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» Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abd-al-Wahab and Najdis
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26-10-2009 @ 4:45 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Haaroon Husayn Ahmad ibn Jamal (West Palm Beach, FL USA)
Posts: 141
Joined: Jul 2005
Assalaamu alaikum,

Baarakallaahu feekum to those who replied. It is important to point out that Wikipedia is not a reference that should be relied on even if some of the content on the resource is correct.

Please refer to the topic:

"Care should be taken when using Wikipedia"

25-10-2009 @ 1:54 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Maryam Dardan bin Saadri al-Albanee (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
Posts: 72
Joined: Nov 2007

Ibn Hajar Asqalani said after quoting the words of al-Khattabi explaining the meaning of Qarn (horn) that the trials and innovations will come from the east during the first "splitting of the Muslim ranks".[6] Ibn Hajr quoted al-Khattabi as saying:

"the najd in the direction of the east, and for the one who is in Madeenah then his Najd would be the desert of Iraaq and it's regions [baadiya al-Iraaq wa Nawaaheehaa] for this is to the east of the People of Madeenah. The basic meaning of Najd is that which is raised/elevated from the earth in contravention to al-Gawr for that is what is lower than it. Tihaamah [the coastal plain along the south-western and southern shores of the Arabian Peninsula] is entirely al-Gawr and Mecca is in Tihaamah.'[...] by this [saying of al-Khattaabee] the weakness of the saying of ad-Daawodee is understood that 'Najd is in the direction of Iraaq' [min Naahiya al-Iraaq] for he suggests that Najd is a specific place. This is not the case, rather everything that is elevated with respect to what adjoins it is called Najd and the lower area called Gawr." [7]
Imam Nawawi said that these hadith refer to the Dajjal coming from the east. Furthermore, it is shown in Najd Qarnu ash-Shaytaan that there are thirteen places that have been labeled as najd depending a lot on one's own location, and from Medina, najd would be Iraq.[8]

Abu Maryam Al-Albanee

25-10-2009 @ 1:45 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Maryam Dardan bin Saadri al-Albanee (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
Posts: 72
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Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 46, Number 719:

Narrated Abu Huraira: I have loved the people of the tribe of Bani Tamim ever since I heard, three things, Allah's Apostle said about them. I heard him saying, These people (of the tribe of Bani Tamim) would stand firm against Ad-Dajjal." When the Sadaqat (gifts of charity) from that tribe came, Allah's Apostle said, "These are the Sadaqat (i.e. charitable gifts) of our folk." 'Aisha had a slave-girl from that tribe, and the Prophet said to 'Aisha, "Manumit her as she is a descendant of Ishmael (the Prophet)."

Abu Maryam Al-Albanee

10-10-2009 @ 5:07 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Fatimah al engleezi (sheffield; United Kingdom)
Posts: 172
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could you provide some further in depth evidence to demonstrate that najd refers to iraq? This is a big and important topic that requires attention and i would say its a topic in need of explanation by the ahlul ilm (may allah preserve them) if it hasn't already been explained by them. If it has, please provide links so i can study this further inshallah

07-10-2009 @ 10:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sifr Daniel bin Adam (Al-Ahsa, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 53
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I was contacted by one of the brothers recently who saw my posts here.  This brother gave me the exact narrations and citations often mistranslated by people who oppose the Sunnah and asked me to post them for anyone else who reads this thread.

Be very wary of debates with the people of innovation, or even the generality of Ahlus Sunnah who may be confused over one or two issues.  You might get doubts into your head due to mistranslations or even unauthentic quotes.

Sahih al- Bukhari (Book #84, Hadith #68)
Narrated Yusair bin 'Amr: I asked Sahl bin Hunaif, "Did you hear the Prophet saying anything about Al-Khawarij?" He said, "I heard him saying
while pointing his hand towards Iraq. "There will appear in it (i.e,
Iraq) some people who will recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their
throats, and they will go out from (leave) Islam as an arrow darts through
the game's body.' "  

Sahih al- Bukhari (Book #57, Hadith #96)
Narrated Ibn Abi Nu'm: A person asked 'Abdullah bin 'Umar whether a Muslim
could kill flies. I heard him saying (in reply). "The people of Iraq
are asking about the killing of flies while they themselves murdered the
son of the daughter of Allah's Apostle . The Prophet said: "They (i.e. Hasan and Husain) are my two sweet basils in this world."  

Sahih Muslim (Book #041, Hadith #6943)
Ibn Fudail reported on the authority of his father that he heard Salim b.
'Abdullah b. 'Umar as saying: O people of Iraq, how strange it is that you ask about the minor sins but commit major sins? I heard from my father 'Abdullah b. 'Umar, narrating that he heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying while pointing his hand towards the East: Verily. the turmoil would come from this side, from where appear the horns
of Satan and you would strike the necks of one another; and Moses killed a
person from among the people of Pharaoh unintentionally and Allah, the
Exalted and Glorious, said:" You killed a person but We relieved you from
the grief and tried you with (many a) trial" (xx. 40). Ahmad b. Umar
reported this hadith from Salim, but he did not make a mention of the words:" I heard".

10-09-2009 @ 10:49 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sifr Daniel bin Adam (Al-Ahsa, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 53
Joined: Sep 2008
Walaykumus salaam,

Your friend appears to have been had by one of the many fabrications of the Sufi movement.  This specific attribution by the followers of Sufism, whereby they try to connect the hadith of Najd to Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, is a common tactic of theirs.  It is so cut-and-paste and formulaic that the order in which these narrations are presented are even set in the common pattern.

The main deception used here is that they claim the "najd" referred to in these narrations is the same as the area in modern-day Saudi Arabia referred to as "najd."  This serves the da'wah of the Sufis* well, as Ibn Abdul Wahhab (who is native to the region which is known today as najd within Saudi Arabia) was calling against the exact type of innovation and shirk that many Sufi Orders unfortunately call to.  The originators of these claims, however, conveniently forget two points:

1. The region today known as "najd" in Saudi Arabia was not historically known by that name, in part because the meaning of the word najd (an elevated region and a region that is to the East) does not accurately describe the part of modern-day Saudi Arabia known as Najd (which is a region that is not directly East of Medina, where Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam was when the hadith in question was said, and is also a region that is not elevated above Medina).

2. In respect to Medina, which as I mentioned is the area where this hadith was said, the "najd" would refer more accurately to Iraq.  The 'ulama of the past were united in understanding this.  Furthermore, the "najd" is a term that partially depends on your location; thus, there were thirteen regions that were historically known as "najd."

As for the specific hadith mentioned, then these are good examples of the half-truths the enemies of the Salafi da'wah commonly espouse.  Indeed, there are numerous hadith speaking of the horn of Satan, along with other calamities, arising from the region known as "najd."  In many of these hadith, "najd" is named specifically as Iraq!  This, of course, demolishes the argument as Iraq is a specific term.

Take, for example, hadith number 6943 in Sahih Muslim.  'Abdullah bin 'Umar radiyallaahu 'anh said he heard Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam speak of the trials from "najd," and his son Salim rahimahullah addressed the people of Iraq, stating that this hadith is in reference to them.  Shu'aib al-Arna'ut and at-Tabarani both recorded versions of this hadith in which the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam specifies that "najd" refers to Iraq. There are also hadith in which "najd" is not specified to be Iraq, and it is from these that such people (not your friend, but the originators of these claims) take their arguments.  Both versions appear in the Sahihayn, but as often happens with those with agendas to push, their research is selective.

As for the third and fourth hadiths, then this is quite simple: they are referring to the khawarij.  I believe on Salafi Audio, there are some English language lectures by some of the d'uat regarding the origins of the khawarij.  These hadith arose from the incident of Dhul Khuwaisarah at-Tamimi, and the 'ulama of the past have been unanimous in saying that this refers to the khawarij.  All the same, if your friend claims that this refers to Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, then the burden of proof is on him for this.

Remember, you should never be impressed by someone who can simply quote hadith.  I know a brother who once quoted a hadith in which Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam was visited by 'Uthman, 'Umar, and then Abu Bakr radiyallahu 'anhum as he was lying on his bed.  Long story short, my friend ended up claiming that this hadith is a proof for the claim that a man's thigh is not from his 'awrah.  People can make all sorts of wild claims and say this is the position of Shaykh What's-his-name or quote this or that hadith, but always remember that if the evidence does not support his claim then it is meaningless.

* Please note that I am not calling your friend a Sufi, I don't know him and that is not for me to say.  When I use that word here, I am referring to the shuyookh and the heads of the Sufi Orders from whence these fabrications originate, not the well-intentioned common Muslims who may not even know the origins of these insidious claims.

07-09-2009 @ 1:20 AM    Notify Admin about this post
yusuf yusuf ibn akhtar (leicester)
Posts: 3
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Recently, a brother who works with me was talking to me about how he dislikes Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahab, and how people who follow him are corrupt and innovators. I have read his book, Kitab-At-Tawheed, and believe it is one of the best books that one seeking knowledge could read. So i recomended the brother to read this book, as it would clear  up many misconceptions that he had regarding Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab. He read it, but he was still convinced that Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab was an innovator and he quoted many ahaadith to me regarding him and Najd. As i have limited knowledge, i was confused about how to reply, and address these ahaadith. The ahaadith that he mentioned to me were as follows:

1)Imam Bukhari (Radiallhu Anhu) quotes this Hadith from Abdullah ibn Umar (Radiallhu Anhu) that the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) once prayed for Syria (Shaam) and Yemen. It is narrated that there were some people of Najd also present in the gathering and they requested the Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) to make du'a for Najd also. The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) continued saying: "O! Allah, Shower Blessings on Shaam and Yemen," The people of Najd again requested the Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) to offer prayers for Najd. The Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "It is a place of tremor and Fitna (Mischief) and the horn of Shaitaan will rise from there." (Bukhari Shareef, Vol. ii, PP. 1050)

2)Abdullah bin Umar (Radiallhu Anhu) narrates in Muslim Shareef: "The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) once emerged from the room of his wife, Hazrat Ayesha (Radiallahu Anha) and pointing towards Najd exclaimed:
'This is the center of Kufr from where the horn of Shaitaan will rise'."
(Muslim Shareef Vol. ii, PP. 1394)

3) The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reported to have said: "There will rise a group of people in the East who will recite the Holy Quran, but alas, the Quran will not go beyond their throat. This group will keep rising till the Day of Judgment and they will eventually rise with Dajjal. Their main symbol will be to sit in groups (Halqa)."
(Addarus Sunniah, PP. 50)

Are these haadith mentioning The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reported to have said: "There will rise a group of people in the East who will recite the Holy Quran, but alas, the Quran will not go beyond their throat. This group will keep rising till the Day of Judgment and they will eventually rise with Dajjal. Their main symbol will be to sit in groups (Halqa)."
(Addarus Sunniah, PP. 50)

Are these haadith mentioning Shaykh Muhammed Ibn Abd-al Wahaab?
Jazakullah Khairun

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