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» Further Clarification Needed from Aqeel Walker
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05-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismilla was Salaatu was Salaamu Alaa Rasoolillah

As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmathullah

It is not a doubtful matter that the salafi gives much importance to knowing the condition of the one he takes his religion from.

Muhammad bin Sireen rahimahullah said, "This knowledge is the religion, so be careful from whom you take your religion."

Especially in this day and time, the Salafi can never be too careful regarding these matters, because of the great number of individuals and groups that have covered themselves with the cloak of Salafiyyah so that they may keep their deviance and hizbiyyah hidden from the Salafis!

After establishing this, then it must be mentioned that the brother Aqeel Walker still has certain affairs to clarify about himself, which have been brought to the attention of the people regarding the time he spent in Yemen and the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia.

It is known regarding him, that he spent some time in Yemen in Jaamiatul Imaan of Zindaani hadaahullah, the ikhwaanee who Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadee rahimahullah refuted thoroughly, and in this time he did not once, visit one of Imaams of Ahlus Sunnah wa Jama'ah in this time, Al Allaamah Muqbil bin Hadee, even though he was advised to do so.  This is something that would cause confusion in the mind of any Salafi with a sound intelect.  So the question remains, what was the reasoning of the brother in not visiting the Shaykh? What was the position of the brother regarding Zindaani hadaahullah and Shaykh Muqbil rahimahullah?  Did he consider himself salafi at this time?  This is something that must be clarified for the people!

Also, it is known regarding the brother that he spent some time in the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia. With whom did he associate himself there?  Who from the mashaykh of this blessed daw'wah did he sit with and who did he visit?  I am sure, it is common knowledge for the members of this forum that the companionship of an individual says a great deal about a person!

And lastly, this is not an attempt to remove the brother from the ranks of the Salafis, nor is it an attempt to cast doubts upon him, but it is a sincere request from this brother, who is a da'ee in the USA, to clarify these points, so that he can make his position clear to the Salafis.

Was Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmathullah


05-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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All I know is good about the brother but if anyone would like further clarity of him then why not just visit the site of his masjid where he has an email link for anyone who needs to contact him.

The site is

Aboo Abdillaah Umar

كل خير في اتباع من سلف- وكل شر في أبتداع من خلف

05-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismilla was Salaatu was Salaamu Alaa Rasoolillah

As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmathullah

Akhi we are asking Aqeel to clarify himself.

As for you knowing good then that is based upon your knowledge, this information that we have heard about him has to be clarified.

I am suprised how people seem to be elevating this man and no one realy knows alot about him.

What is his position on Magrawi, Aroor and Abul Hasan?
And there are many more questions to be asked!


05-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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This website has a link to it on the website by the followers of Abul-Hasan in the UK, in Luton. So if the followers of Abul-Hasan are linking to this website, then need to free themselves from these people, as they are stubborn opposers of the Salafi manhaj. This issue needs to be brought up as well. They need to write openly requesting that their link be removed.

05-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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The reason for the website being placed there is so that you may contact him yourself.

I understand that you want clarity so get the clarity.  Its a very simply matter for you to either contact the brother via email or the telephone number listed on the site.  

If anyone knows the detailed jarh mufassar so that the affair may be clarified and rectified and so that suspicion and doubt (whether intended or not) can be removed then please present it.

Furthermore no one has elevated anyone here rather the statements were just.  So I encourage you to be as well.

NOTE - THIS IS NOT A DEFENSE OF AQEEL WALKER.  And the he should indeed clarify.

Imaam al-Hasan al-Basree said, when he came across a group of people disputing:

?These ones have become tired of worship, speaking has become easy for them, and their piety has diminished, and that is why they talk.?

This message was edited by alatharee on 10-6-02 @ 1:03 AM

06-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Is there another site of his that anyone knows about? I have never seen links on his site

Imaam al-Hasan al-Basree said, when he came across a group of people disputing:

?These ones have become tired of worship, speaking has become easy for them, and their piety has diminished, and that is why they talk.?

06-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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I spoke to Aboo Sumayyah Aqeel this morning before he departed Maryland homeward bound. I explained to him what was needed from him to be done and he agreed to do so with no problem.

To some, it may seem like he has no desire to respond or he is running from something or the like .

Due to Aqeel's inability to register , log on , read and respond at this time ( which seems to be the problem of many presently ), I will be posting his bayaan ( clarification ) after he forwards it to me , for all those to read and respond if they care to do so . If he is granted registration access , then of course he will talke care of it himself .

May Allaah grant us patient with each other !

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أو اسكت بحلم

06-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Of course I meant to say 'patience' instead of patient!

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

07-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Barakallaahu Feekum wa Ahsanallaahu Ilaikum

Imaam al-Hasan al-Basree said, when he came across a group of people disputing:

?These ones have become tired of worship, speaking has become easy for them, and their piety has diminished, and that is why they talk.?

07-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Innal Hamdu lilah wassalatu wassalam ala rasoolilah wa ba'ad

Some points that need to be highlighted in regards to this issue.

1] Regarding the kalaam:
"My understanding regarding Aqeel's leaving the ikwaani kuliyah in Yemen, is that when Sh. Muqbil made his fatwa concerning attending it with Zandani, Aqeel left as soon as he was financially able"

This is incorrect, Shaykh Muqbil was warning against Zindaani and his Hizby university way before Aqeel even entered Yemen, and this is something that is ma'roof!

2] Aqeel was advised to leave the Ikhwaani University by a number of brothers, yet he rejected their advice and stayed!

3] Aqeel never once visited Shaykh Muqbils camp in Dammaaj.

4] As for any dhun surrounding him, it is based upon strong qara'in which any salafi who understands the manhaj of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamah would accept, as Imaam as-Sa'dee said regarding the ayah in suratul Hujjuraat ?O you who believe avoid much suspicion (dhun), indeed some suspicions are sins (ithm)?, then this dhun which is ithm is the dhun which is free from any reality or factors, and this is not the case here.

5] So all we are asking for is to establish if he has repented from his mistake whilst at the same time acknowledging it was an error, and that some time should be given to him untill his affair becomes clear and established.
Nobody taking him out of salafiyyah, but he himself should make his position clear and apparent to the people so that the correct position can be taken.
As the salaf were cautious regarding the affair of those amongst ahlul bida who recanted, they were not allowed to carry weapons, nor take part in the battles, nor gather together, and this is all by way of caution. And one can look to majmoo al-fatwaa vol 25 page 157.

So what then about those who give quick tazkiyyah, or raise a person to be amoungst the du'at of salafiyyah in calling the people, is this not a weighty affair? Something which one will be accountable for on yaum al-kiyyamah. And it is not for them to make clarification, as they are not the ones who fell into the error, rather clarification is sought from the one who fell into the error himself.

So it is upon us to refer the affairs of Dawah back to the ulamah and those who are known to have strong contact with them.

Is there any reward for good but good? [55:60]

07-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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"So what then about those who give quick tazkiyyah, or raise a person to be amoungst the du'at of salafiyyah in calling the people"

Who has given Aqeel a tazkiyyah and who has raised him up to anything beyond what was said about him here?  Neither a tazkiyyah nor an elevation is in anyones kalaam here.

Since his contact information was posted has TaalibSalafi, Sunnah, kitaabut-tawheed, or anyone else with questions and curiousity regarding the brother contacted him?  If so what was the result?

Imaam al-Hasan al-Basree said, when he came across a group of people disputing:

?These ones have become tired of worship, speaking has become easy for them, and their piety has diminished, and that is why they talk.?

07-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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  regarding the fact that the website of the Luton Liar has a link to Aqeel Walker's site, can someone please clarify whether it is possible to ask someone NOT to link to your website? As far as I understand on how the internet works, anyone is pretty much free to link to whatever websites one wants. Of course, if that is the case, then needs to make it clear on its website that they have nothing to do with the Luton Liar, but then again, if the brother needs to do that to every deviant that links to his site, he'd probably spend his life doing just that! Also, many of the links on the Luton Liar's site don't work, just to show that on top of being ignorant in the deen, he is also incapable of simple HTML coding. Finally, he also links to Islam4Kids(though link doesn't work), does that mean there is now a black mark against SP if the same principles are applied? What about his links to shaykh Muqbil and ibn Uthaimeen's sites? I may missing something here, but on this particular issue, I really can't see why Aqeel Walker can be held to account for being linked by some deviant sites.

07-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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a couple points here

As for people linking to salafee sites, of course the salafee has nothing to do with that.  Just to give some insight, our brothers at SPUBS have over 4000 websites linking to them (maa shaa' Allaah).  TROID has 1000's as well! (*)  Will you now oblige them to open a new office to police the internet against people linking to them?  They have a lot of work to do if this is the case.  So then let us be fair and not grab for straws.

After all, if someone leaves a hizbee site and goes to a salafee site, isn't that a good thing?

As for the qualifications for being an imaam, then many salafee communities are doing the best they can with someone who studied a year here or a semester there.  Most salafee masjids in the US that I know of put the best person forth, and that does not mean that they believe he has tazkiyyaaaaaat from the scholars.  Somebody has to be the imaam.  In Pittsburgh, the salafee imaam only studied a very short time, and they know that, but if you took him away (because he has no tazkiyyah), then you are left with people who are even less educated and less qualified.

I am not attempting to provide any specific information about Aqeel Walker, I am only trying to rid us of certain unrealistic expectations.  I am sure we will hear from the brother Aqeel soon.

May Allaah reward you all.


(*) I say this based on the results of a "link popularity check" that I just performed, so these are actual numbers!

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

07-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Good points Moosa - may Allaah preserve you,  it is important that the brothers abroad understand the types of situations we have here in the states.  There are very few salafee students of knowledge and very few people who have knowledge of the language to translate the works of the Ulamaa.

The majority of the students live on the East coast, after you pass those states going to the west then the numbers dwindle down to what can be counted on one hand, or perhaps half of that.  On top of this most of the students who are  on the East coast live in the North East so what you have in the south below the mason dixen line (VA) are perhaps 3 or 4 brothers.

Those small amounts of Salafee (and I mean SALAFEE and not hizbees in salafee clothing) masaajid that we do have usually have the best one put forward to be the leader.  Each individual does his best to to stick with the Ulamaa that we know of.
Everything is not so cut and dry and simple EVERYTIME.
Does this make any of us mutasaahil? Not at all!  If we were then we could probably mention more than 3 or 4 brothers outside of the ones known for calling to Salafiyyah in the south.

No doubt we must analyze the religion of everyone put forth to teach the people.  And the people do the best they can to do so.

Now concerning what was presented by "kitaabut-tawheed" and information I received from other students who sat in YEMEN who advised him personally then of course Aqeel must clarify those areas immediately and clarify the present position he holds with the ones who advised him to sit with Zindaanee.  
Aqeel was asked why he does not come to Dammaaj and sit with Sheikh Muqbil and his reply was "Because my Sheikh in ATLANTA (???) said that Dammaaj was full of hizbees and that I should stay with Zindaanee".
This statement here of Aqeel's must be clarified and rectified even though it took place a few years ago as the students from Yemen only know that he was a man who sat with Zindaanee al-Ikhwaanee and this is the jarh mufassar that must be removed and clarified by Aqeel.

Again this is not an elevation, praise, tazkiyyah or anything of the likes rather being fair and just from the knowledge we know of the brother.  

And ALLAAH knows best

Imaam al-Hasan al-Basree said, when he came across a group of people disputing:

?These ones have become tired of worship, speaking has become easy for them, and their piety has diminished, and that is why they talk.?

This message was edited by alatharee on 10-7-02 @ 5:10 PM

07-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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This message was edited by yusuf.adam on 12-28-02 @ 12:20 AM

07-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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This was sent to me , Aboo Tasneem Dawud Adib al-Amreekee al-Atharee today from Aboo Sumayyah Aqeel Walker:

Clarification from Aqeel Walker (Part 1)

Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, al-hamdulillaah was-salaatu was-salaamu 'alaa rasoolillaah, wa 'alaa Aalihi wa sahbihi wa 'alaa man walaahu,

Salaamun 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah. This is a clarification from myself, Abu Sumayyah Aqeel Walker in Atlanta Georgia, to my sincere brothers and sisters who visit this forum and strive to adhere to the Book and the authentic Sunnah according to the understanding of as-Salaf us-Saalih. This is also to all of those who are unable to sign on to this forum (like myself), but who also love this blessed manhaj and strive to adhere to it to the best of their ability with sincerity.

It has recently come to my attention by way of some dear brothers of mine whom I love very much and have much respect and admiration for, that there is confusion about "me" on that I need to clarify. Some of these brothers include well known du'aat here in the USA who are firm upon this blessed manhaj of our righteous predecessors and some of these brothers are not as popular, but they have just as much concern for myself and the future of the Salafi Da'wah here America. All the comments that I have received and the advice I have received concerning this matter has come with much sincerity and wisdom, and I like to think of myself as someone who is humble and pleased to receive good advice. I think the brothers who know me, such as Moosaa Richardson, Abul-Hasan Malik, Dawud Adib, Abu Uwais Abdullah Ali and others know at least this much about me if nothing else.

Nevertheless, I will try to address these questions concerning me and my past and current affairs to the best of my ability and I seek Allaah's aid in doing so.


TaalibSalafi said: "It is known regarding him, that he spent some time in Yemen in Jaamiatul Imaan of Zindaani hadaahullah, the ikhwaanee who Shayk Muqbil bin Hadee rahimahullaah refuted thoroughly, and in this time he did not once, visit one of the Imaams of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah in this time, Al-Allaamah Muqbil bin Haadee, even though he was advised to do so. This is something that would cause confusion in the mind of any Salafi with a sound intellect. So the question remains, what was the reasoning of the brother in not visiting the Shaykh? What was the position of the brother regarding Zindaani hadaahullaah and Shaykh Muqbil rahimahullaah? Did he consider himself salafi at this time? This is something that must be clarified for the people!"

Aqeel's Response: Yes, the first portion of this is correct. I spent some time in Yemen in Jaamiatul Imaan of the Dajjaal Abdul-Majeed Az-Zandaanee. I met Zandaanee in his home in Sana'aa and I entered the Kulliyah with his personal acceptance letter and instructions to the administrators to place me in the first year of Sharee'ah studies. If one hears this and leaves it like that, he would almost certainly be suspicious of me if he knows the reality of Jaami'atul-Eemaan. That's just the point... at that time I didn't know the REALITIES of Jaami'atul-Eemaan, otherwise I would have never gone there in the first place. How did this happen? Why did I do that? Well the answer is that I was advised to enter this school by a brother named Muhammad Zahraan (or Muhammad Saabir to others) from Egypt. He was living here in Atlanta at the time and he was the most influential person among the Salafis here at that time. The brothers here all thought he was Salafi. I'm not originally from here (Atlanta), but my wife is. And when I met the Salafis here years ago, he was "the man" amongst them. When he saw that I was intent upon going to Yemen he advised me to go to visit another guy by the name of Hasan Zubaadee (another Egyptian) who was living in Charlotte, North Carolina at that time and he was the Imaam of an Islaamic Center there. I knew Hasan from being a speaker at past QSS conferences so I was under the impression that he was a "salafee Shaikh". I also knew he was famous in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for Qur'aanic healing and Ruqyah. I didn't know Muhammad Saabir that well except through from the brothers here in Atlanta. Muhammad told me go visit Hasan in Charlotte before going to Yemen and get his advice because he used to live there and he knows the conditions of the people there and where you should study. He was against me going to sit with Muqbil but he decided to let me hear more clarification from someone who knows Yemen better. So when I visited Hasan in NC I told him why I had come and what I needed from him in reference to advice about studying in Yemen. He took me in his office (at the masjid) and he began saying some very ugly things about Shaikh Muqbil (rahimahullaah). He said, "I can't stand to hear his (Muqbil's) voice. If I hear someone playing a tape of his I have to shut it off immediately." He also said, "If you go sit with Muqbil you will not know how to do anything but curse and swear in Arabic when you come back. I've seen people go sit with him and then when they come back all they know how to do is abuse the scholars and curse and call people filthy names." Then he said, "It's better for you to go to Jaami'atul-Eemaan. I used to teach there and the people there are more balanced." I asked him, "are they Salafis?" He said, "They have salafis there but there are also some Ikhwaanees there too. But it's ok because you can still learn the correct knowledge there and you will come out more "balanced" than if you went to Muqbil's camp. I fear for you there." Then I asked him, "What about Abul-Hasan al-Misree's camp?" He said, "I can't say as much about him, but I wouldn't advise you to go there either. He's basically on the same thing as his teacher Muqbil. Abusing and criticizing other Muslims unjustly."

Since I didn't know much about Shaikh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) at that time and I considered QSS to be a Salafi organization and Hasan Zubaadee was one of their invited speakers, so I gave his advice consideration. Also, another brother in the community in Atlanta told me that a well-known daa'ee told him that Shaikh Muqbil had deviated from the salafi manhaj. I never spoke with that Daa'ee at that time to confirm his statement, but this response from Hasan Zubaadee definitely gave it some support. Then, prior to all of this, when our elder and predecessor in the Da'wah for many years, Dawud Adib, came to Atlanta in April 1998 and spoke in Masjid Umar Abdul-Azeez, myself and some of the brothers asked him where was the place to go study? He replied, "It looks like the place to go now is Yemen." Then we asked, "At Shaikh Muqbil's camp?" He replied, "No, you should go to Abul-Hasan Al-Misree's camp." I don't blame Dawud for his statement, nor do I consider him deviant or anything for making it, because at that time a lottttt of people though Abul-Hasan Al-Misree was the best thing since sliced bread. People were even saying that one of Shaikh Bin Baaz's friends visited him and after sitting with him, he said, "I've never seen anyone like him." Anyway, the last person who's advice I sought was Hasan Zubaadee and he told me to basically forget Muqbil and Abul-Hasan and to go to Jaami'atul-Eemaan. So I acted on that, and it was horrible, wicked advice and that became clear as things unfolded.

So actually I was NOT advised to sit with Shaikh Muqbil at that time. I was being advised against it. Only one friend of mine was speaking good about Shaikh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) and his name was Abu Sukhailah Khaliyl ul-Mu'mineen. But he was not anyone of knowledge or someone of influence like Hasan Zubaadee and Muhammad Saabir. As a matter of fact, at that time Khaliyl was himself sitting with Jamaal Zarabozo in Bolder, Colorodo. So he wasn't doing much better than I was. Many of us were confused back then, wallaahi.

The only person I remember advising me to come to Damaaj while in Yemen was the brother Hasan from New Jersey, whom everyone refers to as 'Big Has'. I think he's in the Kingdom now. He was a sincere brother whom I was very fond of personally. He would visit us (Sulaymaan and Waleed Williams, Abdul-Hakeem, Saud Muhammad, myself and the other Americans) at Jaami'atul-Eemaan. He would actually come onto the campus and come to our dorm rooms. He never argued with me and I think he may have been a bit shy to come out right and tell me, but he difinitely would advise Sulayman and Waleed to leave there and come to Damaaj as soon as possible, and he would do so in my presence. I guess that was his way of telling me and advising me as well because he didn't know me that well, but he knew them from the states. We would go out to the city and eat together and go to Jaami'ul-Khayr in Bi'r Ubayd. I didn't fully agree with what Big Has was saying at first, but as things unfolded and I heard the foolishness that Zandaanee was pushing it became clearer.

I myself encouraged Sulaymaan, Waleed and any others who were left there to leave and go to Damaaj. I even told the other Sulaymaan (John Walker Lindh) to get out of Jaami'atul-Eemaan and go to sit with Shaikh Muqbil in Damaaj. This was all of course after I heard it from Shaikh Muqbil himself on the tapes, Al-Burkaan fir-Raddi 'alaa Kulliyatil-Eemaan. And then the follow up tapes, "Ta'zeez ul-Burkaan". I translated those tapes for the brothers on the campus at Jaami'atul-Eemaan (as well as many other tapes by Shaikh Al-Albaanee). We would try to benefit like that until we could leave. Everyone's situation was different. Sulaymaan and Waleed didn't just "JUMP UP" and leave after hearing those tapes. They had to wait around like I did until they got some money sent to them from the States by their family. THEN they left. My situation was no different. The only difference is that I had no one sending me money on any regular basis. I went months with nothing in my pocket (WALLLAAAAHI), nothing but lent and dust. I didn't even have a few riyals (25 at that time) to catch a bus or cab from the Jaami'ah to get to the city (or Jawlah Jaami'il-Jaami'til-Jaadeedah (at the Daa'iree intersection). My wife and kids were here in America without me waiting for me to find a way to bring them to Yemen. I ran out of money and couldn't even call them to let them know that I was alive or anything. I finally got a letter from my wife (mail at the Jaami'ah and in Yemen in general is not well organized or swift) letting me know that she had sent me some money to Western Union. I took that money and called her letting her know that it was not good to come there and that I was coming back to get them and bring us all to Damaaj. A brother named Jibreel Muhammad (he used to go by Ameen) from the DC area, and Tariq Porter in Riyadh both can tell brothers that I sent letters to those brothers I knew in America letting them know that the school wasn't salafee and that they shouldn't come there. I then found some work at the BLC (British Language Center) in Sana'a teaching English just to work up some money to get outta' there. Big Hasan, Sulaymaan and Waleed even came up there and visited me on the job. They knew what I was doing (tryin' to get outta' there, wallaahi). I taught until I got up the plane money and then I left immediately. I went home hoping to get my family and bring them back to Yemen to go up "the hill" as we used to call it, to Damaaj.

When I got back to the states, I found out that my 3 year old daughter, Sumayyah (my oldest) had lost her ability to speak and was having strange seizures and fits. My wife was crushed and I was as well. My wife knew this when I was Yemen but she said she didn't have the strength to tell me because we had such big plans and she really wanted me to study Islaam. She was so patient with me and always supportive. She didn't want to distract me from my studies by telling me that our oldest child was diagnosed with Autism. When I left for Yemen, Sumayyah could talk and communicate fine. When I returned back she was almost like a vegetable. Going back to Yemen was out of the question at that time.

I thank Allaah that I had enough money to purchase some of the Shaikh's books and tapes before I left and benefit from that as much as I could. I never told anyone that I went to Damaaj and I let people know that I was at Jaami'atul-Eemaan and that they were hizbees. Someone just called the masjid here today from Canada asking me about going there to study, and I told them DONT DO IT. It was only Allaah's mercy that kept from being won over by their influence at that school. They were telling us that Shaikh Muqbil said it was ok to study at Jaami'atul-Eemaan for those who were not Yemeni because we couldn't get an Iqaamah up the hill. They were telling us that Shaikh Muqbil and Shaikh Zandaanee were talking about working together. Wallaahi I heard all of this at the school. But when the tapes came out and I heard the Shaikh's voice myself saying what he said, that ended the issue for me. And this is the Haqq. Whoever says other than that he has evil intentions concerning me or he doesn't really know me and he's judging me incorrectly.

Was-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

Abu Sumayyah Aqeel Walker

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

07-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Shaykh Zayd al-madkhalee was recently asked:

Ya shaykh how do we deal with those who left Hizbiyyah recently, and currently attach themselves to salafiyyah, specifically those who have something of knowledge, shall we put him forward to teach the people immediately?

The shaykh replied "akkidoo [confirm], establish what he is upon of the correct aqeedah and the correct manhaj"

Is there any reward for good but good? [55:60]

07-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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An account was set up for Aqeel Walker, but his mail box was full and the message bounced back, since he was one of the earlier ones to request membership. Just for your information. If the brother wants his account details, he can purge his mailbox and request his account details.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

07-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Clarification from Aqeel Walker (Part 2)

Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, al-hamdulillaah was-salaatu was-salaamu 'alaa rasoolillaah, wa 'alaa Aalihi wa sahbihi wa 'alaa man walaahu,

Salaamun 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah. This is a clarification from myself, Abu Sumayyah Aqeel Walker in Atlanta Georgia, to my sincere brothers and sisters who visit this forum and strive to adhere to the Book and the authentic Sunnah according to the understanding of as-Salaf us-Saalih. This is also to all of those who are unable to sign on to this forum (like myself), but who also love this blessed manhaj and strive to adhere to it to the best of their ability with sincerity.

This is the second part of the clarification concerning the confusion about "me" on


TaalibSalafi said: "Also, it is known regarding the brother that he spent some time in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With whom did he associate himself there? Who from the mashaykh of this blessed da'wah did he sit with and who did he visit? I am sure, it is common knowledge for the members of this forum that the companionship of an individual says a great deal about the person!"

Aqeel's Response: Yes, this is also correct, may Allaah bless you and have mercy upon you. I lived in Saudi Arabia, in the city of Riyadh. I worked as a translator with the publishing company, Darussalam, the famous publishers of the Noble Qur'aan, Saheeh ul-Bukhaaree (in English), Tafsir Ibn Katheer (in English) and many other books. The major part of my time in Saudi Arabia was spent (as Dawud and Abul-Hasan Malik both can confirm) behind a desk working like Kunte Kinte (or Toby) at Darussalam. We worked 9 hours a day 5 days a week and then 6 hours on the sixth day. They didn't even want the workers to break to go to Salaah in the masjid (Wallaahi). Malik knows as well as Abu Khaliyl Jadd Sylvester, who was my colleague for that entire time (2 years), that I was the one who made the "bid'ah" at Darussalam of going to the masjid for the prayers, and it was as if I was doing something evil. Everyone knows that in Saudi Arabia businesses are supposed to close for the prayers... Everyone but Abdul-Malik Mujahid that is. I showed them the Fatwaa of Shaikh bin Baaz about this (praying in the work place when there's a masjid near by, but one refuses to go to the congregational prayer at the masjid), but they did not listen. I was just considered a trouble maker. So what do you think happened when I would put in requests to go across the country (9 hour bus ride at least) to make 'Umrah in Makkah???? I was almost ready to physically beat Abdul-Malik Mujahid to a pulp and we had extremely heated words over JUST THIS!!! Malik knows. He left and went to go make 'Umrah when he came over there with us, and when he came back Abdul-Malik had some Kalaam for him too (but not as harsh though, because he was new and Abdul-Malik hadn't tricked him into signing the ta'baan contract yet).

Nevertheless, I tried to do my best to benefit where I was with the little time I had outside of work in Riyadh. I sat in the Duroos of the Muftee, Shaikh Abdul-Azeez Aal Ash-Shaikh (hafithahullaah) in his house in Hayy 'Ulayya. This was on Thursday and Friday afternoons between 'Asr and Maghrib. I went to this Dars the most regularly. He was teaching Tafseer Ibn Katheer, Tafseer Al-Qurtubee, Zaad ul-Mustaqni', Al-Bidaayah Wan-Nihaayah of Ibn Katheer, and we would read from the Fataawaa of the Lajnah and also Shaikh Bin Baaz's Fataawaa from volume one of the Kitaab ud-Da'wah publication. I also sat in the classes of Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan (hafithahullaah) in his masjid in Hayy Malazz. This dars was after Fajr on Sunday and Tuesday mornings if I remember correctly. He was teaching Bulooghul-Maraam, Ar-Radd 'alaal-Jahmiyyah, and Iqtidhaa as-Siraatil-Mustaqeem of Ibn Taymiyyah. I also would occassionally sit in the dars of Shaikh Saalih Aal-Ash-Shaikh on Thursday mornings after Fajr for Tafseer Ibn Katheer. I also had the pleasure of meeting and hearing the Khutbahs of Abdus-Salaam Burjis, and even Shaikh al-Uthaymeen when he would visit Riyadh before his death. I also sat in the Dawrah of Shaikh 'Abdullah Jarboo' 2 summers ago when he came to Riyadh from Madinah for the summer sessions and explained Shaikh Abdur-Rahmaan bin Naasir As-Sa'dee's "At-Tawdheeh wal-Bayaan fee Shajaratil-Eemaan". All of this was in my spare time away from the 60 hours/week of work I was required to do at Darussalam like some slave. Then when Abdul-Malik Mujahid (the man who runs Darussalam) found out I was sitting in these Duroos, do you think he tried to make it easy on me and give me more time off or something??? HA!! He main concern was, "are you telling these Shaikhs that you work for Darussalam?" I told him, "No." He said, "Well, you must tell them so that they will know that we brought you here and so that the name of the company can be pushed with the scholars." All he cared about was his business, wallaahi. Not Salafiyyah, not Talabul-'Ilm, ...just money money money (or mo' money mo' money mo' money). Shaikh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) constantly warned against as-haabul-maaddah or al-Maaddiyyoon (materialistic people). Ahmad Assing from TROID also knows of these conditions as he was there in Riyadh and visited us occassionally at Darussalam, may Allaah bless him.

In reference to why I never met Shaikh Rabee' or Shaikh Faalih, or any of the scholars of Makkah or Madinah, the reason is that I wasn't allowed to just "chill out" in the Kingdom. "I was there to WORK" as Abdul-Malik Mujahid so eloquently put it. If I tried to "sneak" away for 'Umrah (which was just a 2 and a half day trip - wednesday afternoon to Friday night) it would surely be a fight with him when I returned. If I asked for permission to go, it was always, "brother... the work can't get done if you're in Makkah. Do that some other time." Then when our contractual vacations came up, he would try to force us to work those days too, with NO increase in pay or anything, Wallaahi. Abu Khaliyl can verify what I'm saying. He was there and witnessed all of this. So I never got to spend much time in Makkah and Madinah at all. I made 'Umrah about 4 times (all 2 and half day trips with wife and 3 children, one autistic child needing constant attention) and Hajj once. Anyone who knows me personally knows that I support Shaikh Rabee' and I recognize his seniority in this Ummah and as a man who's carrying the salafee da'wah in these times and holding its flag high. No one, WALLAAAHI, NO ONE can ever say they've heard me say anything against Shaikh Rabee' or warn against him or side with ANYONE against him. When issues have come out, I've always been one of the first people to tell the masses, stick with Shaikh Rabee'. He IS Ahlus-Sunnah now. I say this from our mimbar in our masjid and openly in front of the people, and I've been saying it in Riyadh, and in Yemen as well - even when I was confused about Jaami'atul-Eemaan - wallaahi. I heard people saying "those madkhaliyyoon" and so forth, but I always argued with those types of people and chastised them. Once again, Abu Khaliyl, Tariq Porter in Riyadh, Khaliyl Abdur-Rahman in Florida (who was there with us in Riyadh) and Jibreel Muhammad in Riyadh can all testify for this. They were my closest friends there in Riyadh.

TaalibSalafi said: "I am suprised how people seem to be elevating this man and no one realy knows alot about him. What is his position on Magrawi, Aroor and Abul-Hasan?"

Aqeel's Reply: I hope no one is elevating me akhee. I only hope that from Allaah, not from the people. I tell people alllllll the time (wallaahi akhee), I am just a translator and the Imam of the Salafi Masjid in my city. Nothing more. I was blessed to see some important people among our scholars in the Kingdom and Allaah blessed me to have a grasp of the Arabic language where I can benefit from them, buy their books and tapes and read a lot and listen to tapes of the scholars. That's it, nothing more. I never put myself out there as "the man". I even told our brother Abul-Hasan Maalik (hafithahullaah) that I was considering leaving the public eye "period" and not making myself available for any of these public gatherings and such, simply because I don't want any confusion amongst the people. He advised me not to, but just to find a way to post on here and clarify things. So that's what I'm doing. I'm not a hidden Hizbee sneaking around trying to push Hizbiyyah or anything like that. If it's not salafiyyah, I'm not trying to hear it. If it's not supported by our senior, reliable scholars, like the Imaams Ibn Baaz, Al-Albaanee, Ibn Al-'Uthaymeen, and Muqbil Al-Waadi'ee (rahimahumullaah), and after them of those who remain with us, like Shaikh Rabee', Shaikh 'Ubayd Al-Jaabiree, Shaikh Saalih As-Suhaymee, Shaikh 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbaad, Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan, Shaikh Abdul-Azeez Aal Ash-Shaikh, and their likes, then I'm not trying to hear it. Not from Abu Usaamah Khaleefah Ath-Thahabee, not from Abdul-Mun'im of QSS, not from Abul-Hasan Al-Misree Al-Fattaan, not from the Jordanians, not from Maghraawee, not from Usaamah al-Qoosee, not from Adnan Al'Aroor, not from Muhammad Jibaly, not from Saalih As-Saalih (who sided with 'Aroor against Shaikh Rabee', in case you all didn't know), NOT FROM any of them. And at our masjid we have removed allllll of their tapes, books, etc., without exception. Anyone who speaks against Shaikh Rabee' is an "IDIOT" as far as I'm concerned and people at are masjid ALL know that. And now I'm making it even more public.

These ridiculous Hizbees are grabbing for straws now trying to save their sinking ships and reputations. Even at the expense of accusing the scholars of racism. They're saying that the only reason Shaikh Faalih and Shaikh Rabee' "caused" this "fitnah" with Abul-Hasan al-Misree, Al-Maghraawee, Usaamah Al-Qoosee, and the Jordanians is because they are NOT Saudis. They say, "they're not being fare, and if these brothers were Saudis they wouldn't deal with them with this harshness." What type of stupidness is that. That's reaaaallly grabbing for straws. So now they want to accuse the Shaikhs of Racism just because their "loved ones" are exposing themselves and their ignorance. Wallaahul-Musta'aan ikhwaan. They cried out, "Let the Lajnah in Madinah speak. We're waiting on the Lajnah for justice!" Now that the Lajnah has ruled against them and agreed with Shaikh Rabee' and confirmed that he was RIGHT in his observations against Al-Ma'ribi, now they're looking for more loop holes to grab. Wallaahi, they're just making themselves look more childish and stupid.

This is my position and anyone who knows me personally knows that, including my brother-in-law, Hani Abdullah Naasir in Aden, Yemen, with whom I always speak about these issues and this is what I've been saying from the outset wa maa baddaltu tabdeelan (and I haven't changed that in the least).

More to come inshaa' Allaah

was-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah

your brother,

Aqeel Walker

Was-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

Abu Sumayyah Aqeel Walker

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 30
Joined: Sep 2002
bismilah-wasalata-wasalam ala rasullilah sallalahualaihiwasalam ama-bad

asalam alaykum .may allah reward our brother aqeeland abu tasneem for clearing this matter which in reality could have been dealt with by a phone call instead of a forum.i dont know brother aqeel personally i saw him inflorida with abul hasan malik and dawud adiyb and i seriously doubt they would speak on a patform with a man if they had doubts about him -lets not be hasty to judge it was only yesterday that alot of us thought abu muflishah was the grand imam and that muhammad abdullah maqsud was the hadeeth scholar or we worked with islamic institutions like ssna or qss and we sincere and others might had had other objectives ..some of us find out sooner or later than others and unfourtunately some of us know but fail to inform our brothers like letting a blind man walk into traffic ...has anyone read the articcle its on troid questions and answers on the manhaj by shaykh ubayd al-jabiree hafizullah?????? where he mentions dont be hasty with your brothers in cuttng them off many of us ignore that and hold grudges in our hearts and think only of our selves or are lil group this is in opposiotion to the words of our prphet sallalahuallaiwasalm
none of you truly believe until you love for your brother what you love for yourself
lets internalize this especially in these times when we are the most hated people on this earth and the most divided if you see you brother salafi struggling reach out to him make effort share knowledge dont hoard it and assume everyone knows what you know far as brother aqeel is concerned the prophet sallahualaiwasalam said ALMARA ALA DEEN A KHALLELI...
so when isaw you in florida with malik and aboo tasneem i had no doubt that you were salafi.. iwas a tableeghi 12 years ago in nizamadeen there headquaters is that my fault?????? isatt with shaykh usama quosee 4 years ago is that my fault ?????? some of us were wearing those let the sunnah go forth shirts and the watches 3 months ago but if there with us now there with us and we want them to stay with us lets internalize surrah asr together alot of people i know now 6 months ago would assault you if you spoke about abu muflishah and some of them were my sahab i didnt cutt hem off because they were blinded by the building so i justed dropped seeds on them and tried to adhere to what shayjh ubayd said in the article and alot of them aplogized not only to me for being blind but they made ammends to others imaam al-albani makes things things clearin his his tape min huwa mubtadi min huwa kaffir  ..allah was testing our sincerity and ourability to rebound and completely submit ...its time to start healing softening the hearts and spend equal amounts of time in the tazkiyyah room trying to attain husnal khooluk ... we need more communication -sharing and coming together and networking enshallah this way we can cutt down on confusion and try to stay on the same page .....
abu abdullah muhammad islam
p.s. please be aware in regards to my dawa booklet why the word salAFI AND WHO ARE THE SALAF IM WORKING ON A


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