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27-05-2004 @ 4:42 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan Muhammad bin 'Umar Bin Muhammad Bin 'Uthmaan (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Posts: 13
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Alhamdulillaah wa Salaatu wa Salaam 'Alaa Rasoolillaah wa ba'd

Assalaam allaaykum warahmatullaah,

This was sent to us by Nawaz as-Srilaankee, a student in Dammaaj. It was sent to us to encourage the brothers in the west to travel to seek knowledge. He translated some of the praises of the Ulamaa for Dammaaj and its teachers.

         The following are some praises of the 'Ulamaah on Damaaj,Yeman and its Shaykh Aboo Abdur-Rahmaan Yahyaa ibn ?Alee al-Hajooree (Hafidhahullaah.
        Statement of the Imaam Muqbil ibn Haadee al-Waadi'ee (rahimahullah) in Praise of a Shaykh Yahyaa ibn ?Alee al-Haajooree.

1.    The Imaam said in his book "The autobiography of Abee Abdur-Rahmaan Muqbil ibn Haadee " page 48: " Yahyaa ibn 'Alee, Aboo Abdur-Rahmaan al-Hajooree, from the memorizers of the Qur?aan well learned in various fields of Knowledge. I have listened to some of his lessons which prove him to be well learned. He is strong in Tawheed (The field of Islaamic Monotheism) He has done a Tahqeeq (adding footnotes, checking the Ahadeeth and correcting errors) of the book "Islaah al-Mujtama' " by Al-Bayhaanee. Also, he has written a refutation against az-Zindaanee criticizing his book 'Tawheed al-Khaaliq' and he has (written) some other small books.

2.     The Imaam said in the preface to Shaykh Yahyaa's tahqeeq of the book " Islaah al Mujtama' "The brother as-Shaykh Yahyaa with praise to Allaah has became an authority in the field of teaching and legal rulings. I ask Alllaah , the Exalted,  to grant him a good rewards and to bless him in his knowledge and his wealth and his children, indeed He is the All-Generous, All-Benefitiant.

3.     The Imaam said in the preface to as-Shaykh Yahyaa's book" as-Subh a Shaari' ". To proceed; Verily I have read through most of the book of the brother in Allaah deen. The outstanding Shaykh ibn 'Alee al-Haajooree (May Allaah protect him) and I found that he did very well and brought much benefit in his refutation against Abdul-Majeed az-Zindaane what a good reaserch he did discussing in the majins beneficial pieces of knowledge in to the topics of 'Aqeeda and Fiqh and Hadeeth and Tafseer. Our Lord has spoken the truth when he says (the english meaning is) " O you who believe if you fear الله , الله will grant you a criterion (al-Anfal:29). and when He says " Fear الله and الله  will teach you " (al-Baqarah:282) and when He says " O you who believe fear الله and believe in His messanger he will give you a double portion of His Mercy and He will give you a light by which you shall walk (straight). (al-Hadeed:28). Shaykh Yahyaa (May الله protect him) الله has endowed him with knowledge because of his adherence to the Book of  الله and the Sunnah of the Messenger of الله (May the peace and blessings of الله be upon him) He has completed the tahqeeq of the book " Islaah al Mujtama' "and other small books containing beneficial pieces of knowledge in which journeys are made in search of, the Ayah " That is the Grace of الله in which he bestows on whom He wills. And الله is the owner of the mighty grace. (the english meaning of               al-Jumu'a:4). We ask الله to grant us and him ( as-Shaykh Yahyaa) success in serving and defending the Sunnah of the Messenger of الله and we ask that He protects us from the trials of the life and death, verily He is able to do all things.

4.     The Imaam said in the preface to ash-Shaykh Yahyaa's book " al-?Arba'oon al-Hisaan". To proceed I have read portions of what the outstanding Shaykh, the Muhaddith, the Faqhee , Yahya ibn 'Alee al-Haajooree has written in the forty Hadeeth. Dealing with gathering around the meal and I found that he (May الله protect him) did very well and brought much benefit, rather he brought beneficial pieces of knowledge in which journeys are made in search of. May الله grant him a good reward.

5.     The Imaam said in the preface to ash-Shaykh Yahyaa's book "Ahqaamul Jumu'ah" to Proceed;
?I have looked through the book al-Jumu?ah by Shaykh Yahyaa ibn 'Alee Haajooree and I found it to be a magnificent book. In it are beneficial pieces of knowledge in which journeys are made in search of including, giving every hadeeth the ruling it deserves and covering the entire topic. So it is a complete book sufficient in this topic. And how can that not be the case while ash-Shaykh Yahyaa is someone who goes to the extreme in searching for what is best and in righteousness and in leaving of those things that don't benefit in the hereafter (az-Zuhud), and piety and in fearing الله. He is someone who speaks the truth and He for الله is not afraid of the criticism of the one who criticize, and he (May الله protect him) acts as my substitute in the lessons in Darrul-Hadeeth in Dammaj. giving them in the best desired manner.

6.     One of the guards of Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullaah), mentioned to us that he asked Shaykh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) at a Hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia "Who is the most Knowledgeable man in Yemen?" So the Shaykh remained silent for a moment then he said " ash-Shaykh Yahya "


16-11-2007 @ 9:27 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Birmingham, UK)
Posts: 33
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Bismillaah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem,

                 Raised !!قال الشيخ : أن أبا الحسن لا يحفظ الأربعين النووية ولا يحفظ خمسة أجزاء من القرآن ... فهو يريد أن يُحيي قواعد صلاح الصاوي من جديد ... والشيخ مقبل يعرف الكثير عن أبي الحسن فلقد كان سيخرج في أبي الحسن شريطاً عندما كان في السعودية لأنه يعرف أنه فرّق الشباب بسبب جمعيته ...!)

The Sheik (Yahya Al Hojoore)said, Verily Abu Hasan has not memorized Nawawi's Forty hadith, nor has he memorized five juz of the Quran...So he(Abu Hasan) wants to revive the principles of Salaahu As-Saawi...And Sheik Muqbil knew alot about Abu Hasan, therefore he was about to put out a tape about Abu Hasan when he was in Saudi, because he knew that he(Abu Hasan) was dividing the youth because of his group.

End of Sheik's words

translated by rasheed barbee
(taken from salafitalk)

11-06-2010 @ 8:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni (Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
Posts: 338
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Some recitations on the Shaykh Yahya al-Haajooree's (حفظه الله) site:

TawhidFirst | Aqidah | AboveTheThrone | Asharis
Madkhalis | Takfiris | Maturidis | Dajjaal
Islam Against Extremism | Manhaj
Ibn Taymiyyah | Bidah

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