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Posted By Topic: Authenticity of a Hadith of Ibn Abbas Rahimullah

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20-10-2008 @ 8:57 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Nu'aim Hamza Bin Ahmad (Toronto, Ontario)
Posts: 10
Joined: Sep 2008
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,

  I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this question, but I hope there's someone who can help me find an authenticity for this hadith.  This hadith I found in the introduction of a Mushaf in a Masjid of ahlul-bid'ah about a year ago, and I've been trying to get its authenticity since.  

The hadith starts, "Sayyidina Ibn Abaas reported that he was once in the company of the Rasool (sallahu 'alaihi was salam) when Sayyidina Ali came in and said:  "O Rasulullah (sallahu 'alaihi was salam), you are dearer to me than my father and mother.  I  try to memorize the Quran but cannot do so as it vanishes from my memory".  Rasulullah (sallahu 'alaihi was salam) said. "Shall I tell you of a method which will benefit you as well as those whom it is conveyed by you?  You will be able to retain whatever you learn"...........

The hadith goes on much longer, but this is the intro I have.  It says it has been reported by "Tirmidhi, Haakim and others".  I have scanned and attached the hadith below, and I would really appreciate it if anyone could inform me of its authenticity and share it with us.

Jazakhallahu Khair wa Barakallahu feek

Abu Khuzaimah Hamza Bin Ahmad
Toronto, Canada

Attached FileIMG2.jpg (840 Kbytes)

22-10-2008 @ 2:45 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified Hassan bin Waheed (Teaneck, NJ, USA)
Posts: 54
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Shaykh Al-Albaanee included this in As-Silsilah Ad-Da'eefah (#3374). He refers to the versions reported by At-Tirmidhee, Al-Haakim, Al-Asbahaanee, Ibn Asaakir, and Ad-Diyaa.

He declares the version in At-Tirmidhee to be fabricated (#3570).

Allaahu Ta'ala 'Alam.

22-10-2008 @ 5:35 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Nu'aim Hamza Bin Ahmad (Toronto, Ontario)
Posts: 10
Joined: Sep 2008
Ibn Abbaas Radhiallahu 'Anhu***

Abu Khuzaimah Hamza Bin Ahmad
Toronto, Canada

22-10-2008 @ 7:01 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Dihyah Dawud Adib (Philadelphia, PA U.S.A.)
Posts: 265
Joined: Sep 2002
According to some of the scholars of hadeeth this narration mentioning a supplication assisting one in the memorization of the Glorious Qur'aan is a least munkar and a most mawdoo'.

Some of the a'immah (pl. imaam) of hadeeth - excluding al-Imaam at-Tirmidhee and al-Imaam al-Haakim - who collected/mentioned disparaging comments about this narration are:

al-Imaam Asbahaanee in 'At-Tarqheeb
al-Imaam Ibnu Asaakir in Juz'u Akhbaar Hifdhil Qur'aan
al-Haafidh ad-Diyaa' in al-Mukhtaar.

In short, al-Imaam adh-Dhahabee commenting on this hadeeth in al-Imaam Haakim's version said:
"This hadeeth is munkar, shaadh!"
He (al-Imaam adh-Dhahabee) also said in 'Siyarul A'laamin Nubalaa' vol. 9, page 217 under the biography of al-Waleed ibn Muslim (who is in the chain of this narration):

The most reprehensible of what he (al-Waleed ibn Muslim) has with him is the hadeeth collected by Uthmaan ibn Sa'eed ad-Daarimee who cited the hadeeth in its entirety, then he said: "This (narration) as far as I am concernerd is mawdoo'.

al-Imaam ibnul Jawzee in the book 'al-Mawdoo'aat' vol. 2; pages 138-139 also has comments about this narration.

This narration has a shaahid or 'witnessing' narration collected by al-Imaam at-Tabaraanee in 'Mu'jamul Kabeer' but it is also baatil or false.

We have also one of the most noted scholars of hadeeth today; al-Imaam Muhammad ibn Nooh an-Najjaatee mentioning this narration as at least being munkar.

Lastly, for those who want a clearer Arabic and English version - than the one scanned and posted by our brother Abu Khuzaimah Hamzah - see under the section 'Various Narrations On Supplications' volume 6; chapter 114: About The Supplication of Memorization; page 274-277 from the Jaami' of al-Imaam at-Tirmidhee published by Darus Salam Books.

And Allaah knows best and is the Most High!

Dawud Adib the son of David C.White Sr.

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