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Posted By Topic: What is Salafiyyah and is it waajib upon every Muslim?

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24-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 142
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As-Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu!

Our Sheikh Saalih Ibn Fawzaan Ibn Abdillah Al-Fawzaan was asked the following question:

What is Salafiyyah? And is it mandatory to traverse upon this manhaaj and to hold fast to it?

The Sheikh [hafidhahullaah] replied with the following answer:

Salafiyyah it is to travel upon the manhaj of the Salaf from amongst the Companions [Sahaabah] and those who followed after them [At-Taabi3een] and the Virtuous Generations [Quroonul Mufadilah] in Aqeedah and Understanding [Fahm] and Etiquettes [Sulook], and it is mandatory upon the Muslim to traverse upon this way [Manhaj].

Allaah the Most High says, " And from amongst the first to embrace Islaam from amongst the Muhaajireena and the Ansaar and those who followed after them in in Ihsaan, Allaah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him" [9:100]

And Allaah says, "And those who came after them say Oh our Lord forgive us and our brothers those who preceded us in Imaan and do not put any hatred against those who have believed" [59:10]

And the Prophet [Afdaalu Salaat wa Atammu Tasleem] said, "So follow my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Rightly Guided Khulafa after me hold fast to it and bite into it with your molars and I warn you of newly invented matters for verily every newly invented matter is a cursed innovation and ever innovation leads astray." [Tirmidhee]

Ajweebatul Mufeedah A3nil As'ilati Al-Manaahaj Al-Jadeedah [Question 50] Sheikh Saalih Ibn Fawzaan Ibn Abdillaah Al-Fawzaan

Question [5]

Which of the two will be punished most severely, the sinner or the innovator?

The  innovator shall receive the severest punishment and that is because the innovation is more destructive than the sin and innovation is more beloved to Shaytawn than sins. That is because the sin is repented from and as for the innovator, very few of them repent and that is because he believes that he is upon the truth and this is in opposition to the sinner for verily he knows that the sin he commits is sinful and as for the innovator he believes that he is obedient and that he is upon obedience. And for that he continues on with his innovation and refuge is sought from Allaah. So the innovation is more evil than the sin. And like this the Salaf used to warn from sitting with the innovators and that is because they leave an influence upon those who sit with them and the danger is severe. So there is no doubt that innovation is more evil than sins and the danger of the innovator is more severe upon the people than the danger of the sinner and for this the Salaf said: ?Restricting oneself to the Sunnah is better than exerting oneself hard in the innovation.?

[Ajweebatul Mufeedah Anil As?ilati Al-Manaahaj Al-Jadeedah pg.8]

Sufyaan Ibn Uyainah used to say: Indeed the Deen is only in the Aathaar and not in opinions the Deen is in the Aathaar not in opinions...

21-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As-Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu

These are the words (translated from arabic by the translator)of Sheikh Ubayd Al Jaabiree in the tape "Clarity and Words Of Wisdom" when he was asked...

Question 3:
Then the question was asked, what is the conclusive word with regards to naming oneself Salafi because many see that one should not do so?

So the sheikh says, Salafiyyah isn't a new terminology, rather it is old, and from that which bears witness to it is the statement of the Messenger (sallallaahu ?alaihi-wasallam) to Fatimah (radiallaahu anhu) " And verily I am a good and blessed Salaf for you." and likewise this has been conveyed by the people of knowledge they would describe a person on the Book and the Sunnah as Salafi and they would describe those who were not on the Book and the Sunnah as khalafi which is the opposite of that. In the fourth volume of Al Majmoo al fatawah of sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah pg.149, he says;
" There is no shame upon the one who manifests the way of the Salaf and affiliates himself to it and say I am salafi rather it is wajib (obligatory) to accept that from him by consensus because verily the way of the Salaf is nothing but the truth.So the one who is upon that and manifests it outwardly and inwardly then he is as the mumin who is upon the truth apparently and inwardly and he who is upon it apparently and not inwardly then he is munafiq(a hypocrite ) who is upon the truth apparently ...up until the end of his statement." So attributing oneself to Salafiyyah is not an affair which is new,rather it is something that is inherited from the Imaams and their precedence is the hadith that was mentioned and they were like that,such and such is a salafi. And sheikh al Islaam transmits to us the consensus that this isn't a blameworthy thing but rather it is wajib (compulsory) to accept that from him by consensus. So he who affiliates himself to Salafiyyah and he is inwardly and outwardly so ie.we found him upon that outwardly and inwardly and he is a true Salafi and we know that which is apparent and we leave that which is inward to Allah. But if it does become plain to us that he is upon the salafi methodology in his aqueedah, and his action, and his manhaj and his dawah to Allah,we say that he is salafi. We pass a judgement upon him based upon that which was apparent.Because the one who manifests good we accept it from him .But if after that the opposite of thatis confirmed upon him then we say this is a munafiq,or he is erroneous.We look into his condition.

For the original arabic please listen to the tape.  

This message was edited by s.bint.ahmed on 3-14-04 @ 6:02 PM

22-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 71
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Insist I am A Salafee

Shaikh Al-Albaanee: ?I insist I am Salafee?
[A refutation of the false principle of Aa?id Al-Qarnee]
Author: Imaam Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee
Source: Cassette Recording
Translator: abu maryam

Questioner: One of the students of knowledge in the lands of Najd (Saudi Arabia) said: ?Whoever says I am Salafi? or ?I am Tableeghi? and so on mentioning other groups, then he must be made to repent. And if he doesn?t repent, then he is to be killed, as a hadd (Islamic punishment).

Shaikh: I don?t think he said this.

Questioner: By Allaah, Shaikh, he said it, and here is a cassette recording, which confirms it.

[Then the questioner plays the tape on which Aa?id Al-Qarnee?s voice can be heard saying the following: ?And know, may Allaah preserve you, that it is not permissible for anybody to make it obligatory for someone to follow one of the madhaahib. So whoever says to the people or to one amongst the servants (of Allaah: ?You are obligated to be a Hanbalee, or Maalikee, or Shaafi?ee or Hanafee?, then he must be made to repent. And if he does not repent he is to be killed. And whoever makes it obligatory for one of the people to be Ikhwanee or Salafee or Tableeghi or Suroori ? he makes this an obligation ? then he must be made to repent and if he doesn?t do so, he is to be killed. This is because Allaah did not name us anything but Muslims.? Then the tape stops and the Shaikh comments.]

Shaikh: I don?t think a scholar would say this. I don?t think a person of knowledge would say something like this! [People laughing in the background] As for someone who is not a scholar, then it is possible that he can say such a thing or even worse than it.

Questioner: So what is your advice O Shaikh?

Answer: My advice to him is that he understands ? what is the meaning of (the word) Salafee? And I say to him now: ?Are you absolving yourself from the Salaf??? He will say ?No? if he is a person of knowledge. But if he is from one of those who doesn?t know anything, he will say: ?I just follow the Qur?aan and Sunnah.?

But how do you understand the Qur?aan and how do you understand the Sunnah? Do you interpret the Qur?aan, by means of the Qur?aan first, then the Sunnah second? What do we call this? This is an error. It is not permissible for us to say: ?We interpret the Qur?aan by way of the Qur?aan, then the Sunnah.? Rather, we interpret the Qur?aan by way of the Qur?aan and the Sunnah, together. This is since we absolutely cannot manage to understand the Qur?aan without the Sunnah.

This is why I used to mention in some of my books that one of the evidences for rejecting the hadeeth of Mu?aadh Ibn Jabal, in which he said that Allaah?s Messenger (sallAllaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) ? as the hadeeth alleges ? that when he sent Mu?aad Ibn Jabal to Yemen he said: ?What will you judge by?? Mu?aadh said: ?By the Book of Allaah.? So he said: ?And if you don?t find it (i.e. an answer in it)?? He said: ?Then by the Sunnah of Allaah?s Messenger.? So he said: ?And if you don?t find (an answer in) it?? So he said: ?I will strive to come up with my own opinion.? So the Prophet (sallAllaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) said: ?All praise be to Allaah who guided the messenger of Allaah?s Messenger towards that which Allaah?s Messenger loves.?

This is a munkar (rejected) hadeeth. Why? Is it correct, with regard to those who graduated from the school of Muhammad (sallAllaahu ?alayhi wa sallam), as is commonly said nowadays, to differentiate between the Qur?aan and the Sunnah and to place the Sunnah with respect to the Qur?aan in the same position as the opinion with respect to the Sunnah? When does the scholar refer to his opinion (?) ? when he doesn?t find an answer in the Sunnah. When does he refer to the Sunnah (?) ? when he can?t find an answer in the Qur?aan. This is not correct. It is obligatory to combine both the Qur?aan and the Sunnah together because they both originate from one source.

But this hadeeth gives the Sunnah a position of being under the Qur?aan, equaling it to the position of the opinion under the Sunnah. When does one exert himself to come up with his own opinion (?) ? when he doesn?t find any answer in the Sunnah. When does he refer to the Sunnah (?) ? when he doesn?t find any answer in the Qur?aan.

This is wrong. The first one was correct. When does he refer to his own opinion (?) ? when he doesn?t find an answer in the Sunnah. When does he refer to the Sunnah (?) ? when he doesn?t find an answer in the Qur?aan. This is wrong. Why?

Now we will ask a question concerning the dead animals of the sea. Are they Halaal (lawful) or Haraam (unlawful)? Allaah says: ?Forbidden for you are dead animals.? [Surah Al-Maa?idah: 6] So then we have found the answer in the Qur?aan, right? No, but we must continue to look, is there anything in the Sunnah that responds to this ayah and which restricts it? Yes, there is. So therefore the scholar actually has no choice but to combine between the Qur?aan and the Sunnah.

So the matter is as Allaah?s Messenger (sallAllaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) said: ?Do not let any of you sit reclining on his couch, saying: ?This is the Book of Allaah, so whatever of Halaal we find in it, we declare it to be lawful. And whatever of Haraam we find in it, we declare it to be unlawful (in exclusion of the Sunnah).? Indeed, I was given the Qur?aan and something similar to it along with it. Indeed, what Allaah?s Messenger has made forbidden is just like what Allaah has made forbidden ?

Therefore, there is no way one can ever divide between the Qur?aan and the Sunnah. So whoever says: ?We will interpret the Qur?aan by way of the Qur?aan and then the Sunnah?, this person has come about due to this munkar hadeeth.

Rather, we only interpret the Qur?aan by means of the Qur?aan and the Sunnah, together. Furthermore, if we don?t find a tafseer (interpretation) of an ayah in either the Qur?aan or the Sunnah, we turn back to our righteous predecessors (the Salaf As-Saalih), especially the Companions, who were spoken the words of Allaah directly by the Prophet (sallAllaahu ?alayhi wa sallam). And also?

In my opinion, the least that can be said (about this person) ? and I don?t know the level of his knowledge ? the least that can be said is that he is heedless of this fact. And in reality this is a severe negligence on his part, especially since he issued that harsh ruling afterward ? that whoever doesn?t repent is to be killed.

So give him the glad tidings that I still insist that I am a Salafee ? upon the Book and the Sunnah and upon the methodology of the Salaf as-Saalih. And whoever doesn?t adopt this manhaj (methodology) then there is no difference between him and the Raafidah. And no doubt, so long as he is in the lands of Najd, and there is (no difference) between him and between the Raafidah, this is the same as what Al-Hadaad did.

Questioner: And we are with you O Shaikh!

Shaikh: May Allaah reward you.

15-04-2009 @ 11:20 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Arabic audio - Shaykh Ibn Al-Uthaymeen..."Ahlus Sunnah Are the Salafiyoon, and the Salafees Are not a Hizb"

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