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Topic: The Distinguishing Signs of the Salafee (from Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Haadee)
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad
Posts: 950
Joined: Nov 2006
Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad
Posts: 950
Joined: Nov 2006
Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah Amma ba'd
Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Maalik ibn Anas said, "He who keeps to the Sunnah and he from who the companions of Allaah's Messenger are safe, will be with the Prophets, the truthful witnesses, the martyrs and the righteous ones when he dies, even if he falls short in action." |
| Shaikh Muhammad bin Ramzaan Al-Haajiree (hafidhahullaah), in his highly beneficial sharh of Sharh-us-Sunnah, said:
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Do you not see that the people of bid'ah try to curse or disparage someone from the sahaaba. Do you see this? From what we study concerning the people of bid'ah, there is always someone from the sahaabah that they try to disparage. Even the people of today. They speak about 'Uthman, or 'Umar or Abu Bakr, or Mu'awiyah, or Alee ibn Abi Talib, or 'Amr ibn al-'Aas, 'A`ishah, Abu Hurrairah, Abu Bakrah. You will find that they try to disparage the sahaabah in one way or another in a hidden (non-apparent) way. We don't love those who speak about the sahaabah; we hate them. |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Bishr ibn Haarith1 said: Islam is the Sunnah, and the Sunnah is Islaam." |
| Shaikh Muhammad bin Ramzaan Al-Haajiree (hafidhahullaah) said:
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[This is true] because the person who leaves Islaam goes into disbelief. And if he leaves the Sunnah, then he's a Mubtadi'. It's agreed that the actions of the innovator and the disbeliever are not accepted. Is this point clear? |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyaad said, "If I see a man from the people of the Sunnah, it is as if I see a man from the companions of the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). If I see a man of bid'ah, it is as if I see a man from the hypocrites." |
| Shaikh Muhammad bin Ramzaan Al-Haajiree (hafidhahullaah) said:
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This is the scale that they [the Salaf] evaluated men with. They evaluated the individuals by the Sunnah. And this is love of the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and his companions. |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Yunus ibn 'Ubaid said, "How remarkable today are those who call to the Sunnah. Even more remarkable are those who respond and accept the Sunnah."2 |
| Shaikh Muhammad bin Ramzaan Al-Haajiree (hafidhahullaah) said:
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The Sunnah is strange (in a praiseworthy way). The Salafees are strange (in a praiseworthy way). The people who don't like the Salafees call us "Jameeya." Not only that you may be Salafee (or Sunni) but that you call to it, that's even more remarkable. You may speak to someone about Allaah's Names and Attributes, and you are upon the Salafee 'aqeedah, or Sunni 'aqeedah. It's strange (in a praiseworthy way). What's even more strange (in a praiseworthy way) is that the person who actually listens to what you're saying and accepts it. For example, if you invite to leaving off (prohibitted) tawaasul, and acts of shirk, and attachment to the graves, and the person who listens to you, accepts what you're saying, this is a strange affair (in a praiseworthy way). We were India a couple of days ago, and there were some flabbergasting things, such as the graves and tombs that they worshipped and glorified. Then, I went to Turkey. I was in Turkey for two weeks. Shirk (there) is wide spread, and attaching oneself to other than Allaah is widespread as well. Ar-ruqa', or a person commits shirk with the eye, that he may have (that infamous) eye or what resembles an eye (inside a drawn hand on a cardboard, or within other figures) and thinks this is going to protect him. You find this in the land, in the car, in the store, in the hospital, five-star hotels. Even in the swimming pool. They kept on looking and they thought they finally found a hotel with no eye, but then they saw an eye as big as this majlis on the bottom of the swimming pool. Strange things (this strangeness is actually dispraiseworthy). Shirk! Everywhere you go, you saw these things - on clocks, on clothes, on buses, airports. This is in Turkey. And the Masaajid are Soofiyah, and the people therein calling upon the Messenger of Allaah after the salat, and at the time of Jumu'ah. It's a big problem. The author [Yunus ibn 'Ubaid, or Imam Barbaharee] said this over one thousand years ago, that it's remarkable that a person calls to the Sunnah, and even more remarkable that a person responds. And this was in his time. So what do you say about today's time. SubhanAllaah! Yet, I give you the glad tidings that there are those people who respond and answer. There was a recent conference in India, and there were 20,000 just in the women's section alone. So what about the men? Shaikh Wasiullaah gave a lecture as well. Shaikh Saalih as-Suhaimee gave a lecture as well. Shaikh al-Anazee, and Shaikh Rashed, and I also... throughout Islamic centers, and the places of Ahlul-Hadeeth. Also, we went to the Asian and European part of Istanbul, and gave six lectures there, and explained some of the books there as well, with good attendance. And because the majority of people were working, most of the gatherings were between Maghrib and 'Ishah. The free time people have is more in India than in Turkey. The people in Turkey, it's like they work non-stop. The dunya has become a fitnah for them. And Allaah's Help is sought. But there was a good response. They have a good center in the European section, and in the Asian center they have "Markaz at-Tawheed was-Sunnah," where our Salafee brothers gather, about 360 or 370 of them. |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Ibn 'Awn repeatedly said at the point of death, "The Sunnah, the Sunnah, and beware of bid'ah," until he died. |
| Shaikh Muhammad bin Ramzaan Al-Haajiree (hafidhahullaah) said:
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Now the author is going into the admonishments that the Salaf have left, and this is admonishment for us as well. |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Ahmad ibn Hanbal said, "A man of my companions died, and was seen in a dream saying: say to Abu 'Abdullaah3, 'Stick to the Sunnah, for the first thing that my Lord, the Mighty and Majestic, asked me about was the Sunnah.'"4 |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Abul 'Aaliyah said, "Whoever dies unknown upon the Sunnah is indeed a truthful Witness. It is said clinging to the Sunnah is salvation." |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Sufyaan ath-Thawree said, "Whoever listens to a person of bid'ah has left the protection of Allaah, and is entrusted to it - meaning the bid'ah."5 |
| Shaikh Muhammad bin Ramzaan Al-Haajiree (hafidhahullaah) said:
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Because he has mixed truth with falsehood, and the light with darkness, and the correct with the error-ridden, and that which is pure with that which is not pure, and health with sickness, and that which is pure and clean with filth. So beware, if you are pure and clean, don't dirty this. Every bid'ah is misguidance, so why would you listen (to a person of bid'ah) or say "I'll read this book (of bid'ah)." Leave it off! There is no benefit in reading the books of the people of bid'ah, because it will affect you and damage you. And it will cause you confusion. And you will find people who are not sure of the minhaj, because they read from the people of Ahlul-Bid'ah like this. They are moving back and forth. He either reads their books or sits with them, or listens to their tapes or videos, and he begins moving towards them. So then he becomes soft with regards to his Deen. He no longer has clarity with regards to his minhaj. And you find that he becomes 'ateefi (emotional) with regards to people of bid'ah. And he begins describing the Salafee brothers as "shadeed" (strong), and he sees himself as being soft and lenient with the people of bid'ah. But the truth is he is "shadeed" with his Salafee brothers, because he accuses them of being "shadeed" and he leaves them. And he is lenient with the people of bid'ah, because he is with them. So, he does not affect the people of bid'ah in inviting them to the Sunnah, and he lost the love of his Salafee brothers, the clarity of his relationship with them. And this is one of the entrances that shaytan enters from. |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Daawood ibn Abee Hind6 said, "Allaah, the Blessed and Most High, revealed to Moosa ibn 'Imraan: Do not sit with the people of bid'ah, for if you were to sit with them and something of that took root in your heart, I would throw you into the Fire of Hell."7 |
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This is one of the stories of Banee Israel. |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyaad said, "Whoever sits with a person of bid'ah has not been given wisdom."8 |
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Because he is not with the truth in regards to this issue. And the wisdom is in following the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyaad said, "Do not sit with an innovator for I fear that curses will descend upon you."9 |
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Because the la'na (the curse) - as comes in the hadeeth - comes to the person who helps, assists and accomodates the person of bid'ah. So then what about the person who is an innovator, the one who innovates something new into the religion. And this is why the author says the curse will descend upon you. |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyaad said, "Whoever loves a person of innovation, then Allaah renders his actions futile, and takes away the light of Islaam from his heart."10 |
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So that this person does not become a fitnah for you, it's better to leave him. If there's a sitting or a gathering, and he's there, don't come to it. And he's in a particular place, don't go to it, or in a partcular masjid, don't go to that masjid. Go to another place that doesn't have the people of bid'ah. |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyaad said, "Whoever sits in a road with a person of bid'ah, take a different road."11 |
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The person who kisses the head of a person of bid'ah has glorified bid'ah. Because people see you (doing this) and could be affected by you in following what you do. For example, they may say, 'if this person was not upon the truth, this person (meaning you) would not have kissed him.' |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyaad said, "Whoever honors an innovator has assisted in the demolition of Islaam."12 |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyaad said, "Whoever smiles in the face of an innovator has made light of what Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, sent down upon Muhammad (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). Whoever marries his beloved daughter to an innovator has cut off her ties of relationship.13 Whoever follows the funeral procession of an innovator does not cease to be under the wrath of Allaah until he retutns." |
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Any action or sign of exalting people of bid'ah or raising them up is forbidden, so that the people are not affected by your action with them, especially for those people who may have a particular status among the people. |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyaad said, "I would eat with a Jew or a Christian, but not with an innovator. I would like that there was between myself and a person of bid'ah a protected fort of iron."14 |
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The Jew or Christian do not affect us, because they are not upon our religion, but the person who says "I am a Muslim" and goes against Islaam, the people would be affected by him more so. The person of bid'ah dirties the clarity and clearness and pureness of Islaam. Here is an example: when a non-Muslim, whatever religion he may be upon, sees a Muslim. And this Muslim beats himself until he begins to bleed, beating his chest, head, back until he begins to bleed as the Rafidah do. Will a non-Muslim want to enter Islaam when he sees this? The non-Muslim will say, "these people don't have intellects. How could a person do that to himself? This religion makes you beat yourself, you don't respect yourself, you don't respect your body." Or the Soofiyah, these people distort the beauty of Islaam. They go to the graves, sit by the graves, and supplicate to the graves, the dead people. And because of this, the call to Tawheed is what affects people. And the da'wah to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam), this is what affects the people. Calling to Tawheed and forbidding Shirk, this is what affects the people. Da'wah (calling) to following the Sunnah of the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and warning against bid'ah, this is what affects people. Inviting to obedience to Allaah and warning against disobedience to Allaah, this is what affects the people. And inviting people to leave off their desires, this is what affects the people. This what would affect the non-Muslim - the character, actions and 'aqeedah (creed) [enjoined in Islaam]. Manners in transcations and truthfulness, and respecting the individual. This person who beats himself til he starts to bleed, this is not from the religion. The Deen respects the human being. As comes in the ayah: And indeed, We have honored the children of Adam. (Al-Isra`, ayah 70) |
Also from Point 170 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: Al-Fudayl ibn 'Iyaad said, "If Allaah (the Mighty and Majestic) knows that a man hates a person of bid'ah, He will forgive him even if his actions are few.15 A person of Sunnah would not help an innovator except due to hypocrisy.16 Whoever turns his face away from an innovator, Allaah will fill his heart with Eeman. Whoever frightens an innovator away, Allaah will grant him safety on the Day of Great Terror, and whoever debases an innovator, Allaah will raise him in Paradise by a hundred ranks. So - for Allaah - never shelter an innovator!" |
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It is very clear that Imam Barbaharee hated the people of bid'ah. And we hate them as well, but these [last] warnings that Imam Barbaharee brought don't have proof for them. No doubt the one who does this [hates the people of bid'ah] will be rewarded. And there is a reward for doing good deeds, but these matters that the shaikh brought, that the person gets this reward for doing this and that. There is no daleel for. This statement of being raised 100 hundred levels, proof is needed for this. However, Barbaharee is a person of the Sunnah! And he was a 'alim (a scholar), an advisor, and a Salafee with clear Salafiyah. May Allaah have mercy on him. May Allaah join us and him with Prophet Muhammad (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and his companions. And with this, we finish the book. All Praise is for Allaah, and may the peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad. |
Footnotes obtained from Explanation of the Creed, by al-Barbaharee (329H) rahimahullaah): 1- Bishr ibn al-Haarith al-Marwazee, Abu Nasr. A reliable scholar and narrator from Baghdad. He died in 227H at the age of 76. Refer to Siyar A'laamin-Nubalaa (10/469) 2- Reported by Abu Nu'aym in al-Hilyah (3/21) and Ibn battah in al-Ibaanatul-Kubraa (no. 20) and al-Laalikaa`ee in as-Sunnah (no. 21-23). 3- i.e Imaam Ahmad 4- Dreams can only be used to reinforce what we already know with certainty from the Religion, such as obligations of sticking to the Sunnah. As regards to changing the sharee'ah rulings or making additions or deletions to the Religion, none of this can be done since the Religion has already been perfected and completed. 5- Reported by Abu Nu'aym in al-Hilyah (7/26,34) and Ibn battah in al-Ibaanatul-Kubraa (no. 444) 6- Daawood ibn Abee Hind al-Quraishee, Abu Bakr or Abu muhammad. A scholar and precise narrator from Basrah. He died in 140 H. See Siyar A'laamin-Nubalaa (6/376) 7- Reported by Ibn Waddaah (no. 49) with its like from Muhammad ibn Aslam. 8- Reported by al-Laalikaa`ee (no. 263) and Ibn Battah (no. 439) and its isnaad is saheeh. 9- Reported by al-Laalikaa`ee (no. 262) and Ibn Battah (no. 441, 451) and its isnaad is saheeh. 10- Reported by al-Laalikaa`ee (no. 263) and Ibn Battah (no. 440), Abu Nu'aym in al-Hilyah (8/103), and Ibn Jawzee in Talbees Iblees (p. 16) with a saheeh isnaad. 11- Reported by Ibn Battah (no. 493), Abu Nu'aym in al-Hilyah (8/103), and Ibn Jawzee in Talbees Iblees (p. 16) with a saheeh isnaad. 12- This has also been reported as the saying of the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). However, it is not authentic, as explained by Shaikh al-Albanee in as-Silsilatud-Da'eefah (no. 1862). It also reported as the saying of the tabi'ee, Ibraheem ibn Maysarah (d. 132H) by al-Laalikaa`ee. 13- Reported by Abu Nu'aym in al-Hilyah (8/103) and Ibn al-Jawzee in Talbees Iblees (p. 16) (except the last sentence) with a saheeh isnaad. 14- Reported by al-Laalikaa`ee (no. 1149), Abu Nu'aym in al-Hilyah (8/103) and Ibn Battah (no. 470) repored the second part, and its isnaad is saheeh. 15- Reported by Abu Nu'aym in al-Hilyah (8/103) with a saheeh isnaad, and his version ends, "...then I hope that he will be forgiven." 16- Its like is reported by by Abu Nu'aym in al-Hilyah (8/104) with a saheeh isnaad. It is reported as worded here by Ibn Battah (no. 429) with an acceptable isnaad. |
| Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad
Posts: 950
Joined: Nov 2006
Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah Amma ba'd To differentiate between the Salafee and the claimant to Salafee is the means to protect the youths from splitting, by Shaikh Ahmad Al-Bazmool (hafidhahullaah) Shaikh Ahmad Al-Bazmool (hafidhahullaah) said:
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In the name of Allaah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Verily all praise is due to Allaah, we praise him, seek help from him and seek forgiveness from him, and we seek refuge in Allaah from the evils of ourselves and our evil actions. Whoever Allaah guides no one can lead astray and whoever Allaah misguides no one can guide him. And I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allaah who is alone and does not have any partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger. To proceed: - The Salafee is the one who implements, and holds unto the book and the Sunnah upon the methodology of the pious predecessors. - He proceeds upon this in his methodology and all his matters. And his principles are all based upon this. - And it is possible that he may contradict the truth based upon ignorance and not purposefully. Because he is not immune to mistakes. And this does not remove him from Salafeeyah once he returns to the truth and adheres to it. As [Imam] Ash Shafi'ee and the other Imams advised that [if] any statement of theirs contradicts the evidences, we [should] take the evidences and disregard their statements.
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And from the most important matters, in my view, that the Salafee youths must pay attention to, is that a person should not be described as a Salafee because he has speech relating to an issue from the issues of Salafeeyah. (Yet at the same instance) we neither know his stance pertaining to other issues of Salafeeyah, nor do we know the methodology that he is upon. And it is possible that some of those who oppose (Salafeeyah) may agree with the Salafees (in certain matters). |
And the danger becomes established when such a person comes with the guise of a Salafee student of knowledge in front of the youth. Rather, they may even regard such a person as a Salafee scholar. Then after sometime such a person comes and confuses for us other issues. Hence his conditions changes and he wallows in the predicament of his evil desires. And those who change with him are the Salafee youths who surround his orbit. And for this reason, no one should be put in a station above his calibre. It is compulsory to look at a person according to the scales of the scholars. What do they say about him? Do they recommend him and praise his knowledge, his religion, his trustworthiness and his methodology? (If that is so) then such a person's knowledge should be benefited from, and knowledge should be take from him - except if opposition to the truth appears from him with him continuing upon it without returning (to the truth). Noting that some of them may recommend a person because of what has been made apparent to them from his sound belief. And then [after] his condition becomes apparent to them, they disparage [refute] him.  | quote: |
And the reason why he is disparaged [refuted] after he was praised returns to the following reasons: 1. That he was hiding his true condition, and was making apparant that which differentiates from what is hidden within him. And the scholar recommends him upon what is apparent, hence he recommends him based upon his outward appearance. 2. That at first he was upright upon the Sunnah and deserved a recommendation, then opposed the methodology and rejected (the truth), and proceeded upon that which opposed the methodology of the Salaf and therefore deserved to be disparaged. |
Hence it is obligatory upon every Muslim to look at what the pious predecessors (Salaf us-saleh) were upon and hold onto it. And it is compulsory for him to hold onto the scholars who proceed upon the methodology of the Salaf us-saleh. And it is prohibited to follow someone who has opposed the methodology of the Salaf us-saleh even if he has a high status either with him or the people. I ask Allaah to favour us with holding onto the Book and the Sunnah and the methodology of the Salaf us-saleh. And to provide us with obedience and sincerity. And to distance us from innovations, and showing off, and saying things to be heard, and hypocrisy. And may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon our Prophet and his family and companions. |
Source: Posted in English by: Musa Millington |
Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad
Posts: 950
Joined: Nov 2006
Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah Amma ba'd
Point 158 of Imam Barbaharee's Sharh-us-Sunnah: It is not permitted for a man to say, "So and so is a person of the Sunnah' until he knows that he combines the characteristics of the Sunnah, so it is not said of him, 'a person of the Sunnah' until he combines all of the Sunnah. |
| Shaikh Muhammad bin Ramzaan Al-Haajiree (hafidhahullaah), in his highly beneficial sharh of Sharh-us-Sunnah, said:  | quote: |
What are the characteristics of the person of the Sunnah? His 'aqeedah (belief). His worship. His following [of the Prophet, salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam]. His da'wah (his call), his invitation. His character, mannerisms. His transactions, his dealings with the people. This is the person of the Sunnah. His 'aqeedah is correct, and it's based upon following the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). His worship is like that of the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). His calling or invitation is likewise (upon the Sunnah of the Prophet, (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam)). All of the affairs of his life are in accordance with the Sunnah. This is the person of the Sunnah. In terms of where and what he eats, or where or what he drinks. In terms of what he wears. How he dresses, how he presents himself, and his outward appearance. In terms of travelling, how he stays, how his nights are, how his days are - in regards to everything. He pays attention to following the Sunnah in everything he does. And whatever he may have from falling short, then he falls short in that area. |
Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.
ibn Ahmad Maher ibn Ahmad
Posts: 950
Joined: Nov 2006
Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu 'ala rasulullaah Amma ba'd The Distinguishing Signs of the Salafee, by Shaikh Rabee' Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullaah) Student of knowledge Dawood Adeeb (hafidhahullaah) relayed the following tremendous and golden scholarly advice that every Salafee should read, especially today. Dawood Adeeb's woven comments are also included - due to their benefit - after the highly beneficial advice from our father Shaikh Rabee bin Hadee al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullaah).
Shaikh Rabee' bin Hadeel al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullaah) was asked: When may we call someone a Salafee? |
| Shaikh Rabee' bin Hadeel al-Madkhalee (hafidhahullaah) answered:
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Don't say about a man who opposes the manhaj of the Salaf that he is a 'Salafee.' No, don't say about a man who opposes the manhaj of the Salaf that he is a Salafee. Don't say that a man is 'Salafee' until you are sure that he is upon the manhaj [of the Salaf]. He is honored by it, and calls to it. He loves and unites based upon it, and hates and separates because of it. This is a Salafee. But someone who claims that he is 'Salafee,' and defends Ahlul-Bid'ah, and defends them against Ahlul-Sunnah, this is not a Salafee whatsoever. Whoever he is - Arab or non-Arab, in the East or in the West - because Salafiyyah has special qualities. Salafiyyah has signs. Salafiyyah has affairs that differentiate its people from others in Walaa` and Baraa`, and 'Aqeedah and Da'wah, and the stances that they take. |
Dawood Adeeb said:
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... This was posed to Shaikh Rabee' on when we can call someone a Salafee. Shaikh Rabee' explained during a speech concerning Abu Muslimah - this is back in 2002. And, by the way, those who don't know who Abu Muslimah is, his kunya is Abu Muslimah, of course, his name is 'Abdullaah Tawfeeq. He is the Imam of the Masjid called Masjid "Ahlus-Sunnah" in East Orange, New Jersey, in the United States. I know him very well. We were classmates...The statements of the 'ulemma, some of whom are still alive and some of whom are dead are crystal clear about Abu Muslimah, who by the way is still closely associated with some of the masaajid even here in Toronto, Canada, like Masjid Khalid ibnu Waleed. And Shaikh Rabee' (hafidhahullaah Ta'aala) at that particular time said, "We've seen the likes of you before. Anta Hizbiyyun Mustatir (You are a hidden hizbee.) We've seen the likes of you before." And of course, now, [Abu Muslimah is] no longer hidden. He's been exposed, he's just like the shaikh said. So this question was posed specifically about Abu Muslimah, but in general: whoever the kuffi fits, let him wear it. [Meaning this can be applied generally as well.] ...A few years back, I was in Shaikh Rabee's house after we ate lunch with him. I was walking out of the second floor, the room where he usually entertains the people to feed them, and I told him: "Shaikh Rabee', there are people who are still saying that you took back what you said about Abu Muslimah."* [Shaikh Rabee'] turned quickly to me, took his finger and touched my chest with it, and he said you, "You go back, Dawood, and you tell them (that) I didn't take anything back about Abu Muslimah. And I'm not taking anything back until he repents as clear as the sun is up in the sky." That's what he said to me. * Because Abu Muslimah himself (lyingly) put that out, and this is what Hizbees do. They like to do like the CIA; they like to throw out "disinformation," things that are not true so people can become confused (causing reactions like) "Did you hear that?" "Did you hear this?" Source:, via phone linkup between our brothers at Masjid Ahlul-Hadeeth in Philadelphia and the Shaikh (hafidhahullaah) |
| Subhanak Allaahuma wa bihamdika ash-hadu anlaa illaaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk If I said anything correct, then it is from Allaah (subhanahu wa taa'ala), and if I erred, then that is from me and shaytan.
Zayd Abu Ubayd
Posts: 795
Joined: Oct 2008
The Distinguishing Signs of the Salafee (from Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Haadee) In the Name of Allaah, Ar-Rahmaan, Ar-Raheem... An excerpt from the recent series 'Points of Explanation from Sharhus-Sunnah of Imaam al-Barbahaaree' narrated by Dawud Adib during his visit to Toronto, Canada. In the 2nd lecture in the series, there were some important questions and answers discussed concerning the salafee methodology. [Q]: When may we call someone a Salafee? Answered by Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Haadee