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22-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As-salaamu 'alaikum

Is this the same Dr. Saleh as-Saleh that has a lecture on on "The realities of sufi'ism".

Could someone please clarify?
JazakumUllaahu Khairan jazaa

22-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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salaam 'alaykum yaa ayn.yaqidhah,

When I was living in Riyadh I was told by a brother whom I consider thiqah from another brother whom I also consider thiqah that when Shaikh Rabee' warned against Adnan Al-'Aroor and his praising of Hasan Albanna and Sayyid Qutub and his quoting them and so forth, Dr. Saalih As-Saalih supported 'Aroor and defended him against Shaikh Rabee'. It was also mentioned in this discussion between us that Mahmoud Murad also sided with 'Aroor against Shaikh Rabee'. I am in the process of contacting those brothers now to double check the info that they gave me, but I'm not crazy or deaf and I remember quite well what was said. I'll double check it though to be certain.

Baarakallaahu feek
Akhuk fillaah


22-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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this is another reminder for the bros to say what they know about dr saleh as saleh please.

18-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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can bro aqeel walker or anyone else who knows clarify what happened with dr. saleh as saleh?

and if any of the maashayik have spoke up against him as he was with sh ibn uthayimeen for some time.


09-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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salaamun alaykum wa rahmatullaah

This is a reply to Umm Aasiyah, baarakallaahu feehaa

(Yes!!! Aqeel is finally a registered member. I thank my dear brother and friend Aboo Tasneem for posting for me until now, and I thank all of you for being patient with me until I could reply. I also thank all the brothers and sisters who contacted me and gave me "GOOD, SOUND, SINCERE, SALAFEE" advice, both on line and by contacting me personally about this. I love this salafee manhaj and I really have a strong love for it's people, and I think some of you who know me know this well.)

Anyway, to I think I answered your question sister on my second clarification that was posted (Part 2). After I left Ta'baan Jaami'atul-Eemaan I returned to the states to my family and then went to Saudi Arabia where I lived in Riyadh. I also mentioned to in that same post those scholars whom I was blessed to meet and get some benefit from. Also, those who know me know that I'm always reading from the books of our 'Ulamaa' (in Arabic) and listening to their taped lectures, explanations of books and fataawaa. Brothers who know me know that it's rare to see me without a book in my hand (especially these days, because people come to me often about different issues). So from the time I first gained understanding of the Arabic language and was able to understand it fluently from speech and what is written as well, I have tried to benefit myself with the books and tapes of the scholars. Everyone can't get accepted into Al-Jaami'atul-Islaamiyyah in Madinah or Umm ul-Quraa in Makkah, so the rest of us have to suffice with trying to benefit the best way that Allaah allows. So I've learned a lot from the tapes of Shaikh Al-Albaanee, Shaikh Muqbil, Shaikh Al-'Uthaymeen, Shaikh Bin Baaz (may Allaah have mercy upon all of them), and many others.

In reference to referring matters to the scholars then this almost goes without saying. I'm not a muftee or 'aalim or anything of the sort. I'm not qualified to give fataawaa or anything like that. Everyone who attends our masjid can tell you that I'm always quoting what this Shaikh or that Shaikh said, either by way of what I've read or what I've heard them say myself from being present or by way of asking them over the phone and so forth. And the brothers in our community know this of me.

If anyone wishes to contact me personally for clarification or anything of the sort I'm available usually every day at our masjid here in the United States - 404-753-5544

may Allaah bless you all
was-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah

Aqeel Walker

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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I think this is the article that brother Moosa wrote and was referring to.

Subject: SHAYKH MUQBIL and ISLAAMIC JARH (Al-Jawaab Al-Mufassal)
>Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 02:28:35 +0300
In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, may His Salaah and Salaam be upon His final Messenger, to proceed:

I prepared this in response to whoever said this, may Allaah excuse him and correct his condition:

"Islamic JarH is general and has nothing personal in it. Islamic
JarH is what we students of Hadeeth find in the books of al-Mizzi, Ibn
Hajar, ath-Thahabi, etc. Its very general and not insulting.  Insulting material has *NO PLACE* in the circles of knowledge.  Things like "Iskaat Kalb al`Aawy: Yusuf al-QaraDaawy" is not Islamic jarH
as I dare and challenge you to find a single similar reference in *ANY*
of the classical books of JarH wa Ta`deel. May Allaah grant the one
who made that flawed reference with boundless gardens of bliss."


And now...

As for Shaykh Muqbil's book ISKAAT, may Allaah have Mercy on him, and someone's statement that it is "not Islaamic jarh," then I need to ask the following:

Is he referring to the title alone or the material in the book?

He has read the book?

Without waiting for the answer, I would assume the qaa'il (may Allaah guide him to what will earn him gardens of bliss) just dislikes the use of the words in the title.  Unfortunately, many have talked about Shaykh Muqbil because of this title, but few have actually read the book.

And its kind of strange that usually what I see with the brothers who criticize Shaykh Muqbil and Shaykh Rabee', is that they do not like that they refute and expose the mistakes of the Muslims.  Ironically, in their treatment of the two shaykhs, they have fallen into the very thing they are criticizing - talking about people.  The only difference is that the 'ulamaa' do it, mentioning evidences with quotes, and they (the common people who talk about them) do it primarily based on QEELA WA QAAL.  Another difference is that the problems that Shaykh Rabee' and Shaykh Muqbil have/had found with those they exposed are problems with 'aqeedah and manhaj, problems that pose a danger to the Muslims and must be noted and refuted,  while they themselves have not been criticized due to their 'aqeedah or manhaj, rather some people "just do not like their manners" or their use of words, etc.

As for the claim that their refutations are not "true Islaamic jarh" or "not in accordance with the way of the salaf in matters of jarh" or the likes, then this claim is easily refuted by a simple, VERY simple glance at the books of our salaf.

Lets actually take a precise look at some examples of the "Islaamic jarh" of our salaf:

ISLAAMIC JARH example #1:

Regarding one of the majrooheen of the past, Taleed ibn Sulaymaan:

If we look to the book of ATH-THAHABEE "Al-Mughnee fid-Dhu'afaa'," we find that he mentions that Aboo Daawood called Taleed a "FILTHY SHEE'AH (raafidhee khabeeth)." (#1017, 1/184 Daar Al-Kutub Al-'Ilmee printing)

If we look to another book, IBN HAJAR's "Tahtheeb At-Tahtheeb,"  we find that this was only half of Aboo Daawood's statement about him, the full statement was "FILTHY SHEE'AH, A HORRIBLE MAN (raafidhee khabeeth rajulun soo')." (#949, 1/379 Daar Al-Mu'ayyid printing)

Ibn Hajar also mentions that Ibn Ma'een called him a "DAJJAAL" and said, "upon him be the curse of Allaah, the Angels, and all of mankind." (same page)

Furthermore, the scholars of hadeeth gave him the nickname "BALEED", mocking his real name "TALEED."  (Baleed means stupid or thick-headed) (same page!)

ISLAAMIC JARH example #2:

Ad-Daaraqutnee said about Ja'far ibn Ahmad ibn Al-'Abbaas:

"He's worthless." (laa yusaawee shay'an)

(Adh-Dhu'afaa' #1133, 1/206)

ISLAAMIC JARH example #3:

Ibn 'Adiyy said about Ahmad ibn 'Abdir-Raheem Aboo Ja'far:

"He doesn't have much shyness, narrating on people he's never met." (kaana qaleelal-Hayaa' yuhad-dithu 'amman lam yud-rik-hu)

(Adh-Dhu'afaa' #348, 1/76)

ISLAAMIC JARH example #4:

Ibn Hibbaan said about Ismaa'eel ibn Ziyaad:

"An old DAJJAAL, its not permissible to even mention him except in an insulting way." (shaykhun dajjaal, laa yahillu thikruhu fil-hadeeth illaa 'alaa sabeel Al-Qad-hi feehi)

(Al-Majrooheen #50, 1/138 Daar As-Somee'ee printing)

ISLAAMIC JARH example #5:

Muhammad ibn Makhlad said about Ahmad ibn Al-Waleed Al-Mukharramee:

"He's not even worth a dime." (laa yusaawee falsan)

(Ad-Dhu'afaa' #482, 1/98)

ISLAAMIC JARH example #6:

Muhammad ibn Bilaal (who was a person of the Sunnah as Ibn Hibbaan said) said about Ibraaheem ibn Hadbah:

"He's an enemy of Allaah!  He used to watch our sheep, and then sit and narrate on the authority of Anas!" (haathaa 'aduwwullaah!  Kaana yahfalu al-ghanama 'indanaa thumma qa'ada yuhaddithu 'an anas)

(Al-Majrooheen #29, 1/113-114)

ISLAAMIC JARH example #7:

Hammaad ibn Salamah called Ayyoob ibn 'Abdis-Salaam a "liar" and then said:

"I don't see him except as a DAHREE causing the Muslims to have doubts by way of his fabricated narrations."

(Al-Majrooheen #94, 1/182)

ISLAAMIC JARH example #8:

Ahmad ibn Al-Hasan Al-Madaa'inee said about Ahmad ibn Taahir Al-Masree:

"He is the most untruthful creature there is!  He used to spread lies that no Muslim could even mention."

(Al-Majrooheen #85, 1/166-167)

ISLAAMIC JARH example #9:

Yahyaa ibn Ma'een said about Asram ibn Khawshab:

"He is a filthy liar!"

(Al-Majrooheen #123, 1/205)

ISLAAMIC JARH example #10:

Ibnu Nuqtah said about Ahmad ibn 'Alee Al-Baslaanee:

"He lost his own soul, wearing it out with horrible traits."

(Ad-Dhu'afaa' #373, 1/80)

ISLAAMIC JARH example #11:

Ath-Thahabee said about Al-Hasan ibn 'Ubayd Allaah Al-Abzaaree:

"He's an audacious liar! (kath-thaabun jaree')"

(Ad-Dhu'afaa' #1425, 1/250)

ISLAAMIC JARH example #12:

Ath-Thahabee said about Al-Ja'd ibn Dirham:

"He's lost, leading others astray. (dhaalun mudhillun)"

(Meezaan Al-I'tidaal 1/399)

ISLAAMIC JARH example #13:

Imaam Ahmad said about Ibraaheem ibn Ismaa'eel Al-Makkee:

"He's nothing"

(Al-Majrooheen #12, 1/99)


(and someone said, "Insulting material has *NO PLACE* in the circles of knowledge.")

These were not personal problems!  These names were generally used for people who lied on the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam), even if they lied only to encourage virtues!  So what about someone who lies on Allaah's Deen, congratulates the enemies of Allaah and encourages the Muslims to love them, promotes hizbiyyah, makes halaal and ecourages image-making, music, intermingling, etc. He even said that the Taalibaan were wrong for destroying those statues!!!  Is it so far out of the ballpark to call him a HOWLING DOG?

Al-Qaradhaawee said about the Christians, "Then all of the affairs are shared between us since we are the sons of a single land, our destination is the same and our Ummah is one. I say about them, 'Our Christian brothers' and some people reject this from me and say how can I say that they are our Christian brothers? [Allaah says] "Verily the Believers are but a single brotherhood". Yes, we are believers and they are believers from another angle". (Programme for Sharee'ah and Life, in the lecture Non-Muslims in Light of the Sharee'ah, dated 12/10/97 in Qunaat.)

He also said, "There is no harm in a Muslim having love and intimacy (muwaddah) with non-Muslim". (Non-Muslims in an Islamic Society, p.68).

Hmmm. actually after putting things in proper perspective, HOWLING DOG... it seems kind of appropriate.  May Allaah have mercy on Shaykh Muqbil.

Furthermore, from the brothers at I quote the words of Al-Qaradhaawee:

"Before I leave this station of mine (i.e. from giving this khutbah) I love that I should say a word about the results of the Israeli elections. The Arabs, all of them, were placing their hopes in the victory of Barleen, however he lost and this is what we praise about Israel. We desire and hope that our country can be like this country. Due to only a small number of people, the one who was actually ruling lost his position. There was not 94% or 95% (of votes) which is what we are accustomed to in our country, but 99%, (yes) 99%. If Allaah had presented himself to the people as a candidate he would not have been able to take this amount. we welcome Israel for what it has accomplished."

Corroborating this is Shaikh Muqbil bin Haadee, who stated in his refutation of the Wicked Muftee in the book "Silencing the Hounding Dog", "On this day I was informed by the brother, Saalih al-Bakri that he heard some words of (al-Qaradawi) in a cassette that he says that this Jew (i.e. the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu) was victorious by 99% of votes and that Allaah cannot even achieve this, even if the people voted for Allaah, He would not be able to acquire 99% of the votes. These words are clear and manifest misguidance. If he wished to make a Jew superior to Allaah, free is He from imperfection, the Most High, then he is a disbeliever (i.e. apostate). And if he intended that the Jews and Christians and the worshippers of the cow and chickens and others are very many in number yet they do not vote for Allaah, then this is another matter, however it is still clear misguidance (on al-Qaradawi's behalf).

For verily our Lord, the Mighty and Majestic, is not in need of voting, for He, free is He of all imperfection is the one who says "Be" to something and it is. He is the one who destroyed Fir'aun, and He destroyed Qaarun, and He destroyed many nations, from amongst those who exceeded beyond bounds and who stood in the faces of the Prophets of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. So he aided the Prophets and gave them victory, in this life and the next.

Voting is only needed by a weak man, O Pauper!.. Have you disbelieved O Qaradawi or have you brought yourself nearer?.And after that this Aqeel al-Maqtari comes along, may Allaah not bless him, and he honoured and welcomed Yusuf al-Qaradawi, just as he honoured and welcomed Muhammad Suroor. " (Silencing the Hounding Dog, pp.110-112).

Stated Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen after these words were played to him, "I seek refuge in Allaah. It is obligatory for this person to repent. And if he does not he should be killed as an apostate, since he made the creation more knowledgeable than the Creator. It is upon him to repent to Allaah, so if he repents, then Allaah forgives the sins of His servants. And if not then the Wullaat ul-Amr should strike his neck (with the sword)." (Cassette Recording, quoted in Silencing the Hounding Dog, p.119).

- end of quote from spubs -

And Allaah knows best.

Your brother,


PS - I believe I quoted everything short of someone being called a "dog" from the books of the salaf, so let me remind you that the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) told us that the khawaarij are the DOGS of the Hellfire.  And they were Muslims (despite their takfeer of the Muslims), as 'Alee radhiyallaahu 'anhu fought them, but did not make takfeer of them, and Allaah knows best.

So if there is blame for the one who calls a Muslim a dog, then let the accusers try and point their fingers at the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam).

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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and as for 'Abdul-Mun'im the nammaam...

It was Shaykh Rabee' who referred to him as such, as well as a hizbee and a kath-thaab.  So whoever called him a nammaam was actually following the imaam of jarh and ta'deel of this age (who did ACTUALLY sit with him this summer in Makkah and knows his affair well), not calling names from their own selves.

Let us be mature and simply ask in an honorable way, "Brother - you have called someone a nammaam.  Is this something our scholars have said?"

I gathered some quotes some time ago from the books of jarh about various majrooheen and the names the scholars called them, in defense of our shaykh Muqbil.  I called the article "SHAYKH MUQBIL AND ISLAAMIC JARH" - does anybody have it?  It was posted on SABEEL AL-MUMAYYI'EEN about 6-8 months ago I believe.  I can not locate it now.  I think it might help some people understand the ways of jarh that the salaf used.  I hope that if someone found it that it could be posted here.  May Allaah reward you.


سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismilla Was Salaatu Was Salaam Alaa Rasoolillah

I apologize, fot the delay in my response, I was not aware that the sister ummalharith was refferring to myself, because she addressed me as a sister.

Firstly, i would like to thank Sunnah for defending myself, and what he has said is sufficient in defense of my post, but nevertheless, i will still bring some points.

Secondly, yes, i do consider ABu Usaamah a Jaaaaaahil regarding the manhaj of the Salaf, and because of this, i do not consider him fit to be calling anyone to anything.  But rather, i believe that he should sit in his house and learn his religion!  Also my qoute was based upon what I have read from the Ulemaa like Shaykh Faalih al Harbee, Shaykh Ahmad Baazmool, Shaykh Fawzee al Atharee.  This is something which is tremendously bothering me.  The way people like Abu Usaamah and Abdul Mun'im and Muhammad Zurqane are making it seem like that the Salafis are speaking from their own desires, even though the Salafis are only bringing the kalaam of the Masahykh.  Look at SPUB, TROID, TheRighteousPath, this forum, and other than these websites.  Everything said has its origin with Ulemaa al Kibaar. But to the eyes of Abu Usaamah Al Jaahil, the Salafis are "blindly following" the Mashaykh.  When truthfully, it is they who are blind followers!  We have followed proofs and evidences from Shaykh Rabee' as Shaykh Ahmad Baazmool, Shaykh Faalih, etc. have established.

Why hasnt Abu Usaamah al Jaahil, bring his proofs and evidences rather than bring proofs and evidences that has nothing to do with the topic. It is like me asking someone for proof rgarding the salawaat, and he gives me the proofs regarding keeping the pants above the ankles!  He wont do that, but he would rather mock the Salafis!

And I remind the sister, Abu Usaamah has come with a Bayaan, if you want to call it that.  I call it reiterating his baatil mawqif to the Salafis!

As far as calling Abdul Mun'im a Nammam, then the origin of that statement is Shaykh Rabee', so if you have a problem with, please address him, not me.

Was Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmathullah
Kashif Khan As Salafi

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalaamu 'Alaykum

Barakallahu wa feek for the explanation of how you entered into and left Jaami'ah al-Eemaan al-Bid'ah al-Ikwanee, however, we had already accepted that you knew that this school was not on the Manhaj  of the Salaf and it was for that reason you left.  Our questions that require clarification is after you left Jaami'ah al-Eemaan al-Bid'ah al-Ikwanee where and who did you study with to learn the correct understanding of the Salaf, and do you refer the issues of the community you are a leader of back to the 'Ulemaa?  These are the questions we asked in our first post.

Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak said, "Al-Isnad to me is from the deen if it was not for Isnad, anyone could say whatever he wants to say (Imam Muslim in his Muqadimah) Ibn Sireen said, "During the first generation the people didn't ask about Isnad, after the fitnah appeared the people begin to ask about Isand, in order for them to accept the hadeeth of Ahlus-Sunnah and reject the hadeeth of Ahlu-Bidah (Sunan at-Tirmidhee). Sufyan ath-Thawri said, the Isnad is the weapon of the beliver, so if the believer does not have his weapon with him, what will he fight with (Ibn Habban al-Majrooheen

Jazakallaahu Khayrn

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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sorry, file attached here:

Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee, Shaykh Falih al-Harbee, Shaykh Fawzee al-Atharee on the Da'ees who defend the Innovator Abul-Hasan al-Misree

Attached Fileharbee_advice1.pdf (108 Kbytes)

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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umm alhaarith, assalaamu alaikum

take note of the following:

a) the great mockery and sarcasm and name calling in abu usamahs so called "bayan". He is well known for his slick tongue and his sarcasm. This has been known for years. what about his insults of "muqallideen" and "muhqibeen" and many other insults, which in reality are directed to the scholars who agree with Shaykh Rabee? you should be defending the honour of the scholars from the slick tongue of abu usamah,insted of defending the one who deserves not to be defended.

b) salafiyyah2000 is a brother, he normally signs his posts as a brother

c) the saying that Abu Usamah is jaahil of the manhaj of ahl us-sunnah is the saying of many of the students of knowledge even before the scholars spoke. This is because his positions over the years and also his behaviour in the US and the UK is the clearest of evidence. they simply took his sad affair to the scholars (after years and years of patience) and only confirmed from the scholars what they already knew!

d) what salafiyyah2000 has said is in fact taken from NONE OTHER than the scholars. refer to the attachment below

This message was edited by Sunnah on 10-8-02 @ 6:04 PM

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalamu Alaikum Sister Salafiyyah...Is this the manners of a muslim woman that we call names and slander those among us? Bring me the daleel that it is from Al Islam to namecall. You need to fear Allah because to claim that Abu Usamah is Jahil before he has the opportunity to bring his clarification is not from Al Islam. To call Abdul Munim a Namaam before he has an opportunity to place his side of the equation forth is another slanderous statement.
Do you know the ayaat in Suraah Al Hujuraat that warns you NOT to call names? Allahu Musta'an. Let the Kibaar speak and be the ones to say as they will. Do not fall into the trap of believeing that you, me or any sister on this forum is a Shaykha and has the ability to label anyone before the Ulema have labelled. To talk about Manhaj is one thing but to fall into gheeba and slander is another. Regardless of your postion in these matters(and i use that word loosely) do not feel that it justifys saying that word that is not from the seeds of growth.
Can you even bring any kalam that justifies the statements that you made in this post OTHER than what you have read on the internet? Do you have any knowledge of these affairs other than that what you read online or glean from tapes or other than that? I adjure you to read the apology that I posted regarding my OWN actions and I give you the same naseeha and that is to not be hasty and leave those matters that are not from your intellect to those brothers that have full capabilities to understand and speak on these issues. Even those knowledgeable brothers among us have been silent and refrained from name calling and I suggest you do the same.
May Allah forgive Me and You Both, Ameen
Wasalaamu Alaykum

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismilla was Salaatu Was Salaam Alaa Rasoolillah

May Allah reward the brother for his sincere clarification, and may Allah give tawfeeq to the like of Abu Usaamah al Jaahil and Abdul Mun'im An Nammaam to follow in his example.  The only difference between them and Aqeel is that Aqeel only had to make a clarification, and the both of them have to make open tawbah for their idiotic actions through which they are rying to save "their almost sunk ship".

Jazaakallahu Khayraa Yaa Aqeel Walker
Was Salaami Alaikum

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Alhamdulillaah, this thread is beneficial. This is what distinguishes between the Salafees and the people of Hizbiyyah. The Salafees consider these affairs between themselves as mercy and closeness and bringing about further unity, and mutual understanding and correction. As for Ahl ul-Bid'ah, then they are Murji'ah in their da'wah, thus these affairs do not concern them, and they consider them to be blameworthy and harshness and so on. Maybe this is why you see all of them clumped together in one lump, this one is qutubi, that one is hizbee, this one is ash'aree, that one is takfiri, this one is jihadi, that one is suroori, this one is ikhwani, and they are all clumped together fighting against the Salafees and what unites them all is their hatred of the truth and its people, while they themselves do not work to separate themselves from other deviants who are around them and whom they are united with. Thus, they are Murji'ah in their da'wah!!

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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I just wanted to mention here that these questions posed and the answers from Aqeel have all been beneficial.  Shubuhaat have been answered.  Check this hadeeth out:

On the authority of Zayd ibn Haarithah (may Allaah be pleased with him), the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) held the dying child of his daughter and his eyes (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) began to shed tears.  Sa'd ibn 'Ubaadah (may Allaah be pleased with him) then asked, "WHat's this Yaa Rasool Allaah?"  The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said, "This is rahmah, Allaah puts it in the hearts of Hs Servants, and verily Allaah has mercy on the merciful ones amongst His Servants." [Bukhaaree 1284, Muslim 923]

The reason I mentioned this is the faa'idah we get from knowing that Sa'd saw something in the Prophet's personal actions (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) that he did not understand, so he immediately asked, "What's this?"  This shows us how they used to kill their shubuhaat immediately and seek explanation.  Even in a group setting, as a number of the companions were present, like Mu'aath, Ubayy, Zayd, and others as is mentioned in the beginning of the hadeeth (that I did not quote).  Its also the 30th hadeeth gathered in Riyaadh As-Saaliheen.

So, we see, that if our Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) could be questioned about his personal actions and asked for clarification, without the slightest bit of HARAJ, then those less than him can be asked for clarification.

I say this because there has been some harm felt by some of those who posted, so know that there is no need for it.  We have only sought clarification, and it was granted.

Now, as for me, unless there is anything else to be clarified, I'm happy.  I believe the brother Aqeel intends on answering the question about Maghraawee and those people, and I think we know what his answer will be based on his previous writing.

I just wanted to re-assure the brothers and sisters that a great amount of good has been accomplished here and this is a ni'mah from Allaah.  

I ask Allaah to reward those who asked and those who answered.


سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Bismillahier Arachmanier Arahiem

Salaam Alaekum Wa Rachmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

Jazakalahu Khayrun sister for your advise. Alhamdulillaah a few weeks ago a brother gave a speech on paltalk wich contained very wise words, May Allaah Soebhanaa Wa Taa'la bless him, the basic message was "don't follow the lay man above the Ullema", you see sister many people I know don't speak arabic and therefore they rely on the tapes of the daees, daees who now known to be at fault, because of there handicap not mastering the arabic language these people cannot understand the importance of the Ullema and the expertise they contain so the deviant man takes his opportunity to spread there twisted, polluted and manipulating words, leaving are brothers and sisters in a confused state. I wannne make clear here that I'm not talking about our dear brother dawood, I listen to his tapes and they are really Mashallaah. So for me having this handicap it's very important to but out the red flags so to speak when there are question-marks on daees involving the Ullema.

The brothers who posted above say that there brother aqeel walker is all they have, cause there is no one else in there community, where I live we face the same problems, only here there are hizbees (who mastered the arabic languange and more) putting on the cloak of salafia, but than sunddenly slander the salafee dawa, at this moment there are four "big" sheigs from within the salafee community who are using the media to break the salafee dawa by saying ignorant things knowing it's going to be big news wanting the attention they don't get at home but anyway this is one of the tactics they use to spread there deviant ideas. Many ex-hizbees from the past say they are down with the salafee dawa but when you look around in the end it's only the name they changed.

Insha Allaah I wanted to asked a view questions namely:
-how can people who don't have the insight and are lesser knowledgeable make a sound decision on choosing a brother within there community?
I mean when you don't have a maths teacher how can you trust people who don't have the slightest knowledge of maths to pick out there maths teacher?
-and further is it fair to put (known for there close contacts with the Ullema) next to (raised question-marks due to there lack of contacts with the Ullema) just by saying "you never can be waterproof",
Simply put, a human being is never going to be "waterproof" but we are responsible for our actions so when it comes to being a "heavy leaker" is it than reccommendable to oppose question-marks?

It is importend to ask questions to the right people cause how else will we be able to distinguish the trueth from the false?, if people ask the question what is Islaam?, it makes a big differents if that question is opposed to a salafee or a hizbee and how do we come to know that?

Walaekum Asalaam Wa Rachmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

08-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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bismilah-wasalata-wasalam ala rasullilah sallalahualaihiwasalam ama-bad

asalam alaykum .may allah reward our brother aqeeland abu tasneem for clearing this matter which in reality could have been dealt with by a phone call instead of a forum.i dont know brother aqeel personally i saw him inflorida with abul hasan malik and dawud adiyb and i seriously doubt they would speak on a patform with a man if they had doubts about him -lets not be hasty to judge it was only yesterday that alot of us thought abu muflishah was the grand imam and that muhammad abdullah maqsud was the hadeeth scholar or we worked with islamic institutions like ssna or qss and we sincere and others might had had other objectives ..some of us find out sooner or later than others and unfourtunately some of us know but fail to inform our brothers like letting a blind man walk into traffic ...has anyone read the articcle its on troid questions and answers on the manhaj by shaykh ubayd al-jabiree hafizullah?????? where he mentions dont be hasty with your brothers in cuttng them off many of us ignore that and hold grudges in our hearts and think only of our selves or are lil group this is in opposiotion to the words of our prphet sallalahuallaiwasalm
none of you truly believe until you love for your brother what you love for yourself
lets internalize this especially in these times when we are the most hated people on this earth and the most divided if you see you brother salafi struggling reach out to him make effort share knowledge dont hoard it and assume everyone knows what you know far as brother aqeel is concerned the prophet sallahualaiwasalam said ALMARA ALA DEEN A KHALLELI...
so when isaw you in florida with malik and aboo tasneem i had no doubt that you were salafi.. iwas a tableeghi 12 years ago in nizamadeen there headquaters is that my fault?????? isatt with shaykh usama quosee 4 years ago is that my fault ?????? some of us were wearing those let the sunnah go forth shirts and the watches 3 months ago but if there with us now there with us and we want them to stay with us lets internalize surrah asr together alot of people i know now 6 months ago would assault you if you spoke about abu muflishah and some of them were my sahab i didnt cutt hem off because they were blinded by the building so i justed dropped seeds on them and tried to adhere to what shayjh ubayd said in the article and alot of them aplogized not only to me for being blind but they made ammends to others imaam al-albani makes things things clearin his his tape min huwa mubtadi min huwa kaffir  ..allah was testing our sincerity and ourability to rebound and completely submit ...its time to start healing softening the hearts and spend equal amounts of time in the tazkiyyah room trying to attain husnal khooluk ... we need more communication -sharing and coming together and networking enshallah this way we can cutt down on confusion and try to stay on the same page .....
abu abdullah muhammad islam
p.s. please be aware in regards to my dawa booklet why the word salAFI AND WHO ARE THE SALAF IM WORKING ON A


07-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Clarification from Aqeel Walker (Part 2)

Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, al-hamdulillaah was-salaatu was-salaamu 'alaa rasoolillaah, wa 'alaa Aalihi wa sahbihi wa 'alaa man walaahu,

Salaamun 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah. This is a clarification from myself, Abu Sumayyah Aqeel Walker in Atlanta Georgia, to my sincere brothers and sisters who visit this forum and strive to adhere to the Book and the authentic Sunnah according to the understanding of as-Salaf us-Saalih. This is also to all of those who are unable to sign on to this forum (like myself), but who also love this blessed manhaj and strive to adhere to it to the best of their ability with sincerity.

This is the second part of the clarification concerning the confusion about "me" on


TaalibSalafi said: "Also, it is known regarding the brother that he spent some time in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With whom did he associate himself there? Who from the mashaykh of this blessed da'wah did he sit with and who did he visit? I am sure, it is common knowledge for the members of this forum that the companionship of an individual says a great deal about the person!"

Aqeel's Response: Yes, this is also correct, may Allaah bless you and have mercy upon you. I lived in Saudi Arabia, in the city of Riyadh. I worked as a translator with the publishing company, Darussalam, the famous publishers of the Noble Qur'aan, Saheeh ul-Bukhaaree (in English), Tafsir Ibn Katheer (in English) and many other books. The major part of my time in Saudi Arabia was spent (as Dawud and Abul-Hasan Malik both can confirm) behind a desk working like Kunte Kinte (or Toby) at Darussalam. We worked 9 hours a day 5 days a week and then 6 hours on the sixth day. They didn't even want the workers to break to go to Salaah in the masjid (Wallaahi). Malik knows as well as Abu Khaliyl Jadd Sylvester, who was my colleague for that entire time (2 years), that I was the one who made the "bid'ah" at Darussalam of going to the masjid for the prayers, and it was as if I was doing something evil. Everyone knows that in Saudi Arabia businesses are supposed to close for the prayers... Everyone but Abdul-Malik Mujahid that is. I showed them the Fatwaa of Shaikh bin Baaz about this (praying in the work place when there's a masjid near by, but one refuses to go to the congregational prayer at the masjid), but they did not listen. I was just considered a trouble maker. So what do you think happened when I would put in requests to go across the country (9 hour bus ride at least) to make 'Umrah in Makkah???? I was almost ready to physically beat Abdul-Malik Mujahid to a pulp and we had extremely heated words over JUST THIS!!! Malik knows. He left and went to go make 'Umrah when he came over there with us, and when he came back Abdul-Malik had some Kalaam for him too (but not as harsh though, because he was new and Abdul-Malik hadn't tricked him into signing the ta'baan contract yet).

Nevertheless, I tried to do my best to benefit where I was with the little time I had outside of work in Riyadh. I sat in the Duroos of the Muftee, Shaikh Abdul-Azeez Aal Ash-Shaikh (hafithahullaah) in his house in Hayy 'Ulayya. This was on Thursday and Friday afternoons between 'Asr and Maghrib. I went to this Dars the most regularly. He was teaching Tafseer Ibn Katheer, Tafseer Al-Qurtubee, Zaad ul-Mustaqni', Al-Bidaayah Wan-Nihaayah of Ibn Katheer, and we would read from the Fataawaa of the Lajnah and also Shaikh Bin Baaz's Fataawaa from volume one of the Kitaab ud-Da'wah publication. I also sat in the classes of Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan (hafithahullaah) in his masjid in Hayy Malazz. This dars was after Fajr on Sunday and Tuesday mornings if I remember correctly. He was teaching Bulooghul-Maraam, Ar-Radd 'alaal-Jahmiyyah, and Iqtidhaa as-Siraatil-Mustaqeem of Ibn Taymiyyah. I also would occassionally sit in the dars of Shaikh Saalih Aal-Ash-Shaikh on Thursday mornings after Fajr for Tafseer Ibn Katheer. I also had the pleasure of meeting and hearing the Khutbahs of Abdus-Salaam Burjis, and even Shaikh al-Uthaymeen when he would visit Riyadh before his death. I also sat in the Dawrah of Shaikh 'Abdullah Jarboo' 2 summers ago when he came to Riyadh from Madinah for the summer sessions and explained Shaikh Abdur-Rahmaan bin Naasir As-Sa'dee's "At-Tawdheeh wal-Bayaan fee Shajaratil-Eemaan". All of this was in my spare time away from the 60 hours/week of work I was required to do at Darussalam like some slave. Then when Abdul-Malik Mujahid (the man who runs Darussalam) found out I was sitting in these Duroos, do you think he tried to make it easy on me and give me more time off or something??? HA!! He main concern was, "are you telling these Shaikhs that you work for Darussalam?" I told him, "No." He said, "Well, you must tell them so that they will know that we brought you here and so that the name of the company can be pushed with the scholars." All he cared about was his business, wallaahi. Not Salafiyyah, not Talabul-'Ilm, ...just money money money (or mo' money mo' money mo' money). Shaikh Muqbil (rahimahullaah) constantly warned against as-haabul-maaddah or al-Maaddiyyoon (materialistic people). Ahmad Assing from TROID also knows of these conditions as he was there in Riyadh and visited us occassionally at Darussalam, may Allaah bless him.

In reference to why I never met Shaikh Rabee' or Shaikh Faalih, or any of the scholars of Makkah or Madinah, the reason is that I wasn't allowed to just "chill out" in the Kingdom. "I was there to WORK" as Abdul-Malik Mujahid so eloquently put it. If I tried to "sneak" away for 'Umrah (which was just a 2 and a half day trip - wednesday afternoon to Friday night) it would surely be a fight with him when I returned. If I asked for permission to go, it was always, "brother... the work can't get done if you're in Makkah. Do that some other time." Then when our contractual vacations came up, he would try to force us to work those days too, with NO increase in pay or anything, Wallaahi. Abu Khaliyl can verify what I'm saying. He was there and witnessed all of this. So I never got to spend much time in Makkah and Madinah at all. I made 'Umrah about 4 times (all 2 and half day trips with wife and 3 children, one autistic child needing constant attention) and Hajj once. Anyone who knows me personally knows that I support Shaikh Rabee' and I recognize his seniority in this Ummah and as a man who's carrying the salafee da'wah in these times and holding its flag high. No one, WALLAAAHI, NO ONE can ever say they've heard me say anything against Shaikh Rabee' or warn against him or side with ANYONE against him. When issues have come out, I've always been one of the first people to tell the masses, stick with Shaikh Rabee'. He IS Ahlus-Sunnah now. I say this from our mimbar in our masjid and openly in front of the people, and I've been saying it in Riyadh, and in Yemen as well - even when I was confused about Jaami'atul-Eemaan - wallaahi. I heard people saying "those madkhaliyyoon" and so forth, but I always argued with those types of people and chastised them. Once again, Abu Khaliyl, Tariq Porter in Riyadh, Khaliyl Abdur-Rahman in Florida (who was there with us in Riyadh) and Jibreel Muhammad in Riyadh can all testify for this. They were my closest friends there in Riyadh.

TaalibSalafi said: "I am suprised how people seem to be elevating this man and no one realy knows alot about him. What is his position on Magrawi, Aroor and Abul-Hasan?"

Aqeel's Reply: I hope no one is elevating me akhee. I only hope that from Allaah, not from the people. I tell people alllllll the time (wallaahi akhee), I am just a translator and the Imam of the Salafi Masjid in my city. Nothing more. I was blessed to see some important people among our scholars in the Kingdom and Allaah blessed me to have a grasp of the Arabic language where I can benefit from them, buy their books and tapes and read a lot and listen to tapes of the scholars. That's it, nothing more. I never put myself out there as "the man". I even told our brother Abul-Hasan Maalik (hafithahullaah) that I was considering leaving the public eye "period" and not making myself available for any of these public gatherings and such, simply because I don't want any confusion amongst the people. He advised me not to, but just to find a way to post on here and clarify things. So that's what I'm doing. I'm not a hidden Hizbee sneaking around trying to push Hizbiyyah or anything like that. If it's not salafiyyah, I'm not trying to hear it. If it's not supported by our senior, reliable scholars, like the Imaams Ibn Baaz, Al-Albaanee, Ibn Al-'Uthaymeen, and Muqbil Al-Waadi'ee (rahimahumullaah), and after them of those who remain with us, like Shaikh Rabee', Shaikh 'Ubayd Al-Jaabiree, Shaikh Saalih As-Suhaymee, Shaikh 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbaad, Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan, Shaikh Abdul-Azeez Aal Ash-Shaikh, and their likes, then I'm not trying to hear it. Not from Abu Usaamah Khaleefah Ath-Thahabee, not from Abdul-Mun'im of QSS, not from Abul-Hasan Al-Misree Al-Fattaan, not from the Jordanians, not from Maghraawee, not from Usaamah al-Qoosee, not from Adnan Al'Aroor, not from Muhammad Jibaly, not from Saalih As-Saalih (who sided with 'Aroor against Shaikh Rabee', in case you all didn't know), NOT FROM any of them. And at our masjid we have removed allllll of their tapes, books, etc., without exception. Anyone who speaks against Shaikh Rabee' is an "IDIOT" as far as I'm concerned and people at are masjid ALL know that. And now I'm making it even more public.

These ridiculous Hizbees are grabbing for straws now trying to save their sinking ships and reputations. Even at the expense of accusing the scholars of racism. They're saying that the only reason Shaikh Faalih and Shaikh Rabee' "caused" this "fitnah" with Abul-Hasan al-Misree, Al-Maghraawee, Usaamah Al-Qoosee, and the Jordanians is because they are NOT Saudis. They say, "they're not being fare, and if these brothers were Saudis they wouldn't deal with them with this harshness." What type of stupidness is that. That's reaaaallly grabbing for straws. So now they want to accuse the Shaikhs of Racism just because their "loved ones" are exposing themselves and their ignorance. Wallaahul-Musta'aan ikhwaan. They cried out, "Let the Lajnah in Madinah speak. We're waiting on the Lajnah for justice!" Now that the Lajnah has ruled against them and agreed with Shaikh Rabee' and confirmed that he was RIGHT in his observations against Al-Ma'ribi, now they're looking for more loop holes to grab. Wallaahi, they're just making themselves look more childish and stupid.

This is my position and anyone who knows me personally knows that, including my brother-in-law, Hani Abdullah Naasir in Aden, Yemen, with whom I always speak about these issues and this is what I've been saying from the outset wa maa baddaltu tabdeelan (and I haven't changed that in the least).

More to come inshaa' Allaah

was-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah

your brother,

Aqeel Walker

Was-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

Abu Sumayyah Aqeel Walker

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

07-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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An account was set up for Aqeel Walker, but his mail box was full and the message bounced back, since he was one of the earlier ones to request membership. Just for your information. If the brother wants his account details, he can purge his mailbox and request his account details.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

07-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Shaykh Zayd al-madkhalee was recently asked:

Ya shaykh how do we deal with those who left Hizbiyyah recently, and currently attach themselves to salafiyyah, specifically those who have something of knowledge, shall we put him forward to teach the people immediately?

The shaykh replied "akkidoo [confirm], establish what he is upon of the correct aqeedah and the correct manhaj"

Is there any reward for good but good? [55:60]

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