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Posted By Topic: Holding Jumu'ah before the time of Dhuhr

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17-10-2008 @ 5:10 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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wa alaykumus salaamu wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu,

wa iyyaak,



Regarding praying Salaatul-Jumu'ah just before the time of Dhuhr enters such that it is feared that the Jumu'ah is actually prayed at the time (which, as I understand) is prohibited for prayer (i.e. when the sun is at it's zenith)

Mashaa Allah, an excellent question! Voluntary prayers are prohibited during the times of prohibition, not the obligatory ones. Salaatul-Jumu'ah is obligatory. Allah the most high says, in a translation of its meaning,"O you who believe! When the call for Friday Prayer is made, come to the remembrance of Allah... "[Suratul-Jumu'ah: 9]

Saalih Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him, said about this ayah, "In this ayah, Allah, the Most High has ordered the believers to attend the Friday Prayer... [al-Mulakhas al-Fiqhee pg.193]

Benefit (Usool al-Fiqh):

Many scholars of Usool al-Fiqh have said, "If Allah, the Most High, or His Messenger, sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam, have given an order, know that what has been ordered with is obligatory. This is the case until another text is presented, showing that what has been ordered with is not obligatory.

Al-Hajjaawi [d.967], may Allah have mercy on him, placed a title heading in his famous work Zaad al-Mustaqni', Chapter: Times that Prayers are Prohibited. Ibn al-Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, said in explaining this chapter heading, "What is meant by prayers ,are the prayers that are voluntary..." [Explanation of Zaad al-Mustaqni' 4/109] Saalih al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him, mentions the same thing in his explanation of Zaad al-Mustaqni' as well. [1/490]

And Allah knows best.

Jameel Finch

17-10-2008 @ 12:16 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Damilola Sadiq ibn Owodunni (Lagos, Nigeria || Eastern Province, KSA)
Posts: 338
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،

جزاك الله خيرا اخانا جميل.

Regarding praying Salaatul-Jumu'ah just before the time of Dhuhr enters such that it is feared that the Jumu'ah is actually prayed at the time (which, as I understand) is prohibited for prayer (i.e. when the sun is at it's zenith) - I would appreciate it if you can share with us the words of the Scholars (may Allah have mercy upon them) concerning this.

جازك الله خيرا وبارك الله فيكم.

16-10-2008 @ 9:34 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Nusayabah Musa ibn Lawrence (Johnstown, Colorado)
Posts: 22
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Barakallaahu feek ya Jameel.

May Allaah cure me of my ignorance.

16-10-2008 @ 3:14 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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wa alaykumus salaamu wa rahmatuallahi wa barakaatuhu,



Here in Colorado, all of the masajid start Jumu'ah at 1210 pm while the time for salah comes in between 1245 and 1250.  The imaams of these masajid lay claim that this is permissable but the only person I have found to hold this opinion is Al Qardawi.  

Topic: Is it permissible to perform The Friday Prayer before the normal time of Dhur Prayer?

On the authority of Jaabir bin Abdillah (1), may Allah be pleased with him, "The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, used to perform The Friday Prayer (Salaatul-Jumu'ah), and then we would rest our camels."

Abdullah (2), may Allah have mercy on him, mentioned in his narration of this hadeeth that, "As they (Allah's Messenger and his companions) were resting their camels, the time for Dhur Prayer would enter." [Muslim 1/383 #858]

Translator/Researchers note: The angle of proof in this hadeeth is that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and his companions, may Allah be pleased with them, had already prayed Jumu'ah and begun resting their camels before the entrance of Dhur Prayer.

Comments from a few Scholars concerning the hadeeth of Jaabir:

An-Nawawi [d.676H], may Allah have mercy on him, said," What is apparent from this hadeeth is that, it is permissible to pray Salaatul Jumu'ah before the time of the Dhur Prayer... "He also said, "The permissibility of praying Salaatul Jumu'ah before the time of Dhur Prayer is the position of al-Imaam Ahmad [d.241H] and Ishaaq [d.238H] (3)..." These excerpts are from An-Nawawi's Explanation of Saheeh al-Muslim (6/386)

Ash-Shaukaani [d.1250], may Allah have mercy on him, mentioned, "This hadeeth is a clear proof that Salaatul-Jumu'ah was prayed before the time of Dhur-Prayer..." He also mentions, "A majority of scholars have tried to explain this hadeeth with far- fetched interpretations, but what is correct, is that this hadeeth has shown the permissibility of performing Salaatul- Jumu'ah before the time of Dhur..(4)

Ibn Baaz [d.1420H], may Allah have mercy on him, mentioned, "It is permissible to perform Salatul-Jumu'ah before the time of Dhur Prayer..." Ibn Baaz's Fataawa (12/391) - Summarized Translation

Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaani [d.1420H], may Allah have mercy on him, mentioned in his book al-Irwaa al-Ghaleel (3/62) that, "There is an authentic narration reported in Ibn Abee Shaybah's(5) collection, that, Abdullah bin Mas'ood (6), may Allah be pleased with him, prayed Salaatul-Jumu'ah before the time of Dhur Prayer."

Translator/Researcher's note: The narration reads as follows: Abdullah bin Salimah (7) said, "Abdullah bin Mas'ood led us in The Friday Prayer (Salaatul- Jumu'ah) before the time of Dhur Prayer, Abdullah bin Mas'ood then said, 'I feared the heat would be overbearing (at the time of Dhur Prayer).' Ibn Abee Shaybah's Collection (2/548)

In conclusion, we see that several scholars viewed, and still view, the performance of Salatul-Jumu'ah, before the time of Dhur Prayer, as something permissible. From them:

(1) - Abdullah bin Mas'ood [32H or after that], may Allah be pleased with him

(2) - Ahmad bin Hanbal [d.241H], may Allah have mercy on him

(3) - Ishaaq Raahaway [d.238H], may Allah have mercy on him.

(4) - Ash-Shaukaani [d. 1250H], may Allah have mercy on him.

(5) - Abdul-Azeez bin Baaz [d.1420H], may Allah have mercy on him.

(6) - Muhammad bin Aadam, may Allah preserve him.

And Allah knows best.

  • - May Allah, the Most High, reward those who assisted me in this
           small translation/research.

    (1) - Jabir bin Abdillah is a Companion of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa
            wa sallam. Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, died in al-Madinah at the age  
            of ninety-four years old, over seventy years after the relocation of the Muslims
            from Makkah to al-Madinah.  

    (2) - Abdullah bin Abdir-Rahmaan ad-Daarimee [d.255H]  

    (3) - Ishaaq bin Ibraahim Raahaway [d.238H], companion of al-Imam Ahmad [d.241H]

    (4) - Imaam ash-Shaukaani's comments can be found in Muhammad bin Adam's
            explanation of Sunan an-Nasaa'ee (16/170-171). Muhammad bin 'Ali says, "Due
            to the clarity of the evidences concerning this issue, it is permissible to
            perform Salaatul-Jumu'ah before the time of Dhur  Prayer ý" (Muhammad bin  
            'Ali's comment was summarized) - ibid

    (5) - Abu Bakr Abdullah bin Muhammad ibn Ibraahim ibn Abee Shaybah [d.235H]

    (6) - Abdullah bin Mas'ood [d.32H or sometime after that], may Allah be pleased  
            with him, is a Companion of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
            He was considered as one of the major scholars from amongst the Companions.  

    (7) - Abdullah bin Salimah is from the major Followers of the Companions
            (Taabi'een). As time progressed, his memory weakened.

            Translator/Researcher's note:

            Benefit (Sciences of Hadeeth):

            Naasir ud-Deen al-Al-Baani, may Allah have mercy on him, mentioned a nice
            benefit regarding a weak memory, and when it may not affect the acceptance of
            a narration. Al-Albaani says, "Abdullah bin Salimah's memory weakened as time          
            progressed, but most of the time a weak memory doesn't affect the
            narration of an event that someone witnessed for himself (i.e. Abdullah ibn
            Salimah's witnessing of Ibn Mas'ood performance of Salaatul-Jumu'ah before
            the time of Dhur), as opposed to an event not witnessed for himself. If Abdullah
            ibn Salimah didn't witness this event himself, we would fear that he may have
            made an addition or subtraction to his narration..."(al-Irwaa 3/63)  

    Jameel Finch

  • abu.nusayba.musa
    13-10-2008 @ 9:18 AM    Notify Admin about this post
    Abu Nusayabah Musa ibn Lawrence (Johnstown, Colorado)
    Posts: 22
    Joined: Nov 2003
    As salaamu 'alaykum war rahmatullaahi wa barakatu,

         Here in Colorado, all of the masajid start Jumu'ah at 1210 pm while the time for salah comes in between 1245 and 1250.  The imaams of these masajid lay claim that this is permissable but the only person I have found to hold this opinion is Al Qardawi.  

         My question is two fold:

              1.  Is this statement authentic, and
              2.  If this is not permissable, what should we do?

    Please note that the salafiyoon here in Colorado are few and are spread out over the state.  

    May Allaah help us to come together and spread the haqq in the best manner.

    Abu Nusaybah Al Almani

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