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28-07-2003 @ 7:37 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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bimsillahir rahmanir rahim

salaam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

could someone please explain this fatwa, cause i don't understand it. I read several fatawa on this topic, but they all oppose this one. I hope someone can give me some clarification insha'Allaah.

Jazakum Allaahu khair.

wa salaam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu


28-07-2003 @ 8:52 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalaamu alaykum

While we wait for someone to respond to the above post to clarify and explain the statement, the following fatwaa has been posted here so that no doubts can be spread about Shaykh Ibn Baaz's position (this was taken from an article on Spubs):

Imaam Ibn Baaz was asked, "May Allaah be benevolent to you, the hadeeth of the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) concerning the division of the Ummah, "My Ummah will soon split seventy-three sects?", so is the Jamaa?at ut-Tabligh, alongside what they have of acts of Shirk and innovation, and likewise the Ikhwaan ul-Muslimeen, alongside what they have of partisanship, splitting the ranks, using force against the Wullaat al-Umoor, and not hearing and obeying (the Rulers), so do these two sects enter (into those sects mentioned in the hadeeth)?

He replied, "They enter into the seventy-two sects. Whoever opposes the aqidah of Ahl us-Sunnah enters into the seventy-two sects. The intent behind his saying, "My Ummah?" means the Ummah that has responded to his call (Ummat al-Ijaabah), meaning they have responded to the call and have made apparent their following of him, and they are the seventy-three sects. The saved and secure one is the one that follows him and shows steadfastness (istiqaamah) upon his religion. And as for the seventy-two sects, amongst them is the disbeliever, the sinner and the innovator, they are of various types."

The questioner then said, "Meaning, these two sects (Ikhwaan and Tabligh) are included within those seventy-two sects?" The Shaikh replied, "Yes, from those seventy-two sects. And so are the Murji?ah and others. The Murji?ah and Khawarij, some of the People of Knowledge consider them to be from the Unbelievers, however, they are actually from the generality of the seventy-two sects." End of the Shaikh?s words. This exists in the Shaikh?s lesson on "Sharh ul-Muntaqaa", recorded on cassette, in Taa?if in the year 1418H.

SalafiTalk.Net Admin

This message was edited by Admin on 7-28-03 @ 8:56 PM

28-07-2003 @ 9:10 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Shaikh Bin Baz on entering Islamic Groups and Parties
Source: At-Tawiyyat ul-Islaamiyyah (taped lecture)
Article ID : MNJ030001  [765]  

Q. ....and the students refer back to you and to the major scholars and ask them. So what do you advise them. Do you advise them that you approve of entry into the like of these Jamaa'ahs: Jamaa'atul-Ikhwaan, Jamaa'atul-Tableegh, Jamaatul-Jihaad, Jamaa'ah so and so..., or do you advise them to remain upon seeking knowledge with the students of knowledge from the Salafi da'wah?

Ans. All praise is for Allaah and may Allaah extol and send blessings of peace upon his Prophet. We advise them all to unite upon a single way, and that is ... (words unclear) seeking knowledge, and attaining understanding of the Book and the Sunnah - and to proceed upon the methodology (minhaj) of the Salafus-Saalih. But as for partisanship (tahazzub) for the Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen or Jamaa'atut-Tableegh or so on, then I do not advise that. That is a mistake. Rather we advise them that they should be together upon a single way, a single Jamaa'ah - advising one another upon the truth and...(words unclear), and having allegiance to the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah. This is the correct way to prevent differences, and if there are groups (jamaa'ahs) upon that way - then that will not harm - for example a group in ...(words unclear), or a group for example in San'aa - but all of them are upon the Salafi way - following the Book and the Sunnah, calling to Allaah and having allegiance to the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah, without partisanship (tahazzub) and without bigotry (ta'assub - rigidity upon a way even if it is false) - that will not harm, even if there is a number of groups as long as their way and their goal is one.

{From the taped cassette (no.11), recorded in the month of Dhul-Hijjah 1408H (1987CE) at 'at-Tawiyyatul-Islaamiyyah.}

18-02-2004 @ 11:29 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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TROID Publications



Then what is obligatory upon the Muslims is to clarify the true state of affairs and to discuss with each group and sincerely advice all of them that they should proceed upon the way laid down by Allaah upon His servants, and upon that which our Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu ?alayhi wa sallam) called to. Then those who ignore this, or continue in their stubbornness, due to personal benefit or goal - known only to Allaah - then what is obligatory upon those who know the reality is to make this known about them and to warn against them, so that the people may avoid their path, and that those who do not know the reality of their affair may not fall into it and be led astray, and that they are not turned away from the Straight Path which Allaah ordered that we follow.

Majmoo?ul-Fataawaa wa Maqaalaatul-Mutanawwi?ah (5/202-204)

Full article available at:

Umm Mujaahidah Ibnah Nafees Ibn Ihsaan Ahmad,

This message was edited by MSbN.Ahmad on 2-18-04 @ 6:19 PM

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