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Posted By Topic: Regarding What is Ascribed to Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree

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16-10-2010 @ 6:39 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002

Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabiree on Sayyid Qutb: A Misguided Strayer, Deviant, Foundation of Terrorism, I Incline Towards His Takfir But Withhold Out of Wara', Following Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin in That

A document was spread recently by an individual called Abu Ibrahim Abdullah bin Mohan al-Hindi in which he included lies upon the people of knowledge, and illustrated lack of understanding of the usool of the manhaj and how to deal with the issues that take place between the people of knowledge. It is apparent that this document was not authored by Ibn Mohan al-Hindi alone, but he was aided in that by others, such as the likes of Abu Fajr Abdul-Fattah. Abu Fajr Abdul-Fattah tried to pass of his pseudo-scholarship in the months gone by and he was squarely put in his place by the various students of knowledge in their responses that were posted on this forum and he brought upon his own humiliation. See these threads:

It seems that Abu Fajr has recruited the help of others like him to revive his previous way which much to his dismay, quickly fell into the abyss, and exposed him as a deceiver and pretender, and exposed his lack of integrity, and his utter confusion in the manhaj and the usool.

As for defending Shaykh Ubayd, we take issue with people like Abu Fajr Abdul-Fattah who speak with vile language that is unbefitting for the Scholars, and then spread such speech all over the world, not realising that this way is not from the way of the Scholars themselves. And likewise, we defend against the clear lies made against the people of knowledge whoever they may be and to this day, we have not permitted any speech against Shaykh Yahya on this forum, and had anyone used similar vile street language against Shaykh Yahyaa we would have rejected that too and defended his honour.

On page 5, the author wrote:
2. Ubaid's defense of Syed Qutb and Abul Hassan - Ubaid declares Syed Qutb and Abul Hassan NOT to be innovators!!! What else is left of innovation if these two innovators are not declared to be so - are they from Ahlus-Sunnah??? And why is SPUBS silent on this mistake? Do they agree with Ubaid???
First, note the tablis in the heading, "Ubaid's defense...", since when has the Shaykh defended Qutb? Second, one of the conditions of writing critiques and refutations of a person is that you actually investigate and document that person's view first before attempting to critique them. Where is the statement of Shaykh Ubayd where he said "Sayyid Qutb is not an innovator?" Allah has ordered justice and this does not mean you can pick and choose who you want to be just to, it means you have to apply justice to everyone, even those whom you might dislike and hate, for whatever reason. And when it comes to ascribing statements to others, then one has to fear Allaah and be just.

Here is just one audio of Shaykh Ubayd that renders the author of this document a liar:

Audio dated 17th Ramadan 1431H (.amr format)

The Shaykh says:
Sayyid Qutb is a strayer, leading others astray...the carrier of the flag of takfir in this era... and I will not conceal this from you that whoever made takfir of Sayyid Qutb in front of me, I do not censure him, and I do not show rejection to him, rather, I incline towards this, even if I have not embarked upon it (making takfir) till now. And it has reached me with a connected chain from Shaykh Muhammad bin Uthaymin - rahimahullaahu ta'aalaa - when some of the misguidances of  Sayyid Qutb were presented to him, that he said, "Had it not been for wara' (piety, awe, fear of Allah), we would have spoken with his kufr." But I do not wish to split from Shaykh Muhammad (on this) and nor from others from our Scholars who have not proceeded to make takfir of him, however I do not fear that I should say: Strayer, leading others astray, deviant (munharif) from the way of guidance and the path of the believers. Indeed, even the common people from the Muslims, by Allah, are better than him in our view because they respect the Prophets, and they respect the Companions and they respect all of them, but Sayyid Qutb had reviled Moosaa (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and he reviled Adam, and this is known by necessity in the religion to be unlawful, and for this reason, I emphasize for you that I do not show rejection against the one who made takfir of him.
There is in fact a lot more in the audio recording and it is clear from the full audio that Shaykh Ubayd considers Sayyid Qutb from the Kharijites, from the strayers, generality of the Innovators, heads of terrorism and strife in societies - and this is just one of many statements that can be produced from the Shaykh.

The statement of the author(s):
What else is left of innovation if these two innovators are not declared to be so - are they from Ahlus-Sunnah??? And why is SPUBS silent on this mistake? Do they agree with Ubaid???
It is a calamity indeed to see this type of  compound ignorance (you don't know that you don't know)  and thus we advise Ibn Mohan al-Hindi who has put his name to this document to fear Allah and not to spread outright lies, and nor to be enticed by foolish individuals like Abu Fajr into bringing himself into disrepute and stumbling into the same abyss that Abu Fajr is so desperately trying to pull himself out of - yet only making matters worse for himself.

When you see these types of ludicrous matters in documents purporting to refute the Major Scholars, then you know the type of characters you are dealing with.


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