sajid_chauhan_81 | -- 20-01-2010 @ 10:28 AM | ||||
sources: The last chapter "The Aqidah of Abu Hasan al-Ash'ari and His Final Book 'Al-Ibaanah'" from the excellent book [url=]"Foundations of the Sunnah"[/url] and
sajid_chauhan_81 | -- 27-02-2010 @ 4:03 AM | ||||
قال الإمام أبو محمد بن قدامة المقدسي (توفي سنة 620): ومن السنة هجران أهل البدع ومباينتهم وترك الجدال والخصومات في الدين وترك النظر في كتب المبتدعة والإصغاء إلى كلامهم وكل محدثة في الدين بدعة . وكل متسم بغير الإسلام والسنة مبتدع كالرافضة والجهمية والخوارج والقدرية والمرجئة والمعتزلة والكرام والكلابية ونظائرهم فهذه فرق الضلال وطوائف البدع أعاذنا الله منها . ~ لمعة الإعتقاد الهادي إلى سبيل الرشاد Imaam Ibn Qudaamah al-Maqdisee(d. 620H) said, source: see pg. 32 of this pdf.
sajid_chauhan_81 | -- 22-05-2010 @ 6:58 AM | ||||
An extract from the book 'A Glimpse at the Deviated Sects' of [url=]Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan[/url] regarding Kullaabiyyah - the roots of [url=]Ashayrah[/url] - can be read by clicking [url=]here[/url].
sajid_chauhan_81 | -- 22-07-2010 @ 7:08 AM | ||||
In his book "Al-Bid'ah, its principles and its evil effect upon the Ummah", after explaining the principles of misguided sects like Rawaafid, Khawaarij, Jahmiyyah and Mutazilah, Shaykh Dr. Alee Naasir al-Faqeehee (hafidhahullaah) said, "Similar sects like Kullaabiyyah, [url=]ashariyyah[/url], murjiah and all those groups who make taweel of Allaah's names and attributes, and subject the nusoos(texts of Qur'an and Sunnah) to their aql (intellect). Thus, whatever agrees with their intellects, they accept and what does not they reject; even though intellect is not the criterion to which the texts of the Shariah from the Qur'an and Sunnah are to be subjected." source: [url=][/url]
sajid_chauhan_81 | -- 29-07-2010 @ 5:12 AM | ||||
Below is an excerpt from a lecture of Shaikh Muhammad al-Anjaree found [url=]here[/url].Hope someone can give the reference from the books of the Salaf for this incident.
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