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» wearing shirts
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27-10-2008 @ 3:51 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu abdir Razzaaq Amjad ibn Ayub (United Kingdom)
Posts: 66
Joined: Aug 2008

Here is an article showing Shaikh al-Albanee's position
on wearing pants, Don't forget Akhee that one of the conditions of the salaah is covering your awrah,

Wa Alaikam Salaam

Abdullah b.Umar May Allah be pleased with them both said:
'Every bidah(religious innovation) is misguidance, even if people think it is good.'
Al-Lalikaii in Sharh Usıl Iıtiqıd Ahl Al-Sunnah wa Al-Jama'ah Vol 1. P134, no.111

27-10-2008 @ 2:33 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Umar Farhan bin Hasmady (doha, qatar)
Posts: 12
Joined: Jun 2008

insya Allah just wanna get some of the brothers' opinion.

someone told me recently that if one wants to wear a shirt/ t-shirt with pants, the shirt must be long enough to cover the buttocks, bcos when the shirt does not cover the buttocks it reveals the shape of the awrah (ie the buttocks) when doing sujood. is this true? has any of the ulema spoken about wearing shirts?

::FaRhaN ibN HaSMaDy::

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