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» Shaikh faalih al-harbee mentions the names of the kibaar ulamaa today
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03-08-2003 @ 2:58 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 105
Joined: Oct 2002

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

The shaikh faalih bin naafi bin fallaah al-harbi gave a talk last Friday in the town of saajir, al-najd. It was moved from dawaadamee after some hizbee?s caused some problems and weds. talk was cancelled.

(saajir was juhaymaan?s home town, a bright young lad who one day decided to take over the haram, makkah, with his twisted followers who thought he was the mahdi. Shakh faalih did the khutbah at shaikh sultaan?s masjid this Friday and he talked about him as being from the khawaarij al-maaariqah. The shaikh also talked about the difference between the khawaarij and bughaa [bandits] and the type of khawaarij who are described in the ahaadeeth. For example the shaikh said the khurooj against uthmaan bin al-affaan which eventually led to him being killed was not done by the khawaarij al-maariqah, but it was an action of khurooj amly ?action ? not one of khurooj itaqaade ?aqeedah based.)

At saajir, the shaikh gave a talk on the signs of ahl us-sunnah and the signs of ahl ul-bidah. In it he mentioned the names of some of the kibaar today. I understood that these names were the ones of the most senior scholars, who have the highest rank today and are the most worthy of being followed.

He mentioned,

Saalih al-fawzaan
Abdul-azeez aal-shaikh
Saalih al-layhadaan (all in Riyadh) then after some words he mentioned  
Rabee bin hadee -makkah
Ahmed bin najmi -saamitah
Zaid bin hadee al-madkhali -jizaan
Ubaid al-jaabiree -madinah

04-08-2003 @ 3:55 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 56
Joined: Dec 2002
As sallam ualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu

" saajir was juhaymaan?s home town, a bright young lad who one day decided to take over the haram, makkah, with his twisted followers who thought he was the mahdi..."

Just a brief correction akhee, from what I remember, wasn't it a man  named Muhammed Ibn Abdillah Al-Qahtani who claimed to be the mahdi and not juhayman himself? This Muhammad ibn Abdillah Al-Qahtani was married to Juhaymans sister and Juhayman was the actual leader of this misled gang supporting and propagating the claim that this guy was the mahdi.

And Allah knows best.

Abu Yusuf

وكل خير في إتباع مى سلف
وكل شر في إبتداع من خلف

This message was edited by AbuYusufAlKashmiri on 8-4-03 @ 4:04 PM

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