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Abu Ukkaasha Shaakir Ibn Willard Gree (Hawthorne, California)
Posts: 142
Joined: Sep 2002

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Some Questions Surounding the Khawaarij

Extracted From
الاجابات المهمة في المشاكل المدلهمة
Al-Ijaabaat Al-Muhimmah Fee Mashaakil Al-Madluhamah
By Sheikh Saalih Bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan

1. السؤال : هل يوجد في هذا الزمان من يحمل فكر الخوارج؟

الجواب : يا سبحان الله! و هذا الموجود الآن , أليس هو فعل الخوارج؟ و هو تكفير المسلمين , و أشد من ذلك قتل المسلمين والاعتداء عليهم بالتفجير , هذا مذهب الخوارج. و هو يتكوّن من ثلاثة أشياء : أوّلا : تكفير المسلمين . ثانيا: الخروج عن طاعة ولي الأمر . ثالثا: استباحة دماء المسلمين . هذا هو مذهب الخوارج , حتّى لو اعتقد بقلبه و ما تكلم و ما عمل شيئا صار خارجيا , في عقيدته و رأيه الذي ما أفصح عنه.

Question [1] Does there exist in this time, individuals who carry the ideology of the Khawaarij?

Answer [1] Glory be to Allaah, how free is He from every defficiency and defect! This is present now [those who carry the ideology of the Khawaarij] Are these not the actions of the Khawaarij? And [the actions are] it is to declare the Muslimeen as disbelievers, and what is even worst than that is the killing of the Muslimeen and attacking them with explosives, this is the Madhhab of the Khawaarij.

And it Comprises of Three Things:

Firstly: Declaring the Muslimeen as Disbelievers

Secondly: Abdandoning the Obedience to the Walee'u Amr [The individual who is in charge of the affairs of the Muslimeen]

Thirdly: Making the Blood of the Muslimeen Permissible to be Spilt

This is the Madhhab of the Khawaarij, even if he believed in his heart and never spoke [with it] nor did any action [from it] he is still considered a Khawaarij, in his Aqeedah and his opinion of which he did not express.

2. السؤال: هل الخوارج يعتبرون من أهل القبلة؟ و هل يصلى خلفهم؟ و ما ضابط من يصلى خلفه من أهل القبلة؟

الجواب : اختلف العلماء في الخوارج هل هم كفار؟ أم هم ضلال وفساق؟ على قولين : القول في تكفيرهم أقرب , لأن الأدلة دلت على كفرهم و أما الصلاة خلفهم : فلا تجوز الا اذا تغلبوا على بلد كما ذكر ذلك الفقهاء , فالمسلم يصلي خلفهم و لا يترك الجماعة .

Question [2]Are the Khawaarij considered from Ahlil Qiblah? Is it permissible to pray behind them? What are the general guidelines of the one who prays behind them from Ahlil Qiblah?

Answer [2] The Scholars differ concerning the Khawaarij, are they disbelievers? Or are they [considered] misguided or are they [considered] rebelliously disobedient? There are two opinions concerning this: The statement which declares them as disbelievers is Aqrab [closest to the truth] and that is because of the the evidences which indicate their disbelief and as for Salaah behind them: then it is not permissible except when they are in the majority over a land just as the Scholars of Fiqh have mentioned, so the Muslim prays behind them and does not abandon the Jamaa'ah.

3: السؤال : من يكفر الحكام و يطلب من المسلمين الخروج على حكامهم . هل هو من الخوارج؟

الجواب : هذا هو مذهب الخوارج اذا رأى الخروج على ولاة أمور المسلمين , و أشد من ذلك اذا كفرهم فهذا من مذهب الخوارج.

Question [3] Whoever declares the hukaam [leaders] as disbelievers and request from the Muslimeen that they overthrow their leaders, is this from the way of the Khawaarij?

Answer [3] This is the Madhhab of the Khawaarij, when one sees [the permissibility of] going against the one in charge of the affairs of the Muslimeen, and what is worst than that is when they declare them as disbelievers, so this is the Madhhab of the Khawaarij.

4. السؤال: ما موقفنا من الذين يكفرون حكام المسلمين اليوم جملة و تفصيلا؟ هل هم من الخوارج؟ أفيدونا بارك الله فيكم و جزاكم خيرا.

4. الجواب : الّذين يكفرون عموم حكام المسلمين هؤلاء من أشد الخوارج , لأنهم ما استثنوا أحدا , و حكموا على جميع حكام المسلمين بأنهم كفرة , فهذا أشد من مذهب الخوارج , لأنهم عمموا.

Question [4] What is our position concerning the one who makes takfeer of the hukaam of the Muslimeen today generally and specifically? Are they from the Khawaarij? Benefit us may Allaah bless you and reward you with that which is good.

Answer [4]Those who make takfeer of the Muslim leaders generally, these are from the severest of the Khawaarij, and that is because they do not make any exception for anyone, and they rule upon all of the muslim leaders as disbelievers, and this is the severest form of the Madhhab of the Khawaarij, and that is because they generalize [generally declareall muslim leaders as disbelievers].


Extracted From Al-Ijaabaat Al-Muhimmah Fee Al-Mashaakil Al-Madluhamah By Sheikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan pg.9-12

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