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» Shadeed Muhammad and his Misguidance!
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21-05-2011 @ 7:40 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
Posts: 137
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al-'Allaamah 'Ubayd Ibn 'Abdullaah al-Jaabiree
Reiterates His Warning Against Shadeed Muhammad

[Q]: The praise is for Allaah, Lord of the worlds.  And may the peace and salutations of Allaah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his Family and his Companions.  To proceed:

So this is a question directed at our noble Shaykh, 'Ubayd Ibn 'Abdullaah Ibn Sulaymaan al-Jaabiree - hafidhahullaahu ta'aalaa.  Noble Shaykh, do you have any points against the brother, Shadeed Muhammad al-Amreekee.  So if you have points, then why do you not clarify them, or do you hold that knowledge can be taken from him?

[A]: With the Name of Allaah and the praise is for Allaah.  And may the peace and salutations of Allaah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his Family and his all those who accompany him.  To proceed:

So how many are the points that have been confirmed with us by way of those who are trustworthy and possess integrity against the brother Shadeed Muhammad al-Amreekee!  And they (i.e. the points) prove that the man is not fit to have knowledge taken from him.  Rather, it is obligatory to be cautious of him.  And from these many points, which prove the ignorance of the man and the corruption of his manhaj, is his statement, "Salafiyyah is not a card that's gonna get you into Jannah."

So this statement is disbelief (kufr).  Since, Salafiyyah is the pure Religion of Allaah.  It is Tawheed.  It is the unblemished Sharee'ah, with which Allaah sent all of the Prophets and Messengers.  It is the Religion of the first of them, Nooh, to the last of them, Muhammad ('alayhimus-salaatu was-salaam).  And it has two foundations:

The first affair (i.e. foundation): is the call to worship Allaah alone to encourage others upon that and to form allegiance with others who call to this and to perform takfeer of those who abandon it.

And the second [foundation]: is to warn against Shirk in the worship of Allaah and to be harsh in that and to have enmity due to that and to perform takfeer of those who commit Shirk.

And these two foundations are the scales of justice in worship, social intercourse and in how the person deals with others.

And the one who scorns the affair of Salafiyyah and does not give importance to it in his da'wah and he does not make it the foundation of his da'wah, then this individual is either an ignoramous (jaahil) or a person who is misguided and misguiding others.  And Shadeed is from the second category, a person who is misguided and misguiding others.  It is obligatory to be cautious of him.  And he must not be allowed the opportunity - and we advise Ahlus-Sunnah in America and other than it, to not allow him an opportunity to deliver lessons and lectures and talks in their mosques due to the corruption in his manhaj and his ignorance concerning the da'wah to Allaah.  Rather, he is bold in misguidance and deviation.  And I do not hold that I should pre-occupy my time with refuting him, since he is not deserving of that, according to my view.  And I only suffice with warning against him and his corrupt manhaj.  So convey the salaam from me to your brothers and convey this statement concerning the man and I advise them to be cautious of him.  And may the peace and salutations of Allaah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his Family and his all those who accompany him.

And this was dicated by 'Ubayd Ibn 'Abdullaah Ibn Sulaymaan al-Jaabiree, after the Maghrib of Friday, the 27th of Jumaada ath-Thaanee, in the year 1432H, which corresponds to the 20th of May, in the year 2011C.E.  And the success is with Allaah.

[url=]Click here to listen to the audio[/url]

07-04-2011 @ 11:47 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Essex, UK)
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Ya Shadeed! Why The Deception And Trickery?

When Shadeed Muhammad travelled to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia do you know who his replacement was at UMM for the Friday sermon?
While they were waiting for their Imam to return I am sure that the community trusted their Imam to leave them with a suitable replacement.

Marc Manley At UMM

The funny thing about it is that someone deleted the link, attempting to conceal what was actually taking place at UMM as it does not matter what transpires at UMM as long as it does not appear on the net.

The person that gave the Khutbah, and addressed Shadeed's community, was an individual known as Marc Manley. I visited his Blog to ascertain exactly what this man is upon and his page speaks louder than words.

This individual has links to Hamzah Yusef, Zaid Shakir, and a whole bunch of other Sufis.

Is Shadeed Muhammadýs understanding similar to that of Yasir Qadhi? Has his salary and thirst for a position caused him to lose his mind?

So I guess Shadeed Muhammad expects the people of the Sunnah to attend UMM so that they can listen to these types of people when he is absent and maybe even present, as Marc Manley is scheduled to deliver another sermon according to eventýs calander on his blog.

ý      4/8/2011 - Love & Islam
ý     4/16/2011 - Our Legacy and Future Destiny
ý     4/18/2011 - Universal Message of the Prophets
ý     4/29/2011 - UPenn MSA
ý       5/6/2011 - Drexel MSA
ý     5/20/2011 - Quba Institute + reading circle [6pm]
ý     5/27/2011 - UMM
ý     6/24/2011 - Quba Institute + reading circle [6pm]

These are the type of people UMM work with and trust. I wonder will we hear a clarification from their Imam who is always quick to defend himself but will he be as quick to clarify the truth in this matter and explain the errors of the Sufiyyah.

In closing, it is almost laughable that Shadeed is trying to mask the reality of UMM by revamping the website with links to and his own website. What should we expect next? Sufiyyah Salafiyyah!

Allah's aid and protection is sought.

24-03-2011 @ 1:43 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Essex, UK)
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Dawud Adeeb said:

As for Shadeed Muhammad, then as Shaykh Ubaid Al-Jaabiree said, he is astray, leading others astray.

Dawud Adeeb On Shadeed Muhammad

20-03-2011 @ 7:29 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad Claims the Salafees Have Restricted Manhaj to the Warning Against People and Boycotting

Shadeed Muhammad said,

But we restrict manhaj to warning against people, boycotting, but this from our manhaj also.  To ascertain the haqq, to ascertain the truth of the matter before you go and spread it.

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It is no surpirse that a man who has not fully understood the manhaj of the Salaf would think that the Salafees restrict manhaj to just warning against people and boycotting.

20-03-2011 @ 7:25 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad Claims the Communities Will not be Rectified by Lectures of Aayaat and Ahaadeeth

Shadeed Muhammad said,

However, dissemination of the knowledge is not gonna be always didactic lectures, it's not gonna always be didactic lectures where you sittin' in front of a group of people, you quoting ayat, hadeeth, ayat, hadeeth, ayat hadeeth and then you get up.  Sallallaahu 'alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad and...and all is well.  That's not how were are going to rectify our communities.

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Indeed, the gatherings of the Salaf, such as Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (d.241H) and others were gatherings of Qur`aan and hadeeth!  As Imaam Maalik said, "The latter part of this Ummah will not be rectified, except by that which rectified its first part."

20-03-2011 @ 7:16 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad Claims the Salafees
Hinder the People from Coming to the Truth

Shadeed Muhammad said,

An individual could have left hizbiyyah twenty years ago, in our eyes he's still...he's still hizbee, still not Salafee.  And then we throw statements around like: uh...the Salaf used to watch an individual for seven years after he...[chuckles]... ittaqillaah yaa 'Abdullaah.  'Abdullaah, fear Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa.  And stop oppressing the people.  Allow the people to come to the haqq and stop acting as a hindrance for them coming to the truth.

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If a caller to innovation were to make a tawbah (repentance) from his innovation, the Salaf used to watch him for a number of years to see if he was sincere in his tawbah.  Shadeed makes a mockery of this and claims the Salafees in the west are somehow hindering people from coming to the truth!

20-03-2011 @ 6:42 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad Claims the Salafees
In the West are Happy to See Someone Go Astray

Shadeed Muhammad said,

[Quoting the aayah] "There has come to you a Messenger from yourselves, it grieves him that you should fall into difficulty." Where is that characteristic amongst us?  We happy when somebody goes astray.  They say: See, I told you wasn't even Salafee anyway.  We happy when we see somebody go astray.

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Here Shadeed continues to ascribe every evil characteristic he can to the Salafees in the west.  Here he claims the Salafees in the west are happy when they see someone go astray. This is an evil slander.

19-03-2011 @ 11:00 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Essex, UK)
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Assalamu Alaykum

Subhaan Allaah!

These attacks coming from a man who is a paid employee (or Imam) at a Masjid that advertises Movies and actually sells tickets for it.

We are waiting for to refute these errors insha Allah as they have recently informed us that they have lifted the flag of Ar-Radd Ala Al-Mukhaalif.

19-03-2011 @ 5:30 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad Claims the Sunnah is Broad

Shadeed Muhammad said,

One of the Sahaabah and one of taabi'een they differed on an issue, but there wasn't any enmity and hatred amongst them as it is amongst us. The Sunnah is broad and sometimes we have to have hikmah in how we deal with one another, as this is the thing that brings about the harmony and the unification between the Muslims.  And when we understand that, precedence is given to the usool of our deen and that is from them, from the usool of our deen, from the fundamental principles of our deen is al-ijtimaa', unification of the Muslims in general and the Salafees in more specific, the people that are upon the truth.

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Here it is laid bare - O Sunnee - Shadeed Muhammad copies a page out of Abul-Hasan al-Ma`ribee's book!  Abul-Hasan's erroneous principle was the manhaj waasi' (a broad manhaj to accomadate the people of innovation).  Shadeed claims the Sunnah is broad and then talks of unity "of the Muslims in general and the Salafees in more specific."

19-03-2011 @ 5:18 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad's Unrestricted Attack upon the Sisters Who Wear Niqaab

Shadeed Muhammad said,

Similarly with the sisters wearing the niqaab. The same issue, the same thing applies. That now you start to question a sisters 'aqeedah because she doesn't wear niqaab, or you know, you have, we have this stigma amongst the sisters that if there's a group of sisters and they don't wear niqaab, then they're quote-unquote, "off the hook." They the off the hook sisters 'cause they don't wear niqaab. Maashaa` Allaah tabaarakallaah, who said that? And this stuff spreads around in our communities and then it causes so much damage in our communities that by the time it gets back to our Scholars and they correct it, so much damage has been done that his correction of the issue doesn't even matter. It's irrelevant, because so many people have been rubbed the wrong way. So many people have been chased away from Islam, chased away from the masaajid that by the time mashaayikh get a hold of it and address it and deal with it, so many people have been chased away that really it doesn't matter anymore.

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So even the Niqaabee sisters are not safe from Shadeed's accusations of extremism...

19-03-2011 @ 5:11 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad Claims that the Thawb is from the Clothes of Shuhrah (Showing Off) in the West

Shadeed Muhammad said,

In America, for you to say that someone can't wear pants, then how is he supposed to get a job?  How do you take a fatwaa like that and apply it to the west when that is the common dress of the people?  And as some of the mashaayikh mention here, that wearing a thawb in America could be considered shuhrah, could be considered showing off and drawing attention to yourself and that's exactly what it does.  I'm not saying that during Islamic functions and going to Jumu'ah and things like that that we shouldn't have on Islamic attire, but you have some brothers who will go to the extreme that they won't take a particular job because they can't wear a thawb at the job.

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In his venture to attack everything that the Salafees do, Shadeed cannot even leave alone the way they dress.  More on this to follow...

19-03-2011 @ 4:54 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad Denies a Muslim Audience Their Islaam

Shadeed Muhammad said,

I hear brothers and sisters say all the time, 'Man, I been Muslim since the 70's,' or 'I been Muslim since the early 80's,' or 'Mashaa Allah, I been Muslim for 20 years.' I don't care how long you been Muslim; you're still one foot away from jaahiliyyah, one foot from kufr, one decision from kufr! 'How many years' shouldn't mean anything! Because it could have been 20 years as a Muslim ý ten of it was spent upon something that was falsehood, five of it was spent trying to just acclimate yourself to the real Islam, and then really you only been Muslim for five years ý honestly speaking! You only been a practicing Muslim for five years! And the Salaf they said that, "I struggle with myself for 40 years so that I could relax for 40 years!" Wallaahi brothers and sisters, allow that statement to marinate in your heart.

Click here to listen to the audio


Maashaa` Allaah, tabaarakallaah!  So now, a man who has only been upon Salafiyyah for a few years tells a Muslim audience they have not really been Muslim for as long as they believe!  Why don't we apply the same principle to you - yaa Shadeed!  How long have you truly been Salafee?  All this time you have been attacking the Salafees and propounding principles of al-ma`dhirah wat-ta'aawun (i.e. the principle of Hasan al-Bannaa: we will co-operate upon that which we agree upon and excuse each other for whatever we disagree about) in your numerous statements!  And Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree fears that you are an Ikhwaanee sent to infiltrate and corrupt the Salafees!  So how long have you truly been upon Salafiyyah - using your own principle propounded in the statement above?

19-03-2011 @ 4:51 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad Claims that the Prophet and the Companions Knowingly Overlooked Oppositions to the Sunnah to 'Look at the Bigger Picture'

Shadeed Muhammad said,

And we see, as we mentioned, from the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and from the Sahaabah, that sometimes they let things slide, knowing that it was in opposition to the Sunnah.  They let it slide, looking at the bigger picture.

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So according to Shadeed, even the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and the Companions overlooked oppositions to the Sunnah for the sake of what Shadeed terms, 'the bigger picture.'  Or so says the Bannaawee manhaj of Shadeed Muhammad - a call to unity upon falsehood and excusing errors and oppositions to the truth!

17-03-2011 @ 5:25 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Claims that the Legislation of al-Islam did not Come to Rid us of Sin Altogether, But it Came to Make Takhfeef of of the Amount of Sins that People Commit.

Shadeed Muhammad said,

Also another hadeeth that came to my mind is the hadeeth of 'Abdullaah, one of the Companions of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). The hadeeth is collected in Saheehul-Bukhaaree, uh, in the Chapter of Eemaan, where there was one of the Companions who used to drink, drink alcohol, intoxicants. And one day he was drunk. And the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) used to laugh at his jokes or whatever. The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) was down to earth, as that was another chapter that I mentioned in the book, is that it is okay to be down to earth. 'Cause the Prophet (sallallaahi 'alayhi wa sallam) was not, you know, overzealous with his religiosity like many of us. We have this unspoken rule in our communities of zero tolerance for sin. And that mentality, it goes against the Sharee'ah, the legislation of al-Islam. The legislation did not come to rid us of sin altogether. However, it came to make takhfeef, it came to lessen the sins, or the amount of sins that people commit and to refer people back to their Lord and to keep the sins, you know, between them and their Lord and not to kust totally eradicate our communities of sin as that is something that is not realistic and not pragmatic at all.

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In the time of the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) there was sin and the proper Sharee'ah stance was taken towards sin where admonishment and corrective punishment was required by law.

17-03-2011 @ 5:20 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad Arrogantly Claims he Studied Everything There is to Know About Hadeeth

Shadeed Muhammad said,

I spent four years in the college of hadeeth, studying everything that there is to know about hadeeth. The origin of hadeeth, the history of hadeeth, the Scholars of hadeeth, the students of the Scholars of hadeeth, uh when they was born, when they died and then, you know, the compilations of hadeeth and when it started and when it stopped. And enything that you can think of, Jarh wat-Ta'deel, how to criticize a narrator and authenticate a hadeeth; everything that there is to know about the Sunnah of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). In that four year period, we studied it.

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So Imaam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee (d.1420H) was clearly a true Scholar of Hadeeth in our times, yet he still said about himself at age 80 that he was a student of knowledge.  Look at the humility of a true Scholar, compared the reckless arrogance of Shadeed!

17-03-2011 @ 5:10 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad Criticizes the Salafee Students of Knowledge - Claiming They Ascribe to Salafiyyah While Not Having Memorized a Single Juz` of Qur`aan

Shadeed Muhammad said,

But we'll still say: Salafee. Wallaahi, I would be very cautious of allowing that to come out of my mouth considering, you know, my actions, considering my deeds. And that's not to say that an individual can't ascribe to the methodology of the Salaf, but not in the arrogant way that you find many of the brothers and sisters doing. You have a brother, his name is Fulaan Ibn Fulaan as-Salafee, Fulaan Ibn Fulaan Fulaan as-Salafee. And they say that with pride. And then you have people who don't ascribe to Salafiyyah who may be more inclined to worship of Allaahu subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa. And they're looking at us as we parade around as Salafees, they're looking at us and they're just making mockery of us. Even as it relates to being educated about the Deen, even as it relates to knowing the Qur`aan. We find many students of knowledge, many people who ascribe to the methodology of the Salaf, manhaj of the Salaf, ignorant of the Book of Allaahu subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa, ignorant of the Book of Allaahu subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa. That's the least thing you should have as a Salafee, is something memorized, committed to memory from the Book of Allaahu subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa. But we'll know narrations about this and Imaam Ahmad said this and about that and you haven't even completed the first juz`, the 30th juz` of the Qur`aan, haven't completed the 30th juz` of the Qur`aan. Haven't completed the 30th juz` of the Qur`aan. Wallaahi, if we was in a non-Salafee masjid, wallaahi you can find the people, the least thing that they have is the Book of Allaah. The least thing that they have is the Book of Allaah. They say yeah, tafaddal, lead the Salaat. Listen to the individual's recitation, but these are the things that, you know, I'm pinpointing out, not as a criticism, but something that we need just as a reminder for us to look at.

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So once again, he begins by attacking the ascription to Salafiyyah; it is as if Shadeed cannot live a comfortable life if people are ascribing to Salafiyyah.  Secondly, he praises the people of innovation over the Salafees with nothing more than exaggerations and turning around the realities.  How immature!

17-03-2011 @ 5:05 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad Claims the Salafees Sit and Talk About Issues of Manhaj While Their Kids are Going Astray

Shadeed Muhammad said,

And to just sit here and to see the communities just like you know, not even trying to provide an alternative. Not even to institute some incentives in our communities to help combat that stuff. But we'll sit around on the internet talking about who's on it, who's astray wallaahil-'adheem. Who you got problems with or whatever the case may be wallaahil-'adheem. Wallaahi these are issues that are not going to stop your children from going astray.

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Perhaps if the Salafees were to remain silent about who's off it and who's on it, Shadeed feels he would then be free to lead their kids astray with talk the Companions differing in 'aqeedah, ikhtilaaf being a blessing etc...

17-03-2011 @ 5:01 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad Speaks Unrestrictedly About the Broadness of Islaam

Shadeed Muhammad said,

However, there's an exception to the rule. However, we come into Islam with our narrow vision, our subjective outlook on everything. And we make everything black and white, it's either black or white. Wallaahil-'Adheem, if you go through your life as a Muslim look at everything as black and white, wallaahi you deprive yourself of understanding the broadness of Islaam. Islam is way broad than that, way more broad than that. However, that's due to your narrow outlook. And as a result of that, you end up making your like so miserable and you make everybody else's like miserable because of your lack of understanding and your subjective views and outlook on everything.

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So Shadeed's manhaj is twofold:

1. Condemn everything that occurs from the Salafees with regards to manhaj, al-Jarh wat-Ta'deel from the Scholars, admonishment and advice against the people of innovation.

2. Encourage multiplicity and water down Islaam through talk of broadness, ikhtilaaf is a blessing etc...

17-03-2011 @ 4:54 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad's Blanket Condemnation of Those Whose Affairs Have Been Brought to the Scholars

Shadeed Muhammad said,

The Scholars have told us on a number of occasions: Stop being harsh with people, make things easy on the people, stop making Salafiyyah like a hizb, like a, like a party or a sect. Stop making Salafiyyah so difficult for the people to digest. Speak to the people in a language that they understand. Make things easy and don't make them difficult for the people. Stop the discord, be brothers. The Scholars, they give us all this advice. And then we'll say, Yeah, maashaa` Allaah, Shaykh Rabee' gave a nice lecture, or Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan gave a nice lecture, or the Muftee gave nice lecture. Where, I myself translated the lecture for the Muftee, the Grand Muftee of Saudi Arabia today, Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez aalush-Shaykh where he was speaking directly to the Imaams and the students of knowledge here in America. Telling them to work with one another, telling them to be gentle with one another, telling them to listen to one another, telling them to mutually obey one another, and you'll still find discord amongst the people. You'll find the Scholars telling us to be easy with the people. You can say the wrong thing and everything that you worked so hard for can be thrown out the window because an individual don't like you. If he don't like you, he can say that you said this on a lecture and now you're no longer considered to be Salafee. Something that simple. Since when has it been that easy to put a person off the Deen? Put a person off the, you know, off the manhaj. The Scholars have given us advice on a number of occasions but how much of it do we practice?

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Another example of Shadeed's blanket condemnation of the Salafees of expose the people of falsehood!  So were the criticisms of Abu Muslimah, Abu Usaamah, Bilaal Philips and others unjustified?  Were they just because someone from amongst the Salafees didn't like them?

17-03-2011 @ 4:51 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Sunnah Publishing (Grand Rapids MI, USA)
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Shadeed Muhammad Criticizes the Salafees for Admonishing and Advising Others

Shadeed Muhammad said,

The extent of your Salafiyyah is not determined by how harsh you are with people. It's determined by your level of 'ibaadah, your level of worship and your level of closeness to Allaahu subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you can admonish this one and advise this one and give naseehah to that one. That doesn't raise your...that doesn't increase you in your Salafiyyah in the eyesight of Allaahu subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa, maybe in front of the brothers who, you know, is part of your immediate circle. But to Allaahu subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa it means absolutely nothing. What is going to bring you closer to Allaahu subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa is your worship of Allaahu subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa and your desire to see the slaves of Allaahu subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa excel.

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Shadeed criticizes the aspect of admonishment and enjoining the good and forbidding the evil amongst the Salafees.  Once againt, no tafseel (detail), just blanket criticisms of the Salafees in America.

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