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» Hijrah to Birmingham - Shaikh Ubaid Clarifies!
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08-03-2011 @ 3:19 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Um Umar Farrah bint shams (uk)
Posts: 38
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Post removed by Admin, this thread is regarding the question (posed to Shaykh Ubayd) of migration from a land of non-Muslims to a land of non-Muslim, if migration to an Islamic land is not possible.

16-02-2011 @ 3:18 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Nouhad Amin bin Arnold (Birmingham)
Posts: 45
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Fatwa by the Permanent Committee: Hijrah in the modern age


"How can we make hijrah (a believer's migration to an Islamic land) nowadays for the sake of Allah (may he be Exalted)?"


"Hijrah for the sake of Allah (Exalted be He) means moving from the land of Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) to the land of Islam, as the Muslims moved from Makkah -before its people became Muslim- to Madinah because it had become the city of Islam after its people made Bay`ah (pledge of allegiance) with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and asked him to make Hijrah to them. Hijrah may also take the form of moving from one land of shirk to another land of shirk where evil is less prevalent and there is less danger to the Muslims, as when some of the Muslims migrated from Makkah at the command of the Prophet (peace be upon him), to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)."

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!

Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'
Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez bin Baaz
Shaykh 'Abdul-Razzaq 'Afify
Shaykh 'Abdullah Ghudayyan (click for direct link to fatwa)
Reference: The first question of Fatwa no. 9501

02-02-2011 @ 6:07 AM    Notify Admin about this post
UmmYaqoub AyanBintYusuf (Hounslow,London)
Posts: 6
Joined: Mar 2009
BarakAllahu feek for clarifying, indeed there will always be a few individuals ready and eager to spread falsehood Allahu musta3aan may Allah protect us ameen, no doubt the Haqq will ALWAYS shine through

22-01-2011 @ 12:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
Posts: 359
Joined: Dec 2003


The Questioner:  Assalaamu alaykum warahmatullaah

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him):Wa-alaykum salaam warah-
matullaahi wabarakaatuhu- marhaban bikum

The Questioner:  Kayfa Haalukum Shaykhanaa, Tayyiboon?

Shaikh Ubaid(may Allaah preserve him):Al-hamdulil-laah hayaakumul-

The Questioner:  Shaykhanaa (may Allaah preserve you); in respect to
a statement attributed to you with specific (reference) to Birmingham..

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him):  The voice is weak, raise it
O Shaikh (i.e. your voice is not loud enough; raise your voice O Saiklh)

The Questioner:  Shaykhanaa, can you hear now?

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him):  Yes, listening to
you/lending you an ear.

The Questioner:  I say: in respect to a statement attributed to you,
for indeed some of the hizbi (websites) in Europe transmitted long ago that
you said, 'Indeed Birmingham in Britain is a place of hijrah.'  This
is the manner in which they stated it: 'Wallaahi it (Birmingham) is a
place of hijrah.'
  Furthermore we find Shaikh Falaah Bin Ismaa-eel
transmitting it or attributing it to you.  So I don't know what your
explanatory remarks are on this statement.  May Allaah preserve you.

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him):  In the name Allaah and all
praise is due to Allaah.  May Allaah send His salaah and salaam upon our
Prophet Muhammad and his family and all his companions.

I say: The establishment of this affair is not excluded from that
which the Book of our Lord and the Sunnah of our Prophet demonstrated--,
and (that which) the Imaams of Knowledge and the Religion (past and
present) tread(ed) upon, pertaining to migration from the lands of kufr
to the lands of Islaam, or from a kaafir land or to another kaafir land in
which the Muslim's Religion and honour is safe.  In summary, the one who
sits and accompanies me knows that of me.

I say, and with Allaah is facilitation of Tawfeeq;

Firstly: This Hijrah is from the legislated ordinances of Allaah and
He has not abrogated it.  He (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said:
'Hijrah will not cease to continue until repentance ceases to continue,
and repentance will not cease to continue until the sun rises from the
  So, it ( hijrah) remains.

Secondly: What is apparent to me concerning Hijrah at present is of
two examples/affairs;

[1] Obligation               [2] Sunnah

The Obligatory Hijrah:

If a person is in a kaafir land (being) put to trial in his religion and
honour, and he is unable to establish that which Allaah has enjoined upon
him pertaining to his Religion and worship of his Lord, then Hijrah is
obligatory upon him on the basis of what has already been clarified; if he
is able to make Hijrah, yes, then he migrates to a Muslim land and this is
the Asl, or to a Kaafir land in which his Religion and honour is safe, just
as the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) commanded the Muslims to
migrate to Habasha (Ethiopia) when the Quraish harmed them; and (he-sallal-
laahu-alayhi-sallam) mentioned that there was a king (in Habasha) who
oppresses no one under his protection, or as he (sallal-laahu-alayhi-
sallam) said: ''(oppresses no one) next to him.''  This is what I affirm
and adhere to as (religion/an act of worship) to Allaah.  

As for the recommended prescribed Hijrah: It is the Hijrah from the
land of the disbelievers to the lands of Islaam in order to strengthen his
religion, or to gain knowledge, or to earn lawful earnings in the land of

So when this is established, and if I did say on a day from the days about
making hijrah to Birmingham unrestrictedly, then this is a slip/mistake and
I seek Allaah's forgiveness from this if it was an upright transmission of
the trustworthy people of Sunnah.  This is the third point or affair.

The Forth Point: Many amongst the people in Europe or in the Asian
States in India or other than it ask; they are put to trial in their
Religion by some of the innovators from the brelviyyah, they are the
extremist soofees from the people of Wahdatul Wujood and other than them.  
So I say them (i.e. those put to trial): Make Hijrah to Birmingham because
Maktabatus Salafiyyah is there.  

Therefore, my answer to them is not that Birmingham is a land of Hijrah
unrestrictedly, for Birmingham is from the cities of Britain and Britain is
a Kaafir Land.  I urge them to make Hijrah to where they will find the
Maktabah, where they will affiliate with Maktabatus Salafiyyah over there
(in Britrain), and to participate in lessons and muhaadaraat within which
are scholars of excellence, from them: Ash-Shaikh Abdullaah Bin Abdur
Rahmaan Al-Ghudiyaan from the Committee of Major Scholars and Fatwah
Committee of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  He delivered lessons to them and
has died (rahimahullaah).
So the likes of this Maktbah is worthy of being affiliated to (for) the one
who cannot find a place to seek shelter; especially if he has a desire to
attain knowledge of the Sharee-ah, particularly in the affair of
Aqeedah,the Sunnah and waging war against innovation and its people.      

This is what I mentioned and I affirm it.  And I repeat: if I did
establish/affirm the opposite of that, then it is one of two affairs:

[1] It is either a slip/mistake from me or [2] a distortion/
misrepresentation of (my speech).
  And that which is from me, then
indeed I seek the forgiveness of Allaah from it; and that which is a
distortion/misrepresentation of my speech and a forged saying on me, then I
ask Allaah to set it aside between me and my adversaries on yaumul

And at this time of recording this answer with you in this meeting, I
address the one who is bright and is a possessor of sure knowledge, fear of
Allaah, uprightness and Sunnah, and is not one following the foolish ones
nor a wrangler against the scholars.  I seek Allaah's protection from that.

Wasallal Laahu Alaa Nabiyyinaa Muhammad Wa Alaa Aalihee Wa-Sahbibee

The Questioner:

Jazaakallaahu khayran Shaikhanaa, Hafidha-kumullaah, Ahsanallaahu Ilaykum.  
This speech is what is well known from you in your duroos.  May Allaah
preserve you.

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him): Baarakallaahu Feekum

The Questioner:  But Shaikh I have.......

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him):  You are from our children
and companions.

The Questioner:  Hafidha-kallaah, O Sahikh if you may allow me to
make a slight elaborated explanatory remark. May Allaah preserve you.

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him): Tafaddal

The Questioner:

In respect to the statement (attributed to you), indeed Shaikh Falaah has
transmitted it.  You know that he is from the Mashaayikh of the Sunnah (may
Allaah preserve him)

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him):  Well known, well known

The Questioner:  I wish to make it clear that I communicated with
Shaikh Falaah before communicating with you.

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him):  Yes

The Questioner:  And I asked him about his speech which he
transmitted from you.  So first and foremost he gave you salaam.

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him):  May Allaah preserve him.

The Questioner:  Until he (Shaikh Falaah) stated, 'give my
salaams to our Shaikh, our father, Shaikh Ubaid.'

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him):  Alayka Wa-alayhis-Salaam

The Questioner:  I said to him: 'the statement transmitted from
you, what is the appropriateness to its purpose?'
  He (Shaikh Falaah)
said: 'I very often used to travel to some of the European States; I
travelled there and they asked me about making hijrah to Kuwait, Saudi and
to some of the Muslim States, especially Kuwait and Saudi...'
   So the
Shaikh (Shaikh Falaah) spoke about its textual indications/proofs.

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him): Yes

The Questioner:

So the Shaikh (Shaikh Falaah) said to me: 'after that I used to say to
them, upon you is the Fatwah of Shaikh Ubaid.'
  This is how the Shaikh
(i.e. Shaikh Falaah) stated it to me: 'upon you is the Fatwah of Shaikh

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him): Yes

The Questioner:  So I said to him: 'what is the Fatwah of Shaikh
  He (Shaikh Falaah) said: 'The Fatwah of Shaikh Ubaid
asserts to those who cannot come to us in Saudi, Kuwait and some of the
Muslim States, that they should travel to Birmingham in order to lessen the
  So I said to him: 'so the Fatwah of Shaikh Ubaid is not
unrestricted that Birmingham is a place of Hijrah.'
  He (Shaikh Falaah)
said: 'No, it is not unrestricted;' rather he (Shaikh Falaah) said:
'I recall it was a time of trial for the Muslims, especially with
regards to the forbiddance of wearing the Hijaab; so the Shaikh (i.e Shaikh
Ubaid) gave this verdict as a means of lessening harm upon the Muslim, from
the angle of preventing harm.'

Shaikh Ubaid: Yes

The Questioner: So I said to him (i.e. Shaikh Falaah): 'O Shaikh!
Can I transmit this from you.'
  He said: 'yes, transmit from me that
the Fatwah of Shaikh Ubaid is neither general nor unrestricted.'

Then if these (people) migrate, indeed the Sahaabah did migrate to Habasha
and there is no doubt that Al-Habasha was a Kaafir land, but they migrated
for safety, just as you (Shaikh Ubaid) stated.  May Allaah preserve you.

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him): Yes

Questioner:  Therefore, al-hamdulil-laah the transmission has not
arrived except through Shaikh Falaah.

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him):  I fear that they distorted
my speech and also the speech of Shaikh Falaah.

The Questioner:  It is the statement of Shaikh Falaah in audio
cassette and this is how it was (stated): 'Wallaahi it is a place of
  However, it has not been up till now that I seek an
explanation from him.

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him):  Yes

The Questioner continued narrating his conversation with Shaikh Falaah
to Shaikh Ubaid:

'Did the Shaikh (i.e Shaikh Ubaid) intend that it (Birmingham) is a
place of Hijrah unrestrictedly whilst the Kuffaar roam about in it, and
that they (i.e. those Muslims) are to abandon the Muslim lands.'
(Shaikh Falaah) said: 'No, Shaikh Ubaid did not intend that.'  So
the Shaikh (Shaikh Falaah) permitted me to transmit from him (may Allaah
reward him).

Therefore Al-Hamdulil-laah, no mistake has occurred in your speech
especially that Shaikh Falaah has clarified and stated that the intent
behind your speech is this; it is to lessen the harm for the one who is not
able to make Hijrah to the lands of the Muslims.  This is how your speech

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him):  Shaikh Falaah spoke the
truth and may Allaah bless him.

The questioner:  Shaikhanaa, may Allaah protect you and bless you

Shaikh Ubaid (may Allaah preserve him):  Hayaakumullaah

The Questioner:  Then we conclude with this and may Allaah reward
you with good.


Shaikh Ubaid and the Questioner [Ustaadh Arafaat (hafidha-hullaah)]
supplicated for one another and Shaikh Ubaid asked him to spread the
conversation.  Ustaadh Arafaat said that he will spread it Inshaa-Allaah.

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin AbeeBakr Bin Abdullaah Bin AbeeBakr
Bin Umar Al-Fulaani Al-Gambi


The Salafi Centre of Manchester
2 Dudley Street Manchester M89DA

21-01-2011 @ 9:54 PM    Notify Admin about this post
abu abdullah bridges (london)
Posts: 4
Joined: Jul 2010
Would someone be able to translate the Shaikh's statement as I would very much like to read the answer to this question.

Jazakallah Khairn

21-01-2011 @ 6:37 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Lubaynah Abdul Ghanee ibn Michael Goodchild Al-Guyaanee (Birmingham, UK)
Posts: 204
Joined: Sep 2008
As-Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

If my memory serves me well, I believe the question was posed to our Shaykh, Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jaabiree (may Allaah preserve him) by an individual foreign to UK who said he was unable to travel to Muslim land.  

This question came at a time when many individuals & families were facing much adversities & oppression by way of the authourities, work places & educational authourities in their lands. The men found it hard to attain work, their children couldn't pray in schools, their women couldn't wear the niqaab outside of the home etc...

Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jaabiree (may Allaah preserve him)answered the question appropriately to the details posed in the detailed question.

Walhamdulillaah, we have seen many brothers & families who found it a perplexing task to live & practice their deen in a manner without restrictions come to Birmingham UK and have found it to be a better place to live.

From some of these countries known are France & Belgium.

We have seen brothers come to Birmingham temporarily and progressed to migrating to a Muslim land.

To my knowledge I have never heard ANYONE say in my time here in Birmingham UK to stay here indefinately.  Rather, we are constantly advised by the du'aat here to leave this land and seek knowledge...

May Allaah preserve our Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jaabiree & keep him patient upon those who wish to seek faults in him that are NOT there...


When a man knows his ownself, speech of the people is of no benefit to him!

21-01-2011 @ 4:14 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Faizal Ibn Muhammad Al Hussein (Mozambique)
Posts: 30
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Assalamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi,

Baraka Allaahu feekum ya ikhwaan fi Birmingham, this article Inshaa Allaah will "clean" "some minds" of those who have hizbiyyah...

May Allaah preserve the noble Allaamah Ubaid al-Jaabiree.

Faizal Ibn Muhammad
19-01-2011 @ 7:37 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Shaikh and Allaamah Ubaid al-Jaabiree (may Allaah preserve him) clarifies and explains his position regarding the issue of Hijrah in Islaam and in specific his speech regarding migrating to Birmingham as was narrated by Shaikh Falaah bin Ismaa'eel (may Allaah preserve him).

Likewise the questioner makes mention of what Shaikh Falaah had said regarding this issue in line with Shaikh Ubaid, that if migration was not possible to Muslim lands such as Saudi and Kuwait, and one is constricted in following Islaam, then one is permitted to migrate from one land of unbelievers to another land of unbelievers to lessen the harm they receive due to their religion. This is because in some countries of the non-Mulims there are little or no restrictions in practicing one's faith. This type of migration was endorsed by the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu alaihi wassallam) when he sent some of the Companions to Abyssinia, which was a non-Muslim country. However it was better for them than Mecca at that time where they found it difficult to practice their faith due to the oppression and restrictions of the Mushriks. Then the Shaikh explains why he feels that Birmingham and in particular the brothers at Salafi Publications is a place where it would be suitable for people to travel to so that they are amongst those who give importance to knowledge and have a strong connection to the scholars.

The Shaikh also explained that migration is of two types: That which is obligatory and that which is recommended. Each has its stipulations and the Shaikh (may Allaah preserve him) clarified those stipulations. He also stated, showing the sincerity, honesty and piety of this Scholar, that if had stated without restriction that Birmingham in Britain was a Land of Migration, then that is mistake and a slip from himself, and he sought Allaah's forgiveness.

Shaikh Falaah, however, stated that Shaikh Ubaid specified and explained this migration and had in fact applied restriction (that it was not an unrestricted migration) and sought his permission to relay it.

This question and answer was posted by the noble brother and student of knowledge Shaikh Arafaat bin Hasan al-Muhammadee (al-Yemeni) on - And excellent article.

Full unabridged translation is below:

السائل: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله.

الشيخ عبيد-حفظه الله-: وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته، مرحبًا بكم.

السائل: كيف حالكم شيخنا، طيبون؟.

الشيخ عبيد-حفظه الله-: الحمد لله، حياكم الله وبياكم.

السائل: شيخنا الله يحفظكم بالنسبة للكلام الذي نسب إليكم فيما يخص برمنجهام.

الشيخ عبيد-حفظه الله-: الصوت ضعيف يا شيخ ارفعه.

السائل: شيخنا تسمع الآن؟.

الشيخ عبيد-حفظه الله-: أي نعم سامعكم.

السائل: أقول: بالنسبة للكلام الذي نسب إليكم، فقد تناقلت بعض المواقع الحزبية قديمًا في أوروبا أنكم تقولون: أن برمنجهام في بريطانيا هي دار هجرة، هكذا تقولون: والله إنها دار هجرة، ثم وجدنا هذا الكلام يعني: ينقله أو ينسبه إليكم الشيخ فلاح بن إسماعيل، فما أدري ما هو تعليقكم على هذا الكلام-حفظكم الله-؟.

الشيخ عبيد-حفظه الله-:

بسم الله، والحمد لله، وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.

أقول: لا أخرج في تقرير هذه المسألة عمّا دل عليه كتاب ربنا، وسنة نبينا-صلى الله عليه وسلم-، ومشى عليه أئمة العلم والدين قديمًا وحديثًا في الهجرة من بلاد الكفر إلى بلاد الإسلام أو من بلد كافر أو إلى بلد كافر آخر يأمن فيه المسلم على دينه وعرضه، وملخص ذلك، ومن جالسني وصحبني يعلم ذلك مني.

أقول-وبالله التوفيق-:

أولًا: هذه الهجرة من فرائض الله المحكمة، ولم يطرأ عليها نسخ، قال-صلى الله عليه وسلم-: (لا تنقطع الهجرة حتى تنقطع التوبة، ولا تنقطع التوبة حتى تطلع الشمس من مغربها)فهي دائمة.

وثانيًا: الهجرة فيما يظهر لي الآن على ضربين:

1- واجبة.

2- وسنة.

فالهجرة الواجبة: إذا كان المرء في بلد كافر يفتن في دينه وعرضه، ولا يستطيع أن يقيم ما افترض الله عليه من دينه وعبادة ربه، فإنه تجب عليه الهجرة على ما سبق بيانه، إذا كان قادرًا على الهجرة، نعم، فهو يهاجر إلى بلد مسلم وهذا هو الأصل، أو إلى بلد كافر يأمن فيه على دينه وعرضه، كما أمر النبي-صلى الله عليه وسلم-المسلمين حين تأذوا من قريش بالهجرة إلى الحبشة، وذكر أن فيها ملكًا لا يظلم بجواره أو قال: بجنابه أحد، هذا هو الذي أقرره وأدين الله به.

وأما الهجرة المستحبة المسنونة: وهي الهجرة من بلاد الكفار إلى بلاد الإسلام ليتقوى على دينه أو يحصل علمًا أو مكسب حلال في البلد المسلم، فإذا تقرر هذا فإن كنت قلت يومًا من الأيام بالهجرة إلى برمنجهام مطلقًا فهي زلة أستغفر الله منها، إذا كان النقلة عدولًا ثقات أصحاب سنة، وهذا هو الوجه أو الأمر الثالث.

الأمر الرابع: أسأل كثيرًا من أناس في أوروبا أو في دول آسيا في الهند أو غيرها، يفتنون في دينهم من بعض المبتدعة البريلوية هم غلاة المتصوفة من أهل وحدة الوجود وغيرهم.

فأقول لهم: هاجروا إلى برمنجهام فإن فيها مكتبة سلفية، فإذًا إجابتي لهم ليست مطلقة بأن برمنجهام دار هجرة، فبرمنجهام من مدن بريطانيا، وبريطانيا بلد كافر.

أنا أدعوهم أن يهاجروا إلى حيث توجد المكتبة، إلى أن يلتحقوا بالمكتبة السلفية هناك، ويسهم في إلقاء الدروس والمحاضرات فيها علماء فضلاء منهم: الشيخ عبد الله بن عبد الرحمن الغديان عضو هيئة كبار العلماء وعضو الإفتاء بالمملكة العربية السعودية، مات-رحمه الله-وهو يلقي فيهم الدروس، فمثل هذه المكتبة تستحق أن يلتحق بها من لا يجد مكانًا يأوي إليه لا سيما إذا كانت لديه رغبة في تحصيل العلم الشرعي لا سيما في أمر العقيدة، والسنة، ومحاربة البدع وأهلها، هذا هو الذي أذكر أني قررته.

وأكرر إذا كنت قررت خلاف ذلك فهو أحد أمرين:

1- إما زلة مني.

2- أو تحريف عليّْ.

فما كان مني فإني أستغفر الله منه، وما كان تحريفًا لكلامي وتَقَوُّلًا علي فهذا أسأل الله أن يوقفه لخصومتي يوم القيامة.

وأنا حين أسجل معكم هذا الجواب في هذا اللقاء أخاطب من كان نيِّرًا، ذا بصيرة وتقوى وصلاح وسنة، ولست مجاريًا للسفهاء ولا مماريًا للعلماء أعوذ بالله من ذلك.

وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.

السائل: جزاكم الله خيرًا شيخنا، حفظكم الله، أحسن الله إليكم، وهذا الكلام هو المعهود عنكم في دروسكم حفظكم الله.

الشيخ عبيد-حفظه الله-: بارك الله فيكم.

السائل: ولكن شيخنا عندي.

الشيخ عبيد-حفظه الله-: أنتم من أبنائنا وأصحابنا.

السائل: الله يحفظكم، لو تأذنون لي بتعليق بسيط خفيف يا شيخ الله يحفظكم.

الشيخ عبيد-حفظه الله-: تفضل.

السائل: أما بالنسبة للكلام فقد نقله الشيخ فلاح وهو يعني: تعرفون أنه من مشايخ السنة-جزاه الله خيرًا-.

الشيخ عبيد-حفظه الله-: معروف، معروف.

السائل: لكن أحببت أن أبين أنِّي قد اتصلت على الشيخ فلاح قبل اتصالي عليكم.

الشيخ عبيد-حفظه الله-: نعم.

السائل: وسألته عن كلامه الذي نقله عنكم، فهو أولًا: يسلم عليكم كثيرًا.

الشيخ عبيد-حفظه الله-: حفظه الله.

السائل: حتى كان يقول: سلم على شيخنا ووالدنا الشيخ عبيد.

الشيخ عبيد-حفظه الله-: عليك وعليه السلام.

السائل: فقلت له: ما هي المناسبة لهذا الكلام الذي نقل عنكم؟، قال لي: أنا كنت أسافر إلى بعض دول أوروبا كثيرًا ما أسافر إلى هناك، فيسألوني عن الخروج إلى الكويت وإلى السعودية وإلى بعض الدول المسلمة، لا سيما الكويت والسعودية فهي نص عليه الشيخ.

الشيخ عبيد-حفظه الله-: نعم.

السائل: فقال لي الشيخ: بعد ذلك كنت أقول لهم عليكم بفتوى الشيخ عبيد، هكذا قال لي الشيخ: عليكم بفتوى الشيخ عبيد.

الشيخ عبيد حفظه الله-: نعم.

السائل: فقلت له: وما هي فتوى الشيخ عبيد؟، قال: فتوى الشيخ عبيد يقول لهؤلاء الذين لا يستطيعون أن يأتوا إلينا في السعودية وفي الكويت وفي بعض الدول المسلمة، أنهم تخفيفًا للضرر أنهم يسافرون إلى برمنجهام، فقلت له: إذًا فتوى الشيخ ليست على إطلاقها أنها دار يعني: أن برمنجهام دار هجرة، فقال: لا ليس على إطلاقها، بل قال: أنا أذكر أنها كانت في محنة نزلت على المسلمين لا سيما في منع لبس الحجاب، فكان الشيخ يفتي بهذا تخفيفًا على المسلمين تخفيف الضرر من باب دفع المفسدة.

الشيخ عبيد-حفظه الله-: نعم.

السائل: فقلت له: يا شيخ أنا انقل عنكم هذا؟، قال: نعم أنقل عني ليست فتوى الشيخ على عمومها ولا على إطلاقها، ثم إذا هاجر هؤلاء فقد هاجر الصحابة إلى الحبشة، ولا شك أن الحبشة دار كفر، لكن هاجروا من باب الأمن كما ذكرتم حفظكم الله.

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