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21-09-2006 @ 9:27 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Markaz Mu'adh Ibn Jabal & SalafiBooksto (Slough, UK)
Posts: 160
Joined: Apr 2003

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ان لحمدلله والصلاة و السلام على رسول لله و بعد:

Due to the mass confusion spread through word of mouth and/or over the internet by those who seek nothing other than discord, deviation from the true path and promote personal hidden, hideous agendas, we thought it is quite appropriate to remind the believers some of the questions that were asked to our Shaykh, al-Allaamah, Ubaid Ibn Abdillaah al-Jaabiree.  These questions regarding the salafi manhaj were put to the Shaykh a few years ago, yet the answers are as relevant today, if not more, than they were then.  When one reflects upon the answers of the Shaykh, with open heart and truly seeking the Face of Allaah, one would increase in his/her love for the Shaykh due to the deep wisdom and far sightedness contained within the answers.  And none reach this level except those who are firmly grounded in knowledge, and whom Allaah has bestowed His Guidance and Mercy upon.  

So, O Muslim, O Salafi, read this with an open heart and open mind, truly seeking the Face of your Lord.  Remember what Imaam al-Bukhari (rahimahullaah) wrote in his saheeh, which most of you have perhaps already memorised, ?Chapter: Knowledge precedes speech and action and the proof is the saying of Allaah, the Most High, Know, that none have the right to be worshipped (in truth) except Allaah?.  So don?t be from those whose speech and action precede their knowledge.  And refuge is sought in Allah from such a state!

Abdullah Ibn Mas?ud (radhi Allaahu ?anhu) ?Learn! Learn! So when you have learnt, then act.?  So learn O Muslim, O Salafi, and once you have learnt, then act!

The extracts used on this post are taken from Just follow this link: (  And it is highly recommended for everyone to read the whole article and act upon it, however, due to shortage of time we have only taken out parts of the article.

The Shaykh was asked (page 2, last paragraph) ?We have seen the likes of Shaykh ?Abdul ?Azeez Ibn Baaz and Shaykh Ibnul-Uthaymeen and ?Abdul Muhsin al-?Abbaad, and it is as if they co-operate with this Jam?iyyaah Ihyaa ut-Turaath, and others such as Shaykh Saalih Ibn Sa?ad as-Suhaymee, and he went to America with Shaykh ?Abdur Razzaaq for a conference organised by this jam?iyyah.  So based upon this, they say: Since these people co-operate with them, and they are major scholars, then as long as they allow us to give salafi da?wah to ?aqeedah, then we should co-operate with them.  So what do you think of this??

Isn?t this the kind of argument used in this present time of ours by the likes of those who try to cause confusion, and none get confused other than those whom Allaah sees some deviations/sickness in their hearts.

So Skaykh Ubaid (hafidhullaah) replied to the above question by saying ?Firstly, all of the jamaa?aat of Hizbiyyah (party spirit), if they allow a salafi to join with them, or to work with them, then this is something temporary and not permanent.

And secondly, they have to do this in order to attract people, the people in general, and the Salafis who are aware of their state in particular, so this is a principle with them which we know.

And thirdly, if they get a hold of this person and manage to get an upper hand, they will pressure him until he drops some of the affairs of the manhaj.  They seek to utilise either his personal weakness, or monetary need.

And the forth matter is that they will bring people who cover over, or put another way, efface whatever the scholars and the salafis put forward.  They bring people, so that is a person gives a salafi lecture, in ?aqeedah and manhaj, they bring people to confuse and deceive the common folk.

This is with regards to what you said about some of the Shaykhs participating along with them.  Then there is another aspect: Those who participate along with Ihyaa ut-Turaat, this is not a recommendation (tazkiyyah) for them.  They have their aims; or that the affairs have not become as clear to them as they have to others.  And there is a principle here, that will perhaps be known to the intelligent ones and the brothers in the faculties:  A principle of the sciences of hadeeth; the principle that if there is a conflicting jarh (disparagement) and ta?deel (commendation), then which is to be given precedence?  If the general ta?deel is found conflicting with detailed jarh, then which is given precedence?  The detailed jarh.

So for example, if you asked about a person: What do you think about so and so?  And you received the reply:  This is a person whom we consider to be good, he is present at the Friday and congregational prayers; and they mention some good qualities found in him.  But another man comes and you ask him the same question and he says:  What do you want from him?  So you say:  He wants to marry my sister or my daughter.  So he says to you:  Beware, he has evil manners.  His manners and marital life are not good.  So will you accept the ta?deel of the first, or the jarh of the second?  The jarh of the second because he has given you additional knowledge.  He has extra knowledge.  Do you understand, may Allaah bless you?  So this is a general/universal principle.  This is a general/universal principle.  Do you understand may Allaah bless you?  Then, we have a balance.  We have two scales to judge action and saying upon.?

Top of page 4 the shaykh is asked ?Shaykh, you said the co-operation with Ihyaaut-Turaat is not allowed??

The Shaykh responded by saying ?All of the jamaa?aat that have newly come about for da?wah, and whatever is an offshoot of them, then what I hold as my Religion before Allaah is that it is not allowed to co-operate with them in their da?wah activities.  So we do not co-operate with them in the building of schools, nor in the building of mosques, nor in publishing books, since they will, according to our experience and knowledge, utilise this in helping to spread innovation.?

Shaykh was further asked on page 4 in the second last paragraph ?Shaykh if we are invited to give lesson or a lecture with some people and they are Tableeghees, or Ikhwaanees, or with Ihyaa ut-Turaat, and they will not force us to say anything.  The da?wah will be from us and not from them.  The lecture is from us and not from them.  The lecture is from us and not from them, but it is in their mosque, or a meeting arranged by them.  So are even the likes of these things allowed, O Shaykh?

The Shaykh responded by saying ?As for me, then I do not hold the permissibility of that, according to our experience ? that they are not sincere in this.  Rather this is a stratagem, a sport, and a way to win over affection.  Have you understood this?  May Allaah bless you.  This is a game and a way to win over affection.  Yes, they bring a salafi to give a talk, but they spread matters that are innovation, and they bring someone to the same place at which you spoke in today, tomorrow they bring someone who contradicts that.  Have you understood?  So the reality is that I do not allow this, nor do I hold that it will rectify and put them aright.  And we advise our brothers who to them, and we give them information about them, so many of them, and all praise if for Allaah, understand the affair.?  (End of the extracts taken from the article.?)

Allaahu Akbar!  The above mentioned advice should be typed in gold, especially when it is so pertinent to this time of ours when forces of evil are working day and night under the gown of salafiyyah, trying to cause dissention, confusion and menace!  Those who have become confused at the hands of these shayaateen from the hizbiyoon should read and reflect upon the naseehah of this great ?aalim.

And hidaayah is from Allaah and it is only for those who are sound hearted and those who sincerely seek the face of their Lord.

May Allaah make us from His sincere worshippers, and save us from the whisperings of shaytaan.  Indeed whomsoever Allaah guides there is none to misguide, and whomsoever Allaah chooses to misguide due to perversions in his heart, then there is none to guide that soul.

Wallaahu Ta?aala ?alam

Rayhan Qaadhi

wassalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu

Markaz Mu'adh Ibn Jabal &
SalafiBookstore, Slough

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