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07-10-2006 @ 7:21 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo 'Aaisha Sa'eed Alam (Birmingham, U.K.)
Posts: 95
Joined: Aug 2002
Doctor Zakir Naik states:

Brother has very good question ýand he has asked ..that since he
is in non muslim school where the majority of his classmates are non
muslims how should I invite them towards islaam and how will be
doing.. there are various ways and styles of doing dawah whichever is
effective u use it

09-10-2006 @ 12:16 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo 'Aaisha Sa'eed Alam (Birmingham, U.K.)
Posts: 95
Joined: Aug 2002
Zaakir Naik claims that there are various ways of doing daýwah and says
they have chosen the Zen Philosophy as manhaj in daýwah.

The doctor (Zakir Naik) states;

..Brother has very good question ýand he has asked ..that since he
is in non muslim school where the majority of his classmates are non
muslims  how should I invite them towards islaam and how will be
doing.. there are various ways and styles of doing dawah whichever is
effective you use it

and so the doctor continues;

ýand believe me we have done a surveryýand we have come to
knowý.that the average non muslim ..the 90% of non muslim they don't
have more than 15 to 20 questions about islaam (referring to questions on Muslims having more than one wife, Muslims being circumcised etc..) they don't have more than 15-20 questions against islaam so when we train a daee we first equip him with these answers of  these 15-20 questionsýwe have a common questions which u r already aware of ýý..(mentions the questions)ý.and believe me if you can master these 15-20 questions
you can win over at least 90% of non-muslims and then after you have
removed the misconception then even if you speak 10 good points about
islaam he will  accept it ý this is the ZEN PHILOSOPHY..if the cup is filled ý.and if you pour more into it will overflow ýfirst empty
the cup then fill whatever u pour into itýý.so first what we do isý we
encourage the youngsters to learn the answers to these 15-20 questions
and then we ask them to go to the field and later on  then we train
them with the verses of bible of  the Vedas of the Gita  the holy
Quraan ýand simultaneously his knowledge keeps on increasingý

ýý.(continues after asking to ask questions and says)ýý.but you should
start doing dawah should not wait and say that until
I acquire the knowledge like Shaikh Deedat
..or like someone else then
I will start doing dawahýwe should start immediatelyýto make a
beginning and we know thatý.Allah subhanwatala says in the holy Quraan
in surah ankaboot chapter no. 29 verse no.69 that if  you strive in
the way of Allah subhanwatala Allah will open up your pathwaysý, so
this is the way we have adopted and we are very successful brother..ýý"

Now lets see what Al-Muhaddith Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaanee said about the means and ways of doing daýwah

Question: Do you hold that the means (wasaa'il) for daýwah (call to Islaam) are tawqeefiyyah (dependent upon revelation) just like the prayer, fasting and all the other acts of worship? Or do you hold that daýwah is mainly an act of Ijtihaadiyyah worship (dependent upon ones own investigation and deduction) based on the understanding of the textual evidences and religious benefits, which are considered and called for by the means, such as having knowledge and commanding the good?

Answer: Yes. I believe that the means (for giving da'wah) vary from time and place. And this is something that no Faqeeh or scholar of the Book and the Sunnah will dispute.

The means differ from time and place, however proceeding towards applying these means requires knowledge of what the Prophet, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, was upon from his guidance and Sunnah. The general rule for this is that: It is not permissible to turn away from the means that the Messenger, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, has handed down to us with the excuse that "The times have changed." So if there exists some type of means, by which that which the Prophet, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, was upon can be supported, such as the means we use today ý such as tape-recording and book printing and the easy means of distribution ý in order to bring the knowledge to distant places, then no one can forsake this.

However, we know that many callers to Islaam today have accepted some types of means that the Divine Legislation has not prescribed. Rather, they are the means that the Divine Legislation has ordered us to oppose! I think that the cause for the acceptance of these means on their part is due to (their) ignorance of Islaam. And we don't need to give examples, but instead we say that most of the times there cannot be found any scholars, knowledgeable of the Qur'aan and Sunnah, in these Islaamic groups and parties that exist today. The majority of the people who run these groups are from the enthusiastic youth who are zealous for Islaam, then from those who do not exert themselves to study Islaam, by way of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah upon the methodology of the Salaf As-Saalih .

Talk concerning this topic will only lengthen and prolong. So we will now give an example of a dispute that broke out during the close of one Ramadaan between one state and another, such that some states fasted 29 days, and the other land completed 30 days! So in some of the western lands, such as America, there were some Islaamic Callers (i.e. people of Da'wah) who announced that their method for confirming the crescent at the beginning and end of the month was based on astronomy. Either they were ignorant of the truth or they disregarded it and pretended to be ignorant about it. And as it is said: "The sweeter of the two is (still) bitter."

The Prophet, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: "We are an illiterate nation. We do not record nor do we estimate. A month is like this, like this and like this ý [or he sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam gestured with his hands three time like this, and this and this, meaning thirty days]." Then he, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: "A month is like this, this and this [meaning twenty nine days]."

And in some of the authentic narrations, he, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: "And if it becomes too cloudy, then complete the month as thirty days." In many of the lands in which the people give rulings according to their own way, some astronomers confirm the crescent for Ramadaan by astronomical estimations and calculations. And the Messenger, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, has nullified this type of means. Even if it is a means based on knowledge, then only a few people in some lands are aware of this knowledge. Whereas the prescribed means that the Messenger, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, has made as a proof for the beginning of the new month or the termination of the current month is the innate natural and human means of physical sighting. And it is not the scientific sighting, which we are not able to share knowledge of to all people.

Based on this, it is not permissible to cast off this type of means, which Islaam has brought, by claiming that times have advanced and changed. So it has become clear from by previous explanation
that it is not proper today to take a means that the Messenger, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, was able to take (during his time, but which he didn't). The discussion on this topic will prolong severely. Ibn Taimiyyah has a very beneficial section in his book Iqtidaa As-Siraat-il-Mustaqeem Mukhaalafatu Ashaab-il-Jaheem dealing with this matter. I will abridge what I can from the words of Ibn Taimiyyah:

The means that are introduced in a time and a place are divided into two categories:
1. A means of which a need for using it existed during the time of Allaah's Messenger, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, but he did not use it. So introducing it is an innovation.

2. A means of which there did not exist a need to use it during the time of Allaah's Messenger, sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. He (rahimahullaah) said: "So it should be examined. If the need for introducing this means and using it is to make the Muslims refrain and lessen in their application of the rulings of the Religion, then it is not permissible to use them. And if this is not the case, then it is permissible." And Allaah is the One who grants success. [Al-Asaalah, Issue #18}

After seeing the calamity of this ignorant individual who has been refuted by the mashaykh of Yemen, and those who promote and raise him to a man of knowledge and understanding on there so called salafi websites, then know oh sincere Salafi, do not listen or entertain anyone who has links or articles with such fools on their websites, even if they claim to the daýwah salafiyah. Since Salafiyah is not a mere claim or utterance as Shaykh Fawzan mentions, rather it is the manhaj of the Salaf which is knowledge that is acted upon;

Question; Is one who calls himself a "Salafi" to be considered a partisan (hizbi?)

Answer; There is not harm in labelling oneself with Salafiyyah when it is in truth. However, if it is merely a claim then it is not permissible to label oneself with Salafiyyah, whilst one is upon a manhaj other than that of the Salaf.

The Ash'aris for example, say "We are Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah" and this is not correct. This is because what they are upon is not the manhaj of Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah. It is likewise for the Mu'tazilah who call themselves "Muwahhideen" (Monotheists).

All of them claim to have love for Laylaa
Yet Laylaa does not affirm this for any of them

Hence, the one who claims that he is upon the madhhab of Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah [actually] follows the path of Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah and abandons the Opposers. However if he [is one who] wants to unite the lizard and the fisth - as they say - meaning, to unite a creature from the land with a creature from the sea, then this is not possible. Or to unite water and fire in a vessel. In light of this, Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah do not reconcile with the path (madhhab) of those who oppose them such as the Khawarij, the Mu'tazilah, the Hizbiyyeen amongst those who call themselves, the Contemporary Muslims. Such is one who wants to unite between the errors and misguidance of the contemporaries with the manhaj of the Salaf. So "the latter part of this Ummah will not be corrected except by that which corrected its earliest part." The essence of the matter is that it is necessary to weigh matters and to separate them.

Al-Ajwibah al-Mufidah of Jamal bin Farihan al-Harithi

09-10-2006 @ 5:26 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo 'Aaisha Sa'eed Alam (Birmingham, U.K.)
Posts: 95
Joined: Aug 2002
The Zen Philosophy the doctor (of everything except Islaam) is on about;

Zen is a form of Mahayana Buddhism which places great importance on moment-by-moment awareness and 'seeing deeply into the nature of things' by direct experience. Zen emerged as a distinct school in China and spread to Vietnam, Korea, Japan, and, in modern times, the rest of the world..

?Zen Buddhism is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism, and, as such, its teachings are deeply rooted in those of the Buddha.

?The Zen schools, like other Buddhist sects, teach the fundamental elements of Buddhist philosophy, including the Four Noble Truths.

?Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and Amitabha Buddha are venerated in Zen temples along with ?akyamuni Buddha.

?Zen sitting meditation, the core of zen practice, is called zazen. During zazen, practitioners usually assume a sitting position such as the lotus, half-lotus, Burmese, or seiza postures. Awareness is directed towards one's posture and breathing. Often, a square or round cushion (zafu) placed on a padded mat (zabuton) is used to sit on; in some cases, a chair may be used. In Rinzai Zen, practitioners typically sit facing the center of the room; while Soto practitioners traditionally sit facing a wall.


"..this is the ZEN PHILOSOPHY" of the doctor

10-10-2006 @ 12:05 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo 'Aaisha Sa'eed Alam (Birmingham, U.K.)
Posts: 95
Joined: Aug 2002
So the doctor, ?Allaamatul Muslimeen? Zakir Naik (as he was introduced by his followers) mocks the Salafis;

SALAFI, how many salafees are there? QUTUBI (SALAFEES), SUROOREE
(SALAFEES), MADHKHALEE (SALAFEES) (referring to Shaykh Rabee), I can take names. And with all of them it is Allah's fadl that I have met them. Those who are their heads(Sardar log), with all of them I have met; I go to London, America I travel, I go to Saudi Arabia, I go to Gulf Country, how many groups and parties are there in SALAFEES?

Well Dr Naik, the answer is fairly obvious to any Salafi, even the ones who have come to the Salafi da'wah today ......ONE!

In response to this mans ignorant comments then the words of Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan will suffice;

Is Salafiyyah a group from amongst the (various) groups? And is the ascription to it blameworthy?

Salafiyyah: It is the saved sect, and they are Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa?ah, it is not a sect from amongst the party spirited groups that are labeled with partisanship; it is a Jamaa?ah upon the Sunnah and the Deen. He (the Prophet) sallAllaahu ?alayhi wa sallam said:

?There will not cease to be a group of my nation manifest upon the truth, not being harmed by those who abandon them, nor by those who appose them.?  
Reported by Muslim (no.1920)

He (the Prophet) sallAllaahu ?alayhi wa sallam said:

?This Ummah will split into seventy three sects all of them in the fire except one.?

They (the Companions) asked: ?What is it (the saved sect) O Messenger of Allaah?? He (the Prophet sallAllaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) said:

?Those that are upon what I and my Companions are upon today.?  
Reported by at-Tirmidhee (no.2641)

So Salafiyyah is a group upon the methodology of the Salaf, upon that which the Messenger sallAllaahu ?alayhi wa sallam and his Companions were upon, that is not a sect from the party spirited sects of today. Indeed it (as-Salaffiyah) is an ancient Jamaa?ah traced back to the time of the Messenger sallAllaahu ?alayhi wa sallam a continually inherited legacy, remaining manifest upon the truth up until the establishment of the Hour as he sallAllaahu ?alayhi wa sallam informed.

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan  
ÇáÝÊÇæì ÇáãåãÉ Ýí ÊäÕíÑ ÇáÃãøÉ: p.134, DAAR AL-MINHAAJ

This message was edited by fath.ul-majeed on 10-10-06 @ 11:27 AM

20-12-2006 @ 7:12 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hurairah Shabeer ibn Hamza (Mumbai, India)
Posts: 27
Joined: Dec 2006
The Calamity Of Zakir Naik Upon The Ummah

Below is the letter i had send to Shaykh Yahya al Hajooree hafidhahullah, as instructed by Shaykh Abu Amr AbdulKareem al Hajooree hafidhahullah when he was in bombay,India (December 2005). Insha'Allaah the reply of Shaykh Yahya al Hajooree hafidhahullah will be posted here.

assalaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu,
Indeed all Praise is to Allaah subhan watala alone Who Guided us and protected us from this fitnah that has appeared in this land(india) , the individual -zakir naik , a medical doctor who took to 'dawah' using bible, books of hindus and other mushrikeen, science, philosophy and logic which he use to prove abt islaam, quraan or sunnaah, he apparently started this misadventure around 1993 after being inspired by his spiritual father ahmed deedat ( a dawoodi bohra, who doesnt hide his open support and praise for the rafidee iraan and ayatushaitaan there).
In this land plunged in shirk, bida, jahl and hizbiyyah, the youth in particular got misguided by the speech, pomp and extravagant activities of this medical doctor named zakir naik, to mention a few words abt the religious background of this person (zakir naik), as he himself declares -he is 'self-learn', self-appointed 'da'ee', like his spiritual father ahmed deedat , dr.zakir naik too have a shia rafidee connection, during the intial years of formation of his organisation- IRF(islamic research foundation) there were shia rafidees who used to be with IRF, later they formed a shia rafidee dawah center in the opposite lane ahead of IRF under the name WIN( world islamic network) of which dr.zakir naik's sisters husband ( a rafidee) was one of heads. so for this reason dr.zakir naik never spoke or allowed anyone to speak or expose the reality of shiaism in the IRF and it was a taboo subject especially during the initial years. Due to this stand on rafidees adopted by ahmad deedat and zakir naik the youth who got inspired and learned from IRF and zakir always thought shiaism as merely a difference of opinion amongst muslims and thereby causing further calamities in their aqeedah manhaj and dawah. may Allaah forgive us, aameen.
Due to his dawah being centered around bible, other books of mushrikeen found in this land, we used to stock up these books, learn them, memorise them religiously as this was the basis of our 'dawah', so where the case of books on philosophy , logic and science so much so that we all thought that if anyone want to call people to islaam it is obligatory upon him to learn and memorise the verses found in the books of mushrikeen, this was infact explicitly said by dr.zakir naik in his many speeches.
Another point which no one can deny which attracted us, the youth towards this man was the extravagant style of his programmes, always conducted in the top plush auditoriums, his organisation which is situated in notorious locality ( infested with shites, ismaelis, grave worshippers , drugs etc) looks like a multi national company office. His squandering of wealth requires volumes to describe but i deem it not necessary because the harm he had made to the aqeedah and manhaj of the muslims is far greater and grave.

Zakir Naik appears as chief guest in all hizbee conferences- graveworshipping sunnis of kerala, jamat e islami(maududi), Kerala nadvatul mujahideen, jamiat ahle hadees etc in India and abroad.

After reading translated books of Salafi Ulema, listening to tapes, articles on internet, duroos in paltalk we realised the danger of the dawah this person, dr.zakir naik, is persuing there by we left him and his dawah and started showing how this person contradict the aqeedah and manhaj of ahlusunnah to our friends and brothers who were still stuck in there - confused mainly because there were organisations and centers who were known as 'salafis' like AHYA, Kerala Nadvatul Mujahideen ( their centers in middle east known as -Islaahi center), jamiat ahle hadees were in forefront in promoting this person, one reason for that was dr.zakir naik funds many organisations and many organisations could pull donors and crowd if dr.zakir naik was with them.
Due to the material influence of zakir naik and blind following of many people and others who are decieved by the greatness of the influence upon masses by this person conveying the reality of this person and his dawaah to the ulema seemed farfetched, also whenever any attempt of exposing the reality of the statements of zakir naik inthe light of Aqeedah and Manhaj of salaf was done either the muqallideen of dr.zakir naik will attack the salafis or the hizbees like the jamiat will come in open to protect and defend dr.zakir naik so much so that an atmosphere of terror is created and hatered is implanted in the hearts against those who expose naik.

one point which further confusing people here is- naik has given more speeches in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia than in India or anywhere else, which is another proof muqallids of naiks quote to prove his credential and this confuse the youth and common masses .

all the below points (and there are more, but i could not find the tapes of him) which i found it necessary to know the stand of Ahlu sunnah on this, are widely used by all those influenced by dr.naik ( dr.zakir naik's students, and their students conducts duroos with question and answer session spreading these and other points & now there is a satellite television channel owned by dr.zakir naik which is spreading the dawah of zakir naik through out the world), so we used to use all of them with out knowing the truth in these statements, these points are from the video tapes of zakir naik,and the tapes are extensively edited professionally(i have witnessed this myself) in his own studio and these points he is repeating since a decade or more through out the world, those who used to work with zakir naik and who were close to him says that zakir naik deny many of the attributes of Allaah like His Hands, His Face etc, Kindly enlighten us about these points , their reality, and wht should be the stand of Ahlu Sunnah on these statements (& this person) and advice to our brothers and sisters who are still confused, so kindly enlighten us with your valuable answer Shaykhana, barakAllaahu fee kum,
may peace and prayers be upon the prophet his family and companions,
Salaamun alaykum warahmatullah,
the one who loves you for sake of Allaah,
abu hurairah shabeer ibn hamza

Zakir Naik says its is permissible to Call Allah with any name that is
1." In Islaam there is nothing like tin Allah, Allah is Pure He is
Unique You can Call Him by any name but it should be a beautiful name"
( Is Quraan Word of God, from the CD-"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying
Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA
Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zaakir Naik says God is Natural & says he can list a 1000 things which
Allah cannot do.

2. " I would like to know which person out here who believes in a god
says god is not supernatural,? everyone?everyone who believes in god
they believe that god is supernatural?supernatural means?. There is
nature and then there is god, infact according to the quraan god is
not supernatural ..god is not supernatural.. according to the concept
of Allah subhanwatala in the quraan god created nature? it will
never be that nature said this and god is saying the opposite ?got
created the nature..god created the fitrah the innate nature in the
human being ?one of the attribute of Allah subhanwatala given in
quraan is Faatir which is the name of 36th surah of the quraan
..Faatir has been derived from the word fitrah
meaning innate nature, Faatir means the creator , the origninator of
creation?the creator of the primedial matter to which more creation is
added by god almighty therefore when we break our fast in ramadhan we
say iftaar? iftaar means break? same way the word Faatir means
Creator? it means?.Shaper, Former as well as Splitter?quraan tells the
people that don't you see the ..signs of Allah subahnwatala and don't
you ponder on them ?look at the sun look at the moon they are
following the laws of nature?they will never change the course ?they
are all natural ?.same way Allah subhanwatala is too natural , its
mention in quraan in surah ahzaab in chapter no. 33 verse no.62 it
says walam tajid ?wa lam tajid that the nature?wala tajid bi
sunnatillah tabdeela ..that you will never find a change in the nature
of Allah subhanwatala?. in surah ahzab chapter no. 33 verse no.62 ..a
similar message is repeated in the quraan ?.saying that established
the handiwork of Allah subhantala never will you find a change in the
work of Allah subhanwatala this is a standard religion but most of
them will not understand mentioned in surah rum chapter no.30 verse
no.30? today science tells us ..the quantum and modern science they
tell us ..that without an observer u don't have anything ?the universe
without the observer is useless ?.the scientist pose the question who
was the first observer ?another attribute of Allah subhanwatala is ash
Shaheed ..the Witness.. quraan says Allah was the person who first
witnessed.. so god is not supernatural god is natural?.

Regarding the second part of the question?that god can do
everything? ?Normally I pose this question to most of the people who
believe in God just so that they have better understanding of Allah
subhanwatala ?I ask them the question.. that can god create anything
and everything ?most of them will say Yes,? can god destroy anything
and everything?all will say Yes ?my third question is ..can god create
a thing which he cannot destroy? and they are trapped?if they say yes
.. that god can create a thing which he cannot destroy they are going
against the second statement that god can destroy everything ..if they
say no god cannot create a thing which he cannot destroy that means
they are going against first statement that god can create everything?
again they are not using logic? they are trapped ?same way god cannot
create a tall short man ..yes he can make a tall man short but no
longer he remains tall?.he can make a tall man short??no longer
remains tall..he make a short man tall longer that man remains
short?.but you cant have a tall short man cannot ?.(word
unclear)?who is ..neither tall neither short ..but god can't make a
man who is tall and short at the same time similarly god almighty
..Allah subhantala cannot make a fat thin man ?there are a thousand
things I can list which god almighty can't do ?.god cannot tell a lie?
the moment he tells a lie.. he ceases to be god ?god cannot be
unjust?the moment he is unjust he ceases to be god?god cannot be cruel
..god cannot forget ? can list a thousand things ..god almighty
cannot throw me out of his domain?.the full world the full universe
belong to him?he can kill me, he can obliterate me, he can make me
vanish ..but he cannot throw me out of his domain ?to him belongs
everything ..where will he throw me?he can kill me ,?the can
obliterate me..he can make me vanish?but he cant throw me out of his
domain?nowhere does the quraan say god can do everything ..infact
quraan says?innAllaha ala kulli shai in Qadeer? that verily Allah has
Power over all things..quraan doesn't say God can do everything?quraan
says god has power over all things?several places?.surah baqrah
chapter no.2 verse no.106 surah baqrah chap 2 verse 108.. surah imran
?aali imran chapter no. 3 verse 29 in surah nahl chapter no.16 verse
no. 77 in surah faatir chapter 35 verse no.1 ?several places the
quraan says the quraan says innaAllaha ala kulli shaiin Qadeer..verily
Allah has power over all things?and there is a world of a difference
between Allah can do everything and Allah has power over everything
infact Quraan says in Surah Buruj chapter no.85 verse no. 15, and 16
it says that Allah is the doer of all He intends?.see whatever He
intends He can do?but God only does godly things ..he does not do
ungodly things??. ( Is Quraan Word of God, from the CD-"Presenting
Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir
Naik, Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zaakir Naik says the word 'sadr' mentioned in Quraan means center.
3. "?..She says that Allah says in certain parts of the Quraan?. I do
agree with here? Allah seals the heart?.Mohar lagaya on the heart? and
?so that people who wont come close to the truth?they have been
sealed?she ask the question today science is advanced and we know that
brain is the main organ requires for thinking not the
heart..previously people thought it was the heart?so isn't there a
error in the quraan ?.if you realize in the beginning of my talk I
also quoted a verse of the quraan ..the third quotation was from
surah TaHa chapter no.20 verse no. 25-28 which says Rabbishrohali
sadri?sadri?. O My Lord increase my breast for me Rabbishrohali sadri
wa yassirli amri wahlal ughdata milisaanee yaf kahu qawli increase my
breast for me and make my task easy for me and release the impediment
from my speech so that they will understand and here the word again
sadr ..heart? so why should Allah increase my heart the Arabic word
sadr has got two meaning one is heart and the other is center? if you
go to Karachi?you will find sadr so and so sadr so and so.. center so
and so so sadr in Arabic besides meaning heart also means Center.. so
therefore quraan says? that we have sealed your center? brain ..i ask
Allah subhanwatala Rabbi shrohali sadri O my Lord increase my center?
intellect?.and remove the impediment between me and audience?.hope
that answers the questions"?( Is Quraan Word of God, from the
CD-"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by
Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening

Zakir Naik calls Zoarashtrianism a prophetic religion and calls the
founder of Majoosi religion as 'prophet'.

4."Zorashtrianism is a non semetic , Aryan, non vedic religion, which
is not associated with Hinduism and it's a Prophetic religion,
Zorashtrianism is also called as Parsism and it was founded by Prophet
Zorashter?.."(Concept of God in Major Religions- from the
CD-"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by
Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening

Zakir Naik says Sikhism (an off-shoot of hinduism) strictly believes
in monotheism.

5. "Sikhism strictly believes in monotheism.. and almighty god in the
unmanifest form is called ek omkar and in manifest form is called
Omkar and guru grant sahib he gave various attributes to this Almighty
God ?.." (Concept of God in Major religions- from the CD-"Presenting
Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir
Naik, Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zaakir Naik compares couplets of Kabir Das to Ayats of the Quraan.
6."compare couplets of kabir das to ayah of quraan.(concept of God in
major religions- from the CD-"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying
Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA
Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zaakir Naik declares love for kaafirs .
7. "The common hindu?the common muslim alhamdulillah? we love each
other ?.we love our non-muslim brother.." (concept of God in Major
religions-from the CD-"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions
?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12
Enlightening Sessions)

Zaakir Naik equates Names of Allah to the names of dieties found in
hindu religious books & Zakir Naik says its is permissible to call
Allah by names of these Hindu Mushrikeen idols.

8."?.the other veda is the atharva ved ?its mentioned in atharva ved
book no. 20 chapter no. 58 verse no.3 it says ?dev mahaosi?god is
verily great ..same as Allahu Akbar?.allah Is great Amongst all the
Vedas the most sacred and the oldest is the Rig ved ?its mentioned
in Rig ved book no. 1 hymn no.164 verse no.46 ..sages call one god by
many name ?that means there are various names given to this one god
and the Rig ved alone gives no less than 33 different attributes to
Almighty God most of which are mentioned in Rig Ved book no.2 hymn
no.1? and one of the beautiful attribute which is mentioned in Rig ved
of Almighty God is Brahma which mentioned in Rig ved book no.2 hymn
no.1 verse no.3? Brahma means the creator if you translate into Arabic
it means Khalique ?..we muslims have got no objection if anyone calls
Almighty god? Allah subhanwatala as Khalique , or creator or Brahma?
but if someone says that Brahma is Almighty god who has got four heads
and on each head is a crown and he has got four arms we muslims take
strong objection to it moreover it is even prohibited in Yajur ved
chapter no.32 verse no.3 which says tasya pratima asti ....there
is no image of him?another beautiful attribute which is given in the
Rig Ved book no.2. hymn no.1 verse no.3 is Vishnu , Vishnu means the
sustainer..if you translate into Arabic it means Rab?we muslims have
got no objection if someone calls Almighty God as Rab or cherisher
sustainer or Vishnu but if someone says Vishnu is almighty god who has
got four hands and one his right hand holds the charka that's the
discus and one of his left hand holds the counch and he is riding on
a bird or reclining on a couch of snakes we muslims take strong
objection to it ?you are going against Yahur ved chapter no.40 verse
no.8 which says ?.god is bodyless??as well as upaishad chapter no.4
verse no.19 of swetha swatara upanishad which say s? na tasya pratima
asti..there is no likness?. Its mentioned in Rig Ved book no.8 hymn
no.1 verse no.1 maa chidanyadi shansada ..that means ?do not worship
anyone besides him alone?praise him alone? its mentioned in rig ved
book no.5 chapter no.81 verse no.1 it says?verily great is the glory
of the divine creator same as surah fatihah chapter no.1 verse no.2 ?
Alhamdulillahi rabbil aalameen.. praise be to Allah subhanwatala the
Lord of the Worlds ?.its futher mentioned in Rig Ved book no.3. hymn
no.34 verse no.1?says? he is the bouteous giver?.its futher mentioned
in the yajur ved chapter no.40 verse no. 16 it says ?that lead us to
the good path and save us from the sin which makes us wander and go
astray ?.similar to the verse of holy quraan of surah fathiha chapter
no.1 verse no. 6 and 7 which says ?ihdina siraatal mustaqeem
siraatalzeena ??? us the straight path the path???..its
mentioned in rig ved book no.6 hymn no.45 verse no.16 ?ya ek et
mushtihi ?.. praise him who is matchless and alone??

(Concept of God in Major religions- from the CD-"Presenting Islaam and
Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed
by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zaakir naik coins a similitude to Allah.
9. " Regarding second part of the question ?that if Allah has
created all this things how less his power has become? can't
understand Him completely as the quraan says in surah anam chapter 6
verse 103 ?He is beyond comprehension I can give u a similie ..not
exactly same ?an ocean?.if you take a drop out of the ocean ?how much
does the level of ocean goes down much?how much?..yet..yet?
inspite of this the difference between Allah becoming less when he
creates things and the difference between the level of the ocean
becoming less is infinite ..the level of ocean may become .00000
somewhere .00 somewhere it will end but Allah subhanwatala not even
?and not even a bit become less he is All Powerful that's Allah
subhanwatala ?.if such a god who become less ?we don't worship such a
god which become less if go on creating he will lose his power?so this
God is Eternal and Absolute?.as I said in my talk he is absolute and
eternal everything depends on Him ?He doesn't depend on
anything??"(Concept of God in Majore religions - from the
CD-"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by
Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening

Zaakir Naik claims that there are various ways of doing dawah and says
they have choosen the Zen Philosophy as manhaj in dawah.

10." Brother has very good question ?and he has asked ..thatsince he
is in non muslim school where the majority of his classmates are non
muslims how should I invite them towards islaam and how will b
doing.. there are various ways and styles of doing dawah whichever is
effective u use it? but the one that we had chosen at the Islaamic
Research Foundation is that instead of speaking a thousand good
points about islaam normally people do is?.islaam has so and so good
points on alcohol etc 1 2 3 4 ???instead of speaking a 1000 good
points about islaam what we have a way that first we ask the
non-muslims that what do u see is wrong in islaam , which are the
negative points of islaam , because even if u speak a 1000 good points
abt islaam and if that non muslim has 2 negative point about islaam
he will never agree with you, he will agree those 1000 points are
good but still he will say..these muslims they marry more than one
wife ..these muslims they are circumcised ?what we do is that first we
pose them the question ? what do you feel wrong with islaam?which are
the things that you don't agree with whatever little knowledge of
islaam ?and believe me we have done a survery?and we have come to
know?.that the average non muslim ..the 90% of non muslim they don't
have more than 15 to 20 questions about islaam they don't have more
than 15-20 questions against islaam so when we train a daee we first
equip him with these answers of these 15-20 questions?we have a
common questions which u r already aware of ??..(mentions the
questions)??.and believe me if you can master these 15-20 questions
you can win over atleast 90% of non-muslims and then after you have
removed the misconception then even if you speak 10 good points about
islaam he will accept it ? this is the ZEN PHILOSOPHY..if the cup is
filled ?.and if you pour more into it will overflow ?first empty
the cup then fill whatever u pour into it??.so first what we do is? we
encourage the youngsters to learn the answers to these 15-20 questions
and then we ask them to go to the field and later on then we train
them with the verses of bible of the Vedas of the gita the holy
quraan ?and simultaneously his knowledge keeps on increasing ?so first
we equip him with the answers which are normally posed by non muslims
because if he cannot answer these questions?they will start poking fun
at you?so what we have to do is that first what we have to do is to
equip ourself and ?make us well versed with these answers
??.(continues after asking to ask questions and says)??.but you should
start doing dawah should not wait and say that until
I acquire the knowledge like Shaikh Deedat..or like someone else then
I will start doing dawah?we should start immediately?to make a
beginning and we know that?.Allah subhanwatala says in the holy quraan
in surah ankaboot chapter no. 29 verse no.69 that if you strive in
the way of Allah subhanwatala Allah will open up your pathways?, so
this is the way we have adopted and we are very successful

(Concept of God in Major relgions, Question and Answer session - from
the CD-"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture
series by Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12
Enlightening Sessions)

Zaakir Naik explains salah through biblical quotations and explains in
great detail the scientific and medical benefits of different postures
in salah.

11. explains Salah to Christians through biblical quotations and
mentions the scientific/medical benefits ( Concept of God in Major
religions, question and answer session- from the CD-"Presenting Islaam
and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik,
Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zaakir Naik says to keep children on siratalmustaqeem we have to use
modern technology & make use of 'islaamic games' in which throwing
dice is involved.

12. "??that there are different ways in which people are trying to
influence our children ?may be he want a reply or a response that
how should we make our children to seek the truth and how to keep
them within the fold of islaam and siraatal mustaqeem brother after a
month or so..inshAllah we will be inaugurating the childrens wing of
Islamic research foundation we have a gents wing , a ladies wing but
we felt a need for a childrens wing and what you said is perfectly
right brother..that we have to keep the children on the track right
from the beginning not after they cross ?you have to tell them about
islaam and inshAllah within a couple of months we will be starting
the childrens wing and what I advice to the parents and its available
in the video cassette ? if you can see my video cassette ?that you
should know how to keep the children on the siraatal mustaqeem we have
to USE THE MODERN TECHONOLOGY not that we go away from it for example
a child likes to play games ?we cant say don't play games only learn
abt islaam what we have to do is to see to it..that let him play those
games that will take him closer towards islaam?for example we all of
us know about the monopoly game ?u know monopoly they have money ,
pounds???. All of us know snakes and ladders ?.snakes and ladders? we
have an islaamic version of that which i prefer calling as slopes
and ladders ? when you THROW THE DICE again bismillah?we start we
(Dawah or Destruction, question and answer session - from the
CD-"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by
Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening

Zakir Naik says Muhammed salAllahu alaihiwasallam was also a King
besides being a prophet does this go against what comes in hadeeth
that He salAllahu alaihiwasallam was given a choice to be the prophet
king or slave Messenger and he chose to be slave messenger.

13. "?Moses and Muhammed peace be upon them both besides being
prophets of Almighty God they were even Kings ..kings means they could
give a punishment .. a capital punishment of death to whoever they
wanted ?whoever commited a crime besides being prophets of God they
were even head of states or King of that world"

(Similarities between Islaam and Christianity- from the CD-"Presenting
Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir
Naik, Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zaakir Naik challenges to accept christianity if any christian can
show him any verse in bible which jesus unequivolcally says that he
is god or worship him.

14. "? that if you read the bible there is no unequivocal statement
..not a single the complete bible where jesus peace be upon him
himself says that he is god or where he says worship me , if any
christian can show me any verse from the bible where jesus Christ
peace be upon himself says he is god or where he says worship me am
ready to accept Christianity immediately" (Similarties between Islaam
and Christianity- from the CD-"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying
Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA
Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zakir Naik says its fard to do da'awah and if not will not enter Jannah.
15. "?as I mentioned its fard for every muslim to do dawah if they
don't do dawah they wont enter jannah .its fard upon every muslims to
atleast do part-time dawah. But the quraan says in surah imraan
chapter no.3 verse no.104 let there arise out of you a group of people
enjoin what is good and forbid what is bad these are the ones to
attain felicity?.. how we have have full time doctor full time lawyers
full time advocates?why don't we have full time daeee?so there should
be a group of people amongst the muslims who are full time daees and
it's the duty of the ummah to support these daees?but otherwise it's
the duty of every muslim to atleast be part time daee they should do
dawah if they don't do dawah they shall not enter jannah?(Muhammed in
the various world religious scriptures- from the CD-"Presenting Islaam
and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik,
Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zaakir Naik says keeping a beard is not fard ..its only a sunnah.
16. "?that the prophesy I mentioned.. that ?I quoted a prophesy from
bhavishya purana.. that this prophesy can refer to jesus Christ peace
be upon him ?where does it refer? ..are the followers of jesus Christ
keeping a beard ?.is it mentioned in bible to keep a beard? it says my
followers will be a man who will keep a beard?all the muslims? its
mentioned in Saheeh al Bukhari vol no.7 hadeeth no. 780 and 781 which
says ??.its not a fard?keeping a beard is not fard?. It's the sunnah
of our beloved prophet says that do the opposite of what the
pagans do cut the moustache short and let the beard grow ?its not a
fard's the sunnah of the beloved prophet?its not the sunnah of
the Christians?they don't keep a beard" ( Muhammed in various world
religious scriptures - from the CD-"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying
Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA
Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zaakir Naik compares Ananda to Anas radhiAllahu anhu & says SalAllahu
alaihiwasallam is the Maitri prophesised in Buddhist religious

17. "?if you further read in Mahapari nibbana?suthaana.. chapter no.5
, verse no.36 , in the sacred books of the east volume no.11 , page
no. 97?.it says that as the buddah had a servito by the name of
ananda so would the Buddha Maitri to come will have also have a
servito and the servito of the beloved prophet was Anaas may Allah be
pleased with him who was given by his parents? his mother and father
to the holy prophet at the age of 8 and the prophet called him as his
beloved son or the beloved little one .. and Anaas may Allah be
pleased with him he stayed by the prophet at time of war and peace?
even in good times as well as bad times till the end of his life? and
even during the battle of Uhud even at the age of 11 he stood by the
prophet and protected the prophet when he was surrounded by the enemy
?even the battle of hunayn when archers fired at the prophet he was
there to protect the prophet?? you can very well compare him to ananda
who even when the mad elephant rushed at Buddha ..andanda stood by

?.Further if you read the Gospel of Buddah by ca?? page no.214 it
gives 6 criterias for the Maitri ?.and all the 6 criterias fit
perfectly to our beloved prophet Muhammed peace be upon him ?it
says..that ..he will receive enlightened at night and when he receive
englightened he will be lit up?he will die a natural death ?he will
die at night time? and you know hazrat Aisha may Allah be pleased with
her said..that when the prophet was dying there was no oil in the lamp
and she borrowed oil from the neighbour indicating that the prophet
died during the night time .. point no.5 says that when the Maitri
will die he will again be lit up ?.he will become bright? and last is
once he died in the physical form he will never appear in the
physical form in this world? which refers to no one but our beloved

There are several prophesies?.if you further read in the Damma
padda?sacred books of east? vol no.10 page 57 ?it says that the
satagrathas t

20-12-2006 @ 12:41 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hurairah Shabeer ibn Hamza (Mumbai, India)
Posts: 27
Joined: Dec 2006
Zaakir Naik says he agree with swamijee in toto on the statement made
by swamijee that all religions believe in the same one god and says he
(zakir) has proved it practically from the scriptures of various

36. "?..there were certain comments made by Swamijee and Father
Geo?..And I Do Agree with Swamijee when he said that all religions
believe in the same one god I DO AGREE WITH HIM IN TOTO ..I agree with
him?I besides agreeing?I proved it practically from the scriptures of
the various religions that all religions actually believe in one
god?.people speak theoretically ?but am a man who believe more in
action not only in speaking?.and practically showing ..which I will
show in the course of my rebuttal????" (Symposium- religion in the
right perspective------"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying
Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA
Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zakir Naik challenges to accept christianity.
37. "?.there is no unequivocal statement in the whole bible where
jesus Christ peace be upon him himself says that he is god or worship
me?.there is no statement?I would like to repeat it?. there is no
unequivocal statement in the whole bible where jesus Christ peace be
upon him himself says that he is god or worship me?since am a student
of the bible ?.what I am saying that if father today ?? is not a
debate I know that?..if father can show me any verse ?here is the
bible?..if father can show me any verse ?.in the bible where jesus
Christ himself says unequivocally that he is god or worship me am
ready to accept Christianity today?am not speaking on the behalf of
other muslims?.since am a student of bible am saying that?"
(Symposium- religion in the right perspective------"Presenting Islaam
and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik,
Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zaakir Naik says to come to common terms by using and basing it on
the words found in the books of kuffar

38. "?.i do agree with swamijee that the most holy scriptures of the
hindus are the Vedas?.How do we come to common terms? Swaijee rightly
said that god almighty has got no bodly form ?but how will you
convince the hindu?.he may think that may be swamijee is not quoting
correct or zakir is pulling a fast one?what we have to do is ?ta ala
ila kalimatin sawaaimbaiyna na wa baynakum?..come to common terms as
between us and you?.if you read the yajur ved chapter no.32 verse no.3
na tasya pratima asti?it's a sanskirt quotation?na tasya pratima
asti?.of that god no image can be made?that's what sawijee said?god is
formless?same Yajur ved chapter no.40 , verse no.8 says?.god is
imageless and formless?..god has got no body ?he has got no
form?..same yajur ved chapter no. 40 verse no.9 says?all those who
worship the asambooti are in darknes?????.(goes ahead with refrence
from Vedas?.)????.and amongst the Vedas?.. swamijee will agree with
me..rig veda happens to be most sacred it's the most oldest and the
most sacred..?if you read Rig Ved book no.2 chapter no.1 verse ?.3 to
11 ?it gives 33 different attributes to almighty god?Quraan gives no
less than 99 different attributes?veda gives 33 attributes?.we have
got no objection as I said in my earlier talk (quotes Arabic
ayah)????Say Call upon Him by Allah or by Rahman., by whichever name
you call upon him belongs the most beautiful name?? can call him by any name but it should not conjure up a mental
picture?suppose the hindu says that God Almighty is Brahma?.What is
the meaning of Brahma?..Brahma means the Creator..if you translate
into English. If you translate it into Arabic it means Khalique?we
muslims have got no objection in calling Almighty God as Khalique or
Creator or Brahma?.but if a hindu says that god almighty is brahma who
has got three head and on each head is a crown?.you are giving an
image to god almighty?.which the muslims take strong exception to?you
are going against the yajur ved , chapter 32, verse no.3,

Another beautiful attribute the hindus give..for almighty god is
Vishnu?if you translate Vishnu in to English?it means sustainer?it
means cherisher?if you translate into Arabic it means Rab?.we muslims
has got no objection in calling Almighty god as Rab or as sustainer
cherisher or Vishnu?but the hindu says that Vishnu is almighty
god?traveling on a bed of snakes and he has got four hands ? are
giving an image to God Almighty?you are going against yajur ved
chapter no.40, verse no.8 which we muslims take strong exception to?.

Therefore we have to come to common terms?your veda says god has got
no form and he has got no body?.same yajur ved if you read tells you u
that you should not worship the asmabooti or sambooti? further if you
read the Rig ved?its mentioned in book no.8 chapter no. 1, verse
no.1?ma chitanati sansad?.all praises are due to him
alone?..Alhamdulillahi rabbil aalameen?..same rig ved?.book no.6
chapter no.45?.verse no.16 says?.yaek ekmushti hi?..there is only one
god?worship him alone, Qul huwaAllahu ahad??.

How do you come to common terms?...taala ila kalimatin sawaaimbayna na
wa baynakum?.come to common terms as between us and you?.this is the
commonalities?.that we prove from the bible, from the vedas, from the
quraan?..come to common terms?.read Your scriputures and understand
the concept of god almighty correctly?.then inshAllah we all will be
united?..(Symposium- religion in the right
perspective------"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions
?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12
Enlightening Sessions)

Zakir Naik says in defnition he is a jew and also calls himself a
christian and calls himself a hindu too based on certain

39. "?what is the definition of the word jew ?.....the actual name of
the word jew one who praises god almighty?.one who loves god
almighty?.by definition I am a jew?I love Allah subhanwatala..i praise
Him?but if you say jew with a capital "J" is a citizen of Israel then
am not a jew?..what is the meaning of the word Christian?.christian
means one who agrees with the teachings of jesus Christ peace be upon
him?alhamdulillah, I agree with the teachings of jesus Christ peace be
upon him?.in that way I am a christian?.but if you say Christian is a
person who worship Christ then am not a christian?.what is the meaning
of the word hindu??.the word hindu is a geographical definition?
means those people who live in the land of Indus valley
civilization?.those who live in india?I live in definition I
am a hindu?..swami Vivekananda said hindu is a geographical definition
?swamin vivekanda says it's a misnoma?..the correct word should be
vedantist?.because hindus follow the Vedas?.vedantist should be the
right word?.hindu is a misnoma?.but if you say hindu is a person who
does idol worship then am not a hindu?..whats the meaning of the word
muslim?muslim is a person who submits his will to Allah
subhanwatala?.i submit my will to allah subhanwatala am a muslim?."
(Symposium- religion in the right perspective------"Presenting Islaam
and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik,
Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

In the programme of Zakir Naik, his brother Mohammed Naik asks all
audience to give 'standing ovation' to swami ( the programme is
organised by hizbi kerala nadvatul mujahideen which is called as

40. Mohammed Naik( chairperson of the programme and brother of zakir
naik) says: "?..thank you swamijee very much on behalf of the
salafi learning and research center, calicut?.i thank you very much
for your esteemed presence?..amongst us and sharing your knowledge?.
commitments ?thank you swamijee inshAllah we hope to be in touch with
you (Symposium- religion in the right perspective------"Presenting
Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir
Naik, Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zakir Naik says to know which scripture is actually word of god one
should put the scripture to the final test which in this age, he says,
is Science.

41. "?brother asked the question on destiny?but before I give the
answer ?.i would like to say different people say their book is the
word of god?hindus say their scripture is the word of god?chiristians
say their scripture is the word of god?.muslims say quraan is the word
of god?.so lets?.if you want to know which is the word of god?put it
TECHONOLOGY if you apply scientific knowledge to all these scriptures
you will ACTUALLY come to know which is the word of god...which i
have done in my video cassette ? 'Is the Quraan The Word of God?'

(Symposium- religion in the right perspective------"Presenting Islaam
and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik,
Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zakir Naik congratulates the atheist because he says atheist has said
the first part of the shahada.

42. " normally when an atheist comes and tells me that ?'i do
not believe in almighty god .... the first thing i do is i
congratulate him...i congratulate the atheist you know why....because
he is thinking....the other people ...the christian, most of the
christians are christian because his father is a christian he is a
muslim because his father is a muslim he is a hindu because his father
is a hindu they are just following blindly the religion of their
fathers , this atheist he is thinking...and what he thinks ...that see
what is the concept of god told by my father is not right so he doesnt
beleive in god almighty and i congratulate him because he has said the
first part of the islaamic creed.... the first part of the islaamic
shahada Laa ilaaha ..that there is no god ..he has agreed to the first
part of the islaamic creed which says laa ilaaha ..there is no god..
now my job is to convince him is on the other part..ilAllah...."
(universal brotherhood- ------"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying
Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA
Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions )ALSO CONGRATULATES THE ATHEIST

Zakir Naik says the major difference between a hindu and a muslim is
that a muslim says eveyrthing is god's and a hindu say everything is
god and says to come to common terms we should analyse the scriptures
of hindus and muslims.

43. "..the major difference between the hindus and muslims is what we
muslim says is everything is god's with an apostrophe ...everything
belongs to god....the tree belong to god , the sun belong to god, the
moon belongs to god, the human being belongs to god..the monkey
belongs to god, the snake belongs to god, so the major difference is
the hindu says everything is god..we muslims say everything is god's
.. G O D with apostrophes if we can solve the difference of
apostrophes we hindus and muslims will be united... how to do it
..quraan says in surah ali imran chapter 3 verse no. 64 which says ...
tala ila kalimatan sawaaimbayna na wa baynakum ....that come to common
terms as between us and you...What is the first term? Allah na'abuda
ilAllah...that we worship none but Allah ...wa la nushrika bihi
shayan that we associate no partners with him..... how do we come to
common terms ? ...Let's analyse the scriptures of the hindus and the
muslims ..., if you read the bhagwat gita , bhagwat gita says in
chapter no.7 verse no. 19 to 23 it says...that all those who worship
the demi gods all that who do idol worship they are materialistic
people who says that ..the bhagwat gita giving the reference
...chapter no.7 verses 19-23......."

(universal brotherhood- ------"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying
Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA
Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zakir Naik says he is the studnet of comparitive religion and have
studied bible,veda,gita,quran and loves talking and discussion to come
to know the truth.

44. ".....because am the student of comparitive religion ...i have
studied the bible ..i have studied the vedas....i have studied the
Gita ..the quraan and i love .... i love...i love ....talking
discussion to come to know the truth....jesus christ peace be upon him
says ? seeketh thy the truth and the truth shall free you..."

(universal brotherhood- ------"Presenting Islaam and Clarifying
Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir Naik, Developed by AHYA
Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zakir Naik says Saudi Government is deviating from the Quraan in
certain aspects?is it permissible to criticize the muslim rulers in
public like this.

45. "...there are people who are following certain aspects...certain
aspects people aren't following ...for example ...the islaamic law
..when it comes to criminal punishment and civil rights saudia...saudi
government doing very good alhumdulillah...even they are
deviating away from the quraan in..certain aspects....what we have to
do ..we have to take the practical example of the saudi
government as an islamic law of criminal punishment and if it is
practicable apply through out the world ...and take another society
which is practicing the islamic law in the social aspects ... and if
its the best apply it to the world..."
(Womens rights in islaam ? modernising or outdated-- ------"Presenting
Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir
Naik, Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zakir Naik says the word 'Hur' has no gender.
46. "...the sister has posed the question that when a man enters
paradise he will get hoor that is a beautiful maiden what will the
women get when she enters paradise ?....the quraan has mentioned the
word hoor in no less than 4 different places its mentioned in surah
dukhan , chapter no.44 , verse no.54, its mentioned in surah tur
chapter no. 52, verse no.20, its mentioned in surah rahman chapter
no.55, verse no. 72 as well as in surah waaqia , chapter no. 46 verse
no.22, and many of the translations ...specially the urdu translations
have translated the word hur to as beautiful maiden,... if the word
hoor means a beautiful maiden then what will the women get in paradise
, actually the word hur is a plural for "ahwaar"...which is
applicable to the man and "hawar" which is applicable to the women...
and it signifies the characteristics of hawar...which means big ,
white beautiful eyes and describes specially the whiteness of the
eyes....the similar thing is mentioned as 'azwajun mutaharan' many
places in the quraan in surah baqarah, chapter no.2, verse n.25, and
surah nisa chapter no.4 , verse no. 57 it says 'azwaajun mutaharatun'
which means companion , pair. But the word 'hur' is rightly translated
by Mohammed Asad as spouse and also by Abdullah Yusuf Ali .. abdullah
yusuf ali as hur actually means a companion or a has no gender.... further man will get a good lady with
big beautiful eyes and for a women she get a good man with big
beautiful eyes...I hope that answers the question"
(Womens rights in islaam ? modernising or outdated-- ------"Presenting
Islaam and Clarifying Misconceptions ?Lecture series by Dr.Zaakir
Naik, Developed by AHYA Multi-Media- 12 Enlightening Sessions)

Zaakir redefines Bannawee ideology.
47. "....we should not pull each others leg....what we are
doing....., muslims are wasting more time speaking about... ( words
unclear)...what we should do.....we support that paper then we bring
out another paper...... we in IRF ... we support the other dawah
organistions...we dont say... O this jamat e islami is wrong ... pull
them down....this salafi organisation is wrong everybody
to do dawah... because they are doing for the pleasure of Allah all the organisation....whatever form you
support them and even you do.....dont pull each others leg....least
you can do is stay neutral...least...that itself is great....but
muslim organisations pull each others leg..ya this organisation is only right..because people will think am the best....when
you will be best? ...arey..when you support everyone Allah will help get Allah's help thats the best..." (Media and Muslims
?released by Peace Centre )

Zaakir Naik makes baatil tafseer of surah baqarah , ayah no.154.
48. "...the brother has asked two questions that there is a verse in
the quraan speaking ..the verse in the quraan...from surah baqarah
chapter no.2....that......dont think those people who have died in
jihad as dead...they are living.....its mainly in context if you
know....that the enemies they said we killed so many of the its saying that ...eventhough physically they are dead
.....but in the hereafter they will live....that means they will get a
reward in the hereafter.." ( Terrorism & Jihaad- an islaamic
perspective- released by Peace Center)

Zaakir says to solve the problem go back to the bible.
49. "....if you see in theworld around see
in the world around you....that how many people are actually islaam is the fastest growing religion in the
world.....there may be stray incidences somewhere around in the
world....there are blacksheeps in every community....but you will not
be able to point out as a whole.....that where in the world are people
forcing other non muslim to accept islaam at the point of the
sword....very rare....infact they are getting harassed because they
are this thing can only be solved if you go back ...if
you go back to the bible.....if you read the bible ...jesus christ
peace be upon him said....its mentioned in the gospel of mathew
chapter no.5 verse no. ( unclear))....that if anyone strikes you in
the right cheek offer him the other....if anyone strikes you in the
right cheek offer him the other....if someone asks you to walk with
him one mile ...walk with him twain.....if someone asks for a shirt
give him the jesus christ peace be upon him , a messenger
of Almighty God , he shows how should we behave....he said
your if you analyse ..if you go back to the
scripture....i don't find anywhere jesus christ peace be upon him
himself...prescribes....that harass the muslims....therefore I
tell all the human being ...that go back to the scripture which you
consider to be the most holiest ....whichever
consider...atleast go back to your the quraan says in
surah ali imraan chapter 3 verse 64.....tala ila kalimatin
sawaaimbaina wa bainakum.....come to common terms as between us and
you.....which is the first term ...Allah na'abuda ilAllah......that we
worship none but Allah....and this i will be dealing tommorow on the
topic-universal brotherhood...that how can you get communal going back to the scriptures... and if you go back to the
scripture....then you will find that the concept of universal
brotherhood is one in all scriptures....." ( Terrorism & Jihaad- an
islaamic perspective- released by Peace Center)

Zaakir Naik says Allah has Produced the quraan.
50. "....when the quraan was revealed..arabic was at its peak...the
arabs were very proud of their language....the thing that they were
most proud was their language....Arabic was at its zenith....the arabs
at that time were proud of their Allah subhanwatala
says...alif laam meeem..yaa seen....Haa meem...Meem..Qaaf... like how
we say 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' ....F...L...M..... Allah is telling them...
these are your letters...this arabic is your are so
proud of it...with your language...alif laam meem...yaa
seen.....taaa....seeen. haaa. Meeem...and Allah gives a surah baqarah chapter 2 verse no.
...........(unclear) which says.....wa innkuntum fee raybin .......and
if you are in doubt as what we have produced to our sevant ...Mohammed
salAllahu alaihiwasallam....from time to time.....fa;toobi
sooratim.............then produce a surah somewhat similar to it....
........... and calls forth your helpers and witnesses if there are
any besides Allah....... fa illam.............and if you
cannot....walam......and of a surety you cannot.....fataqun
naaralathii wa qooduhannas .........then fear the fire whose fuel is
men and stones... which is prepared for those who reject
Allah is giving a challenge that this is your arabs
..its your language... alif, laam, meem...haa meem, taaa
seen.......with your alphabets....with your letters I have produced
the Quraan.....Allah gives the challenge ..with your arabic...try and
produce a single surah, somewhat similar to the holy quraan....from
the full the challenge that try and produce a
single surah....somewhat similar to the holyquran....and some surahs
are hardly three verses....certain other surah contains ten Allah gives the challenge that with these letters I have
produced the holy quraan....I challenge you to produce....a surah
somewhat similar to the holy quraan...... many people tried but they
failed give you an example...the human body....the
components and elements of the human present in the a lesser or greater quantity....but then there is a world of
difference between the human body and the soil..and the
earth....though the components are the same....what components the
human body contains...the elements the can go in the
market and purchase can add a few gallons of water to
it....but you cannot give life only Allah subhanwatala can give
life....the components are can purchase this from the
market for a couple of thousand rupees.....or even less.....but you
cannot give life.... you can not make the circulation system
work.....the nervous system work....the components are present but you
cant give life....only Allah can the same way Allah
says.....these are your letters....alif laam meem haameem yaa
seen....with your letters I have produced the holy quraan....its a
challenge to the whole of mankind along with the try and
produce a single surah somewhat similar in the holyquraan....and thats
the reason that whenever....these abbreviated letters....occur in the
holy quraan...immediately after these words...there is a quality of
the holy quraan mentioned..." (Terrorism & Jihaad- an islaamic
perspective- VCD released by Peace Center)

Dr.Zakir Naik says Quran is prepared, and compares Qura'an to
instruction manual.

51. The Creator prepares the instruction manual.

Allah (SWT) has endowed us humans with reason and intelligence. We
invent and manufacture appliances for specific purposes. Tape
recorders for instance are manufactured in large numbers. It has never
been suggested that in order to understand what is good for the tape
recorder the manufacture should become a tape recorder himself. One
simply assumes that the manufacturer will publish an instruction
manual, since he has complete knowledge of his product. In short the
instruction manual gives the dos and don'ts for the machine.
If you think of the human being as a machine, it is indeed a complex
creation of Allah (SWT). Our Lord and Creator Allah (SWT) need not
come in the form of a human being to know what is good or bad for the
human being. He only has to reveal the instruction manual to mankind.
The Holy Qur'an is the instruction manual for human beings. ( from
dr.zakir naik's book -Concept of God in Major Religions, p. 20)

Dr.Zakir Naik says the name Ahle Hadeeth is not correct and coins and
new name Ahle Saheeh Hadees and says that should be the correct name
if at all a name is to be used.

From the Jamiat Ahle hadees conference in Mumbai , India.

52. Ahle Hadees means, to do amal(action) based on hadeeth, which
includes Quran aswell, hadees, I say if I have to say then, when I did
question-answer, in our school admission, when I was doing
question-answer, one Ahle Hadees came in front of me. Ahle Hadees!
What is the meaning of Ahle Hadees? To implement based on hadees, I
questioned him....that the hanafi people when the offer namaz(salah),
where do they tie hands? He replied, below the navel. I said, this
what they tie below the navel, there's a hadees in Abu Dawood, then do
you tie hand below the navel. He replied No. I said why? He said, this
hadeeth is Da'eef. Ok.That is Da'eef hadees. That's why I say, if it
has to be said, then I say (with regards to ) myself that I am AHLE

Dr.Naik Attacks and Makes Mockery of Salafis by claiming sectarianism
amongst salafis.

From the Jamiat Ahle hadees conference in Mumbai , India.

53. SALAFI, how many salafees are there? QUTUBI , SUROOREE
, MADHKHALEE, I can take names. And with all of
them it is Allah's fadl that I have met them. Those who are their
heads(Sardar log), with all of them I have met; I go to London,
America I travel, I go to Saudi Arabia, I go to Gulf Country, how many
groups and parties are there in SALAFEES?

Claims to have discussion with Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Baaz
rahimahullah , apparently on the topic of calling oneself salafi.

From the tapes of Jamiat Ahle hadees conference in Mumbai , India.

54. Once, in Riyadh, I went to meet Shaikh ibn Baaz(rahimahullah) when
he was alive, I had gone to meet him. I went without appointment, his
seceratery asked me, who are you? I said, I am a muslim. Which muslim
are you? Which muslim are you? I said, Muslim.What is your Aqueedah? I
said, Allah and Messenger.You question me , I will answer you. If you
want to question, then do it with me. He wished that I should say...In
Saudi Arabia, there are no Ahle Hadees, in Saudi Arabia there are
salafi. Few people know Ahle Hadees. There if you say Ahle Hadees,
they wont recognize you. In Saudi Arabia there are salafi.

Because I did not say that I am a salafi, he did not permit me to meet
him. It is Allah's fadl that after few days, those whom I knew I went
with them and it is Allah's fadl that more than an hour I had
discussion with him , with Shaikh Ibn Baaz (rahimahullah). And this
answer that I am giving, it is Allah's fadl alhamdulillah, there has
been my discussion in this regard with enough ULAMAA OF MADEENAH
UNIVERSITY, (about) this viewpoint that I have. This
viewpoint(perspective) which I wish to put forward in front of you.

But since the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has not said, that
you should call yourself Salafi, that's why I... Allah and His
Prophet...It is a different thing that it is Shaikh Bin Baz's fatwa ,
he wishes and I had a discussion with him. He says that one should
call himself Salafi, that is his
OPINION, I respect him, I respect him a lot, I follow most of his
fatwas, but because I am a muslim, it is not FARD (obligatory) upon me
to believe(follow) all the statements of Shaikh Bin Baaz.

Dr.Zakir Naik Congratulates Atheist because Dr.Naik says atheists
already believe in the first part of shahadah, i.e- Laa ilaaha

Normally, when I meet an atheist, the first thing I like to do is to
congratulate him and say, " My special congratulations to you",
because most of the people who believe in God are doing blind belief -
he is a Christian, because his father is a Christian; he is a Hindu,
because his father is a Hindu; the majority of the people in the world
are blindly following the religion of their fathers. An atheist, on
the other hand, even though he may belong to a religious family, uses
his intellect to deny the existence of God; what ever concept or
qualities of God he may have learnt in his religion may not seem to be
logical to him.

My Muslim brothers may question me, "Zakir, why are you congratulating
an atheist?" The reason that I am congratulating an atheist is because
he agrees with the first part of the Shahada i.e. the Islamic Creed,
'La ilaaha' - meaning 'there is no God'. So half my job is already
done; now the only part left is 'il lallah' i.e. 'BUT ALLAH' which I
shall do Insha Allah. With others (who are not atheists) I have to
first remove from their minds the wrong concept of God they may have
and then put the correct concept of one true God."
(From Dr.Zakir Naik's Dawah Training Course material, under section-
Dawah to Atheist in his website )

56. Zakir Naik says Avtaar is Messenger and says 'kalki avtar' is
Muhammed salAllahu alaihiwasallam.

"?.as far as the question earlier is concerned that?what is the
concept of avatar and who is kalki avtar ? avtar in Sanskrit comes
from the 'av' and 'thra' means coming down and the common meaning is
of most of the common hindus is almighty god coming in this world in
bodily form, but there are some scholars who say that Sanskrit word
avatar cannot be a posses of god it can be that god almighty has send
someone ?like..a rishi etc.. and this is the similar concept in the
quraan..that almighty god chooses man amongst men and with
communicates with them on a higher level?whom we call as messengers?so
islaam believes in concept of messengers?.and Allah says in quraan
surah Fathir chapter 35, verse no.24?that Allah says ?wa immin??..,
there is not a nation or tribe in which we have not send a warner,
Allah says in surah rad chapter no.13 verse no. 7.. wali kulli ?..and
in every age have we send a messenger, so if you read the Veda the
vedas also talk about many learned men, many rishi, one of them is
Kalki avatar, its mentioned in bhagwata purana , kand 12 , adhyah 2,
shlokhas 18 -20 , that he will be born in the house of vishunu yaash ,
the chief of the city of sambala, his name will be kalki and god will
incarnate?it further says he will be given 8 supernatural qualities he
will ride a white horse with a sword in his right hand?and he will
destroy the miscreant, its further mentioned in bhagwat purana.. kand
1, adhyay 3 , shlokha 25 that in kalyugh when kings will be like
robber?.when kings will be like robbers?.in the house of Vishnu yash
kalki will be born, its also mentioned in kalki purana, chapter no. 2,
verse no.4?his father's name is Vishnu yash, its mentioned verse no.
5, chapter no.2 of kalki avtar that he will have 4 companions to help
him in kalki puraa chapter no. 2 verse no.7 , he will be helped by
devtas.. the angels in the battle field, kalki purana chapter no.2
verse no.11, he will be born in the house of Vishnu yash in the womb
of sumati?.kalki purana chapter no. 2, verse no.15.. he will b born on
12th month of madhav?.in brief ?you can give a talk on kalki
avatar?.in brief it says his fathers name will be Vishnu yash?that is
the worshipper of god..the name of mohammed salAllahualaihiwasallam
was Abdullah which means worshipper of god?his mothers name that means
serenity means peaceful the mother's name of mohammed salAllahu
alaihiwasallam was amina which also means serenity and peaceful?he
will be born in the village of sambala?.sambala means the place of

01-01-2007 @ 1:46 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Adam Hussain bin Abdul Qayum (London)
Posts: 13
Joined: Sep 2006
salam alaikum,

perhaps this is because of lazyness i havent read the whole thread. but i was wondering if there were any quotations directly from the ulama who have said zakir naik is not suitable to take knowledge from?

hold steadfast to the quran and sunnah

01-01-2007 @ 1:59 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Adam Hussain bin Abdul Qayum (London)
Posts: 13
Joined: Sep 2006
salam alaikum, i posted this but for some reason it wasnt posted perhaps due to my inexperience with computers lol alhumudulilah

anyway, a brother asked me for quotations from the ulama that have confirmed the status of zakir naik.

jazakallah khair.

hold steadfast to the quran and sunnah

08-01-2007 @ 1:45 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hurairah Shabeer ibn Hamza (Mumbai, India)
Posts: 27
Joined: Dec 2006
Shaykhana Yahya al Hajooree hafidhahullah's Rad on Zakir Naik

  "Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You lest I misguide others, or I am misguided by others, lest I cause others to err or I am caused to err, lest I abuse others or be abused, and lest I behave foolishly or meet with the foolishness of others". (Abu-Dawud &

Attached Fileradzakir.pdf (309 Kbytes)

18-02-2007 @ 5:52 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdil Hameed unspecified (unspecified)
Posts: 11
Joined: Dec 2006
salaam alaykum,

is there a translation on that rad of zakir naik?  jazakAllahukhair.

01-03-2007 @ 10:43 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hurairah Shabeer ibn Hamza (Mumbai, India)
Posts: 27
Joined: Dec 2006
The Reply to Thirty Questions
Confirming that Zakir the Indian and People of His Ideology are Misguided Deviants

(Answered by Ash-Shaikh Yahyaa Al-Hajooree ?
may Allaah preserve him)

Translated by Aqeel Walker

This message was edited by abu.hurairah.shabeer on 3-1-07 @ 6:38 PM

18-07-2008 @ 1:06 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
Refutation in Urdu:

Dr. Zakir Naik: Devoid of the Revealed Islaamic Texts and the Sound Intellect

Attached Filedrzakirnaik1.pdf (939 Kbytes)

04-04-2009 @ 12:22 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
The Salafee position on Deobandees:

Deviance of Deobandis - screenshot from their website
[url=]The Necessity For the Imaam To Have Correct Aqeedah [/url]
[url=]Exaggeration of the Qadaree tareeqah [/url][url=]Kitab-ar-Ruh - Its Attribution To Ibn Al-Qayyim [/url]
[url=]Lifting The Blame From A Deobandee Claim [/url]
[url=]The Tableeghee Encyclopedia[/url]
[url=]The Naqshabandi Tariqah Unveiled[/url]

Dr. Zakir Naik's use of Deobandi Fatwa to save his skin:
(Zakir) Naik, who returned from Haj on Wednesday, conveyed his reaction through his brother Mohammed Naik: "At the peace conference, while replying to a question, I neither condemned nor lauded Yazid. I did say 'May Allah be pleased with him' while mentioning Yazid. I can show the fatwas from seminaries like Darul Uloom Deoband supporting my stand."
The above quote is an extract from the Times of India Newspaper -

This was after the Shia were condemning him after the Peace Conference in 2007.

What prevented our Brother in Islam, Dr. Naik from quoting from Qur'an and Sunnah? What prevented him from quoting from the Salafee Ulemah of the past and Present? He has to use a Deobandi Fatwa to protect himself from the Rafidhi criticism!

Similarly there are press-releases on the internet regarding this same issue in which Dr. Naik lists the various organizations and Scholars who have given fataawa which support his stand. In that also he lists Darul Uloom Deoband at the top!

Interestingly, the Deobandis have given quite a few fataawa telling their followers to not listen to Dr. Naik. One such fatwa from their website is attached.

May Allaah guide him and us. Aameen.

06-04-2009 @ 4:53 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
In the "About IRF" section on the website of Dr. Naik's organization (Islamic Research Foundation), it says
"IRF's activities and facilities provide the much needed understanding about the truth and excellence of Islamic teachings - based on the glorious Qur'an and authentic Hadith, as well as adhering to reasons, logic and scientific facts."

The bold in the above quote is mine. The screenshot is attached.

Note that "Explanations of the Salaf"(Sahaabah, Tabieen, Atba ut tabieen and Imaams after them) is missing in the quote above.

Also read the statements of the Salaf censuring logic, ilm ul kalaam, etc. on the various Salafee websites and even this forum.

Doesn't Dr. Naik need to go and learn the Deen from the Ulemah of Ahlul Athar before he gives "Da'wah"?

May Allaah guide him and us to the Siraat al-Mustaqeem. Aameen.

Attached FileIRF.JPG (163 Kbytes)

10-04-2009 @ 8:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
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Here are just a sample of some books that are sold by Islamic Research Foundation of Dr. Naik.

  • Islam, the West and the challenges of modenity by Tariq Ramadhan
  • Muslim in France : The Way Towards Co-Existence by Tariq Ramadhan
  • To Be a European Muslim by Tariq Ramadhan
  • Islam : An Historical Perspective by Abu Ala Maududi
  • Mawdudi : An Introduction to His Life and Thought by Khurshid Ahmad
  • LET US BE MUSLIMS (PART 5)-Hajj & Jihad by Sayed Abul Ala Mawdudi
  • The Islamic Way of Life by Sayed Abul Ala Mawdudi
  • FUNDAMENTALS OF ISLAM II by Sayed Abul Ala Mawdudi
  • Islam and the Crisis of the Modern World by Mohd.qutub
  • In the Shade of the Quran (Para 30) by Sayed Qutub Shaheed
  • MILESTONES by Sayyid Kutub
  • Letter to a Muslim Student in the West by Imam Hasan Al-Banna
  • The Concept of Allah in the Islamic Creed by Hasan Al Banna Shaheed
  • SIRATUN NABI ( VOL I ) H/C by Allama Shibli Naumani
  • SIRATUN NABI ( VOL II) H/C by Allama Shibli Naumani
  • Intellectual Modernism of Shibli Nuýmani (160) by Mrs.Mehr Afroz Murad
  • SHAMAAIL TIRMIDHI (ARABIC-ENGLISH) by Muhammed Zakariya Kandhelwi

In case some don't know about some of the authors then, know that Mawdudi was the first Ameer of the deviant group Jamate islami. Shibli Naumani was a Deobandi. Muhammed Zakariyya Kandhelwi is called Shaykhul Hadith by Tablighi Jamaat.

Now some might claim that he also sells books by Salafee Ulemah like Shaykh Ibn Baaz, Shaykh Rabee & others. The answer would be similar to what Shaykh Falaah hafidhahullah gave below
Someone came to Shaykh Falaah bin Ismaa'eel in Birmingham regarding such groups saying: "These groups (such as Ihyaa Turaath, Ahl-e-Hadith UK) are not deviated because they establish tele-links with the Salafi scholars!" The Shaykh replied (abridged): "Why do you not also say along with that that these groups set up links, conferences, lectures, panel sessions and much more than with ahlul-bid'ah, with the Shee'ah, with the Raafidhah, with the Grave-worshipping Soofees, with Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen, with the Qutubees, with the people of deviated political ideologies with the Marxists and callers to other faiths?! Why do you not proclaim that likewise? Is it not true that they do that also?" The brother replied: "Yes they do." So Shaykh replied, "Then where is their jealousy for the Sunnah and their love for it and their allegiance to it?!"

May Allah guide Dr. Naik, those co-operating with IRF and all of us to the Siraat al Mustaqeem. Aameen.

Attached Fileirf_books1.JPG (153 Kbytes)

27-04-2009 @ 4:47 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
Attached is the Introduction to Dr. Zakir Naik as mentioned on the website of Islamic Research Foundation.

As mentioned in the attached introduction, Dr. Naik is just an Orator. Obviously, any Muslim who wants to learn about Islam or how to give Da'wah to non-Muslims should learn from the Scholars and the Students of Islamic Knowledge and not from Orators. Click

ýAbdullaah ibn Masýood radiAllahu anhu said: "Verily, you are in a time in which there are many scholars and few speakers. And verily after you, there will come a time in which there will be many speakers, while the scholars in it will be few."
(Kitaab al ilm of Imam Nasa'ee with checking of Shaykh Albani)

Should Dr. Naik read the non-Muslim scriptures and call himself "Student of Comparative Religion"? To see fataawa of the Permanent Committee and other Scholars regarding who is qualified to read non-Muslim scriptures in order to refute them click

Please click here to read what Imam Muqbil rahimahullah said regarding studying/examining books of non-Muslims and who is qualified to do that.

May Allah guide the Muslims to take knowledge from the mashaykh of Ahlus Sunnah rather than anyone who starts speaking in the name of Da'wah. Aameen.

Attached FileDrNaik_Intro.pdf (339 Kbytes)

29-04-2009 @ 11:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
Here is another screenshot from Islamic Research Foundation's website clearly showing the manhaj errors of Dr. Naik - may Allah guide him and us.

Do read the foll. e-books and articles:-
[url=]The Status of the Sunnah in Islam by Shaykh al-Albaanee rahimahullah[/url]

[url=]How are we Obligated to Interpret the Noble Qur'aan?[/url]

[url=]To Those who put their Intellects above the Evidences[/url]

[url=]Scientific Tafseers[/url]

[url=]Two Ways to Know the Creator by Ibn al-Qayyim [/url]

Regarding the serious errors of Moududi(first Amir of Jamate Islami), Sayyid Qutb and Hasan al-Banna(founder of Ikhwanul Muslimeen) there are many articles/audios on the Salafi websites and forums like this. As an example click

29-04-2009 @ 11:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
Attachment for my post above.

30-04-2009 @ 7:53 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
Br. Aboo Khadeejah hafidhahullah refuting Dr. Naik in August 2008

[url=]Br. Aboo Khadeejah hafidhahullah refuting Dr. Naik in March 2009[/url]

And I can confirm what Br. Abu Khadeejah said regarding Dr. Naik praising Salman al-Oadah and Safar al-Hawali in the 2nd link above.

Some years ago I saw on ARY Digital Channel when Dr. Naik had gone to Pakistan, someone asked him a question regarding suicide bombing in the live phone-in question programme. And he mentioned (paraphrased) that there is a difference of opinion. Some Scholars like Shaykh Ibn Baz and Shaykh Uthaymeen deem it impermissible. While other Scholars like Shaykh Salman al-Oadaah and Shaykh Safar al-Hawalee deem it permissible under certain conditions.Allahul Musta'an! Will someone who is knowledgeable about the Madhab of Ahlus Sunnah even try to make a remote comparison between Imaams Ibn Baaz and Ibn Uthaymeen raheemuhumullah and individuals like al-Oadah & al-Hawali?

WAllahu aalam.

04-05-2009 @ 7:58 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
Attached are screenshots from the official website of Peace TV which is a satellite television channel promoted by Dr. Zakir Naik. Don't forget to look at their list of "Orators and Scholars"!

Fatwa of Permanent Committee on the forbiddence of reading the books of non-Muslims by common Muslims and beginning Students of Knowledge

This is a naseeha to the Muslims to stay away from wasting their time on watching Peace TV and instead learn tawheed and Sunnah from the authentic sources and from the Rabbani Ulemah and their Students. It is also a naseeha to Dr. Naik and Peace TV owners and promoters to spend more time on seeking knowledge of the deen from the Salafee mashaykh and then give Da'wah based on the manhaj of the Salaf as-Salih.

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