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» Shaikh Khalid al Radaddi answers on attending Ahl ul-Hadith masjids in the UK and not entering Jamiyyah Ahl ul-Hadith among the Salafees by using the term 'unclear'.
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Posted By Topic: Shaikh Khalid al Radaddi answers on attending Ahl ul-Hadith masjids in the UK and not entering Jamiyyah Ahl ul-Hadith among the Salafees by using the term 'unclear'.

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02-03-2004 @ 3:23 PM    Notify Admin about this post
. Abdulilah Rabah Lahmami (Al Madeenah, S. Arabia)
Posts: 327
Joined: Sep 2002
Sheikh Obayd said something similar to the effect that you cannot say such and such is an unclear salafi but you can say that such and such is a salafi qawee (strong salafi) and such and such is a weak salafi that he has some confusions.

This one Sheikh Obayd said is to be advised regarding his confusions and if he accepts alhamdulillaah and if he shows kibr and 'inaad (pride and rejection/opposition) then we have nothing to do with him for rejecting the sunnah and Allaah's deen. Until then he said we advise and are patient in advising until the advice ends up with one of the two outcomes, either he accepts or rejects.

Sheikh Obayd also stressed the importance of not rushing to make judgements such as Tabdee'.

If someoene wants more clarification then refer to al Had al Faasil bayna ahlu sunnah wa ahlul baatdil a tape by sheikh Obayd on this issue.


قال تعالى:{إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون}
قال الشيخ السعدي - رحمه الله - في تفسيره (3/31): " فلا يحرف محرف معنى من معانيه( القرآن ) إلا وقيض  الله له من يبين الحق المبين وهذا من أعظم آيات الله ونعمه على عباده المؤمنين".

03-03-2004 @ 4:13 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu `Iyaad   (UK)
Posts: 182
Joined: Sep 2002

Translation of the Speech of Shaykh Khaalid ar-Raddaadee

Question: The question, may Allaah preserve you is regarding the mosques, or regarding the mosque of Ahl ul-Hadeeth in Birmingham and other mosques whose administrators are not clear Salafees (salafiyyeen waadiheen), this is in accordance with what has been mentioned in the question (i.e. this term "clear Salafees"), however, sometimes they invite Salafee Shaykhs, so is it permissible, and what is the ruling upon the attendance of those Salafee Mashaayikh in the likes of these mosques. So benefit us, may Allaah reward you with good.

Shaykh Khaalid ar-Raddaadee: Bismillaah ir-Rahmaan ir-Raheem. In relation to what has come in this question, then:

Firstly, the saying of the questioner that those (mentioned) are "Salafiyyeen ghayr waadiheen" is not correct, because they are known for tahazzub (partisanship), hizbiyyoon, they support hizbiyyah, and they aid the people of tahazzub against Ahl us-Sunnah, and they make vile insults against the pure Ahl us-Sunnah. Hence, describing them as "Salafiyyeen ghayr al-waadiheen" is an error. This description is an error. It is not permissible to apply it. Rather, they have a great deal of tahazzub. And at present they are stirring in the murkey waters, and they use the good opinion that is with some of the people of knowledge regarding certain individuals amongst them. Then [employing this good opinion that the Shaykhs have of some of them] they invite them to give them a lecture in their mosques or centres over the telephone, or on paltalk.

For this reason it is not desirable to go to them and to increase their numbers. Rather it is desirable that they are advised, and boycotted until they withhold from this evil behaviour (maslak) of theirs which [word unclear] to their tahazzub. Likewise, their evil insults against Ahl us-Sunnah, and their war against Ahl us-Sunnah. And Allaah knows best.

Question: They added to the previous question that there is... that these mosques, likewise, distribute articles against Shaykh Rabee` (hafidhahulLaahu ta`aalaa) and that there is a mosque of the "waadiheen" only three minutes from this hizbee mosque. So they made that clear for the Shaykh, may Allaah reward you with good.

Shaykh Khaalid ar-Raddaadee: [The answer is] in accordance with my [aforementioned] speech, that was mentioned regarding the question. It has already preceded in what we have replied with that the Jamaa`at Ahl il-Hadeeth in Birmingham, [that] we have explained that it is not correct to apply the expression "salafiyyeen ghayr waadiheen" to them. Rather we say they are Hizbiyyoon, we say they are Hizbiyyoon. And it is not desirable to divide Salafiyyeen into "waadiheen" and "ghayr waadiheen". This division is not correct, and this description is not correct. A Salafee is always "waadih", "mubayyin", his manhaj is "bayyin, waadih", as has been said by Ibn Seereen, and al-Hasan al-Basree and others, "They used to consider a man to be upon the [correct] path, so long as he traversed upon the athar (narrations)". So the Salafee is waadih in his behaviour (maslak). There is not found a "Salafee ghayr waadih". This one who is ghayr waadih is a hizbee, one who conceals (himself), he is to be labelled a hizbee. And if there is a Salafee who has not reached (the level) of tahazzub, [but] there are observations upon him, we say regarding this person, "there are observations upon him", and we do not cease to advise him regarding them in order that he may return and leave aside those [issues for which] observations [have been made upon him]. And it is not desirable to divide the Salafiyyeen into "waadiheen" and "ghayr waadiheen", because the Salafiyyoon are "waadihoon", "bayyinoon" in their behaviour (maslak) and their manhaj in the path of their da`wah... As for the issue of "Salafee ghayr waadih" this is not good, this description, if we were to say that this is a description (wasf)...let alone this being a division (taqseem), this is a false division.

Secondly, it is desirable for a student of knowledge that he is eager for [attending] the mosques of the pure Ahl us-Sunnah, the Salafiyyeen, he is eager for [attending] their mosques, that he contacts them, and maintains connection with them, and that he has patience with them, and that he advises them and they advise him, and that he is with his brothers and that he increases the numbers of his Salafee brothers, and that he remains far from those Hizbiyyeen, those about whom the likes of these affairs have been mentioned, that they spread books in which their is revilement upon Shaykh Rabee` (hafidhahulLaah) or other Salafee Mashaayikh, or in which there is censure, or in which there are the likes of these matters, they desire to increase their numbers by way of their lectures ...[words unclear]... And for this reason it is upon the Salafee to be eager to be in connection with his Salafee brothers and to leave those Hizbiyyeen. And Allaah is the granter of success.

أبو عياض أمجد بن محمد رفيق السلفي
-=amjad bin muhammad rafiq=-

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