Blind following)

Listen how Shaykh Muqbil Ibn Haadee Al Waadi'ee (rahimahu Allaah) answers the following question:

'There are those who say that accepting the statements of the scholars about the people is considered blind following so what is the validity of this statement?'


09-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 347
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Assala mu alaykum ikhwaan,

Could someone explain the statement of Shaikh Falih (hafidhaullah), rebutting Abu Usaamah:

Sh. Faleh:

"This is baatil, this is for issues that there is difference of opinion in, when there is strong proof for the matter and some of the scholars have a preference they refer back to one another. This is not a problem, but it's for the scholars and not for everyone, like this person was indicating at the beginning. If it's related to aqeedah, manhaj or people of innovation, then NO! this is a different matter and its not correct for this to be said ever. And none of  the people of the sunnah opposes one another in this matter?? so its befitting that this matter is understood, its not in this manner that this brother has considered, that it is just from one issue, no, its not the same affair, be careful of this matter. This is a precise issue of manhaj. And this person and those like him, who have taken from this destructive watered down manhaj, that which isn't a grounded pillar from knowledge or this manhaj."

I read it but didn't understand some bits.  Such as the Shaikh's words:  

..."this is for issues that there is difference of opinion in, when there is strong proof for the matter and some of the scholars have a preference they refer back to one another"....

Is the Shaikh talking about Jarh wa't Ta'deel, Ijtihaad etc?

A full explanation of the whole statement would be much appreciated!

Jazzak ummullahukhairan


Ekbal as-salafi al-Bangali

09-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Allaahu Akbar!
This silences Abu Usaamah The Shameless one.
As Shaykh Faalih said.
He (Abu Usamah) has no shame! This is Deen!

Wallaahi thumma Wallaahi the Shaykh spoke the truth as Abu Usaamah has no Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Those who who know him can testify to this.

This message was edited by al-haddul-faasil on 12-9-02 @ 4:13 PM

09-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalamu alaykum ikhwaan,

What should be our reply to somebody who says concerning Abul Hasan al-Mubtadi:

"I am with those scholars who refuse to make tabdee of Abul Hasan (i.e Shaikh Abdul Muhsin and the Jordanians)and I will change my position when they change."

"Why are they not criticised for not making tabdee?  And they are Ulama and I am a nobody?"

"I have examined both sides and I have found Abul Hasan's position concering his defence of his statements on Mujmal mufassal, Khabarul Ahad etc to be stronger."

This question is from me, if somebody refuses to take a position concerning Abul Fitan saying:

"I do not understand tis issue. I wil not take a position (he will not support Abul fitan or call him a mubtadi)."

What should our position be on such a person?  Should we put him alongide the followers of Abul fitan, as is apparent from the words of Shaki Ahmad an Najmee?

Jazzak umullahu khairan


Ekbal as-salafi al-bangali

08-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatahu

This Fatwa of Imaam ash-Shawkaani is a refutation on the false claims and attacks made by Abu Usaamah Ath-Dhahabee on the Salafis, when he accused them of being Muqallidah and Muhqiboon due to them accepting the Jarh of the scholars on Abul Hasan.

But rather he is a Muhqib and a Muqallid of the innovated principles introduced by Abul Hasan the Ikhwaani.

Pay attention Salafiyoon!!!!!

PART 1: Refutation of Abu Usamah Khaleefah by Shaykh Faleh al-Harbi


AU statement: but simply because someone is criticized from someone else does not force someone to take a position against that individual, this is what I don?t agree with many of the brothers, simply because someone criticizes someone else, automatically even if we do not necessarily know is this person going overboard, is this person mutashaddid (severe in his critiquing individuals), is this person talking with proof?

Sh. Faleh: This is baatil, this is for issues that there is difference of opinion in, when there is strong proof for the matter and some of the scholars have a preference they refer back to one another. This is not a problem, but it's for the scholars and not for everyone, like this person was indicating at the beginning. If it's related to aqeedah, manhaj or people of innovation, then NO! this is a different matter and its not correct for this to be said ever. And none of  the people of the sunnah opposes one another in this matter?? so its befitting that this matter is understood, its not in this manner that this brother has considered, that it is just from one issue, no, its not the same affair, be careful of this matter. This is a precise issue of manhaj. And this person and those like him, who have taken from this destructive watered down manhaj, that which isn't a grounded pillar from knowledge or this manhaj.  

[url=]Shaykh Ahmad Baazmool's Clarification and Advice for Abu Usaamah and QSS [/url]

[url=]Response of Sheikh Zayd Al-Madkhali to the speech of Abu Usaamah. [/url]

This message was edited by kitaabut-tawheed on 12-8-02 @ 10:44 PM

08-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Imaam ash-Shawkaanee (rahimahullaah) said:

The Sixth Study From the Studies of The Second Question

His saying, "And is taqleed in the matter of al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel sound (i.e. applicable, acceptable)?"

I say: It is desirable for the questioner to know  - may Allaah pardon him - that taqleed is to accept the opinion (ra'i) of someone else, as opposed to his riwaayah (narration), without requesting the proof. And the ta'deel (appraisal) of the mu'addil for a narrator is not a (mere) opinion concerning anything. Rather it is a narrative of the condition of the one whom he makes ta'deel of or makes jarh of. This is because he narrates to us whatever is known to him about the condition of the narrator. And this, without doubt, is from (the angle of) narration, and not (mere) opinion, hence taqleed has no point of entry into this matter.

And some of the latecomers have actually brought (this matter) with the intent of causing doubt about those claiming Ijtihaad, claiming that they have not actually left taqleed, from this angle. And you know well that this doubt-mongering (tashkeek) is falsehood, and which has arisen from the absence of distinction between ra'i (opinion) and riwaayah (narration)."

In a small treatise called "al-'Adhb an-Nameer Fee Jawaab Masaa'il 'Aalim Bilaad 'Aseer", found within al-Fath ar-Rabbaanee of ash-Shawkaanee (1/218-219).

May Allaah reward our brother Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafeeq for his translation.

وقال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية:
لا عيب على من أظهر مذهب السلف وانتسب إليه واعتزى إليه بل يجب قبول ذلك منه بالاتفاق فإن مذهب السلف لا يكون إلا حقا
مجموع الفتاوى 4/ 149

08-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 63
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قال الإمام الشوكاني -رحمه الله-:

((البحث السادس من مباحث السؤال الثاني:

قوله: وهل مسألة الجرح والتعديل يصحّ فيها التقليد? إلخ؟

أقول: ينبغي أن يعلم السائل عافاه الله أنّ التقليد هو قبول رأي الغير دون روايته من دون مطالبة بالحجّة، وتعديل المعدّل للراوي ليس من الرأي في وِرْدٍ ولا صَدَرٍ، بل هو من الرواية لحال من يُعدّله أو يجرّحه؛ لأنّه ينقل إلينا ما كان معلوماً لديه من حال الراوي، وهذا بلا شك من الرواية لا من الرأي فلا مدخل لهذه المسألة في التقليد، وقد أوردها بعض المتأخّرين بقصد التشكيك على المدّعين للاجتهاد زاعماً أنّهم لم يخرجوا عن التقليد من هذه الحيثيّة، وأنت خبيرٌ بأن هذا تشكيك باطل نشأ من عدم الفرق بين الرواية والرأي)).

[رسالة بعنوان \"العذب النمير في جواب مسائل عالم بلاد عسير ? ضمن الفتح الرباني لفتاوى الشوكاني ? (1/218-219]

Posted by Abu Abdillaah Al-Madini

وقال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية:
لا عيب على من أظهر مذهب السلف وانتسب إليه واعتزى إليه بل يجب قبول ذلك منه بالاتفاق فإن مذهب السلف لا يكون إلا حقا
مجموع الفتاوى 4/ 149

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