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» Indeed This Knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From
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18-10-2008 @ 10:24 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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The Admin of salafitalk requested that the following information be added:

[Source of lecture: Extracted from Sheikh Ahmad Baazmool's explanation of the Athar of Imaam Ibn Seereen (rahimahullaah)]

By: Abu Mu-aawiyyah (Abdullah Gambi) on behalf of markazus salafi (manchester)

Also the audio of this lecture can be found at (may Allaah protect it).  Just type 'ibn sirin' in the search box and the audio is on the second page of your search, titled: 'Be Careful Who You Take Your Deen From!'

Indeed, This knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

Imaam Ibn Seereen (rahimahullaah) said: 'Indeed, This knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

Sheikh Ahmad Bin Umar Bazmool (hafidha-hullaah) stated in explanation of the above statement of Imaam Ibn Seereen (rahimahullaah):

Indeed, Allah (Azza-Wa-Jal) has commanded us this (affair) when He (Azza-Wa-Jal) said: 'So ask the people of the Dhikr (the Reminder), if you do not know'. [21:7]

Allah commanded us to ask the people of the Dzikr (the Reminder), and the Salafus Saalih clarified that the Ulama are the people of the Dhikr.  So Allaah (Azza-Wa-Jal) specifying the Ulama as (those) to be asked is evidence that others besides them are not to be asked.  And likewise, Imaams Bukhaari and Muslim reported in the Saheehayn on the authority of Aa'isha (radiyallaahu-anhaa) that the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) recited the statement of Allah (Azza-Wa-Jal):

''It is He Who has sent down to you (Muhammad) the Book (this Qur'aan)
In it are Verses that are entirely clear, they are the foundations of the Book [and those are the Verses of Al-Ahkaam (commandments, etc.), Al-Faraa'id (obligatory duties) and Al-Hudud (legal laws for the punishment of thieves, adulterers, etc.)]; and others not entirely clear. So as for those in whose hearts there is a deviation (from the truth) they follow that which is not entirely clear thereof, seeking Al-Fitnah (polytheism and trials, etc.), and seeking for its hidden meanings, but none knows its hidden meanings save Allaah.'

(Then after reciting the above ayah), he (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said: 'If you see those who follow thereof that is not entirely clear, then they are those whom Allaah has named [as having deviation from the truth].  So beware of them'[1]

In this hadeeth is a warning against a people who give out knowledge, teach and issue verdicts.  So their condition must be known.  

Imaam Nawawi (rahimahullaah) said: ''In this hadeeth is a warning against mixing with the people of deviation, the people of bidah and those who seek after the difficult affairs (of the Religion), seeking by it fitnah.  So they are not to be consented to, rather (they are to be) restrained and subdued just as Umar Ibnul Khattaab (radiyallaahu-anhu) subdued Sabee Bin Asl when he sought after the Mutashaabih (the unclear verses).

To be continued.....Inshaa-Allaah

[1] Reported by Bukhaari in Kitaab At-Tafseer

19-10-2008 @ 8:48 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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Indeed, This knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

The importance of this topic is made known for the fresh continuation of knowledge, so that every group acquires it from a preceding group.  Knowledge will be lost if it not acquired from the Ulama, as reported by Bayhaqee in As-Sunan Al-Kubraa from Abdullaah Bin Ubaid who said:

'Indeed, if the teachers reach the Scholars, then scholars will pass away and knowledge will remain with the teachers.  And knowledge will depart if the teachers do not reach it (i.e. from the Scholars)'

Therefore, it is not said that the preservation of Books is (the reason) for the continuation of knowledge......

To be continued.....Inshaa-Allaah

19-10-2008 @ 11:13 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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Indeed, This Knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

Indeed, knowledge will be raised from the earth if it is not acquired from its people; because (as the Scholars) remain knowledge will remain.  Allah (Azza-Wa-Jal) does not take away knowledge by taking it away from [the hearts of] the Scholars, but He takes away knowledge by taking the Scholars away, as (reported) in the hadith of Abdullaah Bin Umar (radiyallaahu-anhumaa) in the Saheehayn, from the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) who said:

'Allah does not take away the knowledge by taking it away from [the hearts of] the people, but takes it away when none of the 'ulama' remain, and people will take as their leaders ignorant persons who when consulted will give their verdict without knowledge. So they will go astray and will lead the people astray.'

And the reason for the taking away of knowledge through the demise of the Scholars, is (because) there is no Prophet after the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam).  The nations before us had Prophets to look after their affairs, so whenever a Prophet passed away he was succeeded by (another) Prophet.  As for Muhammad (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam), he is the seal of the Prophets and there is no Prophet (to come) after him, but the Scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets.
The Scholars are the inheritors of that which the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) has left behind of knowledge.  So when the Scholars pass away and knowledge was not acquired from them, then knowledge will be lost through their demise.  Imaam Bukhaari (rahimahullaah) said in the Book of Knowledge (in Saheeh Bukhaari): Chapter: 'How will knowledge be taken away'

And Ameerul Mumineen Umar Ibn Abdul Azeez (rahimahullaah) wrote to Abee Bakr Ibn Hazm (rahimahullaah) saying:

''Look to what is (present) from the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam).  Write it down, for I fear for the Doroos of Knowledge; ['The Doroos of knowledge' meaning: they will become scarce and non existent, and the Scholars will pass away.  And do not accept, except the hadeeth of the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) due to the taking away of knowledge, meaning: spread knowledge and sit (for knowledge) until the one who does not know comes to know; because knowledge will not be destroyed until it becomes hidden.''
To be continued....Inshaa-Allaah

21-10-2008 @ 11:56 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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Indeed, This knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

And from that which manifests the importance of this subject, is that  (with) the disappearance of knowledge ignorance and killing will appear, as reported by Bukhaari and Muslim in the Saheehayn from Abu Hurairah (radiyallaahu-anhu) that the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said:

'knowledge will be taken away (by the death of religious scholars) ignorance (in religion) and afflictions will appear; and Harj will increase.'  They said: 'What is Harj, O Messenger of Allah?' He (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) replied by beckoning with his hand indicating 'killing.'

Indeed, the people's need for knowledge is more than their need for food and drink.  Imaam Ahmad (rahimahullaah) said:

'The people are more in need of knowledge than food and drink, because food and drink are needed two or three times a day, whilst knowledge is needed at all times.'

To be continued......Inshaa-Allaah

30-10-2008 @ 5:45 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Dar Al-Iman (North-West London, UK)
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Jazakum Allahu khaira, Very beneficial, please continue soon.

Abu Sarah Monis, Pakistan.

Dar Al-Iman (UK)
Registered Charity No 1114883


02-11-2008 @ 8:22 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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Wa Iyyaaka Akhil Kareem. Pray you are well and in strength of Eemaan.  The posts will continue soon by the Permission of Allaah. As-salaamu alaykum warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu.

[Markazus Salafi (Manchester, UK)]

08-11-2008 @ 12:07 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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Indeed, This knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

Indeed, the ones from whom knowledge is not acquired are those who sever the path of reward for the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam), as Imaam Ibnul Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah (rahimahullaah) said:

'Whoever calls the Ummah to other than the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) is an enemy in truth; because he cuts off the attainment of reward (for the Prophet) (through) that one guided to his Sunnah.  This is from the greatest of enmity towards him (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) and we seek refuge with Allah from betrayal.'

To be continued.....Inshaa-Allaah

08-11-2008 @ 3:13 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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Indeed, This knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

Indeed, the error/s (committed in this affair) stresses a greater concern with regards to differentiating between the one from whom knowledge is acquired and the one from whom knowledge is not acquired- due to the result of the great harm and corruption that may arise from this.    Sheikh Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) stated:

'Error/s in the affair/s of the Sharee'ah results in great harm for the Ummah'

Sheikh Saaleh al Fawzaan (hafidha-hullaah) said:

'The youth must be distant from the people of innovations and destructive views, because they bring about evil upon them and cultivate them upon corrupt beliefs, innovations and superstitions; and that is because a teacher does have an influence upon a learner.  The youth will deviate through the hands of a misguided teacher and the youth and the students will become upright through the hands of an upright teacher.  Therefore, a teacher has a great role and we cannot be lackadaisical in this affair.'

To be continued.....InshaaAllaah

09-11-2008 @ 7:13 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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Indeed This Knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

Indeed, those whom knowledge is not to be acquired from, such as the people of innovation-warn against those scholars whom knowledge is to be acquired from.  They warn against them with falsehood and describe them with ugly traits, and they describe the people of innovation with beautiful traits as well as defend them.  They speak with falsehood, so why should we not speak with the truth.  Shaikh Ahmad Bin Yahya An-Najmee (rahimahullaah) said:

'Just as the hizbiyyoon warn against Ahlus Sunnah, then Ahlus Sunnah must (also) be cautious about the hizboyyoon and should warn against them.'

I will give you an example of how the hizbiyyoon issue warning against the Salafi Scholars.  This example is present in the magazine called Al-Fityaan No:54, Year:1424H.  Its author Muhammad Al-Awaadee said:

It was between the time of maghrib and Ishaa whilst I was paying a visit to the teacher and Islamic Thinker Muhammad Qutub; so I asked him (saying):

Questioner: O ustaadh, from the angle of cultivation, what is your view concerning the methodology and guiding principles of the caller Umar Khaalid?  

Muhammad Qutub:Indeed he (Umar Khaalid) possesses an approach, and he puts that into practice in the service of his Religion.

Questioner: Some of the people consider him not a scholar, and for that reason it is not permissible for him to assume this responsibility (i.e. of propagating the religion)

Muhammad Qutub:Many of the scholars are like a locked treasure of information or the transcript (of a text) from a library.  This caller (Umar) Khaalid neither says that he is a scholar nor a faqeeh.....


To be continued.....Inshaa-Allaah


12-11-2008 @ 2:12 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Statement of Imaam Ibn Sireen rahimahullaah in Arabic

إن هذا العلم دين فانظروا عمن تأخذون دينكم

14-11-2008 @ 10:59 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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Indeed, This knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

The knowledge being referred to by Ibn Seeree (rahimahullaah) in his statement: 'Indeed, this Knowledge is Deen' is knowledge of the Sharee-ah by which the slave seeks closeness to Allaah (Azza-Wa-Jal).  This constitutes (what) is in the Book of Allaah (Azza-Wa-Jal) and the Sunnah of the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) upon the understanding of the Salaf of this Ummah.

Sufyaan Ath-thawree (rahimahullaah) said: 'All of knowledge is (established) by way of the narrations or transmitted from the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) and his Companions.'  

Aboo Haatim Ar-Raazee (rahimahullaah) said:

'What we hold as knowledge is that which comes from Allaah (and) from the Book.  It (i.e. this knowledge) supersedes and is not abrogated, and it is what has been authentically (established) through the narrations of the Messenger of Allaah (sallal-laahu-alahi-wasallam) of that which is not opposed.  It (i.e. this knowledge) is that which is (authentically established) from the leaders of the Companions, of that which is agreed upon.  And when we differ, we do not go outside of that which they differed in.  

Imaam Shafi'ee (rahimahullaah) said:  

'Knowledge is that which is laid down in the Book of Allaah, or in the Sunnah or in Ijmaa (Consensus of the Scholars).  And if it is not found in that, then Qiyaas is carried out based upon these fundamental principles (with regards to that which is carried in them of similar)meanings/evidences.  

To be continued.......Inshaa-Allaah

20-11-2008 @ 1:21 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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Indeed, This knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

As for knowledge being 'Deen'(i.e.Religion), then this has been made clear in the saying of Allah:

'This day I have perfected your Deen (i.e. Religion)'  

And what Allah intended by (this) is that He (subhaanah) has perfected that which pertains to the (affairs) of Aqeedah and Ahkaam.  The (affairs of the Aqeedah and Ahkaam) have been perfected through the speech/tongue of the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam).

Also the intent behind knowledge being Deen is demonstrated by the hadith of Mu-aawiyyah Ibn Abee Sufyaan (radiyallaahu anhumaa) that the Prophet said:

'Whoever Allah wishes good for, He gives him understanding of the Deen'

As for the statement of Ibn Seereen, 'So look to the one you take your Deen from';, this is demonstrated by the statement of Allah (subhaanah:

'And ask the people of the Dhikr if you do not know'.  

It is also demonstrated by the statement of the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam):

'If you see those who follow thereof that is not entirely clear (in the Qur'aan), then they are those whom Allaah has named [as having deviation from the truth].  So beware of them'

The Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) also said:

'Why didn't they ask if they didn't know? Indeed the only cure for ignorance is to ask'.  

The Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) also said:

'A man is upon the Deen (i.e. Religion) of his intimate friend, so look to the one you take as a friend'........up until the sheikh said:

Indeed, this statement of Ibn Seereen that 'Indeed, this knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From' is founded upon an understanding from the Book, the Sunnah and the Sahaabah; rather this is the practice of the Salaf.  Indeed, they used follow and not innovate.  They did not use to establish principles from themselves, rather they used to return to the foundation of the Aqeedah in the Book of our Lord, the Sunnah of our Prophet and to that which is transmitted from the Salaf of this Ummah.

To be continued......Inshaa-Allaah

20-11-2008 @ 2:42 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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Indeed, This knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

The statement of Muhammad Ibn Seereen (rahimahullaah) comprises of a number of benefits, and from them are:

1. What is the intent behind knowledge?

2. Prohibition against speaking in the affairs of knowledge.

3. The obligation of selecting and meeting those Mashaayikh from whom knowledge is acquired.

4. Making a differentiation between the disseminators of knowledge.

5. Who are those from whom knowledge is to be acquired?

6. Who are those from whom knowledge is not to be acquired?

7. How do you know the one from whom knowledge is to be acquired and the one from whom knowledge is not to be acquired?

To be continued......Inshaa-Allaah

22-11-2008 @ 2:11 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Indeed This Knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

The First Affair/Benefit: [The Purpose of Knowledge]

Question: What is the purpose of Knowledge?

Answer: The purpose of knowledge is that (you) worship Allah upon clear sightedness, to acquire fear of Allah and follow that which the Prophet and the noble Companions were upon (by way of this knowledge).  And the intent behind knowledge is not merely narrating a great deal.  Ibn Abdul Barr (rahimahullaah) stated in [Jaami Bayaan Al-Ilm Wa Fad-lihi] from Ath-Thawree (rahimahullaah) who said:

'Indeed, hadith is sought after for (the purpose of acquiring) fear of Allah.'

Therefore, Sufyaan Ath-thawree (rahimahullaah) clarified that the intent behind knowledge of the Sharee'ah is for the purpose of worshipping Allah upon clear sightedness and to fear (Him).  He said, 'Indeed, hadith is sought after for (the purpose of acquiring) fear of Allah.'.  And in order that you may know how to worship Allah, Allah said:

'Say O Muhammad this is my way, I call to Allaah upon clear sightedness'; that is: upon knowledge, proof and light from Allah (Azza-Wa-Jal), and you do not call to Allah upon ignorance and misguidance.

Imaam Maalik (rahimahullaah) said: 'Knowledge is not merely  narrating a great deal, rather it is light that Allah places in the hearts.'

Muhammad Ibn Saaleh al Misree explained the (above) words of Imaam Maalik saying: 'the meaning of this (i.e. the words of Imaam Maalik) is that fear of Allah is not reached through narrating a great deal, rather the knowledge that Allah has made obligatory to be followed is the Book, the Sunnah and that which has been transmitted from the noble Companions.......up until the sheikh said:

'And whoever opposes the Sahaabah and the Taabi'een, then he is misguided even if possesses a great deal of knowledge'

To be continued........Inshaa-Allaah

23-11-2008 @ 5:57 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Which book or tape of Sheikh Ahmad Bin Umar Bazmool (hafidha-hullaah) is this from?

24-11-2008 @ 5:14 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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Indeed This Knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

The Second Affair/Benefit: Prohibition Against Speaking In The Affairs Of Knowledge

Imaam Ibn Seereen (rahimahullaah) said: 'Indeed, this knowledge is Deen, so look to the one you take your deen from'

So if knowledge and speaking about knowledge is from the Deen, is it then allowed for every man to come out to the people and speak about the Deen of Allah (Azza-Wa-Jal)?  Allah said:

'Say (O Muhammad): (But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawaahish (great evil sins, every kind of unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) whether committed openly or secretly, sins (of all kinds), unrighteous oppression, joining partners (in worship) with Allaah for which He has given no authority, and saying things about Allaah of which you have no knowledge.'[7:33]

Some of the Salaf said, Allaah (mentioned) the muharramaat (i.e. the forbidden affairs) by beginning with the smallest or the lowest (of them).  So the greatest (of them) is the severest.  Allaah said:

'Say (O Muhammad): (But) the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawaahish'--(such as) Zinaa and its likes from the Muharramaat and that which comes after it, whether (committed) openly or secretly, and sins, unrighteous oppression, to the last (mentioned) affair (and that is): 'Saying things about Allaah of which you have no knowledge,' and that which comes before this is 'Joining partners (in worship) with Allaah for which He has given no authority.'  So which of the two is greater (a sin), joining partners (in worship) with Allaah or saying things about Allaah without knowledge?            

The Salaf said that saying things about Allaah without knowledge is more severe in the sight of Allaah than shirk, and why is that the case?; because the mushrik only makes assumptions for himself, but as for the one who says things about Allaah without knowledge, he indeed misguides the people of the earth.  For that reason, the scholars considered saying things about Allaah without knowledge the severest of the forbidden things.  

Imaam Shaafi'ee (rahimahullaah) said: 'It is not for anyone to say this is halaal or haraam with regards to a matter except by way of knowledge, and knowledge is that which has been laid down in the Book, the Sunnah or Ijmaa (Consensus of the Scholars).  And if not found in this, then Qiyaas is made based on these fundamentals (with regards to that which is carried in them of similar) meanings/evidences.  

To be continued.......Inshaa-Allah

26-11-2008 @ 2:31 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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Indeed This Knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

The Third Affair/Benefit: The obligation of selecting and meeting those Mashaayikh from whom knowledge is acquired

Imaam Ibn Seereen said, 'Un'dho-roo' (Look); that is: think over (with regards) to the one you take knowledge from.  Imaam Daarimee (rahimahullaah) reported in the Sunan from Ibraaheem (rahimahullaah) who said that when they used approach someone from whom knowledge was to be acquired, they would look to his salaah, his way and attitude, and would then take knowledge from him.  

And (stated) in another narration: if they found him deficient in something (pertaining) to his Salaah, they used to say: 'then his dificiency in other than his Salaah would be even more prevalent' and  they would abandon him and not take anything from him.

28-11-2008 @ 3:01 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Indeed This Knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

The Fourth Affair/Benefit: Making A Differentiation Between The Disseminators Of Knowledge

We benefit from the statement of Ibn Seereen: 'So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From'--- that indeed those who disseminate knowledge for the purpose of teaching the people are numerous, so we are commanded to distinguish and differentiate between them.   Khateeb al Bagh'daadee (rahimahullaah) said:

'Not every claimant of knowledge is in possession of it, and not everyone who ascribes himself to knowledge is from its people.'

Therefore, not everyone who disseminates (knowledge) to the people and speaks amongst them is fit to be a scholar.  This is proof that the disseminators of (knowledge) are of various levels and categories.

From (the disseminators) of (knowledge) are the Scholars---those who perform Ijtihaad, issue Fatwa and are referred to on those affairs of (great importance that affects society as a whole)

From (the disseminators) of (knowledge) are the students of knowledge---those who have not reached the level of the Scholars.

From (the disseminators) of (knowledge) are those amongst the common people who know of a small portion of knowledge, who then (disseminate knowledge) through speeches and dawah.  And amongst these common people are those whom knowledge is  not acquired from ever.  

Therefore, it is obligatory to know these categories of (disseminators of Knowledge).  It is obligatory to differentiate between them, and that not everyone who disseminates (knowledge) to the people is fit to issue fatwah for them.  Ibn Abdul Barr (rahimahullaah) reported in [Jaami Bayaan Al-Ilm Wa Fad-lihi] from Imaam Maalik (rahimahullaah) who said:

'One day I found Rabee'a weeping, so I said to him, 'what makes you weep, has a calamity befallen you?'  He (Rabee'a) said, '(rather) I weep because of one who gave a fatwa on what he has no knowledge of.'  

And he (Rebee'a) said to some of those who issue fatwah: 'You are more deserving of imprisonment than a thief'

To be continued......Inshaa-Allaah         

29-11-2008 @ 10:55 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Indeed This Knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

Who Are Those From Whom Knowledge Is To Be Acquired

Ibn Abdul Barr (rahimahullaah) said in Jaami Bayaan Al-Ilm Wa-Fadlihi: 'The Scholars are the People of the narrations---those who possess understanding of the (narrations) and have excelled in it with proficiency, distinction and understanding.  So the one whom knowledge is to be acquired from just as it is acquired from the Scholars-- is one described with the following qualities and has fulfilled the following conditions:

Firstly: He is to be one who follows that which is (contained) in the Book and the Sunnah.  He is neither to be one who gives precedence to (his) views and intellect, nor to current affairs, politics or other affairs, over the Book and the Sunnah.

Secondly: He is to be one who confines and restricts (himself) within the understanding of the Book and the Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salaf of the Ummah.

Thirdly: He is to be one upon obedience (to Allaah) and keeps away from disobedience and sins.

Fourthly: He is to be one distanced from bidah, misguidance and ignorance, and one who warns against these (affairs).

Fifthly: He is to be one who fears Allaah.

Sixthly: He is to be from the people of understanding and research (based on the Book and the Sunnah)

To be continued......Inshaa-Allaah

02-12-2008 @ 10:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
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Who Are Those From Whom Knowledge Is Not Acquired

Question: How do we know who a Scholar is, if we are from the general folk?

Answer: The (person) should ask the people of knowledge--those who are well known, such as the likes of Sheikh Fawzaan, Sheikh Luhaydaan, Sheikh Subayyil, Sheikh Rabee or other than them from the people of knowledge.  We ask them (saying):

'There is a man amongst us, he disseminates (knowledge) and his name is such and such.  Can we acquire knowledge from him or not, can we benefit from him?'  

This was the practice of the Salaf, they (sought) to benefit themselves by inquiring about the one who disseminates (knowledge).  As for if the (person) is a student of knowledge and is one who can make tamyeez (i.e. he has the ability to distinguish between an individual whom knowledge can be acquired from and an individual whom it cannot be acquired from), then he should look to the condition of this (individual), such as his Salaah, his path, his attitude, his statements and methodology.  If he is a follower of the Book, the Sunnah and the understanding of the Salaf; then (the student) should hold onto him.  But if he is a man that gives precedence to opinion, and he is one that extols the people of Desires and Innovation and directs to their books; then (the student) should avoid (both the people of Desires and Innovation and this man that extols them).

I will give you an example: A man, who disseminates (knowledge) as a teacher is asked during his lessons about the book of tafseer of Sayyid Qutb (titled), 'Fee Zilaalil Qurıaan', (so) he said:

'Sayyid Qutb has mistakes and is a Jaahil, but he has explained the Qurıaan and has placed in it an amazing conformity, and his style is unique in this present era.'

So if you say that the one who uttered this speech is specialized in the field of Aqeedah, then he cannot be excused for being ignorant about the (affairs) of the People of Innovation and Desires.  And if you (i.e. the one who says this about Sayyid Qutb) say that he (sayyid qubt) is a Jaahil and that he has errors in Aqeedah, then how can you direct people to his books and that they are to be read.  Indeed, it has preceded (regarding the fact that) the one who speaks about the Deen of Allaah whilst being a Jaahil has sinned, regardless whether he was right or wrong.  So how can you direct people to this man and his books?  

No doubt, it is obligatory that when we see the likes of this man, we are to avoid him and be distanced from his path.

To be continued.....Inshaa-Allaah

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